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Chapter 10: Hunger Games Knockoff (1)

First Person POV Rules

Italic text like this, are the thoughts that are accessible to everything in a characters mind in first person.

Normal text like this is the character describing what they are doing in a sort of pseudo-omniscient narration.

"Text like this are people talking", whether that be the character the POV is following or people talking around them.

-Text like this are the thoughts of anything in the characters mind- this rules both applies to second consciousnesses and certain types of magic, like long distance communication between two people.

Third Person POV Rules




-Another persons thoughts in someone else's head-


Half of us are gonna die from this shit.

Luckily there is a lake right beneath where I'm falling but I can't say everyone else is so lucky.

I can see a few people in the distance, some use their Terraspheres to cast some sort of magic that slows them down enough that they will probably just dislocate a bone or two, while others, aka the people who barely fought and were saved by the bell just turn into paste on the ground.

I crash into the river, sinking all the way to the bottom with my momentum, before I quickly swim up and towards land and drag my paining body onto dry land as that annoying voice sounds again.

Is this bitch like 5 years old or something? Shit sounds like it was put through a cheese grater.

"Welcome to your next game! Only one person is getting out of this forest in the middle of fucking nowhere alive~! It would of been more, but sadly our next game is already full of contestants and has one slot left."

Should be easy enough, there are already only 4 people alive, and everyone else is either beyond weak, or dead. 

-They might just be talented enough that they just didnt struggle like your weak self did-

Fuck you, that fight wasn't fair and you know it.

-You sound like a toddler-



"You have a week to kill everyone here, the forest is huge, and there are guards in every corner of this forest, if you even try escaping you will be killed. Oh and did I mention its not just your group? There are a quite a few new and old 'recruits' here."

"Good luck~!"

"How much is a few you bitch?" I shout to absolutely no one as I wring my wet clothes, atleast the blood has washed off now.

"Sorry can't hear you~ this is a one way channel"

"The fuck did you hear me before then!?"


Whatever man.

So I have to not die for a whole ass week. I could just use my Raw Magic and let... what do I even call you?

-Nothing, I don't want your name-

I'll just call you Rot.

-What did I just say?-

Nothing important. 

I could just let Rot out to fight, I'm sure he(?) can demolish everyone here for me in record time.

Are you a guy by the way Rot?

-I don't have a gender, my gender is whatever it was before I got corrupted by the Rot when I was an actual dog, but I don't really remember anything before the day I was infected-

Damn... must be rough.

I thought that bitch was lying when she said you were a dog. Why the fuck is rot so scary, what if an actual elephant got infected? Is that thing gonna be like 5 stories tall?


Guardians don't have it easy then.

-Move you idiot-


I very quickly understand where that warning came from as I hear the halting of footsteps. I quickly turn around while quickly beginning to run and just in time. 

My eyes nearly bulge out of my head when a fucking bullet flies past me and lodges itself into the ground.

Fuckers have guns!?

-Its a Terrasphere-

Fuckers have magic guns!?

I look at the culprit who is holding an intricate flintlock like weapon, with a orb right where the barrel and handle meet.

Can Terraspheres actually just take whatever form?

-Yes. They take whatever form that the user is most familiar with, and that becomes their permanent form-

-This is very common knowledge, you know about Guardians and Old Magic, but don't know the very basics about New Magic?-

Well yeah, this is not how this world is su-

-Excuse me-



I am pulled out of my internal conversation by another magic bullet flying my way.

 I thought New Magic was supposed to be hard?

-It is, that persons just more talented than you, or a noble which I doubt. Nobles are rarely sold as slaves.-

"Yo chill you bitch!" I shout getting my footing once far enough away. I stare down my opponent, black hair- pitch black hair, hair so black it looks 2d, with no shadows or highlights.

Its that bitch from earlier.

"Sup, I need you to die before you use your Raw Magic" he grins taking another shot right at me, I'm not John Wick, so I am unable to get out of the way completely and the magic bullet pierces my shoulder.

Which renders it useless near instantly.

Luckily its my left shoulder.

-What's with you and losing your left arm-

Bitch I don't know.

It barely hurts though, after not having an arm and nearly being killed multiple times, this is light work, if the bullet pierced a bit to the left or something I would be able to use it through the pain, sadly I literally can't move it even if I try, it probably fucked over too many muscles.

"Wow, such high pain tolerance. I guess you did break a shit ton of your bones" the guy opposite me nods, preparing another shot.

Thank god there is a cooldown.

I decide to quickly rush him with my spear in my right hand, he begins backing up at full speed, but luckily I'm faster and have longer range, so once in striking distance I attempt to thrust right through his stomach.

But he finishes casting his spell and shoots that shit right at my face, but luckily I was being an idiot and thrust forward enough to lose my footing, meaning I am already falling so the bullet flies right over my head.

I swipe at his legs with my spear shaft and that manages to knock him over, I quickly rush to my feet as he shoots at me once again, this time missing and I raise my spear above my head and thrust it down.

-Into the lake-

I take that advice to heart and jump right into the river, and once inside an explosions rocks the surface and I watch as that black haired guy's charred body shoots overhead and right into the river.

Holy shit.


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