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Chapter 4: Returning home: The Wylders

The next day, I returned home without meeting with the press, as my stepmother had required of me.

I didn't know what to say to them.

Not for a long time...

I struggled to sleep the entire night.

I didn't get much shut-eye.

My sleep was influenced by both my spiritual and physical health, it turned out.

My new Early Mutant Level Soul and Peak Human body condition gave me renewed vigor that night.

Rather than a lack of adaptation to my new spiritual and physical abilities, the problem was caused by my being suddenly and completely repaired.

I only needed a few days to get used to my new sleep schedule, duration, and sleep qualities.

My summons, the other two people who hadn't slept and didn't feel the need for sleep, were now with me; I had summoned them back after sensing their desire to return to me.

We were having a pleasant conversation at my house, where I had recently returned. To be precise, in the underground gym built beneath my house.

I'd finally given flesh and blood to my summons. I intended to introduce them to my parents as new friends today.

The house was big enough for my future wives, but I didn't want to live with my parents forever.

I planned to stay at home for a while longer until I had saved enough money to buy a house.

We had money. We had more than enough money…

Nonetheless, despite our wealth, I refused to borrow money from my parents again.

With everything I could do, I didn't need their help.

Thrud, the younger of the two women with me, was speaking to me while Jill worked out more seriously with the gym machines and gym equipment.

Thrud was a young woman who hadn't lived for more than two decades, despite being an Asgardian deity and immortal.

She was inexperienced and young, and the type of immortality she and I both possessed would only keep us from aging after a certain age.

At the full and beautiful apex of each of our adulthoods.

Actually, my immortality trait, which I could manipulate, distinguished me from her, but this wasn't really important.

Thrud was perfectly legal under both old and new laws that I was aware of, and she could also drink, so her exact age was fortunately inconsequential…

"So you're not some god? What are you then?" Thrud asked me.

She was handing me the towel she'd just used to wipe her sweat so I could use it to wipe mine.

I didn't turn down the wonderful-smelling, pheromone-scented offer...

After spending the previous night exploring the city, Thrud had developed an interest in me and many other things. Jill wasn't as lost in this futuristic-looking world as she was, so she was more intrigued.

She was even more intrigued because she knew she couldn't hurt me.

The system had purposefully given her and the other summons a skewed first impression in order to make them more wary and polite at first. However, as we became closer as peers our own age, we began to form a friendship.

"A fairly ordinary human with summoning magic, I suppose." I lied. "But it seems that someone powerful is keeping an eye on me. That's the being you've probably heard in your head; it assists me when I'm in need."

I was about to say the same thing to Jill. And anyone else I might summon later.

I had no intention of going into great detail, nor did I need to. Nobody would know I was a reincarnator, and even if they came from a world like mine and discovered it, their memories of reincarnatiors from novels would fade.


Thrud asked, confusedly.

"Yes, it. That being is robotic and genderless, it's not like you and me… But enough talk about this subject okay?"

"Are you not going to tell me anything else?" She laughed. "This only tickles my interest in you, so keep an eye out..."

"No, I'm not going to say anything else. Let's get back to working out," I said, smiling. "I'm taking you two alone tonight to the restaurant you saw yesterday... You wanted to try the food, didn't you?"

We were going out to eat.

The main reason was that I needed to keep my new girl entourage entertained and happy before we could become more than just cool friends.

I wanted to be real friends, and preferably more. This would begin with deep discussions, and happy people were more talkative.

The other side of the coin was that I had no intention of hiding. Despite the fact that I was a celebrity who had been scrutinized and verbally abused by the public for bad dating behavior, I didn't mind the glaring eyes.

I had violated no laws. I had only messed up my career and love relationships.

I intended to live a happy life and peacefully launch my own film production company.

Speaking of. When it comes to show business careers...

My successful girlfriend, Kate, had called late last night. The fact that she did it to check on me made it even more difficult to sleep.

Even though she didn't seem to want to get back together with me, I could tell she missed me.

That was both encouraging and predictable.

But, unless she expressed a specific desire to reconnect with me, I'd leave her alone for the time being.

For the time being, I wanted to leave all of the problems that my predecessor had left for me behind.

