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Chapter 2: The Day That Raika Join!

A few days after the NightBeast attack at Garden of Education West, the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement announced that both students and staff members of New Arc Academy will have to take online classes until the school building is completely reconstructed. Raika found herself in a hospital bed at Room 203 of the Rosewood Medical Clinic, and she slowly opened her eyes. Nicolas was present at the location, and as he turned around, he noticed that Raika was awake. Upon realizing this, he let out a sigh of relief and exclaimed, "Raika!". As he gazed at her with a small smile on his face, he uttered a sigh of relief, "Thank god that you are okay."

"What happened?" Raika asked, her energy levels still low.

"Raika," Nicolas said, "do you recall the NightBeast attack from the other day?"

Raika paused for a few moments, lost in thought, and then recollected the terrifying NightBeast attack. Despite her attempts to get up, Nicolas stopped her and spoke firmly, "You cannot get up right now. You need to rest until you are fully energized."

"But dad!" Raika attempted to speak..

"No, but!" Nicolas said with a sigh, looking directly at her. "The doctor has informed me that you have just discovered your power and it is typical for power-users to experience a significant loss of energy upon awakening, so I suggest that you rest."

Raika acknowledges the situation by closing her eyes and nodding. Nicolas had a soft smile on his face as he gently patted her head, thinking to himself, "Akane, I hope you can watch over Raika."

Rosa stood outside of room 203 waiting for Nicolas, and it was there that Kyosuke, Alice, and Keigo happened to come across her. As she directed her gaze towards them, Rosa inquired, "Can I offer any assistance to you?"

Kyosuke smiled gently and said, "I would like to speak with Raika."

Rosa denied his request with a shake of her head, saying, "I'm afraid I can't permit you to meet Lady Raika at this moment."

"For what reason?" Alice questioned.

"Is there some reason why you are prohibiting us from seeing her?" Keigo asked as well.

"Let me explain this better so that there is no confusion, and please don't get me wrong." Rosa said as she sighed. "Lady Raika has just woken up and is still trying to come to terms with her power." Rosa said, while bowing to them. "It is advised that you postpone your visit until Lady Raika has regained her complete energy."

"She got a point there," Alice said after letting out a sigh. 

"Our best bet would be to consider waiting until she has made a complete recovery, as that would be the optimal choice." Keigo said to Kyosuke.

Giving it some contemplation, Kyosuke let out a sigh and came to the conclusion that, at the moment, it was the optimal decision. "I understand."

As soon as I have any information on her recovery, I will promptly notify you." Rosa bows as Kyosuke nods and turn around walk away along with Alice and Keigo.


It had been several weeks since Raika's power had awakened, and she was now consuming the food her father had brought for her with a ferocity that resembled that of an animal. Nicolas gazed upon Raika with a sigh and uttered, "Raika, could you please slow down?"
"I'm sorry dad," Raika said as she smiled at Nicolas. "I haven't had a meal in quite some time."
Nicolas let out a sigh and spoke in a concerned tone, "I understand your worries but it's important for you to calm down and make sure you eat properly."
"I know," replied Raika while continuing to eat, her energy slowly being restored after a much-needed rest.
The sound of a knock interrupted her meal as Rosa entered the room and greeted the two occupants with a bow, "Master Nicolas and Lady Raika, I have come to inform you that someone wishes to see you."
"I wonder who it could possibly be," Nicolas asked with a curious expression on his face.
With a cheerful wave and a warm smile, Kyosuke walked over to Raika and greeted her with the words, "Hello there Raika Narukami."
Raika asked the person in front of her, "Who are you?"
"I'm Kyosuke Sakazaki," Kyosuke said with a smile on his face, introducing himself. "The faction I am affiliated with in the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement is Border."
Raika was taken aback and her mouth dropped open in surprise upon seeing a member of the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement present here. "Why are you here?" she asked in disbelief, shaking her head at the situation.
"My intention for being here is to see you," Kyosuke explained. "Do you have any recollection of the events that occurred at the Garden of Education West?"
Raika paused for a moment, lost in thought, and then her eyes widened as she remembered the terrifying NightBeast attack that had taken place at the Garden of Education West. - Raika recounted that she had awoken her power with the words "Yeah, I remember."
Kyosuke walked up to Raika and exclaimed "Good!", expressing his delight. "I received a report that not only did you awaken to your power, but you also managed to save someone's life, and for that, I extend my sincere gratitude to you."
Raika blushed slightly and then shook her head in response. "I don't have any other motive, my only intention is to ensure that people get out safely."
Kyosuke said, "Raika Narukami!", his voice filled with enthusiasm. "We would be delighted if you would consider joining the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement Faction, Border."
"EHHHHHHH!" Raika and Nicolas yelled in unison, their voices reaching a high pitch and filling the air with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Raika was taken aback by the unexpected request. She glanced at her father and then shifted her gaze towards Kyosuke, trying to make sense of the situation.
"Let me get this straight, Border. You are asking me to become a member of the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement Faction?" Raika asked with curiosity. "I'm not entirely sure if I have the ability to do it or not."
"You be just fine," Kyosuke said, as he handed her his card to make sure she had his contact information in case she needed anything. "After your health has improved, I cordially invite you to come and meet me at the location of Border HQ." 
Raika nods in acknowledgement of Kyosuke's bow, and watches as he exits the room. With a hesitant tone and a searching gaze, Raika addressed her father, "Father, I'm feeling unsure, do you think I have what it takes to accomplish this?"
"Your fate is in your hands," Nicolas said with a smile as he patted Raika's head, indicating that the decision was entirely hers to make.
"Right," said Raika, her voice filled with determination as she made her choice.

