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Chapter 103: Chapter 103: Vegetarians

In the decrepit theater's foyer, the crew's prop master handed over the weaponry, saying, "I've loaded the crossbow and arrows."

"Thank you," Martin replied as he accepted the crossbow. After the prop master left, Martin meticulously removed the crossbow arrows and meticulously inspected both the arrows and the crossbow arms.

Once he confirmed that the crossbow arrow had a soft rubber head and that the crossbow arm was still too weak to handle any real force, he reassembled it.

Bruce, who had fully recovered, approached quietly and inquired, "Is there an issue?"

Martin replied in hushed tones, "There have been incidents in Hollywood where props and weapons harmed or killed people. I can't risk using something like this on set without checking it thoroughly."

Bruce recalled a particular case, saying, "Brandon Lee."

Director Jaume's voice resonated from the studio, "All departments, get ready."

Martin made his way to the studio entrance, positioning himself for the shoot.

As filming commenced, the theater's opposite door creaked open, revealing Brian.

Martin squeezed the trigger, but the soft-tipped crossbow arrow lacked the force required. It struck the wall noiselessly before falling to the ground.

Brian collapsed at the sound.

In the subsequent shot, Elisha joined Martin. He picked up a double-barreled shotgun and examined Brian for ammunition, but found none.

The twins believed their foe to be vanquished and carelessly left the scene.

Later, Elisha entered the set studio and sat among the mannequins for the shoot.

Martin stepped outside for a breath of fresh air.

The scenes in the small town had been captured. They were now at Warner's Road Show Studio, Hollywood's largest filming base in Australia.

Bruce stood in the shade of a tree, expressing his frustration, "That last scene was really dumb. Anyone with a shred of common sense would've checked if the guy was dead and added a couple more shots to resolve the issue."

Martin surveyed his surroundings before responding, "This part does seem rather... amateurish. But it's not my call. Kelly cast 'Zombie Stripper,' not me."

Bruce probed further, "The director didn't raise any concerns?"

Martin clarified, "Jaume is just the shooting director; he doesn't have the authority to alter the script."

He then looked away, reflecting, "It's not that I don't want to make changes, but I lack the status and influence."

Bruce offered, "With your level of success, once you gain more power, you'll be inundated with issues from the crew."

Martin countered, "Look at you and me. We've climbed our way up from the muck. Why should we have to keep climbing? Don't we just want to lead better, more comfortable, happier lives? When we're content, there will inevitably be those who are unhappy, but it's not our responsibility to make them happy. Do we have to sacrifice our own happiness for theirs? Does it bother you?"

He referred to one of Bruce's masterpieces, "Remember how great it felt to use a mortar against the British? Did you ever consider how the British felt?"

Bruce chuckled, "Those Brits deserved it."

He continued, "We're all a bit twisted in this business. It's the nature of the beast."

Martin pivoted the conversation, "Speaking of which, how's Mene getting along with Paris?"

Martin responded, "Those two have practically become kangaroos from the same pouch. I guess they've found common ground."

Bruce shifted topics, "That hunting license you asked me about is quite a hassle to obtain. It takes time and involves exams."

Martin questioned, "Is there an alternative?"

Bruce explained, "There are hunting tour companies that cater to foreign tourists. They have private hunting grounds."

Martin's interest in hunting extended beyond just the sport; it was also about socializing. "I talked to Jaune the other day, and he seemed quite keen on hunting."

Bruce reminded him, "Your buddy is a vegetarian."

Martin considered this and responded, "Well, this is a male bonding activity. Let's find out how to secure a temporary gun license."

At noon, there was a restaurant on set, and Martin and Elisha dined together. It was a buffet-style spread, offering a variety of dishes.

Martin grabbed a plate and approached the red king crab station. As he picked up the tongs and turned around, he found Elisha gazing at him expectantly.

Although there were many people around, Elisha didn't speak a word. Her eager eyes said it all.

Martin smiled, placing the stainless steel tongs back and heading toward the food counter. He ignored the meats, eggs, and dairy and instead selected soy-based products, vegetables, and mushrooms.

Elisha followed behind with her own plate, sitting across from Martin. She picked up a mushroom and brought it to his lips, saying, "If you like mushrooms, you must try the lobster mushroom. It's even better than real lobster."

Martin savored the bite, and the vegetarian dish surprisingly pleased his palate.

Bruce sat at the next table, busy filling his second plate.

The aroma of roast beef and lamb, along with the sweetness of king crab, wafted through the air.

