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Honkai: The Reincarnated One Honkai: The Reincarnated One original

Honkai: The Reincarnated One

Author: Arata_San

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Damn it! Am I really transmigrating into the Honkai World?!"

In a dimly lit apartment room, a curse echoes loudly from a young Asian man with typical black hair and eyes.

This man, Itsuki Kurokami, turns pale as he discovers the cruel truth that has befallen him.

He, who was once just an ordinary human, has somehow reincarnated into his favorite game world.

Truth be told, as an otaku, he's thrilled and excited to find himself reincarnated like the isekai and fanfic characters he often reads about.

But what can he do? He can't help but feel dismayed upon realizing the dangers of this world he's reincarnated into, especially for a male like himself.

"The worst part is, I'm just an ordinary orphan with no strong background here," he sighed, realizing that as an ordinary male, he could only wait for death to claim him.

God damn it! I'm still unwilling to die like this, especially in my new life!!!

His hands clenched tightly, making a crunching noise; his teeth gritted in frustration over his current situation.

Itsuki took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm himself, knowing that anger wouldn't change his helpless situation.

"So, what should I do?" he pondered, pinching his chin thoughtfully.

First of all, I must avoid too much contact with Raiden Mei and Kiana, considering there are two dangerous people watching them closely. Getting involved with them would likely put me under surveillance or even get me eliminated. this the right thing to do?

His face became troubled, thinking of how much both girls suffered in the story. Yet, his heart was torn, knowing that helping them and establishing a relationship would be a suicidal act for himself.

With a grit of his teeth, Itsuki finally decided, "You know what? Screw it! I don't care if I die or whatever, but one thing's for sure, I'll regret it if I just stay silent and do nothing for them."

He knew deep down he might regret this decision later, but nonetheless, he proceeded, considering that any regret would come later, not now.

"As for the others...System? Panel? Chat Group?" Itsuki then tried to call and activate his cheat, but to his despair, nothing showed up.

"Damn it!!! Am I really hopeless here? Is there no cheat or anything like that for me?" He scratched his head in frustration, but no one answered his doubts.

Isn't such a thing common in isekai and fanfics? And doesn't my situation now resemble both?

"God...don't tell me, I'm just an ordinary person even after reincarnating here?" His lips twitched, realizing that if true, it would be disastrous for him.

Finally, he collapsed weakly to the floor, staring at the ceiling with eyes as lifeless as a dead fish's.

"I'm really hopeless, aren't I?" he commented weakly, smiling bitterly before laughing ironically at himself.

After some time, he got up, knowing that pessimism wouldn't help his situation at all.

"Well, let me see what I can do with this situation," he then went to his desk, grabbed a book and pencil, and began to outline what he should do next.

"Hahahahaha!!!" A wicked laugh, reminiscent of Light Yagami exposed as Kira, echoed loudly, causing the neighbors to look strangely towards Itsuki's room.

His current appearance could easily be mistaken for a villain's, but he didn't care as he was overjoyed at the moment.

"That's right! I am a Transmigrator after all!" Itsuki exclaimed loudly, unconcerned about being overheard by his neighbor.

In his opinion, everyone probably just thought he was indulging in some typical Chuunibyou antics.

As for the reason behind his jubilant laughter, we must go back to a few moments earlier when Itsuki had finished jotting down all his plans and decided to remain as low-key as possible at first.

Afterwards, he also began to exercise, considering how weak his body was now, knowing he needed a strong body to survive in this dangerous world.

So, he began doing push-ups. At first, it was unnoticeable, but then he began to feel something odd with how intense the warmth grew, along with the strengthening and improvement of his body each time he pushed up.

Without further thought, he started doing multiple push-ups to verify his suspicions and discovered the delightful fact that he, too, had a cheat!

"With this! I can be calm and confident about surviving in this dangerous world!" His hands clenched with enthusiasm, a grin on his face.

"Come on! I'm not afraid of anything now! Be it Otto or Cocoon, I'm ready to face them

all!" It was confidence without arrogance, because he knew that his cheat made him capable.

