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High School DxD: Reach of the Wind High School DxD: Reach of the Wind original

High School DxD: Reach of the Wind

Author: KindaWeirdChampBro

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter one: Soft Breeze.

I stared at the mirror, unable to take my gaze away from the reflection. The reflection stared back with the same look it always has as if asking me, 'another day of lazing around?'

"Yeah, whatever..." I growled at the reflection. "You'll see. One of these days, I'm going to turn things around." The mirror didn't care about whatever I had to share with it. It just passively stared back, matching my gaze perfectly.

Right, it's time for me to introduce myself. My name is Tokinada, Tokinada Hayashi. I am seventeen years old, and as usual, I feel like another year goes by without anything exciting ever happening.

And I'm late for my first day of high school, so I better head downstairs for breakfast before mom unleashes her motherly fury upon me. I'm not fond of hearing her give endless speeches about taking my education seriously so early in the morning. And so I walked down the stairs with a heavy heart; my steps made no sound, and I soon heard the familiar sound of dishes clanking together.

''Morning, Mom.'' I greet her, making her jump. It's not that she's not focused, but as usual, no one could ever manage to hear me coming.

"God damn it! Would you stop doing that for once!?" Mom screamed at me, startled by my sudden appearance. ''Seriously, you are going to end up giving me a heart attack one of these days.''

Mom was wearing an apron and cooking bacon on the kitchen stove. She took out a plate containing a piece of bacon with a fork, which she placed in front of me. "Be careful; it's hot... Oh, right."

"Thanks." I thank her, a sudden breeze roaming the room as I stick the bacon inside my mouth without a second thought. Mom stared at me briefly but soon returned to the kitchen stove. "How much time do I have till school starts?"

"Just a little under fifteen minutes. You better hurry." Mom replied, continuing to cook without looking back. "Your school uniform is in the bathroom."

"My uniform?" I asked her, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, man... That's right; there's a school uniform..." I sighed, walking towards the bathroom. "I get it was an all-girls school until recently, but is there a need for such a unique uniform design...?" You mutter, picking up the uniform from the bathroom's vanity table.

The uniform consisted of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. A bit too formal for high school, if you ask me, not to mention uncomfortable as fuck.

But then again, this used to be an all-girls school, the only one in town, so I suppose it was quite a prestigious institution back in the day. It changed into a co-ed school some time ago, and for some ungodly reason, my mother had decided switching schools was just what I needed to improve my life.

"Now listen, Toki..." Mom spoke up, looking up and down at my uniform and fixing it with a critical gaze, "I heard there are far more female students than male students in Kuoh Academy, so please, for the love of god, BRING A GIRLFRIEND HOME!" Mom finished, pushing me into the hallway and straight to the entrance door.

"B-But why?" I asked, being forced to head out. "I'm just fine like...'"

"No excuses!" Mom shuts any arguments off. "I was blessed with such a handsome son, and all he does is lock himself up in his room! Well, I'm not having it! It's a waste of potential!" Mom roared at me, being as eccentric and embarrassing as ever. And so I soon find myself expelled from home until further notice with my backpack and a lunch box in my hands.

A few minutes later, I arrived at school. I stood before the gates and looked at the other students lined up outside the building. There were far more girls than boys around the gates, although the ratio wasn't as skewed as expected. I felt a pair of eyes glued onto me, but when I turned around, there were some girls behind me, but I found not even one of them was staring at me.

As I stared at the group of girls, I heard someone behind me.

"Hey, new guy!" I slowly turned around, finding myself staring at a tall girl with blue hair wearing a short skirt and a tank top. As she was not wearing the school uniform, I found it odd that she called me the 'new guy.' Surely she couldn't be a student? If so, then someone ought to inform her about the dress code.

"..." I stared at her, frowning. "How do you even know I'm new here?"

She giggled mischievously. "Simple: You are gawking at the girls like a horny dog, like all the new guys."

