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Chapter 2: Chapter one

(Psycho's pov)

"Five more minutes..." I mumble under my breath as my maid came into my room to wake my lazy thick ass up from my heavenly slumber. "Princess you need to get ready for today" she piped up with a cheery smile and tone pulling my warm blood red blanket to reveal my books that surrounded me. "You know princess books aren't going to get you a husband" she sighs shaking her head as she collected each book and put them away. "Good I don't want a fucking husband I'm strong enough on me own." I huffed annoyed that everyone wanted me to find a mate, and yet no one cares what I want. "Your new guard should be here soon your highness" the annoying maid says before walking away. I got out of my queen size bed and got changed hell I don't feel like dressing up fancy today. I throw on my adidas crop top, black tights and jeans shorts. I said i didn't feel like being fancy nothing about being trendy and slightly slutty. After I finished changing I threw my pjs into the wash basket in my room just as there was a loud knock on my door, this is personal guard number twenty, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Come in if your going to kill me if not then leave" I say sarcastically knowing whoever it was would come into my room anyway. "Sorry princess but I doubt that as much as I would do your order to kill you I will be hung.." a tall dark hair male came into my room. My red and green eyes and his dark chocolate brown eyes met in an instance I turned round to see who it was. We stared at each other in silence for a couple of minutes like as if we seen each other before, I'm not a girl to deny things but I swear he looked familiar from when I used to sneak out. "Erm so your my new guard?" I asked breaking the silence in the room. "Yes your highness" he says. I took a deep breath to ignore the name for i could never tell why your highness did weird things to me. I shook my head "okay so whats on today schedule then" I asked forcing a smile onto my face. May today throw whatever because I can keep flying on. "So its breakfast with your father then training at the training grounds..." he started to tell me my schedule however I couldn't hear properly as i was being summoned by my human. "Give me a moment Dominic" I excused myself to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw a girl with brown hair looking back at me. "Jenifer this is too early to summon i have a new guard" I whined to her. " sorry but you won't believe this" she says excitedly which was very rare to see her as. "Okay tomboy spill the details" I rolled my eyes playfully at her childishness. "I actually came face to face with a wolf in the woods" she squeals happily doing her little dance. When all a sudden I heard a knock on the bathroom door "Jen you got to go" I whispered to her quickly . "You ok your highness?" A voice came from the other side of the door. The girl nodded and quickly left the mirror to reveal my reflection. "Yes I'm fine I'm coming now" I replied opening the door. "Sorry I thought I heard noises and wanted to see if you were ok princess" The guard explained. "Okay one lets get this cleared just call me Psycho none of that your highness or princess stuff" I said sternly I hated being called them one being giving me a weird feeling whilst the other is annoying . The guard nodded "My apologies psycho" he said and smiled. "Forgiven Dominic" I smiled back. Wow shock horror a guard who actually listens when I say that. "Right can you tell me again the schedule of today?" I ask politely. "Oh first, breakfast with your father, then you've got training, then you've got studying, afterwards you've got to go to see your father for something" Dominic explained as he started to walk towards the door. I nodded and started to follow him quietly. I don't know what but something about him is familiar. Dominic spun around on his heal and faces me "You ready psycho?" He asks her. "Wow you got a spring in your step then" I giggled softly. Maybe he's different from the other guards I've had. Dominic chuckles nervously "Is it a bad thing?" He asked me. "Nope i think its good" I smiled before ruffling his dark hair. The guard smiled before turning around and walked out of my room. I continued to follow him just for fun plus he was more fun than other guards. Dominic smirked and walked a bit faster ahead of me. I glared at him playfully before doing a secret attack and jumped onto his back. "Hey!" He said and chuckled before stopping. "Yesss guard twenty" i smiled innocently at him as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He rolled his eyes playfully and carried