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Chapter 8: Sad but true

Before we start i just wanted to say, thank you. I started writing this out of boredom but it seems a lot of people like it. It is a nice feeling. I am not a profesional writer so i will not spend 5 hours perfecting every chapter and spend days on making sure the plot is perfect, so don´t expect that.

Also i wanted to say that my style of writing is a little different to what the most of you are used to. You see i read a ton of fics and i am tired of overexplainig stuff. I want to keep it in the moment if you know what i mean. Okey that is all from me for now. Enjoy.


After a lot of acting and questions about the school from Luke, Minerva decided that she should prepare the young child and explain what is going to happen. "Mr. Mudblood before we set of i need to tell you something very important." She looked him in the eyes and little hesitantly told him. "You see the word mudblood is used as an slur in wizading world. It is very frowned upon to call somebody like that. I heard that you fought for your last name, but are you sure you really want to come into school with a name like that? I am sure you know but kids can be very cruel."

"Headmaster Dumbledore decided that it would be possible to give you another last name. We heard how you fought for it so we don´t want to push you to change it, but how about you get a second one? You keep this as your mugle one and you can pick a wizard one. What do you say?"

She asked hopefuly. Knowing the hardships the child would face if he declined almost made her constipated. She saw him thinking hard about it. After a few minutes he told her. "You see there are names like that in "muggle" world too. Names like Dick or cock (chicken) are quite common. So i am not really afraid of facing this. But it seems there is more to the story. Can you explain?"

Deciding to use this situation to explain his knowledge of some things for the future he started asking questions again. What was the cause of war? Who was Voldy? Why did they do that? Is it still happening? and more. After that was out of the way he continued. " I see, so then how do you want to do this? People will still find out about it. I don´t wanna hide who i am."

"I am sure you don´t mr.Mudblood and that is admirable. But this will at least buy you time to get older before you have to face all these problems. Maybe even until adulthood when you can decide if you want to keep it or not." Luke was moved a little. (They really care about me. Just some random child. Not some super rich genius. Not bad.)

After thinking about it a little he accepted. (Such a shame. All of those wasted puns. I want to cry.) He knew that he can avoid a lot of problems by doing this. (And here it is again choosing easy path as soon as i got the chance... But my main goal is still active.) Some of his plans changed at this very moment. Unknown to everybody this one decision changed the fate of a lot of people. "Thank you for your care prof. McGonagall, i accept." She almost jumped at this. They had little hope of him accepting.

"No problem mr. Mudblood we are here to guide you. Thats what teachers are for. Now i know this is happening too fast but i need you to think of a last name that you want to have. We will need it for today´s bussines. It can be anything. Just please don´t use any other slurs again even muggle ones." Luke laughed at that really hard.

"I will try professor *heavy breathing* i will try."

After that they set off. They had a lot to do today. "So where are we going and how do we get there? Are we going to fly on some brooms?" Asked hyped up Luke.

"No. Even though we use brooms for flying they are mostly used in sports like the quidditch. We will take the public transportation." She said hiding a laugh deep within. "Haa? We are going by bus? That is pretty underwhelming." Said Luke with clear dissapointment in his voice.

When they got outside and a little further from the orphanage they stoped near a road. Luke was already tired of playing the child full of wonder. Asking questions you already knew answers to and pretend to be happy about it was really annoying. He had to save up some of that energy for Diagon alley or old MG will be suspicious.

He already portayed himself like a child full of wonder so he can not change into some emo that is not interested in anything. All adult people liked simple kids that always smile more. This was neccesary sacrifice.

After making sure that nobody was focusing on them she raised her wand. In a flash a big, blue triple-decker bus stopped in front of them. "Okey that was cool." Said luke with shining eyes. He did not even have to pretend. He loved fast rides and often raced in his past life. It was one of the few things that kept him going. (Hm if my life here does not work out i can become a bus driver.)

Old MG payed for two tickets and both of them sat down. She then pointed her wand at him and used sticking charm. "Mr. Mudblood until we get out of the bus please don´t turn in my direction." Said MG fearing the worst. "Whyyyaaaaaaaa." The bus lifted off. After a lot of twists and turns they got out in front of Leaky Cauldron.

"That was awesome!!!... Huh? Professor are you okay?" Luke experienced one of the craziest rides in his life but when he turned around he saw pale looking MG. "Yes i am. Now follow me." Trying to keep her stern persona up to not show any weakness she ushered him inside.

People noticed them right away. Today seems to be really busy. "Hi Minerva. Another one? This one is so cute. Welcome to wizarding world boy." Many people tried to srike up the conversation with the old witch. She was not in the mood. "Good morning everybody. I am sorry but we have a long day ahead of us. We will have to get going." She said similiar phrases so many times she did not even stop to look at them.

After getting in the back alley Luke asked with a grin. "You seem to be popular. Does this happen every time?" MG looked at him sternly. "Are you making fun of me young man? Did i not tell you to respect your elders?" Then she smiled a little, turned her back to Luke and started opening the secret passage. Luke thought he just imagined her change in expresion, but then he heard. "Yes it does."

