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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 The shivers

When the Andals invaded Westeros, Tarth was one of the first Storm regions to fall. According to the maester, the castle of Morne is of Andal origin and has no links with the First Men. All we know about Morne is its ruined castle, which is described as the seat of petty kings who ruled from the eastern shore of Tarth, and the famous Ser Galladon of Morne, the Perfect Knight whom I am named after.

When it comes to the war against the Andals, it took 5 generations of Kings from Qarlton II Durrandon, The Conqueror until Maldon IV Durrandon between the Andal invasion and House Durrandon finally ending the war and intermarrying with The Andals. That was when The Stormlands adopted the Faith of the Seven and stopped following the old gods.

There would be another seven Storm Kings until the 8th, when Argilac Durrandon, the Arrogant, was killed in single combat by Orys Baratheon, the founder of House Baratheon, during Aegon's Conquest.

Questions I had in regard to the history of Tarth is

* Was Morne just a castle or was there a House Morne?

* Did House Morne rule part of the Isle of Tarth for a time?

* At some point was there a fight between House Morne and House Tarth?

* If there was a fight between both houses, Did House Morne lose, or did House Morne simply intermarry with House Tarth to incorporate their name and titles? What happened to Tarth during the centuries of the war against the Andals?

Evenfall Hall is on the western side of the island whereas Morne is on the eastern side. Given the current sun and moon sigil of House Tarth and the fact we know House Tarth didn't control the whole island from the start, I'm guessing House Tarth's original sigil was the moon and was thematically linked to the evening/night time. And House Morne's or whatever name they had sigil was the sun and was thematically linked to the morning/daytime.

Once House Tarth gained control of the whole island those two opposite ideas were put together on the Tarth sigil. At least that's what I could understand from my readings from the castle library and the teaching of the maester.

Endrew Tarth pov

12 moon of 60 Ac

Finally, winter is coming to an end after two years of this seven-forsaken weather, during which I've lost half of my family and a quarter of Tarth population, which includes my son Bryndemere and his wife leaving their three children orphans. My first son also lost his wife and unborn child when the mother died of the shivers Some cousins and distant relatives. Of course, I'm not the only one who had losses but I can't get myself to care much about others when the gods have abandoned us. I mean no father should have to bury their son.

As I stand here watching the face of my dead son The body is displayed atop an altar with house Tarth colors with his hand clasped together over his sword. Two funeral stones are placed over the closed eyes of my son, each painted to resemble open eyes. The symbolic meaning of this is to remind the faithful that they should not fear death because it is not truly the end, we close our eyes in this world, but our eyes open again in the afterlife. Or so the septons say. I left the funeral with my family all dealing with the pain of loss in their own on way. when I heard Galladon say I warned you, I was enraged and backhanded the insolent boy for how did washing almost three times a day and getting cats help stop this plague. which killed nobles and smallfolk with no difference. But in the back of my mind, I thought maybe he was right maybe if I had listened and closed the port of Eventown this would not have happened then I got to my right mind and remembered no matter how smart he is he is still a child even the maesters the supposed knight of knowledge died in this tragedy with no way to remedy this plague. I see Galladon get up from the dirt and spit the blood from his mouth and look at me with a scowl then turn and walk away with the group of smallfolk orphans kids he started to gather for whatever reason.

Event in the world

60-61 Ac

60 AC was the final year of a two-year exceptionally cold and cruel winter. During this year, the terrible winter plague known as the Shivers finally ran its course, but not before claiming the life of Princess Daenerys Targaryen, the eldest living child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Near the end of the year, shortly following the birth of the king and queen's fifth child, Alyssa, winter finally broke

The Shivers progresses quickly. First the afflicted will get a chill, then shivering that gets progressively worse until it is so bad that the teeth chatter and the arms and legs convulse uncontrollably. When the end is near, the lips turn blue and the victim begins to cough up blood.

The course of the Shivers is remarkably swift: death can come within a day of the onset of the first chill. Old and young are most vulnerable, though even men in the prime of life can wake up healthy one morning and be struck dead by the next, no more than one in five of those who caught the Shivers ever recovered.

During the reign of Jaehaerys I Targaryen, many suspected that the plague was spread by rats, the small brown kind that sneaks aboard sailing ships. It was clear that the disease was not native to Westeros, but spread from some foreign land, as it started in the ports of Westeros. The maesters of the Citadel never conclusively determined if the rats were the cause of the spread of the disease, but cats became very popular and expensive during the epidemic.

Known victims


Lord Edwell Celtigar, the first lord to die.

His son and heir, who died three days after his father

Lord Staunton, his wife, and their children.

Septa Edyth, on Dragonstone.

Lord Daemon Velaryon's second son and three of his daughters.

Lord Bar Emmon

Lord Rosby

Lady Jirelle of Maidenpool

Ser Samgood of Sour Hill of the Kingsguard

Ser Victor the Valiant of the Kingsguard

Albin Massey

Qarl Corbray

Grand Maester Benifer

Princess Daenerys Targaryen.


