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Chapter 3: Chapter Two: Kicking Butts

[A/N:  I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Here's a new chapter about Felicity or Fil. I made some editting and examined how bad my grammar was.. AHHAHAHA sorry. I was typing it in my phone]

"Fil, if I screw that girl tonight, you will treat me four parfaits instead of one," Cleves challenged her and drinking straight on his glass of vodka.

She looked at the direction he was pointing at and saw a pretty red head girl, wearing a leather jacket and pants. Her jacket was button from bottom chest below and her red laced bra was showing together with her big front. She guessed that she was just wearing a bra underneath. A whore.

She shakes her head. Here goes Mr.Screwer again. They were at a bar drinking and watching a gig. Well, except for Cleves who was busy fishing for girls. Cleves leaned closer waiting for her answer. She glared at him but then gave up.

"Fine Cleves, I don't know what I will gain from this bet. It's still win-win for you."

"Okay, if I failed, which is impossible, I will find you a date."

Her face brightens up from the offer. A date would be great. She had dates before apparently those previous guys seemed to have not fit the Prince Charming she was looking for. The guys knew that she madly wants a boyfriend but after several dates they had set her up to, no one successfully walked her to her front door. Then she decided that it's a deal.

She did fist bumped with Cleves as a sign of agreement and focused on the girl he was aiming for. She silently prayed that she's not a whore, like she judged her to be. She wished she was with someone, so Cleves would get rejected.

"Fine and one more thing, I will give you 30 minutes to do that and send me your aftersex photo. And please no private part exposed." Fil mentioned while ordering another drink from the bartender.

"Piece of strawberry cake layered with cream cheese."Cleves looking all confident and was checking on his wallet.

"Looking for something? "

"Nah, just making sure I'm protected," Cleves flashed her with a pack of condom that was marked XL.

She groaned. Does he really need to rub it in? She doesn't want d*** like those whores, she wants one true love. She glanced at him with a bored look while setting the timer on her phone.

"Time's running Cleves. You better start nowm rather than saying goodbye to your parfaits" Fil reminded him.

"Hey, I will still have one even if I lose!"

"Oh three parfaits, I mean," she smiled at him, "so you will lose?"

"Hell No!!" Cleves swears.

"Twenty-seven minutes left," showing him of the time.

Cleves stood up lifting his remaining drink and took it straight and wiped his mouth using his back arm, like a hungry predator.  He approached straight to the target and it seemed like the girl was expecting him. The red head was unbuttoning her jacket and biting her lower lip.

Oh Man she's a whore. She can almost see her future date fading away. She has to do something. Cleves was already twirling her red hair while the other hand was one the wall, inching closer to the red head. She nervously eyed at the time, it was just two minutes before he left and then the next minute, they were kissing.

Fil furiously pulled her hair and her elbow resting on top of the counter . She gawked at Cleves' direction again and they were gone. She managed to catch Cleves gazed at the door that is for Authorized Persons Only. He was talking to the bouncer while his hand was exploring on the girl's hips, waist and behind. He's looking at her, flashing a smirk at her which means he won. It didn't take long when the bouncer opened up the door for them and Cleves looked at her once more waving his phone with a victorious smile. Then they're gone.

The noise did not bother her. Again, she lost the bet with Cleves which happens all the time. She looked at the timer and there's still 23 minutes left. It will take months or years before she let a guy took over her. She was not named as the hottest female drummer of all time, if she will just make it easy for a guy. But it took Cleves just 3 minutes to make an arrangement into going to bed with that girl, if ever they are going to do it in bed. In three minutes Fil might have just muttered her name and age with awkward pauses.

She took her last drink straight and went to the crowd in front of the performing band. They might have recognized her that's why she managed to squeezed herself to the front. She's not yet drunk yet the loud noise seems like a drug to her. She started to move to the heavy beat and started a mild head bang.

She cheered and joined the crowd shouting encore. The vocalist even acknowledged her and saying thanks in watching their performance. One perk of being famous, it's a great privileged for them if they see you enjoying their performances. She waved her hand and bowed in front of the crowd and that were also clapping.

This is one of the advantages of being famous underground; they will not surge into you like a mad wolf unlike those Justin Bieber's fans. They will still act cool in front of you and just wave a short hello.