me to the doors which lead to the dinning room and let me get down "I'll see you after breakfast princess" he smirked knowing what it does to me and opened the doors for me, bowing as I entered. "Hey I said don't call me that" I pouted glaring at him slightly before entering the dining room where my brothers dark and dragon were sat the table with my father satan. I walked over and took my place at the wooden table a few seats away from my father. Dominic chuckled quietly and watched me sit down. "Wow" he thought to himself before walking away. "Why are you up so late?" The king of hell asked me in a stern voice. "Its none of your concern father im fifteen i need the equivalent of six to eight hours sleep to function correctly and to prevent any illness from striking" I replied to him not giving him a glance as breakfast was being served. He frowned at me ignoring the fact breakfast was being layed out in front of him "I hope you have not been playing up for your new guard" he said in a low, threatening voice. "May that be a temptation your giving me already father" I rolled my eyes as my breakfast of fruit salad was placed in front of me and i begun to eat. He looked away from me still frowning as he ate the breakfast he had been served in silence. After he had finished he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and stood up from his seat, exiting the room with guards following behind him. "Psycho what are you planning to do now" Dark asked me seeing the mischievous look in my eye "oh i think you know" I replied back as I finished eating and left the room. Dominic was outside on the castle grounds, swinging his sword around in boredom. I headed out of the castle grounds. The guard kept swinging the sword around before throwing it at a target, hitting the head and sighs, collapsing on the ground and looked up. I saw my new guard Dominic lieing on the ground and smirk as i hid behind a bush and screamed as loud as i could "HELP!!" Before quickly teleporting to somewhere else to watch. Dominic quickly sat up and looked around in confusion. "Huh?" He said to himself before shrugging and stood back up walking over to his sword. I teleport to his sword then disappeared. The guard frowned before realising someone was messing with him and he rolled his eyes. "Oh your no fun" i whined i reappeared in front of him. "Hey, now that's offensive" he pouted and took his sword back, putting it away and turning back to me "How was breakfast?" He asked. "You do not wanna know" i smirked as i jumped on his back again "i can get used to this." He laughs and rolls his eyes playfully "What you trying to get out of this huh? You have teleporting to get you places if you don't wanna walk y'know" he said to me. "Well i have a guard to carry me places when i don't feel like walking or teleporting" I grinned at him with my witty remark. What can i say i can be lazy sometimes. He chuckled and set me down. "We haven't got to go anywhere anyways" he said as he sits down "you got training princess". "If you can catch me first!" I giggled before running off. This is my routine for my new guard its always a chase. "But I just sat- fineee" he complained as he got back up and ran after me "Is this necessary?!" He shouted as he got closer to her. "Maybe!" I yell as i ran backwards facing him not noticing a wall behind and i rain into that. Dominic ran towards her "Are you ok princess?!" He said concerned and slowed down. "Ah what did we say this morning to call me?" I asked him not concerned about myself hitting the wall. He shook his head "but you just ran backwards into a wall-" "which is my fault so if im injured in anyway its my fault for not paying attention understood?" I told him firmly. I know being the only girl in the royal family is awkward but I preferred never to be fussed about i never liked the attention. "But-" he stopped himself and sighed, nodding in understandment and stood up, helping me back on my feet. I took his hand as i got back on my feet "thank you" i smiled to show him i was fine " you know i really can't be arsed to train" i say. "Hmm well what would you like to do? You've got to study in a couple hours" he said to me. "Depends whats your favourite thing to do when your not on duty?" I asked. Dominic shrugged "However I AM on duty so it doesn't matter" he said sighing. "Well who says we can't sneak out to have some fun" I smirk as I nudged him. "You sure?" He asked as his eyes gazed at the castle then back at me. I nodded my head excitedly, I haven't been out if the castle for a while I kinda missed being out of it. The guard smiled and nodded at me "Sure, c'mon then" he said as he raced out of the castle grounds to the gates.

