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Chapter 3: The Name That Will Shake The World

As they all grew acquainted with each other once again they all stared at the house, Xion had just arrived so she had already asked how far in the procedure was and Seth had answered her saying that it "Should be done, I had supplied them with a bit of my own energy so the leader should have been reborn, the only thing we need to wait for now is what name they'll give him. Whilst I don't mind what name he has it will be kind of weird calling him a different name". Everyone else couldn't help but agree with this, they had called their leader by the allocated nickname 'leader' most of the time but when they weren't in battle or were just talking regularly, his name was Azu. This is the name they got used to for 100 years, having to go through this process again was a weird thought for them. "Maybe they'll name him Azu again" Natu said jokingly. "Doubt it" Xion said logically. Yeah, they're holding him now - this is when they'll decide the name. Everyone listen in, everyone used their aura's to listen in on the conversation in the house.

"Um. I get the feeling that we're being watched, Rayns?" Selica felt an aura during the procedure and was very suspicious of the situation outside, but her husband just diffused her suspicions by bringing up the fact that they now had to come up with a name. This was one of the most important decisions that would determine an extremely important factor in one's life - so naturally they thought long and hard about it. Meanwhile, the 5 extremely powerful figures outside lied in wait, all of them, no matter how laid back some were, all focused on this event, as they would have to get used to this name.

"Um... How about... Delin?"

S: No, I can't accept that, she has to decline, that's a terrible name.

N: It's not that bad, I feel like I can kind of do that

I: I like it!

D: It's... kinda simple...

X: Nope. Can't do that.

"No, I feel like for some reason I can't accept that."

"Why? I like it... Lemme see. Um... What about Relic? It's like a combination of my R(ayns) and your (S)elic(a)"

S: Absolutely not, he needs his own identity

N: Yeah, I don't like that one as much as the last one...

I: I like it

D: No it's good, it sounds like someone who would be wise.

X: Nope, leader wasn't really that wise back then - he was more instinctive than he was wise...

"Um... I want him to have his own identity instead of just both our names combined. Plus Relic... It's not really a name i want to give to a child..."

"Jeez... You're really specific with your names huh..."

"I am his mother... I kind of need to be, Rayns..."


"I've got another one, how about Azu?"

S: Yes! Do that! I can't believe they would actually suggest that!

N: This fixes the problem of us getting used to another name I guess...

I: I like it!!!

D: It really is a coincidence...

X: I feel like this is too good to be true...

"No i don't like that one, I don't know why but it feels weird to give him that name, as soon as you said it he looked at me weird, look"

As they looked down at the infant in Selica's hands they saw that he expressed a clear dislike for the name.

S: Are you serious...

N: He's still the same person as he was back then...

I: I don't like that...

D: Even though he hasn't regained his memories he is naturally finding ways to prank us...

X: Yep it was too good to be true...

"Well, i really don't know then... I've come up with so much in my head but i feel like you're gonna deny all of them so I'm not gonna go on with any of them. How about you think of one? If you know what you want to call him, tell me and we'll see if i like it"

"I've had one in my head all this time, i just wanted to see if any of your names were as good as mine, how about this one. Sora"

S: Um... Gonna take some getting used to but i actually kinda like it.

N: Sora? Nature tells me that it has a strong aura of the sky, similar to the one the leader has.

I: I like it!!!!

D: That sounds easy to get used to, i don't mind that decision.

X: Better than anything i thought of...

"Um... Yeah, yeah i like that. Since you came up with it and i like it we should stick with that name, we need to make sure we get out of here as fast as possible. The conditions here are really bad compared to our home, we need to get him home as fast as possible." Rayns began to look around as if he had lost something, he was confused and looking everywhere "Rayns? What are you looking for?" Rayns looked back at her and then moved his gaze to the piece of cloth on the ground "Where's Reiner?" Selica stood up and realised that their wolf who they both saw as family was gone "Although Reiner is as strong as you and me, only something really weird would make him leave, especially during the birth of our first child... Where did he go?"