"I was not," I told her, shutting off whatever weird fantasies she might have been thinking of. "Besides, seeing as you are not wearing a uniform, I doubt you are a..."

"... A fellow student?" The blue-haired girl tilted her head cutely. "Well, I am. I'm a third-year student! You see, I felt strangely Ill and, unfortunately, had to skip the first day... Such a shame!"

"Clearly," I replied, unsure what to make of the girl's antics. So she had decided to skip school but still came to check out the new students anyways? She sounded like a bit of a weirdo if you ask me. "Well, if that's all, I'll be heading inside..." I start walking towards the school building, feeling the urge to leave the strange girl behind.

"Oh, come on...!" The blue-haired girl said, taking hold of my arm. I frowned a little; I didn't like people touching me, a complete stranger, even less so. "You are not even going to tell me your name? How mean...!"

"I'm Tokinada," I tell her blankly. "Now, please, let me go. People are starting to stare at us."

"Hmhmhm..." The girl giggled. "Indeed they are; aren't they such curious creatures?" She released my arm at long last, waving at me as she left. "Name's Chitose, be sure not to forget it! Nice to meet you, Toki!"

"..." I stared at her as she left the area. What an absolute weirdo.

Deciding that was enough strange encounters for a day, I headed out of there, walking past the school gates and into the school grounds. I stood before the school building, examining the surroundings for the first time. The school was nothing short of massive; the school grounds themselves were far too big for the number of students attending.

"Ugh... What was my class again?" I pondered, walking around the halls aimlessly, trying to find my way to the classroom I was assigned to. "Class 3-B? Something like that..." I sighed; this was going to take a while.

I found it soon enough; the school building wasn't that big, so there were only so many rooms to walk by before eventually coming across the right one. I walk inside, finding myself in a spacious hall with rows of seats lined up along both sides of the walls. Most students were seated in the first row; those not sitting down were standing beside their desks.

The teacher was a middle-aged woman, possibly around her late thirties. She seemed to be looking for someone, but her eyes stopped when she saw me, observing me.

"Right on time; I was about to close the door." The teacher said. I offered her a short nod of acknowledgement in response, heading for the seat closest to a window, though sadly, most of the chairs next to them seemed to be already occupied.

It's not long before the rest of the students arrive, and everyone takes their seats. I glanced around the room, taking note of each person present. No one else here stood out to me, except for...

I couldn't finish my line of thought before I was proven wrong, for there was someone who stood out from the crowd. I sat silently, staring at the girl sitting near the back of the room. Her hair was a deep shade of red, and her skin seemed as pale as the moon itself.

I am not one to stare like a creep, but for a high school student, the red-haired girl had a body that couldn't belong to someone God himself didn't bless. Her formal uniform didn't hinder her beauty in the least; her breasts and hips were big enough to have me staring at them, and her slender waistline further accentuated her figure.

If I had to find some words to describe her, she was the image of perfection; she maintained herself with grace and poise, smiling and talking to her classmates around her with ease.

"You have met our local celebrity, I see..." I heard a voice from a male student sitting behind me. His tone of voice was knowing and slightly teasing. ''That beauty's name is Rias Gremory; she's our school's most popular student.''

"..." I stared back at him. He had brown hair with a slight touch of grey, green eyes, and a skinny build; all in all, he seemed like an average-looking student. "Rias Gremory? That's an interesting name. I take it she's not from here."

''Correct.'' He chuckled. "No idea where she's from, though. What's your name, by the way? I have never seen you around before, so I take it you are a new student?"

It was slightly awkward to keep talking to someone standing directly behind me. Still, it's not like I could turn around without risking the teacher -who was currently explaining the basics of the course- noticing me speaking to another student. "Tokinada." I quietly replied. ''Tokinada Hayashi.''

"Tokinada, huh?" He said. "I'm Daisuke. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," I replied, nodding in response to his greeting.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

I looked at my watch; it was almost time for class to end. Then just like that, the bell rings, and we all stand up to leave the room. The teacher briefly summarized what would be taught in the following weeks and dismissed us soon after. We took our time gathering our things and left the classroom, heading towards the school gates.