She felt her phone vibrated and saw a text from Scott.

[Oh, you will not give four sweets to Cleves!!!]

She mused and scanned if Scott was around. Scott didn't join them when they invited them earlier. How did he find out about that?

[Who told you?] She responded.

[I saw his tweet just now, saying he gets to have four parfaits and even tagging you in the post!]

She exhaled and rolled her eyes. Cleves is such a big mouth. She chose not to respond anymore. Not so long when her phone vibrated again and she saw a message from Cleves. She hit open and she did not see an aftersex photo but a during sex picture instead. Cleaves was holding his phone while getting a shot of them infront of the mirror. That's the last thing she wanted to see. She hit on reply.

[Jerk!!! AFTERSEX you imbecile!! ]

[Hahaha!! :*]

She grunted and slipped her phone inside her pocket.

"Well that was quite a photo," someone spoke behind her.

She immediately turned her head to the person talking. The last thing she wanted was for her to be caught by others browsing a rated x photo like that.

She saw a very handsome guy with a wavy dark blonde hair. His eyes were sea green bright and his nose was perfectly shaped. His lips were naturally puckered and pinkish. He was doing that playful smirk while looking at her. The outfit he was wearing doesn't quite suit where he was right now. The guy was wearing a brownish close to golden tuxedo, like he just came to a wedding. He looked like, the leading man in the movie, The Bachelor.

"Uh-Ahm I didn't intentionally browsed that. It was from a friend!!" she defended while swallowing all the nervousness.

The guy released a soft chuckle and shakes his head.

"You don't have to be nervous, it commonly happens to people, all the time."

"Well I'm not one of those common people."

"So, you don't do it but you watch those?"

She was shocked. Was she just being addressed as a perv?

"WTF's wrong with you! I told you, my friend sent it. It was a bet... why the heck am I explaining to you anyways!?"  She pushed him out of her way and sat down at their VIP table.

Her band was a regular customer here, so they have their own table. She called the waiter and ordered a beer. It didn't take a while when her beer arrived. She gulped her bottle straight and ordered for another one. She doesn't get drunk that easily, her body just got too immune with alcohol.

She was ready for her third bottle when the same guy earlier sat beside her. She glared at him but he was just smirking placing his cocktail drink in the table. Cocktail drinks are for teens and why was he drinking that?

"So, you're a heavy drinker?"

"So what if I am? Unlike you who drinks cocktail like a blonde chick," she mocked him.

The guy chuckled and brushed his dark blonde hair and looked at her again.

"Nah, I don't drink that much... So you're famous?  I saw you earlier being called out." He conversed.

She ridiculously looked at him. Maybe the guy was really in the wrong place.

"Are you lost?"

The guy looked confused and she answered.

"First, you're dressed like a shit---."

"What shit!? This is shit?"  He interrupted her while showing his tux at her.

"Yes, that is shit for this place. You don't blend in."

He surveyed around them where people were wearing almost black. Band shirts. Black. Eyeliners. Black. Body piercing. Black. Tattoos. All about this bar was black and this guy was wearing this formal golden tux and he stands out like a spotlight in the darkness. They guy looked back at her with an empty looked.

She continued.

"Second, you drink like a chick. An--"

"What's wrong with this drink?!" He again interrupted her, lifting his drink, which she guessed was bloody mary.

"It's bloody mary and a lady's drink for glob's sake!" she yelled.

"It's still mixed with alcohol and blood isn't dark enough? It's like suicidal and suicide is dark, right?"  he was raising his hand with what this guy thought was a  rock and roll sign, but he was doing an I love you hand sign for mute people.

She hated posers. She exhaled with frustrations and pulled his hands down because he really looked pathetic and embarrassing.

"Stop that! It doesn't suit you and you're doing it all wrong."

"What's wrong with this?" he lifted his hands again and she immediately pulled it back down.

"That's not how you do it, moron."

"Hey, don't call me that! I'm smart you know."

"Well, you're a nerd. And you surely belongs to the library and not here."

"But, I like it here. The music is deafening and nice." he smiled while ordering another cocktail.

"Whatever! Third, you don't know me."