"Wolf?" Xion questioned, Seth and Natu stood up and remembered that there was indeed a wolf there when they had arrived, but during their chat with Iona and Dezrin, they had stopped using their aura to sense what was happening inside the house, so even they didn't know where the wolf went. "Um, is that it by any chance?" Iona pointed at a pure-white snow wolf staring directly at them from the bottom of the tree they were all standing on. This wolf 'Reiner' was extremely intelligent for the fact that it was a wolf, it understood human emotion and some part of the language, mainly commands like 'attack','defend','do this or do that' and even understood when to keep quiet about something and when to reveal something to Rayns and Selica (In his own way e.g leading them somewhere or withholding the location of something and refusing to lead them there). "Should we be worried about that?" They were all intrigued by the wolf in front of them, because unlike most animals, unless in a very special case, this wolf had an aura. Only powerful or special beings would possess aura, special beings being the newly reincarnated Sora and this wolf that was currently in front of them. The wolf stared at them without a hint of fear at all, it could clearly sense how powerful these beings in front of it were but sensed no bad intentions so it just stared at them. It gave a meaningful glance to Natu then went back inside the house. "What was that all about?" Seth said in a confused tone. "It noticed us but it didn't... do anything? It didn't bark or run away like most animals do when they sense our presence." Dezrin was also confused by this matter "Even so that wolf was clearly special, it had an aura, while faint the fact that it has one means that it is extremely special among it's kind." Xion was the only one who made a comment on his aura, she turned to Natu and asked "Natu. You've been perplexed for quite a while now, we all saw it stare at you, what happened?" Natu until now had been staring into the space where the wolf was, not moving at all, it was clear that the wolf had done something to put him in this state, he looked towards his teammates and said "Because of my sensitivity to the natural essence around us, naturally anything to do with nature, I have a strong understanding and control over. That glance that wolf gave me... Is a language that can only be exchanged by an animal with aura and a person with an aura related to nature. I don't know where that wolf learned to do it but it is an extremely secretive technique that I would say not even most of the people above our level of power know about." Everyone was shocked by this but Seth was the only one to ask "So? What did it say to you?" Natu looked back at Seth then to everyone else and said: "From what I could understand, all it said is 'Hello, nice to meet you again', that's it..." Everyone was perplexed by this "Again? What does it mean again?" Everyone had asked this question to themselves but could not find an answer, they had searched through their memories but over the course of 400 years, you would meet a lot of people, naturally, they couldn't find anyone that could be related to this wolf. Eventually, they gave up on trying to find who the wolf could be related to but still kept tabs on the wolf for any clues they might find.

As soon as the wolf returned into the house Rayns and Selica began to pack up all their belongings to continue the journey back home. Reiner was the family pet and the main form of transportation, a snow wolf could travel extremely fast and did not care about the terrain, through wide lakes or extremely steep mountains the wolf would traverse them with ease. All they had to do was get a saddle custom made for two people and the wolf could travel with them on his back. Rayns would set up a magical barrier around the saddle to negate the force of the wind and upwards and downwards force. So even when traversing up a steep mountain both Selica and Rayns would feel as if they were travelling on a straight road with no bumps, naturally, everything in the barrier reacted this way too so the saddle wouldn't jump up and down either. It was an extremely convenient and fast way to travel. As they put the saddle on Reiner once more looked towards that branch those 5 people had been standing on, to the naked eye nothing was there, but Reiner's sense of aura was very strong, they had used their own aura's to be invisible to the naked eye but Reiner could still sense all five aura's, one red, one green, two blue and one violet. He gave the aura's one last glance and as the 2 people and one infant jumped on the saddle on his back - he began to run almost as fast as the wind itself back to their village.

Only now did the five stop concealing themselves "Even when we had concealed ourselves he could still feel our presence, that wolf is undoubtedly special, this really is a mystery" Dezrin was analysing his memories and the wolf and was desperately trying to find a connection, whilst all of them weren't worried about what the wolf could do to them, it could easily do something to Sora. The wolf was a family friend so they all naturally felt relieved but they still didn't know what the wolf was planning, this wolf was definitely special so whilst they all believed that nothing would happen, they still had a minor distrust for it, perhaps it was just using the family? They would never know, because of the connection each person in this group had to their leader in his previous life, they would naturally edge towards the side of caution when it came to internal matters in their family.

"Well, we'll know if we keep tabs on him, but right now isn't the time to worry about that, as the leader said back then to all of us. We need to make sure we're around during his growing period. We need to oversee that 3 specific things happen. 1: He doesn't die, whilst that old demon can't personally come up here by himself, he can send his minions, we'll have to fight them off and let none of them get through us - his father and mother are above average mages but if even one of his minions makes it through they will probably only be able to last a couple of minutes before they both die. This leads me to 2: We have to make sure that any of our actions and anything to do with us are not revealed to the leader, showing ourselves is fine but we need to make sure that he doesn't find any of us suspicious. If he knows that 5 of the people near the top of the 100 legends of this world are purposefully helping him, he will grow arrogant and that will negatively impact his growth, our leader in the past was never arrogant, always humble, we need to make sure everything is the same as it was back then. And finally number 3: We need to SUBTLY give him ways to grow powerful, not enough that he dominates his entire generation but just enough to make sure he can get by. He cannot be too weak or too strong. One leads to a feeling of insignificance whilst the other leads to arrogance, neither are good, leader was always confident in his own strength but never enough to brag about it. If we don't meet these 3 conditions then we'll have failed the mission he gave to us 400 years ago. Each of us needs to come in a different part of his life, we also need to lower our aura's to that of his level if not slightly above. If all 5 of us come at once it will be too overwhelming. So, let's allocate who will come in at what parts of his life." Everyone looked at each other then looked at Dezrin "What?" Dezrin was confused. Iona and Natu looked at him with admiration whilst Seth and Xion looked at him speechless "Wow, man, you've already returned to how you were 400 years ago huh?" Seth said playfully, Dezrin now understanding the situation began to smile "Well I was the person that kept us from disadvantageous situations - so I feel like I need to do that again, it's been a while since we've all been together like this after all. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. When are we all coming into his life?"

