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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

[Meditation (C) has evolved into Meditation (Un)!

You have levelled up! You may now choose another skill! You may now choose another class!

Meditation (Un) has leveled up! Meditation (Un) has leveled up! Meditation (Un) has leveled up!...

Meditation (Un) has evolved into Essence of Self (R) (1/60)!

Essence of self (Rare): You have dived deeper in yourself than most people ever have. As such you have attained considerable control over your emotions. This has enabled you to achieve inner peace by confronting every facet of yourself. You may now bridge the gap between the fantastic and the mundane.

You have earned a title, Master of Self!

Master of Self: Your emotions may never control you anymore. Beware, however, grief is often the bane of many great men.

Name: Ethan Shaw

Title: Traveler; Master of Self

Class: Magician (5/5); Gambler (5/5); Thief (10/10); Rogue (5/5); Pending...

MP: 225


Strength: 10

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 20

Perception: 25

Intelligence: 11 - 15

Wisdom: 20

Charisma: 15

Skills: Essence of Self (R) (1/60)

Stealth (Un) (32/40)

Throwing (Un) (22/40)

Trapping (Un) (17/40)

Dagger arts (Un) (8/40)

Lockpicking (Un) (20/40)

Pickpocketing (Un) (28/40)

Crafting (Un) (5/40)

Sense Treasure (Un) (7/40)

Sixth Sense (Un) (6/40)

Coocking (C) (14/20)

Sense intent (C) (6/20)

Showmanship (C) (3/20)]

Hello there, beautiful.

It felt good to see the proof of my work. To see that I really had let go, that I wasn't lying to myself. Not that I would have believed otherwise anyway.

I looked outside to see that night had already fallen.

'I missed dinner.' The realization that I was forgotten didn't even phase me. I will be hungry tonight, but I would make do. It isn't anything I haven't done before.

'No matter. I have more than enough to be satisfied for now' I thought. Contentment flowing through me like never before. Like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.

I eagerly opened the Skill List and skimmed it. Noting the previous choices but discarding them, there was only one choice anyway.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the skill Mana control (Un)!

Mana control (Uncommon): You have accessed the pool of mystical energy inside you. Your touch, however, remains feeble and inexperienced. Only you can determine where this skill can go. Will you be swept away by the ever-shifting force that is Magic?]

I turned my attention inward, feeling for my magic. It felt... transparent? Yes, transparent, and ever so slightly blue. Behaving like playful smoke, escaping my grasp despite my every effort.

It was fascinating seeing how it behaved, feeling its every reaction, understanding that it was as much a part of me as it was a part of the Magic surrounding me. It was like an eager, mischievous puppy.

If a puppy was able to turn someone into mush at any aggravation that is.

I continued trying to grasp it, just enjoying the peace I felt before letting it go, letting it enjoy its victory for the moment.

I have a class to choose now.

[Choose a new class: Fighter Apprentice mage]

Well, the choice is evident.

[Congratulations! You are now an Apprentice mage!

Apprentice mage: A spellcaster recently awakened to the powers of the arcane. They have little control over their powers and are unattuned to any affinity as well. The life of any apprentice in any trade is one of arduous work taming the raging energies living inside their bodies. They hold much potential but only the most determined may achieve it. Gives +2 intelligence/+1 wisdom/+25 Mp per level.]

The bottom rung of the magic tree then? Very well, it would do me no good to try doing magic without having any control. Wouldn't want to have a fireball explode in my face.

I let out a slow breath, got up to change into my sleeping clothes and went into my bed.

Today was a good day.


I was once again singing with Mrs. Williams today.

It had been a couple of weeks since my enlightenment and close was soon closing for the summer. As such Mrs. Williams was less strict and trying to do more activities than studying. Which was good and bad.

Good because I don't have to study kiddy stuff and bad because I have to spend more time with the other children.

I wasn't about to make friends with them despite my resolve to make bonds now. I may be somewhat deranged but not completely crazy, thank you very much.

"You know Ethan, I was very impressed with your tests results." She suddenly said.

Impressed? Well time to engage my arrogant prick protocol then.

"Of course," I drawled, buffing my nails and letting a tranquil smile light up my features. "As expected of myself, really."

"You've become quite cheeky recently." She narrowed her eyes, trying to be disapproving. But I saw your lips twitching woman, you can't fool me.

"Whatever do you mean, Mrs. Williams?" I was the picture of innocence. so much so in fact I suspect I would melt the heart of any devil.

She huffed, turning on her chair to face me fully. No more singing? What a shame.

"I was wondering what you thought about skipping a grade. Your scores certainly suggest you could do it easily and I've seen how bored you are in class." Now wasn't that a surprise. Normally I would accept in a heartbeat but...

"Would you still be my teacher?" I tried to not sound too pleading. She had really done her best reach me and I would readily admit it was remarkably effective. Not to her of course, I wasn't that comfortable yet.

