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Chapter 40: 06 – Transcendental Experiment

Nero continued to observe in complete silence the pair of devils who acted as guards in Naberius territory.

The two guards were shaking when they saw the 10 devil wings on the young devil's back, after all, devils only have one pair of wings regardless of their powers and this is one of the differences between the race and angels or fallen angels.

However, the 10 wings on Nero's back could only mean one thing, he is part of the exception, he is a descendant of the 4 great families that give their name to the thrones of the current Satans.

With the teleportation symbol and the five pairs of devil wings, the two guards were certain of the visitor's identity and were afraid of the consequences of their arrogant actions.

"Greetings to the descendant of the King of Devils." Both guards knelt to greet Lucifer.

"I can't believe someone so precious is coming to such a shabby place as our Naberius territory." The guard on the left said with a flattering tone.

"Did your legs hurt in the way to here, if you wish we might carry you or call a carriage." Says the guard on the right, following his partner's flow.

"You two weren't acting like this before." Nero coldly interrupts the show of stupidity.

"I'm so sorry sir, pleass forgive us." The guard on the right speaks by hitting his head on the ground as he kneels.

"We didn't know we were in the presence of the bloodline of the King of Devils. Forgive us for our stupidity." The second guard makes the same gesture.

"Guide me to the lord of this territory." Nero looked condescendingly at the pair of guards and said in a cold voice.

"Of course young Lord Lucifer." Says the guard on the left.

"No, I'll be the guide, you'll keep watching the territory." Says the other guard.

"No way." The two keep fighting.

"Both of you guide me to Lord Naberius." Nero repeated in an icy tone.

"Alright sir." The two got up and began to walk quickly towards the interior of the Naberius residence.

As the pair of idiots led the way, Nero sighed in relief.

"Your acting skills are incredible young master. Maybe you should consider a career in acting, who knows what your real nature is, maybe your honest and harmless appearance is just a fake." Sebastian whispers in Nero's ear.

The two guards led him down a long, winding path that passed through several gardens and fountains. Nero observed everything with curiosity, but also with caution. Along the way he constantly felt the presence of several devils, who watched him from afar and, therefore, he could not let his guard down for even a second.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally arrived at the residence, which was a huge and imposing castle. The group entered through the main door, and saw several paintings and statues, which portrayed members of the Naberius family.

"Look, isn't that the old Lord Naberius?" Sebastian said nostalgically.

"Exactly, this painting immortalizes the image of our great Lord Hector Naberius who was murdered in the last Civil War." One of the guards commented.

"How did he die?" Nero asked curiously and before Sebastian could respond the two guards jumped to speak.

"Lord Hector fought bravely in the Civil War but was cowardly murdered by Sirzechs Gremory." The second guard says.

"Lord Nero Lucifer, you seem interested in our history. Do you want to know how Lord Hector died?" The first guard asked, with a voice of respect and sadness.

"Yes, I do. How did he die? How did Sirzechs Gremory kill him?" Nero asked, with a voice of curiosity.

"Lord Hector died in a glorious and tragic way. He died in a duel with Sirzechs Gremory, the leader of the anti-Satan faction. He died defending his ideals and his honor. He died as a true devil and a true Naberius." The second guard said, with a voice of pride and sorrow.

"He died in a duel? How did that happen? How did he challenge Sirzechs Gremory?" Nero asked.

"Lord Hector was a brave and noble devil. He was not afraid of Sirzechs Gremory, or his power of destruction. He was not afraid of fighting him, or his army. He was a fearless and loyal devil." The first guard said, with a voice of admiration and grief.

"He challenged Sirzechs Gremory in the middle of the battlefield, in front of everyone. He challenged him to a one-on-one fight, to decide the fate of the war. Our old master was a bold and daring devil." The second guard said, with a voice of awe and regret.

"He challenged Sirzechs in the middle of the battlefield? How did he do that? How did he even get to him?" Nero asked, with suspision.