(Dominic's pov)

I raced the princess out the castle grounds and to the gates. We stopped behind a tree I peered around the corner discreetly to get a glimpse of the guards pacing up and down at the gates "I'll distract the guards whilst you sneak past them" I explained to her. "Now wheres the fun in that" she grins in mischief "just take my hand" she says offering her small soft hand. "You are one mysterious gal" I said her and chuckled before taking her hand. "Eh I've been called a psychopath" The princess shrugged before teleporting us both off the castle grounds and out the gates. "Welp i can't say much about myself" I said and looked back at the gates "People are gonna recognize their princess y'know". She gave me this know it all smirk as she snapped her finger her blue long hair now short and in a hot pink colour and her clothes went from her trendy cute style to a more sexy look that showed more skin. I looked at her in amazement and blushed softly "W-wow- I-I mean i guess that'll work?" I stuttered and looked away. "What too much skin?" She asked. I shook my head and snapped my fingers to change into my definition of casual clothes which were a black t-shirt and black jeans. "You ready to go Psycho ?" I asked her. "Now thats a style to go with" she complimented my outfit choice before nodding. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully at her "Nobody really knows who I am, I have no siblings here either" I started walking on the path which leads into town. "Wow i would do anything to trade in my royal life to your life i hate the attention" she admits quietly walking behind me. I shook my head "It gets lonely now that my friend is caught up at school and some girl he found, also Saphia is barely ever around because of tests at school" I explained, slowing down so i could walk next to her. "Oh do i know that feeling my friend is too caught up with her new experience she came really close to a wolf she now in high hope for a werewolf next" she laughs cutely.A werewolf huh? Wow thats a coincidence, "Well i hope she finds one" I said to her and smiled "So watcha wanna do?" I asked her as i put my hands in my pocket. "Anything really as long i don't see the boy i had my first with" she shrugs putting her hands in her leather jacket pockets. "Wow why? Is he an ex or something?" I asked and looked at her curiously. I don't really remember the girl I had my first with but I wish I did. "No but if he recognised me i think he'll freak that the no name girl was me" she sighs looking down "all in all it was my first heat". "Ooooh hey don't think like that cos well one you couldn't help it and two you dont take the fact that your a princess and have royal blood for granted" I said to her "Except from the fact you want me to give you piggy back rides even though you can teleport" I said to her trying to cheer her up. "Hey I'm fifteen I'm still young enough for piggy back rides" she pouts at me before sticking her tongue out childishly "and you try everyone saying you need to find someone to marry". "Sorry, I can see that you have a hard life too" I said and looked at her "with your future being decided by someone else, no freedom, everyday being the same?". "Yep more or less which is why i kick off with each new guard i receive" she nodded kicking the dirt. "Ah I see" I said in understandment "haven't been that much of a pain for me though" I smiled and looked ahead of the path to see an town full of people and shops. "Oh hush its only because you look familiar" she says looking at me with her two toned eyes. "Heh familiar?" I asked and looked back at her and tilted my head. I guess she kinda does as well? But she's the princess so if course she does. "How so?". "I don't know you just do" she shrugged before tripping on her own feet. "Psycho! " I exclaimed, acting quickly and catching her before she could fall to the ground. "Eek!" She squeaked blushing as I caught her. "S-sorry! Are you ok?" I asked her as I put her down. She nodded shyly which was weird when I took the job of a guard the other guards said she was never shy and that she was always causing trouble for them. I looked at her and chuckled "Clumsy much" I smirked. She wasn't like what the other guards made her out to be like. "Don't be so mean" she huffed giving me a playful glare whilst she pouted. "Hey I'm only messing, just trying to lighten up the mood" I said with a smile forming on my face "You ok though?" I asked again just to be sure. "Yeah i am thanks to you catching my fall." She smiled back at me. "N-no problem" I stuttered and started walking again. "You know guards should never stutter" she says as she followed close behind me. "Guards should not let you outside of the castle grounds yet here we are" I looked around at the shops, swarmed by people. The atmosphere was filled with chatter. "The guards fail that anyway I always sneak out this isn't new you know" the girl rolled her eyes. God shes like her father in someways from the way she would act to the way she spoke to people none the less the way shes dressed at the moment is getting her stares from other male demons. I bit my lip and looked at her "Psycho?" I said to her quietly and looked over to a group of males. "Yeah Dominic?" She answered not taking notice of the group of males. I motioned towards the group and looked back at her "They're staring" I whispered. "Hmmm quite simple pretend to be a couple" she shrugged like she wasn't bothered on the stares she was getting. I blushed slightly "A couple? How?" I asked her and tilted my head. She rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing hold of my hand and leant up to place her soft lips on mine. I blushed and hesitated for a second but kissed her back, eventually pulling away to catch my breathe. Psycho winked at me before nudging her head to the group of men who had stopped staring at her. I looked over to them and looked back at her "Well that's one way to do it" I said and chuckled nervously. I had kissed the princess! What if someone recognised us from the castle? "Like i said pretend to be a couple and people back off you learn trick or two in a different body" the princess smirk quite pleased with her antics. I rolled my eyes playfully at her and smiled "I can tell your a troublemaker" I said and chuckled "Which is perfect because I don't have to act sensible around ya" I smirked. "Outside the castle inside you have to and so what I don't look for trouble trouble finds me" the girl pokes her pink tongue out. I poked my tongue back at her and laughed "Childish" I said and smirked walking away. "So are you" she retorted back quickly as she jumped on my back for the third time. Its scary how light she was its like she doesn't eat. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully "You need to eat more, wanna go get some food?" I said as I turned my head to look over my shoulder at her. "I guess as long as its healthy like fruit and veg none of the fatty things" she nodded wrapping her arms around my neck loosely. Didn't demons only eat fruit when ill not when they are healthy? This girl is one of a kind of special and weird but at least fun to hang with. I nodded and looked around "where to?" I asked her and looked at the road of shops and restaurants.

