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How To Be a Heartbreaker (And Other Acts of Douchebaggery) How To Be a Heartbreaker (And Other Acts of Douchebaggery) original

How To Be a Heartbreaker (And Other Acts of Douchebaggery)

Author: WanderingStars

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: changing luck and new beginnings

authors notes:

alright babes. strap in for a story with a flirty sasuke and a sweet as sugar naruto :3c

oh yeah besties thats right. im coming at ya with a story with a player sasuke, as every sns writer should have. i feel like this is one of three Essential fics you need under your belt when you write these two; there's the fix-it in universe fic that remedies everything and makes them gay, the au high school/university fic where everyone is present and nobody is dead (bonus points if sns are roommates!), and the fic where sasuke is a total fuckboy. like...i grew up on that trio of sns fics and now im doing it myself. feels good feels fukcing organic. homegrown sns for sale!!! get your non-GMO sns here folks!!! this here??? *slaps my webnovel account* farm to table bab-ey hehe o((>ω< ))o

really though this is a fic i am super excited for omg...ive always wanted to write a fic like this and im finally doing it!!! this fic will start off with a bit of a short first chapter (an anomaly for me omg omg) but i hope you will stick around for later chapters bc its def gonna be a ride ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

(also yes i know the summary for this is trying to make it better but god. its not easy babes!!!)

enjoy~!!! 💖


"...fall into the light of you~"

Aaaaaand that was Spring Crush by Crown Jewel, the English debut of the world's hottest new k-pop group! You are listening to WKOR Radio Station, 97.6, stationed in the beautiful town of Konoha we are bringing you the newest pop music, non-stop...

Naruto tunes out of the radio of the Uber he's in, choosing instead to stare out the window at the streets passing around him.

'Beautiful town of Konoha', the radio said? Yeah...right.

If you look up the word 'beautiful' in a dictionary you will find a definition of the word, examples of how it's used, synonyms and antonyms. Under those antonyms you won't find the name of Konoha but you really should...if you ask Naruto, that is.

It's not that he thinks his new town is ugly, really, because he doesn't; the buds emerging on the trees, the flowers blooming from the thawing spring soil, and the birds chirping in the trees are all beautiful in their own right. Truly, they are lovely displays of spring!

What isn't beautiful about Konoha is that Naruto has been there barely a week and already he has lost the keys to his new apartment, had some of his clothing stolen from a laundromat, and gotten his car rear-ended which is going to cost him who fucking knows how much in damages. For a soon-to-be preschool teacher, expenses like car repairs do not bode well for Naruto.

He had saved up all his money for this move and, since it's only spring and he doesn't start teaching until the new school year, he won't have money coming in until then. He has enough money to not land on the streets, but that is only for the bare minimum -- that doesn't include extra car expenses.

Like, what's he supposed to do? Scrounge around in the cushions of a couch he doesn't have for change he also doesn't have? He'd have more luck wishing on a star or tossing a coin into a well -- that is, if he had money to throw into a well .

Naruto's head painfully knocks against the window of the Uber and he winces as he straightens up. Lost in his thoughts of how things went wrong, Naruto had almost arrived at his destination. The beautiful sights of tailored sidewalks and manicured lawns have moved out of the way for a more industrial area, all the buildings the colour of drab grey cement and covered in years of grime and dirt. He sits up a bit straighter in his seat and tracks his gaze along the business fronts before locking onto the one he needs.


Naruto fishes a business card out of his back pocket and reads it, confirming it was the right place.

"Here is fine!" he calls out to the driver, offering an apologetic smile when the driver startles and slams on the brakes. He nods to the driver as he grabs his bag and leaves, hopping out onto the street. Naruto takes his phone out of his pocket as the driver leaves and he rates the driver and leaves a tip -- tipping was included in necessities, Naruto wasn't an animal .

All done, Naruto slides his phone back in his pocket and looks up at the front of the business, already feeling his wallet float out of his pocket with how light it was going to be after this visit. Not that it's heavy now, but even a feather has weight to it.

Naruto sighs and decides it's time to get it over with; rip it off like a bandaid, right? He stalks up the shop and opens the door, peeking in and he's greeted with -- nobody. No one is at the front desk, or sitting around waiting, or standing around chatting...nothing. Naruto bites his lip and lets the door close behind him, wondering, just for a moment, if he's been swindled and rather than getting his car fixed it's been taken to a chop shop. It would be just his luck, wouldn't it? It would really put the cherry on top of a shitty week.