Rapid growth… this is my cheat. I never expected to get a cheat like this and not a system.

Rapid growth, that was the name Itsuki gave to his cheat, a name he chose based on how he observed the cheat's functionality.

Though it wasn't as overpowered as a system, this cheat could still be effective. Moreover, he still didn't feel very safe towards a system-like cheat.

It was his opinion after reading many novels about systems being malicious toward their hosts, especially those with penalties, which could punish their hosts as if the hosts were slaves and not masters.

"But what is this sense of liberation inside of me? As if the limiter of my existence was broken? Is there perhaps another function that I still don't know about in this cheat?"

Yes, since waking up in this world, he felt like this. Initially, he thought it was because he escaped from his old life, but it seems it was more than that.

"But whatever, let me exercise some more first!" With a face full of vigor, Itsuki set about doing more push-ups.

As he did more push-ups, his body rapidly strengthened, with his muscles and bones becoming tougher than before.

"Kuh…hahaha…this feeling is wonderful!" he laughed loudly, despite the sweat drenching his body and his breath being labored.

After completing 100 push-ups, he continued with an equal number of sit-ups before moving on to squats.

Twenty minutes later, Itsuki, gasping for breath, stood with steam rising from his heated body, sweat soaking him completely.

"Power… I feel my body is stronger than before," he clenched his fists, feeling a surge of strength unlike any before.

"Ha!" with a light shout, he threw his punch at the air, a grin appeared on his face as he noticed it was faster than usual.

He then unleashed a flurry of punches, each one faster and fiercer than the last, a testament to his cheat's power.

As he continued, the speed of his punches escalated, blurring before his eyes until they were almost invisible.

"With this kind of growth, I can do anything!" he grinned excitedly. But suddenly, an alarm rang from his phone, sparking confusion and curiosity. He hurried over to pick it up.

As he grabbed his phone, his eyes widened. The moment he saw the clock on the alarm screen, memories of his old life flooded back—he was still a high school boy!

"Crap! I'm very late!!!" Noticing it was just 10 minutes before class started, he quickly changed clothes, grabbed a piece of bread, took his bag, locked his room, and rushed to school.

He ignored the strange looks from everyone due to his disheveled appearance. The urgency wasn't just because he was late, but because it was his first day at a new school. Being late on the first day could create a terrible impression on both the teachers and his new classmates.

As Itsuki panicked, he didn't realize that his running speed was increasing, making him blur past pedestrians like a gust of wind.

In less than 5 minutes, he arrived at his destination.

"Is this my new school now?" He gazed doubtfully at the large, majestic building that looked like an elite academy, a place seemingly impossible for an orphan like him to attend without a special reason, such as a scholarship.

But he remembered that his counterpart in this world was just as mediocre as he was, except that he was notably more handsome, which made him quite jealous.

"Whatever, let's go inside before I'm late!" he muttered, entering the eerily quiet school. It seemed he was the only one late.

However, he soon realized he didn't know which class he was in. Deciding to seek help, he headed to the teacher's room to inquire.

"Oh? Are you the new boy who just transferred here?" A woman in her twenties asked with interest. She was one of the teachers.

He nodded. "Yes, I am. May I ask where my class is?"

"Certainly, but wait a moment while I check your data to confirm your identity," she said and left, leaving Itsuki there, where he noticed something odd—all the teachers he could see were women.

Weird, are they all women? Is it just a coincidence? Or don't tell me that I just transferred to an all-women's school?!

His lips twitched at the thought. He hoped it wasn't true, but deep down, he felt his guess might be correct. While he was lost in thought, he became aware of the teachers staring at him, which made him increasingly uncomfortable.

He wished for the earlier teacher to return quickly and get him out of there. Almost as if his hopes were answered, the teacher came back and guided him to his class.

"What's your reason for choosing this school, Kurokami-kun?" The teacher suddenly asked, causing Itsuki to be quite startled.

"Nothing particular? Is there something wrong with this school, Sensei?" He gazed at the teacher with a look of doubt, the teacher smiling intriguingly as if she had discerned something about Itsuki.

