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Chapter 30: Chapter no.30 Holy Orchid Institute

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In Glory City, the hierarchy is dictated not by wealth alone but by the strength of one's cultivation. This system ensures that those with power lead, protecting humanity from the brink of extinction, embodying the principle that "the strong lead while the weak follow."

Commoners: At the base of this hierarchical structure are the commoners, who possess no cultivation skills. Their lives are woven into the fabric of the city through their roles as servants, merchants, artisans, and farmers. They form the backbone of the city's economy, providing essential services and goods that keep daily life flowing smoothly.

Aristocratic Families: A step above the commoners are the aristocratic families. Each of these families boasts at least 10 Silver rank cultivators or a single Gold rank cultivator, setting them apart in terms of power and influence. These families often specialize in a single line of business or oversee a collection of businesses, predominantly in agriculture. They are the producers, supplying raw materials and goods essential for the city's sustenance and growth.

High Noble Families: Ascending further, the high noble families command even greater respect and power. With 10 Gold rank cultivators or at least one Black Gold rank cultivator within their ranks, these families wield significant influence. They own networks of businesses that work in tandem with the aristocratic class, transforming the resources provided by the aristocrats into refined products and services. This symbiotic relationship ensures the prosperity and stability of both classes.

Sovereign Families: At the pinnacle of Glory City's hierarchy stand the Sovereign Families, each boasting 10 Black Gold rank cultivators or a singular Legend rank cultivator. These families reign supreme over their respective domains, wielding power that shapes the destiny of the city.

The Snow Wind Family controls the flow of knowledge on cultivation. They back most of the educational institutions, including the Holy Orchid Institute, and safeguard humanity's collective wisdom. Various independent organizations, such as the Alchemist Association and the Tower of Scribes, rely on the Snow Wind Family's protection, paying tribute for their continued safety and the sharing of knowledge.

The Divine Family is unrivaled in wealth and land ownership. Their influence pervades every corner of the city's market, from the most luxurious goods to the most mundane items. They possess the power to sway the economy, making even common rocks seem like precious commodities under their manipulation. Their wealth funds an expansive network of merchants and servants, ensuring their dominance in commerce and trade.

Lastly, the Sacred Family boasts the most formidable army. Their military might is unmatched, with an arsenal and soldiers ready to defend the city against demon beasts and any other threats. Their strength not only serves as the city's shield but also cements their status among the Sovereign Families, making them pivotal to Glory City's survival and prosperity.

This system of hierarchy, rooted in the power of cultivation, ensures that Glory City remains a stronghold for humanity, with each class and family serving as cogs in a larger machine that strives for survival and dominance in a world filled with peril.


[ Glory City - Sacred Family ]

In the opulent office of a high-ranking elder of the Sacred Family, a striking figure caught the eye of everyone.

Clad in a lavender outfit that highlighted her impressive figure, she radiated both stunning beauty and an effortless elegance. Standing tall, her slender legs and meticulously applied makeup only added to her aura of dignified grace.

This was Shen Xiu, the half-sister of the Patriarch of the Sacred Family.

As she sipped her jasmine tea, Shen Xiu's gaze landed on the man sitting across from her.

Shen Ming, the financial elder of the Sacred Family, was notorious for his predatory behavior towards women.

Catching his inappropriate smile, Shen Xiu couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and disdain.

"He's quite bold, lusting after me despite knowing I'm the Patriarch's sister," Shen Xiu mused silently.

"A frog always dreams of eating swan meat," she thought.

"Just wait until my brother returns. I'll ensure you're put in your place."

However, Shen Xiu held her tongue, fully aware of the delicacy of the situation. Despite her disdain for Shen Ming, she recognized his influence and power within the family. For now, she had to bide her time, knowing that openly challenging an elder of his stature was not a battle she could win—at least not yet.

"Welcome back, my dear. I hope you had a wonderful time attempting to break through to the gold rank."

Shen Xiu replied with a hint of arrogance, her voice cool and detached.