Deciding he should leave and try going around back (there would be a back, right? The business wasn't just a facade?) Naruto turns and bumps right into someone. He lets out an embarrassing yelp and jumps back a step, his heart thumping at the fright. He brings a hand up to rest on his chest as he looks up at the man he literally ran into, relief running through him when he recognizes him. The man grins, the expression half-polite and half-amused at Naruto's reaction.

"Hey, blondie!" The man practically barks, his voice low and gruff. He clasps a hand on Naruto's shoulder and Naruto manages a grimace that's easy enough to pass off as a smile.

"Hi...Kiba." A quick glance at the man's name tag refreshes Naruto of the man's name, but he really doesn't remember if he knew it in the first place or not. After he got rear-ended he was so focused on the potential cost of the damages that everything else went in one ear and out the other. Hell, the only reason he remembered this place was the business card he had been given! If it weren't for that Naruto would have been left on his own in a town he doesn't know with a damaged car, on top of everything else that had already gone wrong for him.

"Heh, ya' remembered my name." Kiba said, his grin widening when Naruto offers a sheepish smile.

Naruto almost feels a little bad for his white lie, but he doesn't have time to dwell on it because Kiba starts leading him to the back of the shop. Immediately, Naruto is assaulted with the acrid smells of metal, oil, and chemicals. It's so strong it almost makes his eyes water and he coughs once before covering his mouth. Kiba looks at him and scratches the back of his neck.

"Smelly?" When Naruto nods hastily, Kiba walks to the opposite end of the garage they had entered and presses a button. The large door creaks and groans as it opens, the sound of metal grating on metal making Naruto's teeth feel like they're rattling in his head. But then it all stops and sunlight streams into the area, brightening up the dingy garage and making it not feel so suffocating. Fresh air comes in through the large open space and Naruto uncovers his mouth to breathe it in, grateful.

"Sorry 'bout that." Kiba says as he walks back to Naruto, wiping his hands over the thighs of his coveralls. He has them pushed down from his chest and has the torso tired around his waist, the arms in a knot. "We're more of a workshop than a working garage so most people are used to it." He explains before walking to Naruto's car. "Anyways! Here's yer ride." Kiba stops beside the driver's side door and turns around to look at Naruto, watching as he goes around to the back of his car.

"Wow..." Naruto starts, standing back a few feet to look over the back bumper of his car. "You fixed it so fast." He shoots Kiba a small smile as he walks back to him. "I thought it would take longer."

Kiba grins proudly and fishes Naruto's keys out of his pocket. "Nah, I'm pretty damn good at my job!, we already had most of the stuff here and it wasn't too crunched up, anyways." He states as he drops Naruto's keys into his palm. He steps aside for Naruto to enter his car, humming when Naruto stops as he opens it.

"You cleaned it for me, too?" Naruto says, with a hint of shock in his voice. He smiles when Kiba nods and turns away, a bit bashful. He scratches at his cheek, leaving a mark of oil behind on one of the red inverted triangles he has tattooed.

"Yeah..." He trails off, shrugging. "Ya' seemed pretty stressed after I hit ya' so I thought it would be nice to have it cleaned up."

Naruto tosses his keys into the passenger side of his car and turns back to Kiba. "That was really thoughtful, thank you. Now," Naruto reaches into his pocket for his wallet and brings it out. "How much is it all going to...cost?" Naruto questions, tilting his head as Kiba waves him off before he's even done asking his question.

"Oh, uh...nothing." The brunet smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. "This was all my fault, and insurance and shits always such a hassle so..." He shrugs. "No cost to ya'. It'll be all good and we can just forget this ever happened."

Naruto blinks, then frowns and shakes his head. "No...I can't do that, Kiba. I have to pay you for the work you've done." He opens his wallet but stops when Kiba places his hand on his, stilling him. They stand in silence, neither one moving to relent, when Kiba speaks.

"I'm not taking any of your money, so...what about a compromise?" Kiba asks as he removes his hand from atop Naruto's.

Naruto keeps his wallet out for a moment before, seeing that Kiba isn't one to budge, slides it back in his pocket. He is hesitant to Kiba's suggestion of a 'compromise' and a few things come to mind about what exactly that could mean -- none of them good. He crosses his arms defensively. "Like what? I'm not good with cars if you need help, or something."