Martin quickly realized that the vegetarian options seemed bland and tasteless in comparison. The mushrooms and vegetables paled in comparison to the savory meats.

Elisha, noticing his reaction, brought up a topic: "I'll be returning to Los Angeles at the end of the month for the premiere. Are you coming back too?"

Martin recalled her recent film, "The Girl Next Door."

"Yes, the one where I played an adult film actress," Elisha confirmed.

Eliza had already made arrangements when she joined the group, and Martin was eager to attend the premiere on the red carpet. However, he couldn't commit right away, saying, "I'll check with Jaume about the shooting schedule and see if I can get some time off." He then asked, "Are you allowed to bring someone with you?"

"I'm the lead actress, so I can bring a family member," Elisha explained. She reached out and tightly held Martin's hand, expressing, "This premiere means a lot to me."

Martin reciprocated the gesture and assured her, "I'll do my best to make it work."

Elisha kissed him passionately and suggested, "Let's eat."

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian sat at a table with Bruce, who inquired, "Feeling down?"

Kim nodded, saying, "It's okay, I lose my temper every day."

Bruce opened a new bottle of Coke, advising, "Have something sweet; it might lift your spirits."

After Martin and Elisha finished their meal, Elisha was the first to leave the restaurant. She asked Martin, "Do you think Bruce is interested in pursuing Kim?"

Bruce's affection for Kim Kardashian was quite apparent, despite his past love for Monica. Martin responded vaguely, "Don't worry about that guy, Bruce."

Elisha mentioned, "I'm heading back to my trailer to rest. Will you join me?"

Martin checked his phone and said, "I'll make a call first."

Elisha agreed, "I'll leave the door open for you."

Martin found a quiet spot and called Thomas to discuss Elisha's invitation to the premiere. Thomas encouraged him to go, emphasizing the importance of building his exposure and popularity at this stage of his career. Martin then approached Susan Levin personally, ensuring that everything was in order.

With Elisha's trailer as his destination, Martin reported, "It's settled."

"You can make it?" Elisha eagerly inquired, hoping that Martin would accompany her on the red carpet for her first movie premiere.

Martin confirmed, "I'll be there on Friday, attend the premiere on Saturday, and return on Sunday."

Elisha was overjoyed and kissed Martin passionately. Her excitement elevated her mood, and the heightened mood triggered a surge in hormones. She bit Martin's earlobe and revealed, "Actually, I'm not strictly vegetarian."

Martin felt an inexplicable happiness and asked, "Really?"

Eliza slowly lowered herself and confessed, "Of course not."

Though Martin had expected something else, he was genuinely happy. He was nearly consumed by his emotions.

Shortly after, the trailer began to sway gently, a sign that certain activities were taking place on set.

By half-past two in the afternoon, Eliza emerged from the trailer, looking exceptionally beautiful and radiant.

Martin, on the other hand, felt off. His leg muscles twitched, his back ached, and his stomach was empty, as if it were a hollow gourd.

This was an unfamiliar situation for him, especially since he had always been in good health. Even during intense action sequences, he hadn't felt this way before.

Elisha was a formidable opponent, and her combat abilities far surpassed those of Louise or Kelly.

Throughout the afternoon shoot, Martin struggled, making frequent mistakes and resulting in numerous NGs.

During a break, even Mene couldn't help but comment, "Boss, are you sure your body isn't possessed by another spirit? This doesn't seem like you."

Martin had two bananas, which improved his condition, and he replied to Mene, "Invite me to dinner tonight."

Mene quickly agreed, saying, "No problem, I know a famous vegan restaurant..." Before he could finish his sentence, he noticed Martin's stern expression.

Startled, Mene realized he might have made a mistake. Martin didn't want to hear about killing people or disposing of bodies. Mene's brain raced, and he immediately corrected himself, "Boss, I mean, I'll treat you to some Australian barbecue."

As the day came to an end, Martin used Mene's offer as an excuse to spend time away from Elisha, who had been his constant companion these days.

When filming resumed the next morning, everyone on set noticed that Martin had regained his form, and most shots were completed in just one or two takes.

Over the weekends, Martin, Jaume, and Bruce visited a hunting company together. They applied for the necessary permits, attended training sessions, and took exams, a process that took a few weeks.

On an early Friday morning, Martin and Elisha boarded a flight back to Los Angeles, preparing for the premiere of "The Girl Next Door."

Every celebrity starts somewhere, and for Martin, this was an important step in his journey to stardom.

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