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Chapter 3: The Awakening of Bloodlines: A Journey Unveiled

It had been a goodly span of two years since the lad last celebrated his birth, and now he found himself standing at the tender age of ten. As fortune would have it, on this particular anniversary, a most fortuitous occurrence unfolded. From the depths of the lottery's enchanted realm, the young scion emerged victorious, clutching a vial containing none other than a BLOODLINE potion. Verily, a most auspicious gift it was! Forsooth, with this potent draught in his possession, the lad's destiny stood poised to change its course.

Upon closer inspection of his birthday bounty, the boy discovered that the potion held within it the fused essence of two mighty dragons. The first was the fusible heart of Aithusa, a radiant creature of pristine white. The second, a vessel of darkness, was the fusible blood of Kilgharrah, a dragon cloaked in obsidian scales. These awe-inspiring specimens represented the opposing forces of Light and Dark magic, imbued with powers that rivalled even the most potent incantations. Their magic flowed effortlessly, unburdened by the need for specific intent. Just as the dreaded Killing Curse required no wellspring of malevolence, and the ethereal Patronus Charm required no joyous heart, so too would this fused essence offer the boy unparalleled abilities.

With great caution, the lad refrained from immediately partaking in the potion's alchemical wonders. He pondered and deliberated, for he was mindful of the weight that such a choice carried. Would his youthful vessel prove strong enough to bear the weight of these majestic bloodlines? 'Twas a quandary that gnawed at his thoughts, urging him to exercise patience.

In the fullness of time, as the summer holidays drew near, the boy's resolve solidified. He resolved to seize this fleeting moment of freedom, away from prying eyes and parental oversight. In the absence of both his dear mother and father, who unwittingly bestowed upon him a respite from their watchful gaze, the lad embarked upon his transformative journey.

Before proceeding, he invoked the system, a repository of arcane knowledge that guided him in this intricate dance of fate. With bated breath, he recited his status, calling forth the embodiment of his being.


NAME: Severus Snape

AGE: Ten Years

HP: Five (A healthy measure, though reserved for grown folk)

MP: Five (A tally befitting a first-year novice)

BLOODLINE: Half-blood Prince family lineage

PASSIVE SKILLS: The Arts of the Mind


INVENTORY (An allowance granted solely for items bestowed by the system):



Ah, the coveted BLOODLINE potion! A concoction that would unlock the very depths of his ancestral heritage, allowing for the unfettered emergence of dormant bloodlines. 'Twas a potion that would unveil, albeit selectively, the latent power that lay dormant within his veins. And so it was, that the boy took a shard of glass and drew forth a small measure of his own life essence. A single cut upon his finger drew forth a trickle of crimson, which he, with careful precision, allowed to mingle with the potion's golden elixir. As the droplets blended, the potion's hue transformed into a vibrant crimson, a hue reminiscent of dragon's fire. With a deep breath, he raised the vessel to his lips and drank, his throat aflame with an otherworldly heat. Agony coursed through his veins, his very blood boiling as steam wisped from his fevered brow. And in that moment, the boy succumbed to the overpowering pain

and drifted into a deep slumber.

When consciousness once again graced him with its presence, he found himself ensconced within the sterile confines of a hospital bed. A whimper escaped his lips, and his eyes fluttered open, barely managing to glimpse his mother's tear-streaked face. With feeble strength, he called out to her, his voice barely a whisper. She leaped to her feet, her countenance awash with both relief and concern, and hastened to summon a healer of great skill.

The healer, blessed with the wisdom and knowledge of the magical arts, approached the boy's bedside, her eyes scanning him with the acumen of a master. After a thorough examination, she proclaimed with certainty that no ailment plagued the lad. 'Twas merely the instantaneous discharge of his newly awakened bloodlines, she assured his mother.

His mother, her gaze filled with both awe and bewilderment, regarded her son with a mix of adoration and curiosity. The boy, unaware of the changes wrought upon him, beseeched her for a glimpse of his altered countenance. And so it was that she conjured a looking glass, that his own eyes might bear witness to the metamorphosis he had undergone.

As he gazed into the mirror, his breath caught in his throat. The reflection staring back at him possessed a pair of hazel eyes, like polished gems set within a visage that spoke of wisdom beyond his tender years. Strands of hair, once dark as a raven's wing, had been transformed into a cascade of silver-gray, lending an air of enigmatic charm. But perhaps the most striking change of all lay in the transformation of his nose, once crooked and uneven, now replaced by a celestial appendage that added a touch of elegance to his angular jaw. His eyebrows, now sharp and arched, framed his face with a fierceness that hinted at a future as a charmer of hearts. And thus, the boy realized that he would forevermore be known as Severus Peverell Slytherin Ravenclaw Grindelwald Prince, a moniker that echoed with the weight of ancient bloodlines and untold potential.

With his newfound heritage revealed, the boy's mind whirled with possibilities. The bloodlines of Slytherin and Peverell coursed through his veins, gifting him the power to wield the fabled cloak of invisibility. But he knew that such gifts brought great responsibility, for the legendary tales of old spoke of the dangers that accompanied such potent bloodlines. And so, he resolved to tread the path of caution, concealing his true identity from the watchful eyes of Albus Dumbledore, the venerable headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the depth of his musings, a plan took shape, intricate and subtle, born of a mind schooled in the Arts of the Mind. He would make his preparations with utmost care, ensuring that his true name remained shrouded in secrecy. And so, with his mother's gaze still fixed upon him, he mustered the innocence of a youngling and posed the question that burned within him: "Mother, pray tell, what fate hath befallen me? Why doth mine countenance differ so?" His mother, ever the beacon of love and protection, reassured him with tender words, painting a picture of latent bloodlines awakening within him, a transformation both awe-inspiring and wondrous. She spoke of his examination by the esteemed healers of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a bastion of healing steeped in the ancient arts. Content with her response, the boy exhaled a sigh of relief, his heart brimming with anticipation of his

father's eager embrace upon their return home, his paternal concern a testament to the depth of their familial bond.

And so, the tale of Severus Peverell Slytherin Ravenclaw Grindelwald Prince began, a tale woven with threads of magic and destiny, secrets and revelations. In the days that lay ahead, the boy would tread a path as perilous as any ventured by heroes of old. His bloodlines, now awakened and coursing through his veins, would shape his journey, unveiling powers both extraordinary and formidable. The echoes of his name, whispered in hushed reverence, would carry across the halls of Hogwarts, leaving an indelible mark upon the annals of wizarding history.

NAME: Severus Peverell Slytherin Ravenclaw Grindelwald Prince

AGE:10 Years HP:18(15-20 for athletes)

MP: 50(40-50 for fresh graduates)

BLOODLINE: Peverell, Prince, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Grindelwald PASSIVE SKILLS: MIND ARTS


INVENTORY(cannot store things provided other than the system): FUSIBLE DRAGON HEART AND BLOO

But that, dear reader, is a story for another time. For now, let us bid young Severus and his mother farewell as they venture homeward, where love and familial warmth await, eager to envelope them in its tender embrace. And as they step into the future, the boy's heart beats with anticipation, for he knows that destiny, like a fickle mistress, has chosen him for a grand adventure.

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