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Chapter 2: Erica Blandelli

Masaru was following Paolo to a hairdresser first to get his hair washed and cut, it was a massive change to see his hair finally looking normal compared to the previous beggar style he adapted to survive in the streets.

He had been taught many things by his parents on how to survive if they ever get separated, his parents were ready to take the blame for teaching their son to have the mentality of survival come first compared to committing a small crime like stealing bread. Looking at his face, his eyes were misty feeling depressed, 'Mom... Dad... I swear I will live up to your expectations, and live calmly like gentle waters.' he thought,

Afterwards, the two of them went to a hotel Paolo booked since he was here on business he had to update the number of guests so they could get a room with two beds in it. The process did not take that long, so they entered the room the hotel changed for them.

"Get washed," Paolo said towards Masaru, he left the room since there was still a few things he had to do before he could return home with Masaru, he had to consider what to tell his niece as well since he will be bringing a boy into the house.

Saying nothing in return, Masaru entered the bathroom and got himself washed in the shower. The feeling of the dirt and dust being washed off made Masaru feel refreshed as if he had been reborn. After cleaning himself, Masaru climbed into the tub filled with warm water simply soaking himself in it. As a tradition, he was taught by his father how wonderful it is to simply soak in warm water after a shower, and he felt his father was right.

'I'm not sure if I can trust this old man, so I will have to keep my guard against him. I just hope he really is what he said since I am tired of running, and I can't beat him unless I grow up more' Masaru thought, he would have never expected that Paolo had witnessed his fight with the two gangsters, including the moment he made a move instinctively to avoid the punch.

This was a sign for Paolo, that this boy was indeed that man's son. Hench, he took the initiative to take in Masaru, he may be friends with Masaru's father. But taking in Masaru, was no different from taking on the Yozu as an enemy. And the Yozu clan was influential within Japan, second to Hayami. However, since the Hayami was massacred they took the top position recently.

'At least I have a home for now, although it happened too quickly I can make use of this man to learn how to get stronger in a fast way before the day comes... I don't even know if it will be even tomorrow... But I have to train, and find out about the Campiones. If that Hero arrives, it will be over if I can't defend myself' Masaru thought.

Masaru closed his eyes as he tries to focus within his mind, he could see a magic circle scribbled with strange runic letters yet he could somehow read it. From his mind he recognizes these runic letters as "Devil Characters", and that this magic circle was engraved into his soul to protect him from danger. He had always wondered why this magic circle never activated, especially when he was close to death a few times.

The magic circle had a double border in the form of a circle with runic devil characters written between the two, within the inner circle there was a drawing of ten rings and a book in the middle. "I wonder what would make this magic circle activate? Would it grant me power? Or would it fade after being used?" Masaru muttered

With the magic circle in the middle, there were three avatars, one was a titan who had a very large bulky body and a clock scar over his left eye which was emitting a pulsing of green light. On the other side was a Woman with spear shrouded by night and a gate is behind her. "And what are you two... I can't sense anything special" Masaru muttered,

It has been five years since he came to his inner world, he had done many things to these two statues yet nothing happened. It simply remained there motionlessly, as for the third statue at the back covered with dark aura yet have a trace of gentleness to it?

Masaru never went near it, he was not sure why but that statue had a repulsive feeling. he felt this statue would give him both danger and opportunity, and as someone who strives to survive. He hated danger.

'There are so many mysteries to my current life, so I will make it a point to research the three of you since the magic circle I doubt I would be able to find information about it in this world. Since Magic does not exist' Masaru thought, he was never exposed to the supernatural world so he did not know of the existence of Heretic Gods and Magic. If he did, then he would have understood the meaning behind the things within him.

Masaru came back to himself and when he opened his eyes he almost jumped out of the bath leaving his body behind in fright, Paolo was silently relaxing in the bath as well. "There is no need to fear me boy, believe me, if I say I am someone who is trying to keep you safe."

Masaru smirked "That is what all little kid kidnappers say... I'm just a bit troubled by your taste since I am a boy"

Paolo who heard this almost choke in his own breath thinking this boy's imagination is truly wild, he coughed a few times to recompose himself.

"I promise you I have no intentions of such nonsense, besides if I were to touch you then my niece would hate me for the rest of her life. I can't allow that to happen!" Paolo cried out,

Masaru felt a little at ease with how the old man was behaving, he still kept his guard against him. 'Maybe I should try and ask him, about that' Masaru thought, it was a risk but if he could get an answer then it would make it easier for him to research about it.

"Uncle, did you ever heard of the word Campione?" Masaru asked,

"Where have you heard of this?" Paolo asked with a stern look on his face, his entire demeanour became cold as he looks at Masaru.

