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Chapter 1: 1.Strange World

With the sound of opening of window, morning sunlight entered the room falling directly on the sleeping boy's face. He frowned a little bit but then he heard a sweet voice which brought smile to his face.

"Good Morning, Adam."

He opened his eyes and saw a woman sitting on his bedside with a smile on her face looking at him with her eyes full of love. She looked beautiful with light blonde hairs. She looked like she was in her late twenties or early thirties.

"Good Morning, Mom."

He replied and got up on his bed and faced his mother with his eyes closed as if waiting for something.

"Breakfast is ready. How long are you going to sleep? Don't you think you are getting lazier these days?" She complained while feigning her anger but looking at her little boy sitting in front her, it didn't last long. She kissed him on his forehead and slowly got up from bed heading out of the room. "Now don't waste time and come downstairs. Your father is crying for breakfast in the kitchen."

Morning kiss from his mother had become his wake up call for past 11 years since he was born in this world. He thought it was really childish when he started to grow up but he never denied it. He even waited for it once he woke up. In previous life his relationship with his parents was not good. He always argued with them over every little thing, he knew he was in the wrong but he still couldn't contain his anger and always had fight with them. He regretted it very much at that time so he was trying to make up for it in this life.

Adam was very surprised when he woke up one day to find himself in body of new born baby. With surprise, there was also terrible fear in his mind which brought quite the amount of troubles to his parents when he was just born. But soon he accepted the reality, and decided to live proper and happy life with his parents this time around as God had really given him chance to make up for his mistakes.

The world he was in right now was exactly the same in geography. Adam was stilll living in London but the time was not quite right as he found himself living in 1980s. At first, he thought he was reborn in london from 1980s and everything else was the same but soon he found out that he was terribly wrong as he found out that People here could use magic. No one knew where this magic came from but many people could still use magic. Even though it was just like lighting up sparks or creating little bit of water or ice but yes, it was still a magic.

Adam thought he had become protagonist from some magical world novel but soon he found out that he was wrong once again as he could not use magic at all. He was depressed for a long time till one day his father noticed this and told him that most of the people who could use magic are those above age of 20. And sometimes people can't even use it all their lives, just like him (Adam'sFather).

This brought peace to his mind but he never stopped trying to use and learn magic.

On the day of his 11th Birthday Adam started seeing words infront of his eyes. He didn't tell anyone about it but tried to examine it by himself which brought him another pleasant surprise.

He found out that the words he was seeing were actually a type of system from those fantasy novels. It had his Name, Gender, Magic Status, Shop and even map which led to some strange spaces where he saw monsters like Goblins, Slimes, Orcs, etc. which could give him different rewards on killing them. But his level was too low so he could not enter many of these spaces. He even wondered if he was in some kind of game as NPC but soon he knew that only he had this kind of thing.

Adam got up from his bed and walked up to the window feeling warm sunlight and cold morning breeze on his face which brought pleasant and fresh feeling to him.

He looked in front of him as if he was looking at the scene outside of the window but in fact he was looking at his status window.

Name: Adam

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 11

Magic Status: Inactive

Level: 3

Special points: 3700

Gold: 0

Items: Old spear

Shop : Locked. (can only buy old spear, Rusty sword, Iron Knife)

Gold Shop: Locked.

Tasks: None.

Map (nearby secret space) : None.

Looking at this disaster of a status, Adam sighed and closed it. It had been 10 months since he got this system but he still couldn't use most of the things. He could not use magic as it was inactive. He wandered everywhere in the neighbourhood but could only find 1 special secret space that he could enter at his level. He got special points by killing slimes and goblins but he could only buy basic weapon which looked beyond things that can used. He tried everyday but could not unlock the shop.

Adam looked at gold everytime he killed slimes and goblins but he did not get a single gold. Then he tried to use his mother's gold jewellary but it was of no use as it stayed the same. Except for the task of entering recommanded level 2 secret space, he did not receive any task so he could only look at this status screen everyday but do nothing about it. Everything in it was just for looking for him as he could do nothing about it.

Adam went to the kitchen after washing up himself and changing clothes. A man and a woman were chatting and laughing at the dining table. The man was named George Taylor, who was Adam's father. He worked hard to let his family enjoy their lives. He is kind person and great father in Adam's eyes. Even though they got great house from Adam's grandfather, they were not that rich but they still lived happily.

Sitting in front of George was Olivia, Adam's mother. She loved reading and learning but because of Adam she stayed at home as housewife rather than going out for work. This family of three was happiest family in the world in Adam's eyes.

"Good Morning, Dad" Adam said as he sat down beside his mother for breakfast.

"Good morning, Adam." George replied but his attention was not on breakfast as he was frowning at the newspaper. He continued, "Another man went missing this week. What is going on with the police? Why don't they search for criminals?"

Adam and Olivia both looked at George but they decided to stay out of this matter. George always complained about this issues every morning so it was very normal for them. People going missing was normal in this world, everyone had nearly accepted that it was normal for people to go missing once in a while.

But Adam knew why people went missing. It was because of Secret spaces. They appear anywhere at anytime and next day some people would be missing. He didn't know if people from this world didn't know about this or government was trying to hide it but he was sure that people went missing because of secret spaces.

He would notice new secret spaces appear in his system map and next day people around that area would be missing. How strange of a coincident was that, right? But ofcourse he knew he can't tell anyone about this if he didn't want to be investigated or probably researched about his system afterwards.

Technology in this world was ahead of time but it was still quite backwards compared to 2020 where he used to live in in his previous life. so he was sure that people would be frightned by things such as monsters and secret spaces so it was normal for government to keep it a secret.

"So Adam where do you want to go in this vacation? we can go wherever you want to go." Olivia said as she served Adam his breakfast and sneakily pinched George while walking by him.

"Yes, son, where do you want to go for the vacation?" George woke up from his newspaper and looked apologitically at Olivia and said to Adam.

Adam never asked them for anything because he understood the situation of his family. They had big house but he knew how hard his father worked to provide him and his mother with all necessary things so he didn't want to act shamelessly and ruin this happy life.

"I don't want to go anywhere. I am happy at home. We could go out for movie if we can." Adam replied, he made same request as every year which was expected by both his father and mother.

"Dear, I know you understand everything. I know even though you are just 11 year old but you have still matured early on. Your father and I are really happy that we have such understanding son but we also feel sad about this because you had to mature so soon because of us. So don't just always try to think about our family situation, we can indeed not provide best of everything to you but we have enough to let our only son enjoy his life so don't just worry about us. You should enjoy too." Olivia caressed as Adam's hair while speaking her heart out. She had faint tear in her eyes which let Adam understand how much love his mother had for him and how painful they felt when they thought about this.

"Adam, you don't have to worry about money. We have been saving for your studies since you were born. So don't just do what we say, you should express your opinion as well. We will always support you so just say what you want to do or whatever you want." George said in serious tone as he looked in Adam's eyes. Which father would want his child to think so much about money when he was not even 12 year old? George was the same as well, he was happy to have such sensible son but he was angry at himself for making this innocent little boy think about things that normal kids didn't even understand at their age.

Adam understood one thing at this moment. He always tried to save money in every little thing so he could lessen the burden from his father and mother's shoulder but he didn't understand that in a way or another it brought inexplicable sadness to their hearts. Adam was not at fault in this. How could he understand the feelings of a father and a mother? As he was just 18 year old when he was reborn in this world.

"I..." before Adam could say something, he was interrupted by knocking sound coming from the window.

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