(Psycho's pov)

He looked at the road of shops and restaurants as I slightly hummed trying to think. "Well we could get ingredients and go to yours and make a homemade pizza?" I suggested, I'm a big fussy eater I don't restaurants to have fresh food. He nodded and replied with "Sure, sounds good" before he started walking to the grocery store with me on his back. "Go ahead and say it I'm a big fussy person for eating" I giggled softly as we went in. I picked up the ingredients that we needed to make pizza as well as some fruit and vegetables. "Your a big fussy eater on for eating" he said to me and smirked as he put me down and helped gather up ingredients. I rolled my eyes at him playfully before going to the check out "I'll pay for it". He shook his head and took his own money out and payed for it "Too late princess" he said and smirked as he started to bagged up the food and ingredients. I glared at him as i tried to ignore the warm feeling it gave me as he called me princess. Of course he'll take advantage of it because people will think its a nickname. He looked at me and winked as he picked up the bags and walked towards the door with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but blush, was he seriously flirting with me?! And hes walking away with a smirk. I quickly walked after him. "Tease" I muttered under my breath. "You said act like a couple sweet cheeks" he said to me as we started walking to his house. "Yeah a couple I meant as me a prostitute you a horny teenage boy not as mates" i said back to him father always says couples are a prostitute and someone else so of course I thought of it. He looked at me and frowned "Huh? What do you mean?" he said and tilted his head in confusion. "I'll explain when we get to yours" I sighed as I looked around. He nodded slowly and we carried on walking till we got to a house which wasn't huge but definitely wasn't small. Dominic walked up the stairs abd unlocked the door opening it to let me in first "Ladies first" he says and smiles. "Age before beauty my friend" i smirked I'm not the type for ladies then men. "Just come in before I call you nicknames" he said smirking knowing it'll work. "You wouldn't dare" I blushed slightly as I walked into his home. "I'm kidding I don't even know why you don't like me calling you them when it's how we have to address you" he said shrugging and walked in shutting the door behind. "Because when people who aren't in my family say it does weird things to my body that i don't understand" I said quite quickly going red from embarrassment. "Ooooh like a turn on?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen and put the bag on the side and started unpacking the shopping. "A turn on???" I'm confused i had never heard of turn on "whats a turn on" i asked him curiously. "Hmm well I dunno how to explain it" he said blushing. "For you girls it'd be where someone says something or does something and you get a weird feeling and kinda become... W-wet?" at this point he was blushing bright red. He gulped and looked at me. I was still curious about it and signalled him to continue his lecture of a turn on "so its just girls?". "Well girls g-get wet guys just... Well get hard" he said quietly and blushed even more. "Whats that definition hard used for?" I questioned again with such innocence. Dominic sighed and shook his head "Nevermind wait till you get a boyfriend and they'll explain it" he said to me. "Ahem you mean forced marriage to a guy way older than me" I corrected him as i went over to him to prep the food. "Oh yeah sorry" he apologised and helped.