After walking into the alley, Luke acted his curious child role prefectly. Looking and pointing at everything, asking what is what and what is it used for. They made a small stop at the broom shop so she could show him what she was talking about when she mentioned quidditch.

"So where are we going first? Also i did not ask but how am i going to pay for all this?" Luke asked wanting to speed up the procces a little. "Good question. First we are going to Gringots bank. It is a bank owned by goblins. All of the wizards keep their money there. It is one of the safest places in our world." She kept explaining a little about it. (Old people and their stories.) Thought Luke.

"You see every wizard orphan has a small fond of money donated by government. Well it comes from peoples taxes. So you don´t have to worry about money. You will have enough for all you will need in the next few years." She reasured him.

As they were going inside, Luke saw the goblins again. Even after 2 years they still creeped him out. Always stealthily looking around, making sure nobody is going to steal their money. (She never mentioned bloodline test. Do they not do that for kids? Would they not want to check? Even though i don´t want people that cursed me to know that i am here and alive, i already made some preparations. So what is up?)

But since she never mentioned it he could not bring it up. How would he know about that? From some pampleths?

As MG was deciding to which goblin they will go she asked him. "So what last name did you choose? That is the first thing we will have to do. Normaly it is done at ministry of magic but we already made preparations to do it here."

(Well i really had to think hard. I was already prepared to go only with Mudblood. Still i picked one. I did not notice until a few weeks with my humans in Slovakia that i can understand them. It was really strange realization. I never learned that language but it felt so natural to listen and speak it. I thought that i got some cheat power of allspeak, but that was not it.) Luke went to local library to check some dictionaries. There were only some slovak-russia ones, but they were enough. (I could not understand the russian language. I thought that my cat brain was just used to Slovak language because it lived amongs people before i possesed it.)

(But when i realized that i was animagus i thought of another theory. Some of previous body owner skills stayed with me.) It was like when amnesiac person can still speak even if he does not remember going to school. (Well he was just a child so i did not get that much. Still i am sorry for him so in his honor i chose a Slovak word.) "I want to be called Luke M. Borec. Is that okey?"

"I don´t see anything wrong with it. It should be fine. Now lets get this paperwork over with." Next hour was spend signing papers by MG and some even by him. (They let kids sign papers? Maybe i could try...) "Mr. Brownclaw can i ask you something?" He just looked at him coldy and nodded. "If i wanted to change muggle currency into galleons would it be possible?"

Brownclaw noded and said. "Yes it is possible, but only people considered adults can make such transactions. You would need your magical or muggle guardian to come with you." He said and continued working on the papers.

MG looked at Luke and asked. "You have some money that you want to exchange?" Staring at him she let him explain. "I don´t have that much, just something i got by cuting the lawn of some people. I mostly buy snacks for my friends at the orhpanage with it. I was just curious if i could exchange some during summer to buy some books or something." After explaining to him that she just don´t have enough time to go with him, they were done with the bankers. They took his bottomless purse (pouch) with enough galleons for today shoping and took of.

"So how much stuff can i put in this bad boy?" Asked Luke. " There is around 5 square meters of space in there, but the only thing you can put in are money. Does not matter which currency, but only money. Anything else just disappeares. It does not destroy stuff, but it apparates it somewhere in the world. We knows this because a few items were found." Explained MG.

"If you want a multipurpose storage space than you have to buy a trunk. They make some of them with enough space that some wizards use them as portable homes. But those are really expensive and you do not have budged for that. Most you will be able to afford is a shrinking one." After seeing his face changing from happy to depressed she decided to chip in for at least a shrinking trunk. She was really geting soft... (But he is just so cute.)

So they bought the trunk first, then books (Luke tried to get more than he needed but was told they were too expensive and that they had library in Hogwarts), then his robes and other things. The only things that were left was a pet and a wand. He could not afford the pet so it was skipped.

Standing in front of an old shop Luke prepared himself. (You will not scare me you old creep.) They got inside. It was very quiet. MG was sighing in the background knowing what is comming. (How can it still be fun for him after so many years? All man are children.)

Out of nowhere, right besides Luke face, there appeared an old man´s gray haired head. Olivander was kneeling near Luke and loudly asked. "Did you come to buy a wand?" Luke was sure that his higher senses will warn him from anyone getting near him. But magic was a thing so... He jumped *Waaah* he turned around and punched the old man into the face. "Well this is new." Said Olivander smiling with a little nosebleed. "What a fun customer."

marcelll3214 marcelll3214

I got stuck in this bog again. I want to go fruther in the story, but it would just feel too empty. I just wanna say that every thing about the name was planed. I had two storylines in my head and depending on readers and how i would feel today, I would decide which one to take. Please keep giving me feedbakck i really apreciate it. Also If you like the story make some rewies. But only if you like it enough for 5 stars :D.

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