I couldn't manage his mess because I was too preoccupied with my own problems.

My girlfriend was currently only interested in me for herself, despite her willingness to turn a blind eye to the infidelities on occasion. She had no plans to share me with other women.

Despite my desire to be with her, this requirement did not align with my love needs; in fact, it contradicted them.

Some of her fans may accuse me of being cruel or self-centered, but the situation was entirely out of my control.

It was not necessary to date.

We didn't force people to date and follow rules they didn't want to follow.

And love was simple; it was just a matter of making choices.

I wanted to be more than Kate's friend, but I was more interested in being with women who would enjoy sexually sharing me with new ones.

I wouldn't have any love or career issues this way.

I was grateful for what Kate had done in the past for my predecessor, but after the way she had destroyed my successful path and career, as well as the opportunities that came with them, I felt no obligation to her.

I'd done her wrong and deserved what happened.

But that didn't mean I had to go out with her again.

Anyone who thought I needed to do that for her was insane and fucking retarded.

Thrud, as a warrior, was naturally someone who lived for and enjoyed exercise.

Gyms were a new discovery for her, and she was looking forward to spending more time there to train herself.

Jill approached me after Thrud nodded and happily returned to what she was doing, which was lifting heavy weights.

Jill took a break as I kicked a punching bag repeatedly.

My strength had significantly increased in tandem with my peak human fitness. I wasn't sure if I could perform Batman-like feats, but I wasn't using my full strength because I didn't want to damage the gear.

She wasn't as interested in the world as Thrud was, and she seemed to understand the way I felt about my secrets.

She was more interested in something else, which she inquired about while wiping her face with her white towel, "Keyne, that strange voice seemed to be chatting about some new talent we all possessed. What's up with that? I'm not sure what it is, let alone how to use it."

"Of course you can't use it right now," I said, kicking the heavy red bag filled with sand. "For it to work, I need to grant you the permission first."

I had complete control over their activation and deactivation. Not for my own safety, because my summons couldn't harm me.

The system did not want summons that would do whatever they pleased and cause me problems without my permission.

Jill paused for a moment before asking me. "Hmm. So, what am I capable of? And how about Thrud?"

Jill did not come from a peaceful world, and she had no reason to miss it. She was gradually befriending Thrud and teaching her about modern society, so she was naturally curious. But she would have been curious regardless.

Thrud was summoned with a peak human body due to world constraints. Jill was summoned along with a highly trained human one. It was the next step after trained humans.

Apart from these characteristics, her and Thrud possessed no skills other than their previous knowledge.

I didn't intend to train my summons myself, but I would provide them with everything they might require.

I still intended to do it because I wouldn't have time to take students everywhere, but accepting my summons as students to teach them fighting skills was more of a choice than an urgency. Because they could transform into ethereal and everlasting ghosts. They were able to transform into that shape on their own after regaining their human bodies.

Anyway. The abilities or talents of my summons were all related to sorcery, business, science, politics, and, more often than not, the entertainment industry. Executive or behind-the-scenes, behind the screens talent.

Jill was summoned with the ability to be a powerful choreographer, as well as a fantastic screenwriter and producer.

Thrud, on the other hand, would be an excellent scheduler and bodyguard.

The system considered the lottery to be random, but it was influenced more by people's talents when they had some that could be related to behind the scenes stuff and the showbiz industry, so my future summons could have the same abilities.

Among other things, some may teach singing, manage actors, or coach actors.

I didn't mind because I also desired to build my own businesses and stuff.

Who wouldn't want to?

That was the type of people I would want around me. The more the better.

I wasn't in a rush, and all I wanted to do was get real quaint with Thrud and Jill. But I'd need to get in touch with Sif one day. I was going to summon Freya if that happened.

They both had special traits.

Several hours later. Jill had already stopped working out and was taking a cold shower that I had set up for her.

"You got a nice weight pulling rep there. That's already a full set for these weights. Do you want to continue with the next ones or take a break? We still have about two hours before we need to leave for the restaurant."

I said to Thrud, flattering her in the process to soften the next blow, if it was one.

"Don't get me wrong, I like your sense of style, but I don't think you'd make the best first impression on my parents if you met them wearing your current skimpy outfits, do you? We have everything you could possibly need right here, so perhaps you should reconsider."