After a few days, Raika was fully discharged from the Rosewood Medical Clinic and was able to return home. Due to the school being rebuilt, she had to resort to taking online classes. Raika proceeded towards the Border HQ location which was situated in District 1. The building stood at a height of 20 feet and boasted of advanced technology and bright neon lights. Upon entering the office building, Raika Narukami was greeted by a female worker at the front desk who recognized her and warmly welcomed her saying, "Oh, you must be Raika Narukami, right?"

"Yes," Raika said with a nod of her head to indicate her approval.

"Great news!" exclaimed the female worker with a smile, "Kyosuke is waiting for you in the captain room on the fifth floor."

Raika bows politely before making her way to the elevator, where she presses the button for the fifth floor.While the elevator ascends to the fifth floor, she patiently waits until it reaches her destination. Upon arrival, she confidently steps out of the elevator and proceeds towards the captain's office. Once she arrives, she politely knocks on the door to announce her presence. "Please, come in," spoke the warm voice of a man as Raika stepped into the room. Kyosuke was seated on a comfortable chair, and upon noticing Raika's arrival, a smile spread across his face. "Raika, we are grateful that you made it. Thank you for coming and being a part of this."

Taking a seat, Raika acknowledged Kyosuke's presence as he pulled up a hologram and asked her, "Raika, have you ever heard of the 'Darkside'?"

With a shake of her head, Raika answered, "I don't recall."
"A significant event occurred in the past, during a time when people discovered their true power and a mysterious portal opened up, unleashing the terrifying Nightbeast that wreaked havoc on everything in our world. As a result of their ability to awaken to their power and their subsequent knowledge of what needs to be done, these individuals are currently fighting the NightBeast. The United Nations has even taken notice of their actions and passed an act called The Act of M (Meister) in their honor. In order to combat the NightBeast, the Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement was formed, consisting of five factions - Border, Fafnir, Galaxian, Alphatrix Institute, and Orion Militia." Kyosuke's tone was serious as he spoke. "The Nightbeast war has been ongoing for quite some time, and it appears to be an unending conflict."
"You mentioned the 'Darkside', can you elaborate on that?" asked Raika.
Kyosuke responded with a simple "Right." as he proceeded to pull up a hologram of two worlds side by side. "By us, the world on the left is called the 'Lightside' while the world on the right is known as the 'Darkside'."
The realization hit Raika hard, and she gasped in shock, "That is the 'Darkside.'"
"The 'Darkside', a world where the NightBeast reigns," Kyosuke informed Raika, his eyes scanning the area. "In order to gather more information about the 'Darkside', the researcher created a dimensional ship, which would allow them to explore and learn more about this mysterious place."
"Meisters are entrusted with the responsibility of protecting everyone, and we are determined to fulfill that obligation," Kyosuke declared before turning off the hologram with a sigh. "I hope you can see why joining us is important, which is why I am inviting you."
"I understand," Raika responded calmly to the news. "While I am willing to contribute, I am uncertain whether my power would be beneficial or not."
"You have my utmost confidence that you will be a huge help," Kyosuke said, as he reached out his hand.
As Raika let out a deep sigh, she reached out and took Kyosuke's hand, her eyes meeting his as he spoke in a pleased tone, "I am glad that you will be joining us, Raika Narukami."
"I'm pleased to inform you that you'll be working alongside Alice, Keigo, and Katsu in Freedom Scepter," Kyosuke said, beaming. "It is essential to conduct a test to determine your rank, but first, we need to administer it."
"Wait I thought if someone join Anti-NightBeast Defense Enforcement they start as D-rank until they work up their rank." said Raika.
"That's true," Kyosuke said, acknowledging the statement made. "All individuals who join the Anti-NightBeast Special Operation Organization will be initiated with a D-Rank, but we have brought about certain amendments to this system." Kyosuke smiles at Raika. "If we conduct a test, individuals will be placed in any rank."
After Raika pondered for a while, she finally grasped the concept and said, "Oh, I see."
"The lab is on the seventh floor, please proceed there," Kyosuke informed with a friendly smile. "As soon as you are done, please head over to the location that has been specified for you to find the Freedom Scepter base." Kyosuke handed her a small piece of paper on which he had written the location of Freedom Scepter.

Upon finishing her meeting with Kyosuke, Raika headed towards the elevator and pushed the button for the seventh floor. The moment Raika entered the lab, a sudden explosion took place that caught her off guard and shocked her. The young female scientist, who had short white hair, was wearing a black tank-top with blue shorts and black shoes, and had a white lab coat draped over her shoulders. She removed her goggles and rubbed her green eyes."Wow, that is simply awesome," she said with a big smile on her face. "The current state of the work is not sufficient and requires further effort." she said as she sees Raika and smile. "Hello, my name is Violette Barthélemy, it's nice to meet you." 

Violette approached Raika with a friendly smile and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, you must be Raika Narukami, correct?"

"Yes," Raika confirmed with a nod of her head.

"When I spoke to Kyosuke, he shared with me that you would be joining us, which I find to be fantastic." Violette said as she open the hologram. ""The purpose of your presence here is to take a test and determine your rank, correct?""

"That is indeed the case," said Raika, acknowledging the truthfulness of the statement.

"Could you please step inside this room?" said Violette, gesturing towards the open door. Raika walked into the room, and Violette closed the door behind her. "We are going to administer a single test, which will evaluate your power level."

"Okay," replied Raika, with a nod of her head.

"Good," Violette said in a tone of satisfaction as she pressed the button with a smirk on her face. "We are now ready to commence with the test, so let us begin."

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