"You don't know? Hmm, but I doubt you're completely unaware of this school's reputation. It's very popular among boys; it's improbable that you know nothing about it."

"? What are you talking about, Sensei?"

Is there something odd with my school now? This is very suspicious…


"We've arrived! Wait here; I'll inform your homeroom teacher," the teacher said without giving him a chance to ask any more questions, then entered the classroom. Itsuki sighed as he watched her leave.

Shortly after, the teacher returned accompanied by another adult woman, likely his new homeroom teacher. "Alright, you can go in. Also, don't be afraid or shy as the only male student in the class, ok? I must go now, good luck, Kurokami-kun!" The teacher then departed, waving her hand and leaving Itsuki filled with doubts due to her earlier remarks.

What the hell?! Am I really transferred to an all-girls school right now? Fuck!

As he was engulfed in panic, his homeroom teacher called him, "Kurokami-kun, please come in, everyone is waiting for you now."

Swallowing his saliva, he nodded helplessly and entered the classroom, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.

Calm down, Itsuki! It's just an all-girls school and there's nothing to be afraid of! Isn't it your dream to have a harem and be surrounded by all the girls at school? This is a golden opportunity to make that happen! So don't be afraid!!!

While comforting himself internally, he finally entered the classroom and was immediately met by the intense, curious stares of the young girls there. Suddenly, he felt like a sheep thrown into a wolf's den.

"Look at him! Isn't he quite handsome?"

"Yeah, especially his panicked face right now, he looks so adorable!"

"I think I want him to become my boyfriend; perhaps I should confess to him right now."

"But do you know about his background? What if he's just an ordinary boy with a handsome face?"

"Isn't that even better? I could make him into my own sugar baby!"

Hearing the whispers of the girls, thanks to his enhanced hearing, Itsuki felt that the girls here were very dangerous and thirsty. He even heard something strange from one of the girls that left him utterly speechless.

But damn it! If I had this appearance back then, I surely would have gotten a girlfriend and wouldn't have been single until death. Wow, I'm very envious of this face.

His face began to distort, unaware that his actions made him appear even cuter in the girls' eyes, further increasing their interest. He took a deep breath and then wrote his name on the blackboard.

"My name is Itsuki Kurokami. I'm 17 years old. My apartment is in the northeast section of Chiba, where all the apartments are, and I am not married. I work as a part-time employee at the Lawson Minimarket, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally play games. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up."


"Thank you for listening to my introduction, and please take care of me," he bowed, then turned to the teacher, "Then, teacher, can you tell me where my seat is?"

"It's there, on the left next to the girl with purple hair," the teacher replied, despite the confusion on her face. Itsuki then looked in the direction indicated by his homeroom teacher and saw his seat next to the girl with purple hair.

Sigh, it's a pity that it's not the protagonist's seat.

He felt disappointed, but what could he do? There were no other empty seats. As he walked there, he noticed that the purple-haired girl was the only one not paying attention to his presence, which made him very curious about her.

But as he arrived, he noticed ugly words written on the purple-haired girl's desk, which made him frown as he realized that the girl had been bullied by her classmates.

He felt very unhappy after discovering this; he didn't expect a school of such elite status to still have issues with bullying, and he guessed that this girl had been bullied for a long time given the indifference of everyone in the class towards her.

This also made his impression of his new classmates plummet, and he decided to confront them about it later, especially since he knew how cruel bullies could be to their victims' mental health from his own past experiences.

Well, let's greet her first, since she is my new deskmate now.

"Hello, umm... I'm new here, and since I'll be your deskmate now, let's get to know each other and be friends. My name is Itsuki Kurokami. What's your name, if you don't mind?"

Perhaps startled by the greeting from someone, the purple-haired girl trembled and was silent for a moment. Itsuki, seeing this, scratched his cheek, thinking she might be scared and shy around others.

But then, the girl moved and slowly stood up, revealing her face which had been hidden by her hands until now. Itsuki's eyes widened as he was stunned by her very beautiful face, rivaling that of models and artists, filled with sadness.

"Raiden Mei... My name is Raiden Mei"

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