"Lord Hector was a clever and cunning devil. He knew how to use his skills and his resources. He was a smart and crafty devil." The first guard said, with a voice of praise and lament.

"What does that mean?" Nero asked with growing doubt.

"He sacrificed a large part of his own troops to reach Sirzechs and threatened young Gremory with the explosion of his subordinates who had bombs inside them." Sebastian clarified the situation.

"So Sirzechs accepted the duel to protect his own troops." Nero understood the situation.

"Hey! Lord Hector fought valiantly and honorably. He fought with his full power and skill. He fought with his pride, dignity, faith and conviction. He fought as a devil and a Naberius." The first guard said, with a voice of reverence and admiration.

"Lord Naberius used a hidden weapon to execute that damn Gremory, but how dare that bastard destroy the dagger bathed in holy water." The second guard said, with a voice of contempt and anger. "Clearly in a dagger fight you should use a dagger, Sirzechs cheated by using a clan trait."

Nero looked astonished at the madness of these two who proposed that the victim should be stabbed with a substance lethal to their species just because the enemy tried a cowardly plan that failed.

"Changing the subject, on the side of Lord Hector's portrait you can see the image of our current Lord Naberius, Mr. Jaspier Naberius." The other guard commented on a painting of a tall young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Nero kept the image in his head, after all this is the most dangerous being in this territory. When entering an unknown area it is always good to be aware of who the boss is.

The four continued walking and saw showcases containing some objects and symbols, which represented the power and influence of the Naberius family.

Among them was a large clock, which marked time in a precise and complex way through multiple gears that rotated around its own axis at angles that were constantly changing. The second object was a large mirror, which showed various places and people clearly and in detail, as if it were a spy screen. The last object that caught his attention was a large book, which was written in a mysterious and ciphered form in a language strange to Nero's eyes.

The path the group was following arrived at a dark and narrow corridor, which went underground. From this corridor echoed sounds of screams and groans and smells of blood and rot. With each step the group felt a change in the atmosphere, which became heavier and darker, and with that they were certain that they were close to Lord Naberius' laboratory, where he carried out his experiments with super devils.

They finally reached the end of the corridor, and there was a vast dungeon, but a nearby room stood out with a sign that said "Access Restricted".

"We can't continue from here." Says the guard on the left.

"Your servant must also leave as he will not be allowed to enter." Says the other guard.

"Good luck Lord Lucifer." They both bowed respectfully and turned back down the same corridor.

"It seems like it's time for you to meet one of the 72 pillars of the underworld, are you ready young master? I wonder what your performance will be this time, or if you will show your true face, what a shame I can't accompany you."

"Sebastian... just do whatever you want in the meantime."

Then Nero simply opened the door and walked in.

The scene upon entering the laboratory was horrible. He saw various types of experiments, which could be associated with atrocities and torture. A view that would be considered immoral even in a war scenario.

Several bodies, whether humans, fallen angels, devils, and other creatures, were arranged throughout the laboratory on tables or cages. Some were alive and others were not, among them it was uncertain which were dead or unconscious due to pain. Among the test subjects were visible tests such as them being injected with unknown substances, electrocuted, mutilated, cut, burned.

Some of these test subjects were being studied, while others were being discarded.

Nero saw the researcher who was carrying out brutal tests on a test subject who appeared to be a reincarnated devil who was still conscious.

This researcher was a tall, thin man with blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a white coat stained with blood and a red tie, he had a serious and concentrated expression and simultaneously a curious and cruel look like the victim at his table.

An unknown substance was being injected into the subject, using multiple needles, which pierced the skin in multiple locations.

It was uncertain what the purpose of the experiment was, but the result was evidently that it failed, and the subject died of anaphylactic shock.

The man turned around and saw Nero. He recognized the silver shade of the hair, and smiled. He greeted, with a cordial and false voice.