"Why should I know you? You haven't even introduced yourself.  I'm Chase and you are?" He held his hand but she slapped it.

"That's not what I mean. You're pathetic!"

"Ouch! That's not nice," Chase was rubbing his hand, pouting his lips and his eyes looked sleepy and cheeks are like reddish tomato.

"Are you drunk already?" she examined.

"No!" he blurted out.

"We'll you look and act like one."

"I just had six of these!" he sheepishly answered.

"Okay, but please if you drink like a sissy girl don't even think of drowning yourself."

"Why do you insult me like that? Who are you anyways?"

"I don't always brag about who I am but look at that poster over there." She pointed the big poster of her band on the wall near their table.

Chase stood up and eyed closer to the poster. He stared closely and shifted back to her and to the poster again.

The poster was one of their promotional ads for their world tour together with other famous metal bands. They were the major act of that tour, last year.

He smiled and sat beside her again. He was holding a magazine with her in the cover. She was wearing red velvet corset lingerie. She was kneeling semi-sideways and her head was tilted up and still looking at the camera. She had a dark make up on and her hair was in messy curls while her right hand was brushing her hair up, holding a drumstick. She was biting the other drumstick that was broken in half and the other half was in her left hand. Her left hand was pulling the string from the base of corset and it's semi loosen, showing her belly button and lace underwear. That was a sexy shot she had a year ago for a men's magazine, where she was part of the top 10 sexiest female in a band.

"You look so hot in here and your name is Felicity?  A very pretty name. Guys must surely drooled over this photo of you." He said still looking at her photo, "You must have been very very famous."

She snatched the magazine away and tore the cover off into pieces.  The guy took it all wrong. She was not a sexy star. He failed to recognize that she was a part of a famous metal band.

"Jerk! That's not what I meant! I'm not a sex symbol you, perv!"

"I'm not a perv. And I won't drool on a girl that reveals her body in a magazine for all to see and fantasize with."

His statement hit her. She did that for her band, as part of their promotion and this know-it-all guy was judging her like she loved it posing almost nude in that magazine. She even had a fight with her Dad, before he allowed it. She doesn't want to be awarded the sexiest female or hottest drummer, what she wanted was to be known for their music. But sometimes, getting famous doesn't usually come from your music alone. You have to do some ridiculous promotional agenda for the public to notice you or to maintain your status. She knew that some of her male fans looked at her as a sexy brunette drummer but what she wanted was to be idolized as a skillful drummer, not sexy.

She started hate this guy. He looked down at her like all she can do was to pose sexy. She had enough dealing with this guy. First, he sticks his nose to her message. Second, he sat on their VIP table without permission and lastly, he judged her.

"I'm done talking to you!" she kicked him hard off the couch and he fell on the floor.

The guy looked shocked and in pain.

"Why did you do that!?" Chase stood up and was about to sit down when she stretched her foot, ready for another kick.

"Can't you see this is VIP!? So don't barge yourself in mister or I'll kick your butt one more time."

He focused on the wall with a note marked as "Reserved for VIPs" and he glared at her.

"You should have told me the moment I sat there and not kicked me liked we haven't talked for almost 10minutes already."

"I don't care. Get out of my sight. You don't even belong here." she got off her chair and turned away from the guy. She lost her interest in spending more time in this bar.

She walked out to the parking lot when, someone grabbed her arm. She instantly raised her free hand to blow a punch but it was blocked and she saw that it was  the Chase guy again.

"WTF! Are you a stalker!?" she struggled free from his arms.

He let her go.

"I just don't want how you treated me earlier. I'm not a push around guy you know." he said with a serious yet sleepy face.

"Well, the hell I care. I don't know you and I don't give a damn with your feelings." Fil knew that the guy was already drunk; no guy will be this sensitive.

"You're so rowdy!" he mouthed and crossed his arms.

"I don't want to hear your opinion about me!" she really didn't.

Chase brushed his hair showing annoyance and placed his hand on his hip. He exhaled.

"Whatever, you're planning to say keep it to yourself mister. I don't want to hear any of your bullshit." Fil stopped him from talking and she jumped on her bike turning the engine on.

Chase blocked her way and both of his arms are extended sideways.