The house staff informed me that my parents were on their way home from work.

My father owned several entertainment-related businesses that he inherited from his father. He was a fourth generation wealthy man, albeit not a particularly powerful one.

Before she took a step back and began working with him, his company was managing my stepmother's acting career.

She actually assisted him in growing the business long before she retired. Before they married, she was already a rich and well-known actress.

I pondered how I didn't want to live in the house for the rest of my life and how I had plans to leave soon as I thought about my stepsister. She had one day expressed a desire to live independently and with him in a bigger home that they would rent and manage together.

The previous Keyne didn't usually accept such generous offers from his stepsister, but I did... My plan was to get to know Nubia and remain close to her...

I reasoned that since she was home these days and not at her apartment in another neighborhood, we should talk.

"Shall I?" Thrud sat on the machine and relaxed as she raised the weights. "Are you finished as well?"

"I am. So, let's call it a day." I knew Thrud had more energy as a peak human, but she wasn't in Asgard anymore, so there was no need to be too serious about exercise.

She seemed to be asking if I was finished because she was competitive.

"Alright. But what's the matter with my clothes? You think they're too revealing?" Thrud stared at herself and said. "These are the clothes I wear every day in Midgard with no problems."

Actually, her clothes were fine... I made up a white lie.

The problem was that I didn't want her wearing light armor in our living room.

She'd look like a freak.

My family would think we were filming a movie or taking part in a feudal photo shoot.

Jill's clothes were fine despite being even more revealing. They were appropriate for the time. Thrud, on the other hand, wore such ancient clothes because my summons each came with their most well-known attire at first.

Speaking of which, I found it funny how her style of speech wasn't ancient despite dressing that way.

I wasn't sure what was wrong yesterday because I hadn't played the game, so I looked up some videos on the internet and discovered that she actually spoke the same way in it.

It was fantastic because she had to meet the family and present herself in a modern manner.

"Did you notice how people dressed on the streets? Don't you want to try on women's clothing from my world as well? That sounds like something you'd enjoy." I mentioned it as I tried to incentivise her.

"Well. I'm not particularly concerned with style, but if you insist." Thrud shrugged and smiled.

I agreed with her, but she needed to change her appearance if she wanted to live in this world without drawing too many stares... At the very least, puzzled ones.

She was bound to draw attention because she was as hot as fuck.

"Good. Let's go get you a nice shower as well. When you're finished, your clothes will be on your bed. You can take a bath if you want, but you only have about an hour. I can show you how to open the faucet and fill the bath…" I couldn't stop myself from thinking dirty thoughts as I spoke.

"Show me how to take a bath?" Thrud was walking alongside me when she responded with skepticism. "Are you sure you only want to show me that?"

"I can't be certain. It all depends on how you feel about the possible offer I'm making." I said this as I took my shot with her. I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to tell her how I felt.

"..." Thrud remained silent.

I couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

But I knew that this would not have been considered sexual harassment in her previous environment. She was most likely unaware of the concept and had probably heard far worse.





Before she left and returned home, Thrud's mother Sif had warned her not to patronize that young man Keyne, whom they had mistakenly thought to be a godhead superior to even their own.

He was probably on the same level as Odin, Thrud's grandfather, according to her.

This explanation and perspective on the situation made sense to her and her mother at the time because Keyne seemed to be able to block out their divine power and strength. Despite his recent claim that it wasn't done on purpose...

She didn't know who Keyne was or how many secrets he kept to himself, but he seemed interested in her right now. Her charms, she supposed...

He and her appeared to be roughly the same age. And he wasn't bad looking either…

Not bad looking at all. He had cloudy white, short hair.

Even among deities, she had never seen such a handsome man. He was also quite tall and well-built.

He embodied strength like a real man from Midgard, with the exception that his haircut was completely different and he was leaner.

"How should I have acted? Is he really making his move on me?" Thrud asked herself as she relaxed in the hot bath, playing with the soap and water bubbles that came out of the water with her legs.

She had a distracted expression on her face as she stared at the wall in front of her.

Thrud was recalling Keyne helping her put the weights back together in the gym and his kind, tender touch on her skin. It seemed to be the name of the location underground.