"What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect your visit, but I'm happy to welcome you. I wonder which family you come from, young man? Based on the color of the hair, I have a guess."

"It's a pleasure Lord Naberius, my name is Nero Lucifer, and I am the great-grandson of the progenitor of devils, the king of devils Lucifer. I heard about your experiment with super devils and it intrigued me so I decided to pay a visit." Nero replied in the same tone of voice, but noticed a surprise in Naberius's eyes when he mentioned the experiment with super devils, which was a secret.

"I see you're a fan of my research. I don't mind interrupting my work for a moment, after all I already finished my test, and it was a failure. Another useless guinea pig, who couldn't handle the transformation. But don't worry, I have many others. I already have the perfect test subject in mind, and with it I will create a method of generating new super devils."

He approached Nero, and shook hands with his blood-stained hand. Naberius then saluted, with a respectful and ironic voice.

"Where are my manners, I got too excited talking about my research, allow me to greet you appropriately. Welcome to my territory, Nero Lucifer. I am Lord Jaspier Naberius, the host you honor with your presence."

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Naberius."

"Don't be modest, I am a great admirer of your lineage. You are the direct descendant of Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the first super devil in history and the inspiration for my life's work. Furthermore, you are the rightful heir to the throne of Lucifer, the king of devils."

After greeting, Naberius's expression changed as he walked away from Nero, and looked him up and down. He evaluated him, with a despicable and sarcastic voice:

"But you are also a huge disappointment, Nero Lucifer. You are the bearer of the noblest and most powerful blood in the underworld, but apparently you have a strength that is only on par with middle-class devils, that is, the average level of beings judged as reincarnated devils. His existence is pathetic and ridiculous, an affront to the honor of the first super devil."

Nero just watched the man silently with a cold gaze as he let Jaspier continue his speech.

"You are inferior to me even with your noble blood. You are nothing, Nero Lucifer. But don't worry, when I succeed in my experiments I will allow your bloodline to reach the level it should have been from the beginning, I will erase your weakness and make you a true work of art."

"Beautiful words Lord Naberius, but how do you plan to carry out your plans? Your last test subject just died in front of me and the progress didn't seem to be effective." Nero said with a smirk.

"Don't worry, I've had great results with previous nekoshous who acted as my guinea pigs. Youkai of this species are perfect for these tests, even though they are just reincarnated devils, their potentials are astronomical."

"I understand, but I would like to know what exactly this experiment will be like." Nero reiterates.

"Hmmm... explaining the theory is easier with a practical demonstration." He opens a button and a man in red armor enters the room. "Prepare the youngest nekoshou, it's time to start the experiments on her, she should be ready in one hour."

"One hour? Why this break?"

"I want to do one more test on an expendable test subject to try other things while I test the main experiment. During the experiment I will explain the concept of my research and let you know what will happen, so when it is nekoshou's turn you will already understand the magnitude of my success."

Jaspier Naberius walked through the room and found a young man who appeared to be a reincarnated devil who was originally a human.

"This is one of my most ambitious projects. I'm trying to create a super devil, who can overcome the limits imposed by nature, the limits imposed by that despicable god through that flawed system of his. I am trying to create a being that can transcend restrictions and match the god-kings of each pantheon. That's exactly what you heard, I'm trying to create a god in the form of a devil." Lord Naberius said, with a proud and fanatical voice.

"For this, I need a special guinea pig. This guinea pig needs to have a strong and resilient soul, which can withstand the changes and pain that I will cause. He must have a firm and unshakable will, which can adapt and improve, along with unlimited and unexplored potential, which can transform and evolve. I need a guinea pig like Roland Blair." Lord Naberius said, pointing to the man who was trapped on a table, full of wires and tubes.

