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Chapter 2: Treat the Symptom (1/4)

In any given situation in which detrimental consequences occur extreme attention is drawn to negative effects that afflict the target entity. Although pain, hunger, and thirst are undesirable, seeking only to ease or eliminate these symptoms do not remove them. Ultimately it delays and extends them. This knowledge that the effects will eventually return, despite the temporary alleviation and relief from the maladies, leaves fear and despair in the afflicted. The only way to permanently dispel the lasting effects of any given situation is to resolve the problem itself and eliminate the instigator.

Only in this way does one get true freedom from strife.

As the duo galloped through the solitary light in the darkness of the continent Thayde was aware of the weakness of the flickering candle and the illusions it brought. Everyone here knew it as well, at least instinctually. Everyone except for his parents; they were responsible for the illusory garden of eden. To them, this was the solution to the darkness: shine a light to bring hope. They did not realize how dangerous and deceptive that could be. Why would they? Thayde questioned himself, It would call into question every decision that they have made.

Why wasn't he in the same situation? It wasn't by choice. The light that shone so brightly throughout the city providing safety and peace had been stolen from him. He did not find anymore comfort in the illusory light. He still remembered with clarity the first time he was thrust from eden.

Lost in the rhythmic motion of the horse underneath him, he hardly noticed that they had passed the outer gate of the city. It was the sensation of his emotions passing through what felt like a spider's web that caused him to glance back to see the fleeing gates. He also caught sight of his companion.

"Huh" A hardly audible shiver passed through Dreyden, his skin prickling upon crossing the boundary. He felt it too.

A sigh escaped Thayde's lips to his great surprise. It did not take him long to identify the source. He felt free. A weight that had been pressing down on him was gone — the tension of keeping up the illusion of joy and happiness had left, no longer a part of him. He was glad that Dreyden was behind him, he was not sure what his aide's reaction would be to what he looked like without his mask.

Yes. they had left the flickering candle of a city, but Thayde had disembarked long ago. His joy and happiness were no more than a mask to deceive those around him. But, what was behind that mask? Again Thayde lost himself in thought. No longer needing to hold himself back he let the memories come flooding back to him. A birthday. A cherished gift. A girl. Hardly recognizable in the ensuing chaos.


Over a decade ago

In the chilled snow-laden streets of Tyl there was a hum. A man endured the bitter weather, trudging on with a gleam in his unfocused eyes and a spring in his uneven steps. He groaned as he tried to coax some warmth back into his arms. A wince followed as his muscles voiced their disapproval of the harsh treatment after the abuse they had received throughout the day. Sighing he trudged on, turning down the narrow street that led to the door of his house.

Warm light leaked through the crystalline glass — a feature that most were able to enjoy thanks to the benevolence of the king — beckoning the middle aged man up the steps. After a pause and a deep breath he allowed the spirit of the day to flow into him. Today was a special day, and he wanted to keep it that way for those inside.

Upon opening the door a delighted squeal rang out as something small did its best to knock him over; it was a good thing he had taken that break.

"Daddy! Daddy! Happy Light's Dawning!" greeted his daughter. Looking into the foyer he saw his wife standing doing her best to conceal a smile, and maybe a laugh, at her daughter's excitement. He was home, and it was time to celebrate.

Similar smiles and laughter echoed as breadwinners returned to their humble houses. It was Light's Dawning, a holiday of hope as the city celebrated the returning of light and the end of the winter solstice.

Tradition dictated that a gift or token be given to each family member to represent light and hope; a ward against the darkness. In some families these were used to encourage individuals to pursue their dreams, in others it was common to purchase something that helped ease life. Young couples, well they had their usual manner of going about this.

Or so Thayde had heard anyway. It didn't really make sense to him, the way they were celebrating the closing of the shortest day of the year.

"Mom, Why do we celebrate the end of the winter solstice?" He said as he leaned back in her lap watching the light of the fireplace flicker and crackle as they awaited company. He had objected to sitting in her lap of course — no self-respecting ten year old would just sit in their mother's lap, not to mention a prince. But seeing her eyes widen before moistening was enough for him to relent, letting her pull him into her lap. Her slender fingers slid soothingly through his hair.

"Hmm…" his mother mumbled, focused on the pitch black hair before her. Warmth smothered him on all sides as another log caught flame and his mother surrounded him. It prickled his skin as the drag of fingers combed through his hair pulling him ever deeper and holding him tight. He squirmed a bit.

"Mom?" He glanced up looking into the sky blue eyes of his mother framed by her brown hair that crashed like waves upon her shoulders. Her features, although maybe not the most stunning, induced a sense of warmth into all who saw her. She was, in every sense, the living representation of a mother.

A log burned out completely charred, the fingers paused their ministrations and the warmth in the room mellowed. His lungs welcomed the cooler air. Had he stopped breathing?

"Why do flowers look to the sun, my princeling?" She responded, staring into his dark eyes. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards along with the inner corner of one of her eyebrows. In the pause that filled the silence before he answered, a raven's raspy laugh echoed. Thayde, who focused on the moon outside the window in a futile attempt to see the cackling fowl, sighed deep in thought.

"Because they need it to live?" Uncertainty fluttered through the room as he refocused on his mother.

"That is right. Life needs light to live. Without it, one does not have any hope." A deep voice answered from near the door to the sitting room. Snapping his attention to the door showed him the figure of a large blond haired man dressed in hallowed white and gold. It was his father.