Kiba grins and immediately shakes his head. "Nah, nothin' like that.'re new to the area, right? I remember ya' said somethin' 'bout 'needing to meet the movers' when I rear-ended you." Kiba quickly adds when Naruto's eyebrows furrow. "I'm not a creeper, I swear."

Naruto watches Kiba with slight suspicion but nods regardless to his question.

"Great! Then...ya' wanna hang out with me and some friends tonight? I think we're the same age and ya' seem like a pretty cool guy, so..." He trails off, looking at Naruto hopefully. "It'll be totally chill, promise."

Naruto bites his lip in thought and cocks his head to the side slightly. He weighs his options, which are, in his mind, either a) throw money at Kiba and drive away before he can protest, or b) accept the offer to meet up with people he doesn't know, who are friends of someone he also doesn't know.

But...then a third option pops into his head that makes him pause.

c) Accept this bit of good fortune and use the opportunity to, maybe, make some friends.

With a soft sigh and small smile, Naruto acquiesces. "Meeting your friends will be equal to you fixing my car?"

Kiba brightens up and nods quickly. "Totally, man! It was my fault and I feel bad about it, and this way we'll be even and nobody needs to pay anyone!" Kiba swings an arm around Naruto's shoulders and pulls him close. "Plus, you'll get to meet the coolest group of people this town has to offer." Kiba winks and flashes Naruto a cocky grin. "I'm the coolest, of course."

Naruto lets out a quiet laugh, surprisingly not uncomfortable with Kiba being so close to him. "I don't know how it'll make us even, but if you say so then I'll agree with you."

Kiba gives Naruto a small squeeze before pulling back and stepping away from his car. "So...we're gonna meet up around 7-ish," Here Kiba makes the universal iffy wave with his hand, "At Akimichi's, which is...wait, you probably have no idea where that is." Kiba says, as if just remembering Naruto was new to the town. He frowns then shakes his head. "My roommate and I will pick you up, yeah?" He looks to Naruto, an expectant look on his face.

Naruto hesitates for a moment before dipping his head in a shallow nod. "Um...sure...?" He says, but it's halfway between a statement and a question. "We should probably have a way to talk to each other."

Kiba pulls his phone out and they quickly exchange LINE information before Naruto gets in his car and gets ready to leave. Then, he pauses with his door open and one foot in his car. He looks to Kiba, smiling a bit embarrassed. "Um...I don't think I know my way back to my apartment."

Kiba stares at Naruto a moment before letting out a loud laugh, the sound echoing in the garage around them. His eyes sparkle with mirth as Naruto blushes with embarrassment, but also smiles despite it. Kiba agrees to give Naruto directions and patiently waits as he gets into his car before rattling off a route, careful not to name streets and instead give places to turn.

"...there'll be a 7-11, and if you take a right at the intersection you'll end up at your apartments." Kiba finishes, pulling back from where he was leaning against Naruto's window when Naruto nods and finishes silently repeating the directions to himself.

Naruto smiles and starts his car. "Thanks for fixing my car for free; it really helps me out."

Kiba waves off the praise then shoves his hands in his pockets, his grin modest. "It's nothin', really. See ya' tonight!"

He gives a small wave when Naruto pulls out of the garage, the blond waving back out his car window as he leaves.On the road home, Naruto hums to himself, pleasantly surprised at how his luck has seemed to have turned around. He had been dreading the cost of his car repairs and had resigned himself to living off 50¢ ramen for the foreseeable future, but Kiba's generosity had quickly changed all of that. He smiles at how excited Kiba was when he agreed to meet and a warm feeling spreads through him, hopeful that Kiba's friends will be just as nice to him.

If his luck stays good, Naruto might already have a new group of friends by the end of the night! Feeling the happiest he has all week, Naruto cruises along the route Kiba told him to follow until he gets back to his apartment, his mood miles better than it had been when he left that morning.

Maybe this new town wouldn't be so bad after all.

Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something beautiful.

WanderingStars WanderingStars

and we come to the end of this short first chapter <3 future chapters are much, much longer, so please look forward to them!!

comments are loved and appreciated and i love to hear any criticisms you may have! anything you want to say, lay it all out in the comments bc i read them all and take what you say to heart and am always trying to improve :3

i hope you all enjoyed and i cant wait to see you all in the next chapter! until then, my loves ~\(≧▽≦)/~

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