Outside, I noticed the students chatting and laughing amongst themselves, some discussing their upcoming lives in the school. Everyone, even the new students like me, seemed to have already found someone to chat and spend time with. Everyone except me, of course.

''Hey, buddy.'' I felt someone's hand landing on my right shoulder. I turned around and looked at Daisuke, the boy from class. "Mind if I tag along with you? Most of my friends seem to be chasing after the school's beauties, so I'm alone for now."

''Sure,'' I said, nodding in agreement. I'm not the most social of people, but I'd gladly take some company rather than being alone. ''Where do you usually hang out?'' I ask.

''Oh? I have someplace in mind.'' Daisuke grinned mischievously. "I can show you to my favourite spot if you want. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it."

"Sure, lead the way." I don't need to be sold on anything; I'm just happy not to be stuck with my own thoughts for the entire afternoon. I followed him to the forest... Yes, the school grounds were so massive that even a small forest was inside its premises. We headed towards the nearest clearing and sat below a group of trees.

"This place is awesome, isn't it?" Daisuke laughed. "I usually come here so I can take a quick nap. It's near the old school building, so no one tends to be around it.''

''Hmh.'' I agreed with him, nodding lightly. It did look comfy, and the area was quiet enough for me to sit back and rest for a little while. Shame I didn't pick up my headphones from my school bag; I could have fallen asleep listening to music. ''Shame our break isn't that long; I could have used some time to rest... The teacher almost put me to sleep today. I was drooling on my desk.''

Daisuke laughed at my comment. "You sure you weren't drooling from staring at our local school celebrity?'' He got up from his seat, set his backpack down, and stretched his arms upwards. He rummaged through the contents of his bag, finding a pack of cigarettes. "Mmm, feels great after sitting through those boring ass lectures.''

Daisuke tried lighting up the cigarette, but the wind blew away the flame, leaving him cursing under his breath. "Damn it, annoying ass wind... Tokinada, cup the lighter for me...''

''No need.'' I told him, waving him off as I rested my back on the tree.

''What...?'' The breeze vanished instantly, allowing Daisuke to light up the cigarette. ''How did you know? Are you a psychic or something?''

''No, I'm not. And I wasn't staring at her either.'' I don't comment on his smoking; from his previous words, I bet he frequents this place enough to know this place is safe from other students and teachers. ''Though I'll admit, it's the first time I see a girl that's so... How do I put this without sounding like an absolute creep? ... So exotic looking?''

''You ain't alone.'' Daisuke laughed. "Half the school is after her, and I don't mean just male students.'' He added with a short chuckle. He took out another cigarette and offered it to me. "Care for a smoke?"

''I'm not much of a smoker,'' I replied. ''I've smoked a couple of times before, but it's not my thing.''

''Ah, well...'' Daisuke shrugged. ''I just didn't want you to feel left out.'' He put the cigarette back in the pack and placed it inside his pocket. We both sat under the tree for a few minutes until he finished his cigarette. Once he was done with it, he stood up and signalled me to follow him. "Come on; I'll show you something interesting."

We walked deeper into the forest, just another short walk from where we hung out. In no time, we reached another big building, and from our conversation before, I guessed this was the old school building he mentioned.

''I mean, I'm not a fan of architecture, but...'' I trailed off, not sure what to make of what he wanted to show me. ''It looks nice, I guess...? I preferred our last spot, though.''

''I don't mean the building...'' Daisuke told me, pointing at a specific window. ''Up there, look closer.'' I did as instructed, squinting my eyes to zoom in on whatever he was trying to point out. When I did so, I saw a familiar face; the red-haired girl from the class was peeking outside.

''It's her again...'' I blinked, staring at her wearing some casual clothes, a blue tank top, and tight black pants; she looked nothing short of breathtaking in more casual attire. ''What is she doing here?''