Keyne had long fingers and was frighteningly gorgeous.

He also exuded a macho air and smell.

He possessed a sensuous gaze that was at once frigid and searing.

She had no previous experience with men. That was mostly because she was Thor's daughter.

There were no romantic admirers worthy of her consideration. In any case, there was never many of them with this kind of bravery.

She was and always would be Thor's daughter, despite the fact that her father frequently drank himself to appear comical, weaker, and sleepy.

She was never interested in the majority of the young deities in Midgard because they were either cowards or jerks. She was also focusing on her preparation to become a Valkyrie.

Valkyries were unable to marry.

Even if it appeared to be a life plan, she would have to renounce it soon given where she was now.

Her connection with the people from her world was severed, and her mother was powerless to intervene while she was still present.

Thrud was rendered helpless in her situation, and she wasn't sure she wanted anything to change.

She seemed to find this world far too intriguing to want to leave.

'I suppose if I'm going to stick around and support Keyne, is it really that bad if I end up accepting his advances toward me?' Thrud thought.

'He isn't going to lose interest if I wait too long to make up my mind, is he? It's not like I'm the only attractive woman here... There's Jill... Plus, everywhere I look, there seem to be beautiful people.'

Despite Keyne being a nicer man than she had expected, Thrud fully understood how she had been and was still being kidnapped.

She had no control.

Very much like the mortal women who were imprisoned during the Viking Wars and made to remarry and have children for the men who had killed their husbands.

'Keyne is still keeping secrets and is probably on the stronger side of people in this world… I doubt I'll be able to defend myself from his lascivious cluches if he decides to do anything. Let's not dwell on the matter too much; instead, let me witness his sincere feelings as he makes advances toward me.'

'Since I'm interested in him too, it wouldn't make any sense for me to act any other way.'

Thrud smiled as she made this decision, trying not to be too concerned with a situation over which she had little control.

Her head was then partially submerged in the soapy bathwater as she attempted to blow more bubbles with her mouth.

'I'm curious about his parents. Will they mistake me and Jill for his women? He wouldn't introduce us to them that way, would he?'

'Not that it would bother me... But, still. The same cannot be said for her; she is most likely very uncomfortable with the entire situation... She appeared to be a little.'





****Jill 1POV****


"Are you dressed, Jill? I'm on my way in."

Keyne gently tapped on the door, checking to see if I was ready.

That was the swelteringly hot, domineering young man who had me sweating profusely earlier as I stood there watching him work up an agonizingly long sweat of his own--a manly and delicious sight to behold.

I needed a cold shower because he was making me feel so hot and bothered down there. My dirty thoughts and my head needed to relax--and not just my head...

He was about to walk into the room he had graciously assigned to me.

Even so, this was fucking horrible because I hadn't bothered to wipe off my wet body while drying off in the comfortable baldachin.

I'd finally gotten myself a nice bed that I wouldn't have to give up to hungry undead. And I was thinking about the strange new information that was streaming into my head via the television screen.

'Damn it, Jill, you really wanna dress? You can get yourself a stunning and fit dude, just like the ones you see in fashion mags. It's totally doable right here.'

'When was the last time you had some dick?'

As I hung over the side of the bed, I pictured a wild and enjoyable mix-up between grown-ups.

Despite whatever that weird Thrud girl said about her stance, I only lost a bit of strength and still kept my reflexes. However, I hadn't forgotten or given up on any of my long-held, unfulfilled sexual cravings.

Even though I was still feeling anxious and in a rush, something just clicked in my mind right then and there.

As the door creaked open, I was reminded of the confidence and strength that my bare body was supposed to exude in certain situations as a woman. I quickly realized that being naked and exposed wasn't always a bad thing.

I figured I didn't need a gun to protect my delicate and adorable self in this situation, or at least I hoped not.

*Soft giggle*

I laughed as I imagined a sexier pistol and gun barrel.

My actions were completely out of character for me, but I was in an unusual situation. Actually, I was learning something unusual about myself. A more relaxed and laid-back version of myself.

...How long had it been since I let myself relax like this?

I'd not been one to indulge in or allow myself such a luxurious lifestyle because of the path my life had suddenly taken.