(Dominic pov)

May god help me survive this girl! She doesn't know what a turn on is or a hard she is to pure. I looked at her and tilted my head. Is she actually innocent or messing. I shook my head and jumped out of my train of thought. "What we having on this pizza then?" I asked trying to change the subject. "My side is have peppers pineapple and mushrooms " she smiled. "We can make the whole pizza like that? I don't mind" I offered and smiled back at her. "Nada its only fair if you get have some with your favourite things on top" she shook her head. She definitely not what guards say she is i can see that she just a princess who wants to be treated as a normal person. "Its fine I'm not fussy like someone else here" I said playfully smirking. "I'm not that fussy I'm healthy how else am I supposed to be skinny and sexy" she pouted.I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled at her words. "you don't need to" I said "Your already beautiful" I complemented her. "Your only saying that because I'm the princess" she rolls her eyes. I shook my head and carried on preparing the toppings for the pizza "If I didn't know you were the princess then I'd still say your beautiful" I said and smiled at her. "Yeah sure you would" she sighs as she was chopping some of the vegetables with ease. I looked at her "Why do you think I wont" I asked her confused. "Books never lie if a woman have a status higher than a man they of course will do anything to get the status" she says kinda harsh. I looked at her and frowned "That's not true" I said to her "Maybe for gold diggers, I'm not like that" I said honestly. She nodded softly. I couldn't help but get slightly turned on by her from her purity to the clothes she was wearing.I shook my head and exited my thoughts. "Do you actually think that?" I ask her. "Do you want a truth or a lie?" She asked me her playfulness tone tuned to an emotionless tone. "Truth I guess?" I looked at her confused, why did she ask me that?. "I guess i kinda do think that i mean books say it and dad say the women are only good for bring children" she replied. Ouch that hurt. I shook my head in disappointment "Yknow for someone who doesn't like their dad it's weird how you believe him" I said and continues to make the pizza. "You need to find a guy to prove it to you as well". "Well when you don't have a mother to turn to for advice on boys theres going be things I'll believe..." she mutters. "Well it's simple really" I took every thing in her hand away and setting it on the side. Before lifting her up onto a clean countertop. "There are three type of guys, the ones who spend their life in an office at a job, ones who are sick bastards who have no respect for women and are well horny 24/7 pretty much. Oh and then there's guys who have nothing but respect for you girls, they know when your sad and your happy and it's like a instinct, " I explained to her, not very well I think though."but you see them ones are the keeper psycho" I tilted my head as if to say 'understood?'. She blushed faintly as i was standing in between her legs and nodded. "Don't listen to what your dad says cos he's wrong" I said and smiled not noticing. "So what type of guy are you then?" She asked me ever so quietly, to be honest i don't think I'm any of the three type yeah i help female demon when their heat strikes but I'm not horny 24/7. "Umm I'm not really sure to be honest" I answered and tilted my head. "I don't think I'm any of them". "I think you would be the keeper for a girl and whats that poking my leg" she says. Shit... I quickly turned around "Uh n-nothing um let's just finish this p-pizza" I quickly said. "Dominic what was it?" She whined with curiosity as she jumped off countertop and stood in front of me. I shook my head and looked away from her blushing. She poked at my erection softly causing me to bite my lip. She making my mind go wild here i need to make an excuse up before my head goes back to the unknown girl who i had my first with. "H-hey stop that! It's a uhh cucumber that I stole?" I said as an excuse. A cucumber? Am I stupid or something?! "Why would you put a cucumber in your pants" she giggled. I shook my head and turned around "Just forget about it". "Can't you take the cucumber out we could put it on the pizza" psycho continued to giggle, im greatful for her innocence. I rolled my eyes and chuckled "ouch no we cannot thank you very much" I said to her. "Then why not" she pouted. "Because I said so your highness". The princess covered her ears and glared at me, heh she sure is cute when shes being turned on but doesn't understand it. I chuckled and took her hands off her ears and tilted my head. "Dominic you know what i said that name does to me" Princess Psycho whined. "Hmm maybe but you can't stop me from calling you them" I smirked. She whined more how I shouldn't be so mean to her. In my defence this is payback for whats shes doing to my mind. "what's the matter?" I asked. "It feels wet down there" she