Daisuke shrugged. ''Oh, right... I'll explain later. What's important is she and some of her friends hang out inside the old school building, but I never thought we would be lucky enough to actually see her.'' He gave me a grin. "So, what were you saying...? It was something about preferring the spot from before? You are free to go back there, though I'm afraid I'll stay here for a little longer.''

''Shut it, smartass...'' I shoved him playfully. ''I didn't know this was what you meant by 'something interesting'. This isn't so bad, though...'' I said as I sat beside Daisuke, watching Rias continue looking outside the window. ''You are right, though... I guess she's cute...''

''No shit, Sherlock,'' Daisuke said with a grin. ''She's gorgeous, alright? We should leave before she notices us, though. She might get mad at us if she spots us.''

''Yeah, you're probably right...'' I stand up from my seat and look at the old school building. ''Guess it's time to head back to class...''

We both turn around with our things in hand and head back toward the school building. When we did, I felt a familiar sensation of being watched. I looked behind and back to the window, but Rias was no longer there. Had she somehow noticed us...?

I decided not to speak about it with Daisuke, so we continued walking silently. We reached the main school building soon enough and returned to our classroom.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

''Man, what a pain...'' I mumbled as I stood up from my desk, stretching my arms upwards. The class had finally ended for today, and I guess it was about time for me to go home. ''Talk about a boring lesson...'' I sighed.

''I agree...'' Daisuke added while doing his absolute best to suppress a yawn. ''But at least we are done for the day, huh? Oh, before I forget, give me your number. I'll call you sometime when I'm free.''

''Sure, I don't mind,'' I replied, writing down the digits on a piece of paper and passing it over to him. ''Is that it then?''

''Yep. See ya later, Tokinada.'' Daisuke grinned, waving goodbye to me. I waved back and left the classroom. After seeing him off, I quickly made my way towards the exit and headed towards the school's front doors.

''I should head back home.'' I mused to myself as I exited the school grounds. ''Then again, mom is bound to bombard me with questions about my day...''

I pondered on my next move as I walked down the street, the sun shining brightly above me. I had no friends to speak of whom I could hang out with. I passed by the park and turned right before reaching the main road.

''Hmm...'' I thought out loud. ''Maybe I should stop by the store... No, I don't need anything...'' I shook my head lightly; I was just stalling for time; I needed some peace and quiet, something I'm sadly not about to get back home. ''Better just head straight home instead...''

The street lights were still lit, and the lack of cars passing by gave me plenty of room to walk freely without getting in anyone's way. The only sound I heard was some cat's footsteps on the pavement and the gentle breeze blowing past me. The breeze began to pick up in intensity, and the amount of noise I picked up increased with it.

From about a hundred meters behind me came light footsteps, the flapping of wings, and a soft, chilling, feminine laughter. I paused; this was a sound I had grown familiar with for the past couple of days, someone had been tracking me for a while now for reasons unknown, and every time they did, I could hear winds flapping for some odd reason.

I slowly turned around and faced my pursuer. A small girl stood behind me, her lengthy hair flowing gently in the wind, her slender figure clad in a black dress. Her eyes pierced through my soul, and despite her young age, she exuded a form of maturity beyond her years, a sense of serene beauty.

The girl in question wore a gothic lolita attire, consisting of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. The strangest part about her, though? The set of black wings sprouted from her back.

''Hm... Isn't that fascinating? You sensed me, right? You are not running from me either.'' The little girl smirked at me; her lips curled into a sadistic smile. ''You used a Sacred Gear, isn't that right? I was starting to lose hope; I mean, watching you day after day without you doing anything interesting. But then, when I saw you walk into that school and head towards that lonely forest, I thought maybe I should just kill him. I mean, even if he isn't a Sacred Gear user...''

''He made me waste so much time... I might as well just kill him out of spite.'' The girl added, walking a step closer to me. I instinctively took a few steps backwards, keeping the distance between us.