"urk!" Masaru flinched at Paolo, shivering when he felt the oppressive aura pressing down on him. Tears were accumulating at the corner of his eyes, seeing this Paolo shivered as he retracted his aura immediately. He acted instinctively since the word Campione was too sensitive for him.

"WAAHHH!!!" Masaru began to cry when the pressure vanished, he was really scared. And even if his mind was much more mature, his body and soul was still that of six years old.

"I'm sorry" Paolo apologized as he started to soothe Masaru, it took him an hour to calm Masaru down. He even had to carry Masaru out of the bath since taking a too long time to soak would not be good for his health, it was only after a while that Masaru calmed down.

Looking at Paolo with his eyes, Paolo knew this boy was serious of his question. After hearing that Masaru only know of this word and did not know what it meant, he thought for a moment before answering his question since he intends to train Masaru in the future and it will only be sooner or later he would enter the supernatural world.

"Campione refers to humans who managed to kill a Heretic God, like those gods you read about in the mythologies," Paolo started,

Masaru thought for a moment, "So Gods exist?"

Paolo nodded then shook his head, "Yes they do. But the reason for how or when the Heretic Gods started appearing in the world can't be explained as it happened for thousands upon thousands of years, however a Campione is someone who becomes something akin to a superhuman who gains divine power called Authorities of the Heretic God they have slain, then for a brief period of time the Heretic God will enter deep slumber and come back when it awakens. The time it takes for a Heretic God to awaken varies, sometimes centuries, sometimes even days"

Paolo rubbed his chin, "According to our records a Campione will only acquire one Authority from the god they slay, which is influenced by the personality, compatibility, and skill of the Campione. But there were a few cases where some inherit all the powers but because they gained versatile powers it came with restrictions."

Paolo looked at Masaru who was showing a surprised expression, 'To think that Campione would be such kind of people, and the fact the Hero can kill them. Won't that mean that I have to become strong enough to face a God!? Just how am I going to survive in this world!?'

"You will soon become familiar with this in the future" Paolo said with a smile,

Paolo raised his hand placing it on top of Masaru's head, "I told you I will take you in. Train you but you will have to work for me for a while so I can protect you because there are other people out there that want to kill you due to your lineage, so to make sure you will be fine you will be under me okay?"

Masaru shivered, he felt it was difficult to trust this man. But if what he said was true, then his best chances of surviving in the world would be to follow him. After gaining some courage, Masaru glanced at him "You--- How can I trust... you"

Masaru's breathing was becoming rougher as he started to remember how he was treated in the past, people feared his intelligence and called him a monster, the martial arts dojo feared his comprehension and chased him away. Now the only two people who treated him well had left the world, just how can he really trust people.

Yet, he still asked the question. He wanted to hear, the reason this old man had.

Paolo knew of this child's past, this was the reason he decided to take this boy under his wing. A Six-year-old endured pain he should have never experienced in the first place. Paolo stood up picking Masaru up embracing him.

Masaru was shocked by the sudden warmth he was feeling, he had forgotten this nostalgia feeling... of Security. As if everything he kept locked inside his heart he began to cry, the number of why questions he kept asking was astounding but Paolo only held the boy repeatedly said: "It's okay..."

A while later Masaru fell asleep while Paolo watched over the boy thinking for a moment before making his decision, he picked up his phone dialling Dante, his butler's number.

"Master?" Dante asked on the other side of the phone,

Paolo looked at Masaru, "Dante, I want you to finalize the guardianship of the boy to be addressed to me, have the people resolve all the crimes the boy committed and compensate them and have him registered as my adopted son. Also, start suppressing the Yozu family so their attention will be drawn away and arrange for Hiei to move their Headquarters to Italy"

Dante was naturally surprised as he knew Paolo still had his niece whom he was looking after but now... a son? "Master, are you sure?"

Paolo smiled, "Just do it, please my friend? no need to question me... Although Erica is my niece but she is inheriting her parents legacy and the title I have prepared for her, I too wish to have a child who will inherit my legacy even if he is already inheriting his own parents legacy as well."

Dante was wondering just why had his friend get so attached to the boy, "Understood!" He could accept his Master's choice but he too was curious about why his master wants to have this child since the child will inherit the legacy of Paolo Blandelli, he wants to know more about his soon to be a young master.

The next morning Masaru woke up he felt much lighter, he could feel some sort of weight he carried was taken off his shoulders and he could see a new set of articles of clothing was arranged for him. He looked at the crimson coloured shirt with black pants, 'Isn't this the same colour as the old man'

Soon Paolo came in seeing Masaru staring at the clothes, "Those are your clothes"

Masaru looked at Paolo strangely, "Do you have a Mini-me Fetish I read about in the library?" (AN: Read at note to understand this joke)

Paolo almost slipped over his own feet when he heard the boy, 'just what the hell did this boy been reading in the library!'