"What that heck is wrong with you? Get out of the way!" she shouted at him and turning her throttle making the engine roar louder.

"No!" he still was blocking her.

The guy was taking away all of her patience. She move forward directly straight to where the guy was standing. The guy was caught by surprised that he extended his hands forward to stop her and attempted to jump but before he could do that, she made a sharp brake. The front wheel of her motorcycle was in-between his legs. He was also trembling and looked up to her with mixed emotions.

"Are you trying to kill me!?" the guy stepped backwards away from the wheel and composed himself. He walked towards her putting his hands on the steering.

"You blocked my way! What do you want me to do?" Fil hissed and slapped away his hand off her bike.

"I just want you to say sorry for your rough attitude!  It's not nice for a girl to treat someone like that." he also shouted.

She raised her eyebrows and couldn't believe on what the guy was saying. He did all that, just to hear her say sorry?

"What!? I will not do that, I don't apologize unless I really feel sorry."

"So you are not sorry, even when you try to run over me by this bike?"

"Na-ah not at all." shaking her head.

"Fine, then don't say sorry but at least make it up to me." he reconsidered and putting his hands on his pockets.

"What are you talking about!?" she doesn't know if this guy is hooking up with her or what.

"You kicked me and almost kill me."

"I'm not having sex with you, mister. Look I'm not that easy girl you thought of."

"What sex are you talking about?" the guy confusingly asked her.

"You're not asking me to go to bed with you?" she was also confused.

"What! No! I just need a lift." he chuckled and brushed his hair.

She raised her eyebrow but felt a pang of embarrassment and he continued.

"I don't have my car with me. A friend just dropped me off this bar. I need a ride home. My house is far from here." He pleaded.

"Take a bus home." She was about to drive away but the guy held her hand to stop.

"Don't touch me!" removing his hand from her. She felt so embarrassed that she really wanted to run off that moment.

"Sorry, I'm just desperate. I don't know how to take public transportation and where it's gonna take me. Please." the guy pleaded with his bright green eyes twinkling in the night.

She shrugged.  She took pity on the guy. The guy doesn't surely belong to this place and delinquents might take advantage of him because he looked rich. She tossed her only helmet at him and he smiled while catching it.

She noticed how good looking the guy is. He was sort of prince charming look alike, but it doesn't feel like a romantic encounter at all. Meeting a guy at a bar is a No No for her.

"How about you?" the guy asked while putting on the helmet.

"I don't wear those. Hop on."

The guy sat behind her and grabbed her waist. She shuddered and elbowed him.

"Why did you do that? You don't just touch me!" she snarled.

"Where am I supposed to hold for support? That really hurts you know, you hit me several times tonight."

She thought of where he was supposed to be holding.  There are bars behind the seat of her bike but it might pull him backwards because she usually drives fast. The guy was also tipsy so, he might not be able to hold tight to those bars. She hated it, when she was becoming too considerate to this stranger.

"Fine, just don't dare do stupid things coz I will let you fall off the streets and die!"

"Thanks and also..."

"What now?" she cursed.

"Are you not going to tie your hair up? It will be all over my face when you drive."

"Glob! You're so demanding!!" She tied her waste long curly hair into a knot and looked at the guy," Are you happy now?"

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. She felt uncomfortable and she can feel him breathing on her nape. His chest was laid closesly on her back that sends out a thousand volts to her skin. She shook her head, breathes in and tried to focus on driving.

"Thank you," they guy said with a soft voice.

She started the engine and drove fast. The guy hugged her tighter and she was becoming too conscious.  Then she was over the speed limit.

"You drive this fast?" the guy was speaking behind her ears and obviously shaking.

She felt a tingling sensation when his breath touched her ear and she started to feel like she was blushing. She speeds it up once more while over taking on the cars in front of them.

Chase felt like he was in the brink of death because on how fast she drives. He cannot help but to inch and tug closer to her because he doesn't want to fall off her bike. He silently prayed that they will be able to reach the destination safely.

They slowed down which made him relieved. He loosened his arms around her because; he doesn't want her to feel like he is taking advantage of her.

[A/N: Well surely Chase is kinda cute. What do you think of him? Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote!!! ]

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