Before the apocalyptic stuff happened, I was always the kind of woman who got a lot of male attention.

Even if no one was showering me with roses, I had to admit long ago that I was a very attractive woman.

I guess because I believed this, I was always getting my own flowers, which is why I never received any from males...

Or perhaps I wasn't the type of girl that guys would consider as a potential wife.

I had no idea, and long-term or meaningful love relationships have never worked out for me.

What I knew for sure, what I was feeling good about, what I was smirking and grinning about, was that my appearance was on point because I had just crushed a tough workout.

My veins and muscles bulged from all over my gorgeous feminine physique that looked fit and tempting to mate with. My lean, toned physique with minimal body fat was showcased in every corner and crevice.

If I had to do a photoshoot, I'd definitely stand out among a sea of other beautiful women.

Because of everything spectacular and genuinely beautiful I'd just witnessed in this world, I felt compelled to look into this strange, entertaining, and self-flattering type of work now that I wasn't fighting zombies for my and others' lives.

I suppose I deserved some sort of reprieve from the atrocities of my past.

Thrud's point of view on the subject was unknown to me. But I had no intention of returning to that hellhole.

I didn't want to go back, even if I was somehow compensated with something useful in my world that would change my life.

I'd escaped that hellhole, and true, long-term happiness was finally within my grasp. After so many years, surviving had become second nature to me. I had no choice but to stay in this world, Keyne or no Keyne.

I didn't want to be thrown back into my life like the previous ladies had been. If I returned, all I had to look forward to were extremely nasty, death-smelling, decaying, and merciless zombies.

Also. I was, in a sense, killing two birds with one stone...

For a long while, I had been insanely horny, so when I saw Keyne was about to walk in and catch a glimpse of my naked bod, I decided to begin showing off my feminine wiles and prove my worth to him.

I wasn't sure if he'd hit on me right away, but I was curious about how he saw me given that he was an even more attractive and wealthy young man.

If my world was still functioning normally, he would be completely out of my league when it came to dating based solely on his appearance and face.

He was one of those legendary, once-in-a-lifetime hunks. He also had the natural panty tossing charm to match.

His manly stare was captivating--those eyes, they were something else.

I'd only seen someone like him in best-selling romantic comedies before. However, there were only a few famous cases of such actors even back then.

They were difficult to find, but they had the same effect on most the ladies. That included me.







Thrud had finished her bath and was getting ready for the day.

I was on my way to see how Jill was doing.

I was on the phone with my best friend, who resembled Roy Harper from the Young Justice team.

I was going to meet him without the girls tomorrow.

When I finally entered Jill's room after carefully knocking, I was preoccupied with the cellphone conversation I was having with him.

I didn't look up right away to see what was going on. But I did by the time I got to the end of the call.

As they moved away from my sneakers, my eyes got wider.

I was totally frozen in my tracks.

Jill chuckled as she stood in front of me at the end of the long hallway leading to the huge room.

"Mind you, you could have waited a little longer when you didn't hear me responding behind the door," she explained. "As you can see, I'm still preparing... I'm still undecided about what to wear from the plethora of outfits you provided."

"But these are my clothes, which I've had since birth... What are your thoughts? Are they appealing?"

Jill's beautiful hair was still soaking wet. However, that wasn't the most crucial point to consider.

She was butt naked right in front of me. She was standing right in front of me, flaunting her boobs for me to freely ogle with my pervy stare.

She had a gorgeous set of pale red rosy nipples.

I had no idea why her huge, plushy breasts were jiggling so vigorously, but they had me completely captivated; those were some serious titties.

Thanks to her curvy hips, which were ample and alluring, I could see the outline of her perky butt cheeks even from the front.

The Jill I found through Rule34 porn search tags was not fat; she had the curves of a voluptuous goddess, promising heavenly and utopian sexual pleasures.

She had thicker, more compact flesh in all the right places to get your blood pumping.

Even though she was shorter in height, she had the body size and thickness of an amazing pole vaulter.

She had a slender midsection like theirs, but with much bigger boobs and curvy rear end.

She had enough ass cheeks to feed me for days.

When I was checking her out on Rule34, I couldn't see the bottom of her cheeks because she had a huge butt. Her thick and horny butt formed a sexy black crease at the bottom, like a sandwich hiding what was inside.