"Greetings Father, Happy Light's Dawning! How is the kingdom today?" Thayde's voice struggled to contain his excitement as he had been waiting for this moment where he could spend a lot of time with his mother and father. Alyx, his tutor, had been drilling him on how to speak more formally — something a king must do — and wanted to show what he had learned.

His father's eyebrows tried to join his hairline upon hearing the formal tone his son had addressed him with, as he flashed a smirk. "Business is as usual. Perhaps my esteemed and formal prince may join me in my meetings from now on?" He could barely contain a chuckle.

Although he knew it was a tease Thayde couldn't help but rush to his father and hug his waist. "I can father! I want to help solve problems with you!" The look of surprise, and pride on the face that starred lovingly down at him sent shivers through his heart. His mother behind him, arms still outstretched, follows her son's lead to embrace them both encasing him in a comforting warmth. His breaths became shallow as he couldn't help but wonder if a caterpillar could make a cocoon out of love and hope like his parents.

"Ok son, you will join me. But first it's time to celebrate!" The momentary wave of warmth receded, but rather than disappearing it simmered ever-present. A motion from his father caught Thayde's eye before a servant entered the room carrying a simple present box with a ribbon tied around it. Excitement and expectation flooded through him as he also couldn't help but notice that the box seemed to be moving and yips could be heard coming from it.

It was a present from his parents for him, and while he knew he would cherish any of their gifts, he couldn't help but get excited as he thought about what was inside. "Can I open it?" he questions. His heart rate increases in anticipation while he is also afraid to be let down. He really wanted some company.

Thayde did not have any friends, partly due to him being a prince, but a larger part had to do with his father. King Abyl, simply put, was a hero and idol; he overthrew his father, the previous tyrant king, along with his reign of abuse and despair and replaced it with a reign of peace and hope. Despite, or maybe due to his humility, King Abyl is loved by everyone. This is even extended to his son, Thayde.

And so he was treated differently. It also didn't help that he had inherited his grandfather's features of dark hair and eyes; a fervent reminder that such despair and hope had come from a single family. The other children always acted withdrawn. Respectful, sure, but more afraid of the stories told about his grandfather than the love that his father receives.

It bothered him at first, and only several years later did he realize that he just needed to prove himself, just like his father had. From that day he did his best to study; science, economics, politics, history and more to be able to help. to prove that he can be just as benevolent as his father.

This did not make him feel any less lonely. No one wanted to interact with him, and though he valiantly invested in his studies for the benefit of the kingdom, the others considered him a recluse, hiding himself away from company. Something they considered foreboding.

He felt that instead of him hiding in a hole, like everyone else thought, the hole really was hiding in him. His parents had figured this out, of course, and although they could not change everyone's view of their son, they loved him even more and deliberated over how they could help him.

Which brings them to today. With a nod from his father, Thayde kneels and tugs the ends of the ribbon. Laying them to the side he starts to loosen the lid of the box.


A white and black ball of fur burst out of the box, narrowly landing on Thayde's knees before furiously attacking his face with a small wet tongue. Nearly falling backwards from the small explosion Thayde valiantly tried to ward off the attack as he tried to see who or what his assailant was. A small but gorgeous puppy. Ebony fur covered the canine pup, split by a white streak starting at the forehead before traveling down the face and under the belly.

The adorable canine liked her target, of course he should be admiring her beautiful coat, but she was a merciless warrior. Continuing her attacks she managed to score several hits on her distracted quarry. She howled in victory— or tried to as the only sound she could make were yips.

Completely entranced with the small warrior yiping on his lap, Thayde couldn't help but chuckle along with his parents. The love and hope that still remained in the hearts present was surging again. Thayde quickly started scratching behind the ears of his new companion. The pup froze for a second, before deciding that she would allow him to pet her, and that she would attack him later.

"So...What are you going to name her?" His mother asked. She was still attached to his father.

"Her? It's a girl?" His fingers ceased stroking the soft ears as he glanced over. Seeing a nod, and feeling a prick in his hand, his gaze returns to the pup, now with his hand in her mouth and looking at him with what seemed to be disappointment and expectation.

"You're feisty" he reprimands before removing his hand out of her mouth and once again begins to scratch her ears. "How about…Ebony?" Upon hearing this the puppy looks straight at Thayde while raising her ears, to which another round of chuckles are released.

"She likes it—" Started his father

"And it is a beautiful name for a beautiful dog" His mother followed

The canine thought for a second as she studied her opponent. Her enemy wanted her help but it wouldn't be honorable to betray her pack...but the pats were really nice and she didn't have a pack yet. His black hair also caught her attention, though he was missing a lot, she thought it was really nice looking.

"Yip!" She voices her approval. She decided that she would be his big sister, and she needed to protect him!

The deep throaty kraa of a raven pierced the warmth of the room. Bringing with it a chill gust that dulled the fire momentarily. While most of those present in the room did not notice, Thayde shivered as he felt cold fingers surround his heart.

"How about we go get Ebony settled in!" His mother suggested, breaking the cursed hand that seemed to be gripping his heart. Quickly pushing the sensation out of his mind Thayde turned with a bright smile

"Let's go!"

Sorrowthorn Sorrowthorn

Please critique/comment!

Welp, took me longer than I thought it would to write. While I cherish the story and the characters I often feel to unmotivated or unprepared to actually write.

Hope y'all liked this chapter, I will try to get another one done for next week! (though there may be less chapters I will try to keep it 2k+ words)

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