Seth didn't even let anyone answer before he said "Dibs on puberty! I wanna see how our leader flirts with his girls - naturally, I will have to join whatever school he joins. I can alter the way I look to be younger." Whilst saying this he had a playful, mischievous smile on his face. Iona and Natu looked at each other and said "We'll go to the school he goes to when he begins to learn about magic and aura, we'll help him with anything he needs help with and can also subtly give him magic power without him noticing, we can steadily increase his store without him noticing" Iona and Natu both looked younger than everyone else so them coming to this decision was pretty logical, Dezrin had no qualms about this, seeing 2 people together was fine, he knew Natu and Iona were extremely friendly towards each other so them joining at the same time and being revealed as close friends would arouse no suspicion. "Then I guess me and Miss Xion will act as the teachers for that school, I didn't think about it before but we can technically all be seen by him as long as we fit into his natural surroundings." Xion naturally agreed with this way of thinking, as because of this she could register to be a physical category teacher, which would mean she could test Sora's strength and mentor him personally. In terms of how schools worked, teachers would be split into physical category and mental category. Physical category would be teacher's who tested student's magical power and aura level whilst mental category would be teacher's who taught the languages of the world, natural powers, different types of magic, etc. "We've agreed that I'll join as a mental category teacher and she'll join as a physical category teacher, we'll both personally mentor leader." They all collectively agreed on the roles and were ready to watch over him "I think it will actually be easier for him if we all become important figures in his life before he regains his memories, instead of just coming into his life all at once, whilst I said that it would be bad for us to come into his life altogether, if we come into his life one by one and establish a good relationship whilst keeping our levels of power to an extremely low level, we'll just seem like powerful mentors for the area we're currently in instead of 5 of the 100 legends. Iona, Natu, you guys need to make sure that your level is only slightly above that of your classmates, if leader naturally grows more powerful than the class, make sure that you stay just a level below him, knowing leader, if he grows more powerful than the class then he won't grow arrogant, he'll reach that level by himself, and it would be demoralising if even through the effort he puts in, two people are still stronger than him." Dezrin was planning everything out in a very detailed and clear manner, because of this everyone knew exactly what they had to do, all they had to do now was lie in wait, preparing for the day that he joined the school. They would naturally keep tabs on him to see when he would join the school, but all they could do right now is protect him from any dangers that might come to him until then.

About 100,000 metres from the wooden house there were two people and an infant above a wolf riding at an extremely fast speed. "Look Selica, the village is right there" In the distance, a faint outline of a village could be seen, this was a village built in a forest clearing and was about 1000 metres wide and 1500 metres across, for a normal village it was a pretty large expanse of land. This village was quite ordinary and not much happened here, it was a generally warm area until the winter where it would begin to snow and the temperature would drop, but not enough to lead to the area becoming deadly for human life. It was a very relaxing area to live in and most of the time the villager's were very content with living here, almost everyone got along. This was an extremely good environment to live in. The only cause of unhappiness was the fact that sometimes when hunting for food in the fields, some hunters would return with minor or major injuries, sometimes some would even die. This was the only negative of living in this village. They had to fend for themselves as they couldn't rely on any outside help. The men would be trained to hunt since they were young and if they were talented enough, they could choose to leave the village and apply for a school in a city to get stronger. Rayns and Selica arrived at the gate and the guards welcomed them in as they were very familiar with the people who belonged to this village. One of the guards, after letting them in, approached them and asked "Mr Rayns and Mrs Selica, congratulations, how was your trip to the city? Did you manage to successfully sell anything?" Rayns and Selica looked at each other with smiles on their faces then they moved their gaze to the guard "Yes we did, we managed to sell the bear pelts and pig meats. We came up with about 400 Gold. But that's not the best thing we got from this trip as you can see" She presented the infant in her arms to the guard and he happily smiled back at them, he then left them alone as he had to go back to keeping watch. "Your house has not been touched since you've been gone, here is your key." The guard tossed them a key then returned to his post. Rayns and Selica looked at each other with full smiles and began to ride to their home.

Artpyro Artpyro

I know it's weird that i put that there but i wanted to put some comedic stuff into this ^.^

S - Seth

N - Natu

I - Iona

D - Dezrin

X - Xion

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