"Roland Blair was an exceptional human. He is a former soldier, who participated in several wars and missions, and is a former mercenary, who worked for several organizations and individuals. In the middle of his life he became involved with the supernatural and became a former hunter, who killed several monsters and devils. This man has incomparable experience and skill, he has an indomitable soul and will, but most of all he has incredible potential and capacity." Lord Naberius said, admiring his specimen.

"I captured Roland Blair a few months ago, when he tried to eliminate a stray devil that I was looking for to be my guinea pig. Since then I brought it to my laboratory, and started doing my experiments on it. I injected him with various substances who acted as power inducers, which I created from crystallized and hypercondensed demonic power in its purest state. Furthermore, I exposed him to various external stimuli, which I created from advanced magic and rustic methods, such as electrotherapy. I observed and analyzed it, using my equipment and my knowledge, I transformed and improved it, using my methods and my criteria. I made Roland Blair one of my masterpieces." Lord Naberius said, showing his work.

"This is the last stage of my experiment. I will inject Roland Blair with the last substance, which I created from the heart of a dragon. I will expose Roland Blair to the ultimate stimulus. With this he can achieve a process of false enrage to improve himself until he reaches the desired level." Lord Naberius said, preparing his final test.

Nero listened to everything with attention, but also with repulsion. He did not agree with what Lord Naberius was saying. This was not research, but extremely refined torture in the form of a false promise of power.

"Lord Naberius, I have a question. What is the average number of experiments your test subjects can withstand before succumbing?"

Lord Naberius replied to Nero, in an indifferent and casual voice:

"That depends on the test subject. Some guinea pigs are weaker and die in the first experiment. Other guinea pigs are stronger, and resist various experiments. The average number of experiments a guinea pig survives before dying is five. But I once had a guinea pig that withstood fifteen experiments before I gave up on it. She was my toughest guinea pig."

Nero was surprised by Lord Naberius' response. He didn't understand how he could do so many experiments on the same guinea pig without developing a shred of empathy.

"Lord Naberius, I have another question. What was the guinea pig that withstood fifteen experiments before you gave up on it? Why did you give up on her if she was so resilient?"

Lord Naberius replied to Nero, in a despicable and casual voice:

"A nekoshou. After entering my peerage, that youkai became a demonic cat, which I obtained a few years ago after her mother had a relationship with one of my researchers. She was one of my favorite guinea pigs, that vitality and regeneration she demonstrated was incredible. It withstood twelve experiments before I gave up on it. I gave up on her because she stopped showing satisfactory results, and not because she died. Tragically, she showed no sign of transforming into a super devil. She only showed signs of insanity and obsessive disorder with a possible future specimen of the same race, she was nothing more than another flaw in the path of my glorious purpose."

Nero was shocked by Lord Naberius' response. He recognized the description of the test subject, she was Kuroka, the nekoshou who will cause the massacre in the Naberius family and will join his little brother Vali's group of misfits.

"Lord Naberius, I have one last question. Why did you do so many experiments on a guinea pig, even with poor results? Why did you play with the limits of this youkai's life? "

Lord Naberius smiled and then responded to Nero, in an amused and casual voice.

"Because I could, I wanted to, and I found it interesting. I did so many experiments on that subject, even with poor results, because I wanted to test the limits of a nekoshou's vitality. Do you want to know why I played with the limits of another life? Simple, because I don't care about the life of a guinea pig, I only care about my research and my goal, only that will make my dream come true."

He finished preparing his final test, and injected the last substance into Roland Blair. He waited for the result, and saw that the subject's power was rising exponentially, this means that it was a success. Roland Blair turned into a super devil.

Jaspier smiled, and said, in a triumphant and crazy voice:

"I did it, Nero Lucifer. I created the perfect being, I created my own super devil. I created my own god."

But Roland Blair began to convulse and died hemorrhaging from all parts of his body and having several parts of his body explode with the accumulation of energy.

"Oh, disappointing, yet another failure." Jaspier simply destroyed the remains of the body with his demonic power. "Now I have to wait and see if the new nekoshou will bring me better results."

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