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Chapter 29: Sukuna - 29

A/N: OOOOKAY, I've come to the realization that I messed up. I was under the impression that I had already uploaded the chapter last month, but it turns out I didn't. Full disclosure, I was high at the time and mistakenly assumed I had already uploaded. My oversight was not bothering to check if I had actually done so. In any case, I've combined the two chapters I had been working on, and, well, I may or may not have enough time to edit because my editor is currently MIA or unreachable for quite a while as well.

If you were curious about my routine, the only times I read comments and stuff on the site when I do have a draft or chapter complete. The drafts and works I'm actively on in are stored on Google Docs.

I am verrrry sorry. 

While we are on it, this is technically my first attempt at writing a full action scene chapter. There were lots of way to go around this since I especially wanted Sukuna to perform a consecutive black flash against both Okkotsu and Gojo to level the playing field. I decided against it since I personally think this was just the right touch since I wanted to upload something asap and put Sukuna on a time limit. Well, we will see.

If this chapter was hard to read, I can rework on this if you guys want me to approach this chapter differently. Though I may have to inform you it will take a while. <-


(Gojo's POV)

Even in Itadori's current state, our relentless assault continued. As his limp body was flung towards me, I landed a solid blow to his chest, making him cough up blood and sending him flying back to Okkotsu.

Taking a good look at Itadori, he was severely beaten, but not dead yet. Even though I'm holding back to avoid outright one-shotting him, he's surprisingly really sturdy. Either that or this is just straight up plot armor.

Now, Okkotsu was giving me some odd glances. I get it, though; I am outputting this much 'power' and keeping up with him, and he's even using curse energy!

'No doubt about it, I could sense Okkotsu was planning something; probably something like knocking me out and tending to Itadori. Not that he could, besides, things are about to get hectic after this.'


As for Itadori, he was going through a lot of things right now.

'These guys! They keep hitting me on the spot where I'm still injured. Fucking merciless!!' Itadori desperately thought, his fear of death growing as he slowly gave in to the onslaught.

In this dire situation, Itadori found himself unable to counter or even defend. What is he supposed to do? These two monsters were just as strong as he was, strategically positioning themselves to execute a pincer movement while mercilessly beating him. (Like Mahito)

It was no longer just a faraway thought; Itadori could really see and feel the cold grasp of death coming closer with each blow that was struck onto him. He couldn't escape it and was genuinely afraid since he didn't want to die just yet. He still wanted to fulfill his duties before facing death [to finish eating all twenty Sukuna's fingers].

A/N: Itadori isn't going to unlock a domain expansion here like Mahito💀 Sorry guys.


In the manga, as far as I recall, Sukuna had something in mind when Itadori died to Okkostu, however Okkotsu healed Itadori instantly after stabbing him through the heart. Which led to Sukuna not having to make a move.

However, I had a different agenda— I'm going to try fighting Sukuna here.

But how?

As I Punched Itadori. I kept pondering about him as a vessel.


I can't just forcefully order Sukuna to use that binding vow 'Enchain' he made with Itadori. Maybe a threat will make him move? Or a bluff about killing Megumi?

Exploiting and exposing that I know of Sukuna's binding vow isn't great either. It will just make Sukuna avoid using it altogether.


As much as I'd love to go straight into saying, "Oi, Sukuna, if you can hear me, come out or I'll make a binding vow and then kill both Itadori and Megumi right now," I won't actually do it.

Blackmailing Sukuna sure sounds fun, but I'm 99.99% sure Sukuna will start doing some weird shit.


Funny enough, this is one of the most rare moments where I can legally kill the main character, Itadori Yuji. Due to the Jujutsu headquarters resuming the execution of Itadori.

The method I stuck to was killing Itadori here and preventing Okkostu from using his reverse technique from healing him. 

From here on is a complete gamble, I want to put Sukuna in a situation where he would be forced to make a move, or else 15 fingers' worth of Sukuna's strength might be permanently gone. After all, Itadori is the host at this time.

While there are different ways to make Sukuna come out, this is the most straightforward plan. I definitely prefer Sukuna using 'Enchain'. It's a free one minute window to beat him up.