I was dying for a mouthful of that ass--but I didn't think I'd be able to get one so quickly...

Was I?

Since I wasn't exactly sure what her plan and intentions were in this situation, I wanted to make sure I was acting within the law before I did anything that could be seen as breaking it.

"This is by far my favorite…" I beamed with anticipation.

"I'm astounded by the level of beauty I'm witnessing. So, what exactly is the situation? Is this sudden hot thought real, or are you playing a joke on me?" I inquired as to whether I would be breaking any rules here. "I surely won't be one to argue if you're doing what I think you're doing. But I want to make sure you understand everything here."

"Why are you so wordy?" Jill laughed. "Do you like me?"

"If I say fucking yes?" I replied with a question.

"Oh…" Jill extended her index finger to me as she walked to the shower. "Then show me what you're made of, Keyne. Come on in with me. Let's get a little wet."

Standing there, I blinked for a split second because I still didn't understand and hadn't fully acknowledged my incredible and recent luck.

It was a string of good fortune following the unexpected rebirth, which was already a blessing:

Being young again with my old handsome face, even if I wasn't more successful as an actor.

My wealthy relatives. A DC world populated by ridiculously attractive women on the streets and on television.

Now, about those lovely ladies who lived with me... One even made me an irresistible offer.

POOFF in my brain!

Something exploded--it was my self-control.

The following instant. When I watched her smoking hot body disappear into the corner of the room, I had no idea what was going on in her head or what had come over her, but I didn't need to be told twice.

I wasn't about to pass up an opportunity I'd been waiting for my entire life, so I stripped down to my underwear, shoes, and the rest of my clothes, my heart and cock throbbing.

Before Jill invited me to this shower, I had my own.

But it was a formality I had to overlook if I didn't want to be a foolish single man that would fumble this bag.

Despite being infected with the G-Virus, the ideal Golgotha Virus, I was able to keep the infection from spreading through my blood or genital fluids. I had no desire to infect Jill.

As I entered the marble bathroom, she was leaning over the see-through shower stall, getting ready to crank up the hot water.

She smiled and said, her eyes widening in delight at my looks.

Oh, I see you were hiding something awesome down there... Is all that tough-looking cock for me?

"Many thanks for the compliment; it certainly is, without a doubt." Jill caught a glimpse of my massive, hard cock, ready to mate with her. "You're looking great as well, and to be honest, I'm not even saying enough about how great you look."







Keyne started hitting on me as soon as he walked into the restroom. Just the sight of his huge, muscular cock made me even wetter than before we got to this part of the bedroom.

Before we went to the bathroom, he was checking out my body with a horny vibe.

I had a sneaking suspicion he had a massive dick. But he was much bigger under his clothes than I had anticipated or wished for.

His thick, enormous cock was quite attractive. I witnessed this beast.

It was standing tall and its veins were simply pulsing and throbbing. It appeared as though Keyne was ravenous for my body and all of its curvatures.

I'd only been pitching an enticing idea to him for about twenty seconds, but his comments about my appearance and acceptance of my offer suggested that he did find me very attractive.

The truth is that after hearing my seductive words, Keyne immediately stripped naked and came over to bang me.

I was strangely flattered for what was considered normal for a healthy young man to be offered such an offer from a fuckable woman.

My lady parts were burning as I responded to his compliments on my sexiness because I imagined him dominating and controlling my body. "Seems like you can talk a big game, but why don't you show me what you're really made of with that tongue, huh? Come closer..."







*Passionate Smooch sound*

Keyne was proving to Jill that he was a man in every way imaginable. Furthermore, he didn't seem to mind being out of her league, at least not in the way that most of those two-faced gentlemanly males would in the presence of a lovely woman eager to offer herself to them.

He didn't seem like the type of man who would think about a girl's intentions if she approached him too quickly. He didn't seem like the type of man who would turn down such lavish, sexually fulfilling love proposals from women.

If she became his, it would definitely be another issue for her to ponder and sort out down the road. But Jill was content for the time being.

After going so long without getting down on a strong dick, she was going to love it.

