/ Fantasy / how a yandere girl got sent to another world instead of hell

how a yandere girl got sent to another world instead of hell Original

how a yandere girl got sent to another world instead of hell

Fantasy 14 Chapters 18.5K Views
Author: hoifzf

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"I love you"
this is the story of a yandere girl she tried to do love normally at first but because of her own insanity it twisted into something else soon she went to far as she was killed by her own senpai what happened to her afterwards (I had a better one but things happened)
tag: insane protagonist,yandere,sex scenes,witch,demons, mythical (there will be more
#can't make a cover to save my life not mine)

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  1. One2Turtle
    One2Turtle Contributed 10
  2. IceBlizzard
    IceBlizzard Contributed 10
    NOHONOR Contributed 5

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it's only natural for the creator to speak nicely of his story but it's tricky since this is the only modern setting story I'll make Wich still has a power system welp luck and my creativity will give this story a spotlight

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Author hoifzf