Itadori's thoughts before blacking out:

'Why? It's so close. Too close... Not like this. Fuck, I don't want to die.'

With no way out Itadori was helplessly watching himself get beaten to death by these two executioners. Unless…

Of course, those were just Itadori's intrusive thoughts. But just the mere contemplation, fueled by a mix of hope, had triggered a hidden glitch.


"Hey, I think we killed him now! Your binding vow should be—" I couldn't finish what I was saying to Okkotsu Yuta.

As I witnessed Itadori's limping corpse being thrown toward Okkotsu by the hit I landed, something strange happened. Itadori's body was giving out a sense of evil foreboding and his body swiftly became engulfed in lines of black markings of tattoos.

"Nah, no fucking way. Are you for real?" My eyes widened a little as I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. A smile formed on my lips.

Seeing the swap happen while I was still brainstorming ways for Sukuna to come out, I knew something must have happened. But who gives a fuck? Sukuna is out; lucky me!

I jumped straight into action, throwing a punch straight to Sukuna's face, who was still confused.

"Brat, you did not just—" Before Sukuna could gather his bearings, a punch landed square on his face.


Little did Gojo know, Itadori's internal turmoil acted as a catalyst, resulting in a one-time glitch in his role as a vessel. Essentially, the combination of Itadori's fear of death and his strong desire to live triggered a momentary loosening of the cage containing Sukuna. It's not a major issue if Itadori was still alive, but the unique circumstances were during Itadori's death; where the body forced a new consciousness to take over (hence Sukuna).


(Gojo POV)

After throwing that punch, Sukuna instantly jumped back, creating some distance. Watching this, I decided it's best not to chase him down.

Okkotsu's eyes widened when he realized Itadori's body changed, and it was Sukuna in control now.

'This is Sukuna!' Okkostu observed and readied himself.

Now that Sukuna was free; he casually cracked his joints and stretched, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

'I'm pretty sure Itadori died on that last punch I landed. Did Itadori switch with Sukuna at the last second?' I wondered about the possibilities.

'Did Sukuna even use 'Enchain'? If Sukuna is in complete control… wait; now I'm curious. How do I measure up against him in unarmed hand-to-hand combat?'

Sukuna, that powerhouse, he can grasp techniques with just one glance.

—Ah. Okkotsu made a move while I was still lost in thought. That guy is always quick to make a move.


(Sukuna's POV)

'The kid lost his composure and died just like that. Fucking pathetic.' Sukuna, who had taken a hit, promptly jumped back, putting some distance. He analyzed and quickly concluded what had also triggered the switch.

Sukuna begrudgingly used his reverse curse technique to heal Itadori's body, while casting a disdainful glance at his opponents. 

The damage done to Itadori could be seen quickly healing.

Sukuna immediately appraised his opponents' current skills, at least from what he could see, and then decided on a line of action in a second.

'The Gojo wannabe has no curse energy; is he even a sorcerer? Especially that 'rasengan' move—There weren't any traces of curse energy used when he was using that back at the tunnel entrance; it might not even be jujutsu.' Sukuna's observations were strangely on point.

'Should I be glad that I found that out by this dumb brat's memory? It's from Naruto; isn't it?'

'If this fake is using otherworldly techniques based on works of fiction, then this guy is seriously dangerous. How fascinating.' Sukuna concluded with a smile.

'And the one holding the sword has nearly half the amount of curse energy as I have but hasn't revealed any techniques besides curse energy manipulation.' Sukuna scoffed as he eyed Okkotsu charging at him.

'My condition isn't bad, but I am still recovering my curse energy after the fight with Mahoagara. But this is fine.' Sukuna gave a creepy, evil smile as he sensed he wasn't constrained or restricted.


As Okkotsu was fighting Sukuna, I took the initiative to set up a barrier (Curtain). They were gradually moving away from me while they were fighting.

With a mere thought along with the intention in mind. I constructed a 200-meter barrier around us. It was specifically designed to trap only Sukuna while allowing entry and exit for anyone else. This was to enhance the efficiency of the barrier. There were no elaborate hand signs, incantations, or external objects involved—just a manifestation of my abilities.