While his strong hands descended on her huge rear, he grabbed, slapped, groped, and even leaned down to lick and bite her butt. He seemed to be head over heels in love with it and had an unusual obsession with it.

Jill laughed to herself as they kissed again. It felt like they were in a serious, committed relationship because they were already head over heels for each other and had a deep understanding of one another. Bodily speaking.

The chemistry was strong.

She'd found the man she was looking for right now. He wasn't just gorgeous; he was a pervert with no manners and no remorse for his actions.

Jill had a thing for bad boys when she was in high school. She wasn't as sweet as she once was, but she was still unpleasant. By acting in this manner, Keyne was effectively capturing the required evil aspect.

He was her naughty little child, whom she had raised and sexually assaulted Without a doubt...Jill had an incestuous streak in her love play in her mind.

She felt a stronger bond with him after learning more about him.

She confessed to him as her feelings for Keyne, a young con guy embroiled in multiple sex scandals, seemed to blossom in an unusual way. "Don't end the kiss too soon... Also, please don't be too nice to me; I had a great time."

As she talked, Keyne's hand roamed freely to the center of her thighs, and they kept making suggestive sounds while getting soaked in the steamy shower. She wanted him to finger her with his long, sexy fingers, which she secretly lusted after.

A dude, a damn good-looking dude, finally stepping up to fulfill her womanly desires was a whole different ballgame from her pleasuring herself. The zombie claws that chased her relentlessly for their next flesh-devouring meal were all she could think about, day in and day out.

Although it eventually became a habit, it wasn't a piece of cake to fend those off.

She'd always gotten by on luck and talent, but she didn't want to avoid Keyne's enticing grasp.

Of course not.

"I think we're going to get along great, Jill, even better than I thought," he drawled, looking down at her from his towering height. She noticed and heard him right away. "You don't have to tell me twice to start smooching you all over again."







*Flirtatious wet sounds*

Keyne was giving me the willies as we kissed again. He was playing with the outer edges of my responsive pussy, and we were both making filthiest, wettest moans from our lips from above, and me from mine from below.

It was getting ridiculously warm and cozy in here... I'd built up a lot of sexual tension and was starting to feel strangely at ease in my new surroundings.

I couldn't resist him and was perplexed by how quickly he heated up my body and heightened my desire for him.

He made me shudder with unbridled lust and a newfound appreciation for him and his finger touches, as if he knew exactly where to apply pressure.

"Cumming!" When I couldn't take anymore of his stimulating, titillating, and delightful touch, I let out a muffled scream from the lips I use to talk.

My pussy was throbbing and wet, and I was just as excited as his rock-hard dick, which was twitching on my stomach.

"Yes, hehe!" Keyne kneeled and laughed.

He opened his mouth just as my pussy gushed out a furious stream of water like a geyser.

I was surprised because he seemed to want to gulp it down.

"Huuoo!! Noo! Keyne!" As I couldn't stop squirting, he shamelessly closed his eyes and reveled in the sensation of warm feminine juices splashing all over his face.

I could not control myself and sprayed Keyne's face like a madwoman. Across his dazzling face.

I was having too much twitching pleasure blasting out vaginal fluids to say anything significant, lengthy, or clear enough to communicate my intentions not to let him do what he was doing.

It was my first exposure to anything like this, and it appealed to me both artistically and sexually. When he did that, I came out even stronger from my flowing pussy, and I started to feel as if I was going to dry up if it continued because I couldn't stop.

I ejaculated as much vaginal fluid as was picturable inside the bathroom three times like that.

Keyne swallowed every last drop of me with an inexplicably satisfied grin on his face.

I took deep breaths as I sagged tiredly on the floor. Desperate to get out, I grabbed the cubicle wall...

"You can't hog all that pleasure for yourself, can you?" Keyne said when I couldn't take it any longer.

With just this little start, I was feeling sexually depleted. Keyne seemed to have a talent for draining women.

"C'mon, it's my turn now; look after me for a while. My endurance is off the charts, so we won't be able to visit all of the hot spots I'd like to introduce you to. Let's save the adult entertainment for later tonight. But for the time being, why don't you entertain me with your hands?" He said, "I can't wait to do even more naughty things with you...So, while a handjob isn't ideal, it's better than nothing."

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