Lord Prentys Tully

His wife, Lady Lucinda Broome

Ser Brendan Blackwood

Lady Lisa Frey wife of the lord oh house Frey


Lord Lyman Lannister

Lord Marbrand

Lord Tarbeck

Lord Westerling

The Reach:

The wife and children of Eustace Hightower

Lord Donnel Hightower

The High Septon

Twoscore of the Most Devout

A third of the archmaesters, maesters, acolytes, and novices at the Citadel

The stormlands:

Ser Ronnal Baratheon

Ronnal's wife and sons

The wife of either Ser Borys Baratheon or Ser Garon Baratheon

Ser Bryndemere Tarth

Alysanne Tarth wife of Bryndemere

Wife and unborn child of Ser Cameron Tarth

The North:

Brandon "the Boisterous" Stark

Wife and young child of Walton stark

Ser Rodrick Manderly

His wife and two daughters

Lord Karlon Karstark

Lord Edric Bolton

Following the shivers came a famine that struck throughout Westeros hitting the north and iron islands the hardest even though they were less affected by the shivers than the rest of the kingdoms due to them having less trade, it also hit the crownland hard mostly because of kingslanding large population making it hard to feed the people. the Riverlands and reach still had famine it just wasn't as bad as the other kingdoms due to their fertile lands but they were hit harder with the shivers due to their trade with foreigners from Essos. The vale did not have a severe case of the shivers only the city of Gulltown was hit hard, but because of the winter and famine, they suffered more attacks from the mountain clans of the vale who came to raid for food. The Westerlands had suffered from the shivers but mostly in their urban areas such as Lannisport and Faircastle, Westerlands suffered from famines but were able to alleviate some by buying more grain from essos which then brought in more cases of the shivers.

Pov Galladon Tarth

61 Ac

It's been two years since I lost my parents in this new world even though I didn't know them well, or care for them like I did the parents of my past life I still grew to love them, for my mother's warm smiles and supportive nature and my fathers firm but fair way of teaching and his crude joke which I think was the dad jokes of medieval times. I was so upset at the time because I warned that old fool of ways to avoid this disaster, I mean it wouldn't completely stop the plague but it wouldn't lead to the disaster it came to be. After that I and my grandfather didn't talk much he provided for me and gave me a noble education but that was about the end of our relationship. As for the rest of my family, my brother Jon had inherited the small holdfast my father had, and Gawen took over as the master of arms. As for my cousin Ayln and Uncle Cameron, They were still dealing with the death of their mother and wife, with Ayln becoming a drunk and Cameron being an ass to everyone. They all left for the mainland not too long ago for the Third Dornish War in the Red Mountains. I was left to do my own thing since my parents died and since I knew I didn't have a place in the castle and that I wanted more for myself than being a steward I started making plans for the future.

Something I knew was crucial for the future was getting loyal followers to watch over the future businesses I'm going to make and the technologies that I'm going to invent also wanted to get an early head start on getting people who can be possible servants, cooks, guards and caretakers of my future castle because I'll be damn if I get poisoned or be spied on like every other lord because they ignore or think that their servants wouldn't sell them out for some extra coins or bread mostly if you treat them like shit. So I did a Danzo and started going to the orphanages of Eventown and taking some of the kids around my age that they couldn't afford to feed because of the famine and also some of the kids from the slums of the town with no parents and begging for food. It's true that I have motives for gathering these kids but I also felt bad for them and wanted to give them a better future than what they were destined for. I hold no lands but my father forgot none of his children when he died, so I don't receive an allowance any longer but I do have a chest of gold which was given to me when my father died as my inheritance.

With that money, I started a business when it was still winter buying wool from the great amount of sheep heards in Tarth and hired the women in town who lost the breadwinners in their families to have them start making clothes. making clothes was always something that was done in the homes but after introducing the spinning Jenny I started industrializing the textile industry from homes to factories. And started making a lot of money. Of course, my family saw the amount of money I was getting but because of the martial culture of Westeros, they looked down on me as a copper counter and ignored me as long as I paid my grandfather his taxes. Sometimes it is good to be an ignored child, you don't have to answer questions you don't know how to explain. I also met a young Corlys Velaryon when he came to the island with his uncle. We became fast friends, It mostly me trying to tag along when he goes east and makes bank. Even at a young age, he had an adventurous spirit. He wanted to see the world and be known as a great sailor and enrich his family, I wanted to be a rich lord without much of the traveling and seafaring I wasn't a terrible sailor, I just wasn't that good. So we made a deal to help each other out in our future endeavors.

For the kids I'm taking care of which at the time was about 100-200 kids and growing. it was eating a lot of my money to train them or have other people train them in reading, writing, their sums, and for the different jobs they may be interested in such as sailing, cooking, accounting, smithing, and many other jobs

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