says quietly. I blushed at her words "S-sorry I didn't mean to I was just teasing!" I said to her and looked down. "Is that what you meant by saying its a turn on?" She asked with curiosity in her mix matched eyes. I nodded "you really don't know much about that do ya?" I asked. Psycho shook her head as her answer looking down for a smart girl she innocent to the core even though her virginity was taken. "Hmm well I'm sure your future lover will explain it to you" I said to her and smiled. Oh fuck i did it again she wont have a choice she has to marry a guy her dad picks. "I rather die than be married" she mutters. "oh yeah s-sorry I mightve forgotten" I explained and looked down. "for a minute I forgot reality". "Reality is an illusion and the world a hologram" she grins. I looked up at her and rolled my eyes playfully. "But still how do you stop getting wet thoughhhh i can't avoid the names" she went back to whining like a cute adorable child. I chuckled at how adorable she was "I don't knooow" I answered back. "But I do know that your cute when your whining" I smiled and laughed softly. She huffed and folded her arms and turned her back on me. "Heyyy what did I do?" I asked her and tilted my head. "I'm not cute I'm scary and vicious" Psycho huffed. "Aww your just adorable" I chuckled and walked in front of her, grabbing her hands and unfolding her arms. "You seem stressed" I said to her and tilted my head. "Because I don't know what to do to stop the wetness down there" she pouted stamping her feet in irritation. I bit my lip "W-well there is something you could do yourself I-I guess?" i slightly stuttered and looked at her. she gave me another glance of curiosity just like the girl did from back then and nodded "s-show me w-what I have to d-do" she stuttered as well biting her lip just as cutely. "How can I show you?" He said and laughed. "Well you know this stuff demonstrate on me you have my permission" she says, well she has a point there on me. "A-are you sure? It's not very gentlemanly like of me especially because your a princess" I said and blushed slightly. "Forget that I'm a princess just treat me as an equal and yes I am sure of it" she nodded softly and looked at me with a certain flare that reminded of the mystery girl. "You... Remind me of someone" I mumbled to myself and looked at her eyes tilting my head slightly. "I have that affect from past sneaking outside of the castle" she shrugs before snapping her finger turning her hair to a light brown with curls. I tilted me head "Purpose of that?" I asked her confused. "The pink was getting on my nerves plus this is my natural hair colour" the princess says. However now that she has changed it she does look more like the girl i had the first with. "Hey princess I-I have a question?" I said to her. "Yeah throw it at me" she smiles at me. "Well what did the guy look like? The one who helped you yknow when you was in heat?" I asked her and tilted my head.

(Normal pov)

The girl thought for a few moments "to be honest he looked like you but i think around fifteen or sixteen " she replied. He bit his lip "I-I was fifteen turning sixteen when I had my first a-and I helped a girl and you remind me of her" he sighed and looked down. "M-maybe its a coincidence" she laughed nervously. Dom looked up at her and nodded "There's no way so it had to be a coincidence" he agreed. "So will you show me how to sort it out?" Psycho asked. Dom bit his lip and nodded "Yes your highness" he said smirking. The princess whined at the nickname as her neither region got slightly more wet causing her laced panties to become damp. "Heh c'mon let's sort you out" he chuckled and walked into the bathroom. She nodded and followed him. "how do you not know anything about turn ons and that?" he asked her. The princess shrugged "i guess when i read my books and i start seeing that things are going south i skip the part". "Ooooh ok makes sense" Dom said and smiled. "You should at least know somethings right?". Psy kept quiet and looked down embarrassingly before shaking her head. "Hey don't be so down" he said softly and lifted her chin up smiling at her. "I won't master so teach me please" she grins. He blushes and rolled his eyes playfully. "R-right so h-how do you want me to do this?" he asked her stuttering slightly. "Like the way you help other girls you don't have to treat me differently" Psycho smiles softly at Dominic. "Y-you want me to d-do it?" He asked confused. She looked at him with a slightly confused look before feeling a switch in her head go on then nodded. Dom blushes and looks at her "Y-you do know what I mean right?". "Do it in other words have sex" she says flatly this is how she knew to skip a page or two then the book went South. He nodded and smiled before realising "Wait you said yes to it? Did you mean no?" he asked. She playfully rolled her eyes at him "i said i wanted to learn so i did say yes silly". He nodded shyly and bit his lip. "I promise no one will know" she reassured