He coughed and regained his cool face, "No, that is the colour you will soon have to get used to wearing when you will be working for me"

Masaru nodded 'Well at least it is not a Maid outfit' if Paolo were to know if this, then he would have banged his head on the wall at how "creative" this child's imagination was.

"Anyway, we will be going to my home where we will start your education, training and education" Paolo said before glancing at Masaru, 'I wonder if I should send him to our secret services, to be trained as a spy?' he thought.

Masaru tilt his head wonder "Why education twice?"

Paolo looks oddly serious "Because it is twice as important for you. I have no idea where you picked up that strange knowledge of yours but don't go labelling every person in such a way without confirming if they really are"

Masaru nodded while changing his clothes, once he was ready the two of them went down where a black Cadillac car was waiting for them with a driver. "Home" Paolo ordered,

The driver nodded and the car took off driving on the road, Masaru gaze at the city he was running around in to survive blur pass him till they reached Manor in Milan where Paolo was currently living in.

"Uncle!" Erica, a girl with beautiful blonde hair all the way till her lower back with blue eyes. From the looks of it, her future growth will turn her into an incredibly attractive woman.

Even Masaru's eyes were on her face before he looked downwards, she was not impolite but she found Masaru to look quite handsome with his silverly coloured hair and amber eyes, compared to the other boys she very much preferred boys like Masaru.

She was more impressed to see a boy who could turn his gaze away from her, although the adults could do it easily, however, the boys in school would normally peek at her regularly which made her feel troubled in a different sense.

Masaru indeed was showing respect but if anyone even a girl tries to trample him, he will stand up. If the opponent can't be offended yet, he will endure till the day comes he can have his revenge. What's the use of dignity if one ends up dead for being a fool?

Paolo picked up Erica giving her a kiss on the cheek and then placed her down, "Uncle who is this?"

Masaru looked at Paolo with scorn, "I never thought that after you picked me up, you still went and kidnap beautiful girls"

Paolo was floored when he heard this boy's comment, Erica was surprised at this boy's quite rude remark but she still found it funny so she giggled and held a good impression since the boy gave her a simple yet honest compliment on her looks. Even a young girl like her, liked to hear someone call her beautiful.

"Masaru! This is my niece! I swear to god I do not kidnap children!" Paolo felt like crying, he never knew Masaru was enjoying to tease him since he takes things too seriously so seeing him act like this was funny.

"I understand Father" Masaru said with a sly smile, he felt even if it was a little that he could trust Paolo.

Paolo knew this brat was teasing him felt embarrassed but the servants only laughed thinking this boy was really something to drag out such a side of their always serious boss.

"My name is Erica Blandelli, pleased to meet you" Erica curtsied elegantly,

When Masaru saw this he remembered an old history book that spoke of nobles so he mistook Erica's curtsy so he took her hand and lightly kissing it causing the girl to blush at this boy's bold action, but Masaru was only following the greeting style according to how he read about nobles.

"And I'm Masaru Hayami, you really do look beautiful" Masaru said with a bright smile,

Paolo's eyebrow went upwards as he was not sure how to grade this greeting, but from the flushed face, he knew Erica was just as surprised as he was. 'I really need to find out just what the hell did this boy read during his free time'

'So handsome... I wonder if he would be friends with me?... Could we finally playhouse together?' Erica looked at Masaru more closely finding this boy mysterious, unlike other boys she found repulsive. She felt she could become close to Masaru.

Paolo coughed lightly attracting both Erica and Masaru's attention to him, "I adopted him so he will be staying with us, can I ask you to take care of him for me Erica?"

Erica was happy when she heard her uncle's request, she had someone whom she could play with since she could not always be with Lillian her best friend. "Yes! Leave it to me!"

'She is giving me a strange vibe like I will get eaten in if I don't keep my guard up' Masaru thought before he shook his head, 'Eaten? Why did I compare myself to food for a moment there?'

It did not take long for Masaru to remember there was indeed a book he read in the past described in a strange book drawn with naked bodies, he was not sure why these people draw such pictures. It was because he read a book called the bible once, he thought the artist who drew that book wanted to express their desire to return to the period of Adam and Eve where being naked was norm.

If Paolo were to know of this he would have a burnt down the libraries for having...

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Author Note:

Mini-Me: The miniature Evil antagonist portrayed in the Movie "Austin Powers"

CompleteNoob CompleteNoob

Changes made: 06/09/2020

Let me clarify a few things first:

1: MC has fragment memory only about the end boss at the end of the 1st Campione Series, he has no idea when or where or even what this boss is. He only knows he will die for sure if he awakens that is the impressions form the memory he felt.

2: The MC does not have Authorities anymore! (Changes made here), I will make some surprises here much later in the book as I work through it.

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