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20% Heaven’s Cry / Chapter 1: Emerald City
Heaven’s Cry Heaven’s Cry original

Heaven’s Cry

Author: BurningSkies

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Emerald City

'Shell's and stones rise from the emerald sea but are you here with me. Beautiful Creatures...where did you come from? Where did you go?'


"Find her now, you worthless pieces of shit"

"Yes, Sir!"


Soldier's scattered all over the city frantically searching for someone who seemly vanished into thin air.

"Did you find her?"

"If I did wouldn't I be on my way to the place right now? Ask yourself, would I be here talking to you?"

It's been hours since the search started yet not even a whiff much less a trace could be found.

"Both of you shut up! and look harder"

It was a cold night like any other across the royal capital but unlike the usually calm and serene atmosphere the capital had gained its fame for, tonight was a night that no one thought would ever be possible.

The entire Emerald capital was engulfed in flames.

Once the jewel of the kingdom made almost completely out of emerald, a city that sparkles during the day and glowed at night but now it had lost its former splendor only ruins and ashes remained.

No enemy was bearing down on them from the gates this was something that started from the inside.

All across the capital, people were trying to flee from the city with as much as they could possibly carry no one wanted to stay here, very few of the soldiers that were supposed to protect the city were willing to stay at their posts and carry out their oath 'till death'

"Don't let those fucking bastards get pass you, if this is where we're supposed to die then we'll take as much of these fuckers with us as possible!"



Empowered by the short speech given by their commander — who could still stand tall in the face of such an overwhelming number of enemies and not falter — Staring at the back of their commander who stood over six feet tall without a single piece of armor protecting his body, their courage swelled. He looked like a God to them as he cut through the enemies in front, they refused to be outdone.

"What are you fuckers looking at come help the commander."

Another soldier chimed in seeing his comrades in a daze.




The streets had been transformed into a battlefield filled with nothing but madness, both sides holding tight on to the belief that what they're doing is right, with that sense of righteousness they felt overwhelmed with strength.

No matter how strong they felt in that moment they were still only human and they would eventually get tired.

After hours of fighting, that's exactly what happened, the side that had more soldiers would stand victorious in the end, even though the number of enemies they slaughtered was not a small amount but more soldiers kept coming and soon the gap in not only strength but also numbers became obvious.

"How long do you think they'll last hahaha"

"Fuck was his mother a giant!? Why is he so strong!?"

"No matter how strong he is he'll get tired soon enough hahaha and then..."

Even though it was a battlefield they could still relax because no matter what happens their victory was assured.

"All of you shut up you bunch of trash! You can't even find the little bitch yet but you still have time to waste here!? Hurry up and finish this"

"Shit if it was so easy why don't you go up and fucking kill him then huh?"

The one who had just scolded them previously truly didn't have anything to say about that, the giant man in front of them was Darius!

A man who was literally raised solely for the purpose of killing.

Glancing at his soldier who was either dead or on the brink of death Darius retreated a few steps to collect his thoughts and let out a light sigh.

He had to admit it whether or not he wanted to they're probably going to die tonight.

"Today we've failed in our duties, we swore an oath to protect but our master is dead and here we are standing.....failures! But this is not the end we will redeem ourselves hopefully we meet again in the afterlife, tonight we will surely all die but...."

Darius raised his broadsword and pointed it at the hundred of traitors standing across from him.

"We will not die here alone, take as many of them as you can! and when we see them again in hell we'll gut them like the dogs they are!...It was an honor to have walked alongside you as brothers"

While giving his speech he tightened his grip on the huge broadsword he was carrying.....His mind was already made up to die here alongside the city he loved and his sworn brothers.

"Hahaha, you've always been good at using your mouth Darius"

No one knew where the voice was coming from they searched their surroundings trying to find the source no one knew who it was, everyone went on high alert because of the unknown voice.

Thinking about the voice both sides couldn't help but hope that maybe it was someone from their side.

Before anyone could locate the source voice they were all shocked when they saw hundreds of soldiers surrounding them from every direction, what was even more shocking is the armor they had on, from head to toes were covered only their menacing eyes were visible when combined with how demonic their armor looked, it was understandable that they were all terrified.

Without a word, the newcomers marched passed Darius and his group of soldiers and started a slaughter without hesitation, simply based on their actions Darius and his soldiers knew that these newcomers were seasoned fighters who went through several blood baptisms.

Darius found it hard enjoy the feeling of seeing them being killed all he could do was fall on the ground and try to rest for his upcoming battles, he already figured out who the voice from earlier belonged to so he completely dropped his guard.

"Xan what are you doing in the city?"

Truth be told it took him quite a while but he still managed to figure out who had come to their rescue.

None of the happiness he felt from being able to live showed on his face, instead, he looked annoyed.

Talking slow steady steps Xan stood behind Darius who was now resting on the ground he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, you still have the guts bring up that old rule after I just saved your life?"

Xan was fully clad in black armor from the neck down all across his body weapons of different shapes and sizes were hidden, they blended in perfectly with his armor making him seem as if he wasn't armed, his long silver hair, grey eyes, overall a incredibly handsome guy but he looked cruel even when he smiled.

Darius, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Xan, the only thing he had on was the clothes he ran out of his house with, he had short jet black hair and brown eyes if he wasn't covered in blood he would look like a kind next door neighbor type.

Darius finally felt like he'd regained enough strength to stand so he got up while looking at Xan who was standing beside him, both of them stood over six feet so they looked directly into each other's eyes Darius spoke in a voice that contained no emotion whatsoever.

"This was the law handed down by h-"

In such a serious situation before he could finish speaking he was interrupted by Xan who began to mimic him in a squeaky voice.

"This was a law handed down b- shut the fuck up, the old bastard is dead why should I care about the laws of a dead man?"

Hearing Xan tone that didn't carry an ounce of the respect a servant should have for his master Darius felt like he wanted to cut him in two on the spot but reason won over impulse, with the situation he was in he had no choice but to suppress his desires, he hasn't seen Xan in years so whether he could win or not was unknown added to the fact that he'd been fighting for hours now, he wasn't that foolish plus Xan and his men were probably the only help he had to retake the city at the moment.

Majority of his men had betrayed him and those who hadn't betrayed him were almost all dead very few remained standing and even among the few who were still alive if they were smart they would loot as many valuables as possible and run as far as possible.

"Lord Xan all enemies have been whipped out according to your order"

It was one of the soldiers dressed in the black armor that looked, even more, terrifying up close, their voice was no exception it sounded horrifying like a deep raspy rumbling from a beast or maybe it only sounded that way because of the helmet was muffling.

It had only been a few minutes yet they'd already cleared out the entire area they truly were amazing.

"Hmm good, what do you want to do now?"

All things aside Xan hasn't been in this city for over ten years so without a doubt It was best to step back and ask Darius since the city was basically his territory.

Darius didn't even think for a second before responding.

"We have to retake the city"

Hearing the reply a broad smile blossomed on Xan's face, his eyes turned into slits and started to look more sinister as his smile grew broader.

"Hahahahahahahaha, let's take the city then"


'Shell's and stones rise from the emerald sea but are you here with me. Beautiful Creatures...where did you come from? Where did you go?'

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