The sudden appearance of Curtain didn't go unnoticed by Sukuna and Okkotsu.

'A strong barrier technique with no curse energy, no hand signs and incantation involved?' Sukuna and Okkostu quickly noticed.

'He can still use cursed technique without curse energy! What's strange is that I can't detect the spark when he uses it.' Sukuna's thoughts trailing off as he opted to dodged Okkotsu's empowered punches and kicks.

A/N: (Manga Chapter 235 reference from TCB scans 'sparks')

'I have to get rid of the fake first.' Sukuna concluded in his thoughts.

Before the barrier finished taking effect, Sukuna, in a split second, accelerated towards me with full strength, enhancing himself with curse energy to boost his speed and power. Simultaneously, Okkotsu sheathed his katana, attempting to keep up.


As I checked if the animation for the barrier had finished, my eyes widened as Sukuna charged straight at me. Reacting quickly, I dashed toward him!

Closing the distance with a lightning-fast jab, channeling Chidori onto my right hand.

Aiming directly for the head, the first strike blurred—a swift jab at Sukuna's face. However, Sukuna skillfully evades with a nonchalant sway, his grin widening and eyes radiating with life.

'Are these attacks seriously easy to dodge?' I seriously questioned the effectiveness of the iconic moves from Naruto.

I immediately stopped using Chidori and activated domain amplification as I opted for hand-to-hand combat. This was to limit Sukuna's action. With domain amplification it can neutralize Sukuna's domain and curse techniques against me.

"Chidori and then Domain amplification, huh?" Sukuna muttered in surprise and grinned, deciding to engage in hand-to-hand combat as well after witnessing my utilization of domain amplification.

"You. What's your name?" Sukuna asked, with a sly smile forming as he assumed a combat-ready stance. Curse energy could be seen flowing onto his hands.

"Hyuuga—" I replied, as I got into my stance.

"Quit with funny references. I know it's fake." Sukuna growled, breaking into action with a swift kick aimed at my head.

"Just call me Faker then." I retorted as I ducked from his kick over my head.

In response, Sukuna unleashed a barrage of fist strikes, each carrying the full intent to kill. Quickly, I got up and skillfully blocked some of his attacks, all while counterattacking.

In a fight it's normal to start off small then let the things scale from there. But I intend to level with Sukuna after all he is not even at full strength.

Both of us have our own flavor of experience in combat. My experience was in the white room, where I was briefly tutored by a god, contrasting with Sukuna's lifetime experience in combat.

The exchange escalated as both of us were amping up our attack speed, fully immersed in close combat, demonstrating our martial prowess.

A/N: Pls remember that the mc is not using the Six eyes and Limitless. This was to maintain that alias that he isn't the Gojoat.

Dodge. Block. Attack. Repeat. That's what I have been doing.

As the fight progressed, Sukuna was landing punches, elbows, and kicks with deadly accuracy.

It hasn't even been 10 seconds, but we already had over 50 exchanges.

It was obvious but Sukuna was even adapting to my moves, his grin widening as he effortlessly evaded my attacks and started to land even more of his attack.

As we continued the high-speed exchange, I couldn't help but marvel at Sukuna's prowess. It was evenly matched at first but.

'Is… is this a skill diff?' I silently thought to myself as I noticed the fight was tilting towards his favor and found myself almost completely on the defensive.

It was solely due to my exceptional body specs and muscle memories, coupled with my intuition and instincts, that I was able to level with Sukuna in combat. However, the gap was widening in terms of combat efficiency in hand-to-hand combat.

'This fake has been flaunting a lot of moves but his fighting skills are real deal. Nonetheless, he possesses remarkable flexibility and versatility. What else will you show me?' Sukuna' observed with a hint of amusement gleaming in his eyes.

Within this short exchange most of Gojo's movement has been read. As of right now he can easily predict Gojo's movement in advance. It was like reading a book. 

'Not only that. This fucker is copying some of my moves!' I frowned, forced to block one of his kicks while simultaneously taking a punch to my side.