''But then, the moment I entered the forest... You did something as that kid tried to light up his cigarette.'' The girl explained. ''The breeze, just for a second, stopped completely. The current of wind shifted, and so he was able to light up his cigarette.''

''Well...'' I trailed off; that explains a lot. The eyes I had felt locked on me for so long must have belonged to her. ''You are the one who's been stalking me, then? I'm sorry, but you are a little too young for me, grow a little older, and I'll consider it...'' I added, grinning.

''...'' The girl frowned, her glare hardening just a little. ''You must have encountered some supernatural beings in the past to remain so calm even when seeing my wings... Some stray devils, no doubt. However, you are seriously underestimating if you think...''

''You have been talking a lot of nonsense for a while.'' I interrupted her, shaking my head at the foreign concepts. ''You are not making any sense, girl. Stray devils? What is that shit even supposed to mean? You better fuck off before I...''

A spear of pure light brushed past my face, piercing my cheek and causing blood to drip down my chin and neck. I frowned, staring at the little girl who had another one of those spears in her hands.

''You are awfully cocky for a mere human.'' The girl snarled, her eyes narrowing dangerously. ''I could just kill you, but then that would mean I wasted all my time following you. So instead, I'm going to beat you up until you are near death, then...''

The blonde girl never got to finish her sentence, for it was her time to splatter blood around the ground, a hole of about five centimetres wide opened up in her chest. I was pointing my index finger at her, directly at the wound in her chest.

''Like I said... You sure talk a lot of nonsense.'' I pointed at her hand holding the light spear, and before she could even stop screaming from the pain of the wound in her chest, another hole the size of a golf ball appeared on her left hand, making the spear vanish into nothing but light particles. ''You called this power a Sacred Gear, right?''

I stared at the crimson ring that had manifested on my index finger, testing the new word with my lips. ''Well, it's nice to know what to call it at long last...''

Small waves of wind emanated from my index finger, ruffling the air around. ''Your logic was sound, and I commend you for discovering my powers from such a brief display of them back in the forest. You even waited to attack me until I was far from anyone else so you could deal with me without interruptions, however... It never occurred to you I could be stronger than you?''

''Y-You... A human, stronger than a F-Fallen Angel...?'' I watched her writhe in pain as she clutched her chest. ''That's n-nonsense... Still, that attack... W-What was that...? I couldn't even s-see it.''

''Hm... Fallen Angel? That's new.'' I mused, walking closer to her. ''You have given me a lot of useful information. You are a Fallen Angel, then... So such creatures do exist after all... Your name, what is it?''

''...Mitt... Mittelt...'' The girl mumbled weakly, the pain in her chest making her cough up blood as she grasped her wrist.

''Well, Mittelt... Our relationship was brief but surprisingly beneficial.'' I told her, pointing the finger at her forehead. ''But all good things must end, so do me a favour and sit pretty while I finish the job. I'll make it quick.''

''W-Wait, p-please... I can...'' I never got to hear whatever she wanted to share with me; I gathered some wind around my finger and released it in the shape of a bullet, it went right through her forehead, and her body fell like a ragdoll onto the ground. I looked down at the corpse, staring at the little girl's lifeless face.

''Well, that was lame...'' I wiped some of the blood off of my cheek and chuckled. ''You sure talked some big game for someone without any actual skills.'' I turned around and walked away from the scene; whoever found her corpse would have to explain how a girl with wings lay dead in the street, but that was not my problem.

I did not even touch her, after all!

End of the prologue.

KindaWeirdChampBro KindaWeirdChampBro

Throughout this story, I'll provide several images for each and every single one of the Original Characters I introduce; the images are beautiful and drawn in the very same style as DxD.

The cover, for example, is an image done exclusively for this story, I'll provide art of the same quality and in the same style for every single character.

You'll find these pictures in the paragraph comments during certain scenes or the introduction of a new character to the story.

I'll also link some NSFW art here and there... Done for this story exclusively as well, so do enjoy it whenever it comes! ;)

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