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Chapter 15: Wake up call

It was the day after the combat exercise and Yousuke was walking towards UA. He was excited about what interesting exercise they'd be put through today.

Or rather, he was excited, up until a reporter came up to him and almost shoved a mic in his mouth. Behind the reporter, who seemed to have been the fastest to notice him, were other reporters, each with their own camera crew.

"What is it like having classes with the Top Hero, All Might?" asked the first reporter. She was eager to be the first to get a response out of him.

"He's a good teacher." replied Yousuke, even if he didn't really believe that. He had one class with the hero so far and he had used cards to support him. Though, perhaps he was nervous to be teaching for the first time, and didn't want to screw up in front of the first-years.

Regardless of Yousuke's inner thoughts, the reporter lady didn't seem satisfied with the lackluster reply and would've tried to press him for more details, but Eraserhead soon appeared to shoo the reporters.

The Pro Hero didn't say anything to Yousuke as he passed by, only nodding his way to acknowledge him in the way only the most introverted of people would do.


"Good morning, class!" cheerfully greeted Midnight as she entered their classroom. "I checked the records from your Battle Trials from yesterday and I have to say, most of you did good for your first time."

The teacher graciously allowed the class a few seconds of joy at the compliment.

"Don't get cocky now. There's still a lot you have to learn in order to become pro-heroes."

The R-Rated Hero would've made a sexual joke there, but Nezu had warned her against being overly sexual with her homeroom class, which meant she couldn't quite tiptoe around the fine line before sexual harassment anymore. Luckily, that only applied to her class. Midnight would've chuckled were she alone.

"With that out of the way, we'll return to more important matters." she said, making the class quiet at once. They all were focused on their teacher, making Midnight nod appreciatively.

'These kids are pretty sharp.' she thought.

"Pick a class representative. It doesn't matter how you choose, just be done in 10 minutes." spoke the Pro Hero, leaning back in her chair, waiting to see her class' reaction.

The students were still stunned in silence from the normalcy of the activity. However, after a few seconds of silence, Shiozaki slowly suggested that they do a voting to choose the class representative, and since the other students hadn't come up with a better option, they agreed, if grudgingly in Bakugou's case.

As they tallied the votes and Midnight noted the results on the whiteboard, Yousuke was surprised at the number of votes he'd got.

Gojo Yousuke - 6 votes

Shiozaki Ibara - 4 votes

With the exception of Inasa and Yaoyorozu, who had 2 votes each, the rest of the names all had one or less votes. Yousuke took a curious look around the class, to see if he could figure out who voted for him, which wasn't that hard, really. Hitoshi and Setsuna both gave him a thumbs up then they made eye contact, so that was that. Similarly, Inasa and Eijiro had given him big smiles, while Shoto had simply nodded his head, as if to confirm.

'Okay, that's 5 for now. Who else?' he thought.

Though, the teen hadn't had time to look around more as he had to go in front of the class since he was asked to by Midnight. He wasn't sure why at first, but by the end of it he was pretty sure the Pro Hero just wanted to check him and Shiozaki out. Finally, Midnight nodded to herself and patted them both on their shoulders.

"You look like you'd make a fine pair." she commented, before smirking mischievously. "But, class rep, please don't get too distracted by vice rep while doing your rep duties. You have plenty of time for that elsewhere." said the teacher, hugging the vine-haired student around the waist, emphasizing certain assets.

"Ah, M-Miss Midnight!" exclaimed Shiozaki.

It was a good day to have eyes.


All in all, the day went well.

Except for that time when the level 3 alarm rang out and everybody panicked, but that situation was swiftly solved by virtue of creative thinking and balls that can do almost anything.

Later on, the teen and Shiozaki, who was still a bit ashamed from the earlier episode, collected the phone numbers of everyone in class to do what every responsible high schooler did since the age of smartphones: make a class chat group.

That proved to be a mistake since he was getting bombarded with messages from people like Manly_Riot_Jr, Manly_Tornado, Master_5Sol and someone named Soft&Wet, whom he had no idea who he was.

With no other incident happening for the following days, the students of 1-A fell into a normal school routine.

Routine that lasted until the end of the week, when Midnight told them that they'd do something different for that class of Foundational Heroics. As per usual with students in school, murmurs started going around. More than one student raised their hands to ask something, but their teacher beat them to the punch. The R-Rated Hero presented the class a card on which was written 'rescue', in bold, blue letters.

"It matters not if it's a flood, forest fire or any other kind of disaster; you need to be the heroes everybody needs. That's what rescue's all about." she said, which had the contradictory effect of both easing the class' curiosity while also hyping them up.

But before any discussion escalated, Midnight pressed a button on a remote, and the whiteboard opened up, displaying the young heroes' costumes, in cases as usual.

"Do take into consideration whether the costumes would help you or not in this exercise." added the teacher. "Also, the facility is somewhat far from the teaching campus, so we'll be taking a bus there. All of you are good to go?"

RealSam11 RealSam11

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