Despite the limitation of Sukuna of having the strength of 15 fingers, Sukuna displayed extraordinary fighting prowess. More surprisingly, he copied some of Gojo's moves and incorporated them on his own. Sukuna's wealth of combat experience and innate talent made such adaptations within reach.

While Sukuna and I were having a one on one. Okkotsu was now closing in with his katana as he swung it behind Sukuna fueled with overflowing curse energy.

Then, with a decisive motion, Sukuna leaped into the sky, effortlessly evading Okkotsu's katana swing. Simultaneously, he pointed a finger gun at us while uttering the command for the technique to activate, "Dismantle." The air crackled with energy as his technique executed.

As Sukuna's technique unfolded—

Okkostu was already instinctively moving away to dodge the invisible attack.

Well, I could see the invisible attack and I took it head-on; after all I have domain amplification on.

Suffice it to say, when Sukuna saw the attack land and I took the full brunt of it, he frowned at the lack of damage. Except for a cut on the shirt, the attack didn't do anything to me.

"Tch," Sukuna frowned as he prepared to launch another attack as he landed on top of a traffic light.

Meanwhile, Okkotsu, displaying remarkable agility, swiftly slid across the floor, avoiding Sukuna's Dismantle techniques, and blitzed towards him.

"Don't get the wrong idea," Okkotsu said unemotionally with a cold tone as he closed in on Sukuna.


"This is not a two-on-one." He added.


That was when everyone here felt a new presence emerging behind Sukuna.

"This is a three-on-one." Okkostu coldly looked at Sukuna.

"Come, Rika," Okkotsu announced, as he was going all out.

Sukuna turned to see what or who was behind him, but Rika swiftly restrained him from behind, locking Sukuna in place.

However, as quickly as Rika was summoned, Sukuna began to activate his curse technique, 'cleave,' and because he was touching the Shinigami, he was launching a continuous cleave at her.

"THAT HURTS!" Rika screamed in anger, releasing her hold as some of her body parts fell apart.

'I will have to finish all of this in one go. Before the brat wakes up.' Sukuna felt his body struggling to maintain control. He noticed his hands and arms twitching, a clear sign that something was wrong, and this was observed by everyone present.

Seeing that, a substantial amount of curse energy flooded the entire surroundings.

Immediately, Yuta Okkotsu took out a ring from somewhere and equipped it.

"NO!" I voiced out a complaint. I was not happy about the change in pace.

"Domain Expansion. Malevolent Shrine." Sukuna grinned as he made a hand sign with both hands and opened up his domain.

"Domain Expansion—" Okkotsu immediately tried to open his domain to try to counter.

"Oh, hell no." I teleported to Okkotsu, smacking his hand sign and forcefully expelling all the curse energy he was building up.

And then the shrine manifested, invisible sure-hit attacks began landing. Fortunately, not for me, thanks to my domain amplification, but Okkotsu bore the brunt of the assault.

Okkotsu shot me a cold glance for a fraction of a second, deep in thought, before seeing the shrine's symbol begin slowly crumbling on its own.

I didn't want Okkotsu to open his domain; there's no way a closed barrier domain can beat an open domain, especially against Sukuna's domain. It's better to spam simple domains or use the reverse curse technique to heal yourself against the current Sukuna, who is on a time limit.

While Okkotsu endured Sukuna's attack and utilized the reverse curse technique at full output to heal his own wounds, the shrine finally collapsed.

Sukuna examined his own body and noticed the body was twitching a lot and slowly but surely the black markings were also disappearing. 

"Tch." Sukuna clicked his tongue while giving a menacing glare at us before passing out.


Domain Expansion Malevolent Shrine - hits anything within its effective range with slashing attacks. Sukuna can customize the range of his technique up to 200 meters. Anything with cursed energy is hit with cleave and inanimate objects are destroyed with dismantle.

A/N: Long time no see, ya? Happy Late New Years... At the moment, I'm trying to focus on living, which leaves me with limited time to work on chapters. Additionally, the time-consuming edits that I have to do myself. I am just washed-up at what I need to fix and do at the moment.

As for the reason for the main character potentially outright not pulling out everything is "because I said so" I wanted my character to follow along the main story for now. But I will branch off at some point.

I hope you can bear with me on this chapter and the future.

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