Dom. Dom smiled at her "Ok then psy" he said. "So you just want me to teach you?". She nodded softly. "Ok well in your situation to pleasure a girl you um well- get touchy I guess" he said awkwardly. "Dominic you have my permission to touch me to show me" she says softly biting her lip in a shy cute way. Dom looked at her and bit his lip before moving closer to her and slowly trailing his hands down her body, stopping at her core and softly rubbing her. Her breath hitches in her throat as she whimpered softly at the new sensation. Dominic stopped and moved his hand away "B-basically touching yourself like that" he explained and looked away. The young daughter of satan nodded and copied what he did to her lightly panting. Dominic closed his eyes and covered his ears; he didn't want to be turned on by what she was doing. Psycho noticed and softly tapped him and looked up at him. Dom bit his lip and slowly looked at her "Yes your highness?" he asked. "Am i doing it right?" She asked. He blushed and bit his lip nodding. she nodded softly as her pink tongue stuck out her pants becoming more heavy. Dom bit his lip harder and shook his head. "Dom please help me like you do with other girls" she pleaded. "Yes your highness" dom said as he replaced her hand with his own. The girl panted more and tilted her head back making more temptation for him to treat her like he did for the fair share of ladies he had helped. Dom bit his lip before taking the opportunity to kisses her neck softly whilst he pleased her. Psy gasped quietly as he did as her hand accidentally grazed against his 'cucumber'. Dominic gasped accidentally biting into her neck, but not hard enough to cause harm. The princess squeaked with pleasure before moaning his name softly. Dominic pulled away and tilted his head. Psycho blushed darkly as she looked up at him lust filling her red and green eyes. Dominic looked at her eyes "What do you want pet?" he said smirking as his confident cocky self built back up. "Master knows what I want" she whined softly. He shook his head "All girls like different things and in a different order" he explained. The brunette nodded "i-i don't know about me tho". Dom thought before shrugging "You still sure with this though?" he asked again. "Im sure just as long as i don't get pregnant" she giggled. "Yep I'd be killed and you'd be in big trouble" he chuckled nervously "but I promise you that I won't do anything that'll hurt you" he said assuring her and smiled. Princess Psycho smiled back at him and nodded. "Heh upstairs?" he asked and tilted his head. "Yep master~" she grins at him. Dom smirks "you gonna teloport us their or am I carrying you again?". She instantly jumped onto his back and nuzzles him "i think you have your answer". "your lucky your adorable" dom mutters under his breath as he carries her upstairs to his room. The female giggled softly and kissed his neck softly. Dom let out a soft quiet moan. She smirks as she continues. Dom bites his lip as he hurried to his room and locked the door behind them. "Hehe shy boy" Psy nuzzles him. "Heyyy I'm not shy" dom pouted and put her down "and you make it seem like you like me yknow" he chuckled as he sets her down on the bed. "Don't get any ideas even if i did develop feelings for you in the future it can never happen" she sighs. He shook his head "One your a princess two your already meant to be marrying a guy and your dad already doesn't like me" dom said and sat down next to her "but hey don't worry about it psy". "Yeah a guy in his forties yay forced marriage" she rolled her eyes "i hate royal life it stinks". "Hey just think about it like this, once your queen you have control over everyone" he said, looking on the positive side of things for once. "You know thats even more depressing I'm only fifteen i don't want to rule hell i want to live my own life i have two older brothers who are capable of ruling" she ranted ever so slightly. "Then get one of them to rule" he says and tilted his head. "Ive said that but hey im only a female dad never listens to me" she sighs in defeat. "Hey everything will turn out good in the end ok?" he said and smiled at her. The princess nodded quietly and started to cuddle up next to him. Never had the girl felt so afraid of her emotions psycho was used to keeping quiet but he made her feel different. The guard smiled and wrapped an arm around her to comfort the princess. "Why are you so different to the rest of the guards" she asked ever so quietly that he could only just make out what she said. "what do you mean by different?" he asked and looked at her. "I'm just a normal demon". She shook her head and sat up "i should head back you have my permission to have the rest of the day off" with that the girl disappeared and teleported back to the castle leaving him alone in his room. Dom sighed and layed back onto the bed. Silence filled the room as thoughts of what she said earlier entered his mind.

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