"I thought to wait a little longer. I am young, after all. There's no rush."

Her tone left no room for argument, yet it was clear to Shen Ming that she had not succeeded in her cultivation breakthrough and was now crafting excuses.

"Well then, I'm sure you're eager to know why I've called you here," he said, his gaze lingering on her chest bit too long.

Shen Xiu nodded, maintaining her composed exterior.

Shen Ming's expression turned serious, though the lecherous glint in his eyes never quite faded.

"You have a mission from the Patriarch himself. He wants you to ensure that Shen Yue and Ye Ziyun develop a romantic relationship at the Holy Orchid Institute. We're planning an arranged marriage with the Snow Wind Family in five years. It's your job to nurture their love. Understood?"

Shen Xiu's response was a simple nod.

As Shen Ming handed her a file, she eyed it with curiosity.

Shen Xiu's poise shattered momentarily as she felt Shen Ming's palm on her hand, an uninvited touch that made her skin crawl. Lifting her eyes to meet his, she was met with a smug, self-assured smile that only deepened her disgust.

"It's quite cold, don't you think?" Shen Ming murmured, his voice dripping with false concern.

"Perhaps I could offer some warmth."

Before the words fully left his mouth, Shen Xiu's hand burst into flames. Shen Ming quickly withdrew his hand, a flash of shock crossing his face.

"Yes, it is cold," Shen Xiu replied, her voice as icy as the chill she referenced, her tone sharp enough to slice through the tension in the room.

Shen Ming, caught off-guard by her response, could only manage an awkward cough in reply.

"These files contain information on the talents being admitted to the Holy Orchid Institute this year," Shen Ming explained.

"Our spies have identified these individuals. Your task is to recruit each one before other families have the chance. And should you fail... ensure their elimination. We have people who will make it look like an accident."

Shen Xiu nodded, her expression unreadable as she flipped through the files until one caught her eye—a file marked in red, signaling its priority.

Her gaze fixed on the name: Nie Li.


[ Glory City - Heavenly Marks Family ]

Nie Li sighed, his eyes rolling slightly at the spectacle before him. A large caravan awaited, surrounded by a crowd of people cheering as children climbed aboard the carriages. Today marked the admission day to the Holy Orchid Institute, an event made even more significant for Nie Li's generation thanks to Elder Nie Wei's intervention. Using secret funds, Nie Wei had ensured that everyone from their generation could attend the prestigious institute, spreading rumors that Nie Li was behind this generous act.

While Nie Li wasn't particularly bothered by the rumor, it seemed to mean the world to everyone else. Mothers with tears in their eyes approached him, showering him with thanks. Offering them only an awkward smile, Nie Li couldn't help but think, "Maybe I should have told Nie Wei not to pin this on me."

Nie Li made himself comfortable in the carriage.

"Don't go causing trouble at school, okay?" Nie Ming said.

"You know me," Nie Li retorted with a grin.

"That's exactly why I said it," Nie Ming shot back, eliciting a chuckle from the others.

"Eat healthily," Xiao Yun interjected, her voice soft but filled with maternal concern.

"But Mom, how am I supposed to eat healthy if you're not there to cook for me?" Nie Li responded, his playful complaint earning him a tender pinch on the cheek.

"Cheeky brat," Xiao Yun scolded affectionately.

"Try not to bring back a wife," Nie Kai added with a smirk, only to receive a swift elbow from Miao Ling for his trouble.

"How about I bring back two?" Nie Li joked, earning a round of laughter.

"Haha, if you managed to talk to a girl, I'll give you a thousand coins," Nie Kai teased.

"Bet," Nie Li accepted.

"We'll miss you, won't we?" Miao Ling turned to Nie Yu, who nodded seriously.

"Bring me something when you come back," she whispered, her young voice full of hope.

Nie Li reached over to ruffle her hair gently. "Sure thing, Yu."

As the carriage began to move, carrying him towards the beginning of a new chapter, Nie Li leaned back, the voices of his family echoing in his mind.

"The real story begins, now."

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