Her smile slipped for a moment and I already knew the answer, "Unfortunately not, Ethan." Of course, she wouldn't. If I skipped a year then that would mean I would be in middle school so not the same establishment as this one.

"I don't really want to then." I decided to be honest. If could be acknowledge it to myself, I could do it for her. I saw the surprise flick across her face before a warm smile replaced it.

"Thank you, Ethan. I didn't know you liked me that much." Of course, I would. Any normal kid would not have put as much resistance as I did. "What about coming to Eric's music classes? Then we could still see each other." Say what now?

I looked at her earnest expression and my confusion only grew. "Music classes?" I dumbly repeated. Was Eric a music teacher then?

"Eric holds music classes for children of about your age three times a week, it's his job you see and since they happen in the afternoon, after classes, we can still see each other. If you want that is."

"I don't have any money. And I doubt the orphanage can afford it." I simply answered. Was she really that determined to still see me? Normally that would set up red flags in my mind, but she was always so earnest and so kind that I can't imagine she had a mean bone in her.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Eric would agree with me. He wanted to get to know you more, even little Sarah too! She called your name the other day!"

"This..." I sighed, "Okay."

She beamed, "Good! I'll make sure to prepare the tests and have Ms. Cole agree. You'll just have to take them in a week, maybe two and I'm sure you will have full marks."

And so, we chattered a bit more before resuming singing again.

[Congratulations! You learned a new Skill! Singing (C)]

*Middle of summer*

I walked back to the orphanage one afternoon from one of Eric's lessons, sweat dripping from my forehead. This summer was really hot and dry to my dismay. I much preferred winter compared to this. At least then I just had to put on something to keep warm/

Even so I had a spring in my step as I hummed the song I learned today with Eric and Rose; it really was a catchy one.

Rose had me call by her name now, her reasoning had been 'I won't be your teacher anymore Ethan. And I, for one, think we are close enough that you can use my name.' Her tone left no room for any disagreement and Eric, that traitor, just seemed amused.

Not that I would give in to a somewhat scary tone and an expecting stare. So, I just answered with an obedient 'Whatever you say, Mrs. Williams.'

My beatific smile may have been a bit too much, but I relished every second of her glaring at me.

I didn't think I would enjoy teasing someone that much but here I am. And it seemed she was not ready to give up seeing she tried till the end of the lesson. A war was started, and I have every intention of winning it.

Of course, Eric had to join me in teasing her, so she was more and more irritated, thus he was back in my good graces.

For now.

I knew how to pick my battles after all, Rose will sooner or later reach her breaking point and I will not be caught with my pants down.

Sorry Eric. It's every man for themselves as you have taught me.

I let a smile cover my face thinking of them. They really were good people and it showed in their interactions with the children they taught. They still had their flaws; Rose could be really stubborn when she wanted- Me as well- and Eric was an airhead who joked a bit too much, but I preferred it like this.

I wouldn't be able to trust them if they were too perfect.

The orphanage came into my view and my shoulders sagged just a little bit.

My time with the Williams really was the highlight of my day. The orphanage was just a boring repetition of being ignored, doing chores, being taunted, getting a bit of revenge. Rinse and repeat.

And grinding my skills became boring after a while. There was no avoiding it but even being a pickpocket became dull, the thrill that was present at the start just wasn't the same anymore.

I paused. Did my days become nothing more than grinding skills and annoying chores before I could go to the Williams'?

I really need to get a hobby. Maybe drawing? I don't how I'll manage to get supplies, but it was an idea. It wasn't like I could watch videos or play video games anymore.

I passed the gates and walked in the hall hearing the radio in the dining room. As I passed the open door, I peeked in to see Ms. Cole listening to it with a worried frown.

Right, there was that unpleasant business too.

I maintained my impassive face until I was locked in my room, only then did I let a frown show up. The Cold War was intensifying again, I had forgotten about that. The KGB continued to persecute 'distinguished' Soviet personalities, basically those who are criticising the Soviet leadership. There is an indirect conflict between the superpowers through political crises in the Middle East, Chile, Ethiopia, and Angola. Carter tried to place another limit on the arms race with a SALT II agreement and if that wasn't enough there was the Iranian Revolution and the Nicaraguan Revolution too, which both ousted pro-US regimes.

He wasn't happy about that so come December there will be retaliations.

This time I outright grimaced. Food may become rationed at this rate.

I sighed and put that nasty business aside, there was nothing I could do about it and my presence probably hasn't changed anything. At least nothing important enough.


I still didn't know if I went back through time or if I am in another universe altogether. That was a problem.

Hell for all I know I could be in DxD or even Doom for fuck's sake. Even Xcom and I don't want to fight an army of demons or aliens anytime soon.

No matter how there was a little voice that thought it could be fun. How I could let loose and thrive in chaos.

I do not wish for the Williams to be in any danger but the Cold War reawakening and the possible war for Humanity's survival depending on the universe I am in may not let me have any choice anyway.

I sat at my window, taking the little place I could, to contemplate while watching the scenery. Rooftops taking all I could see while below pedestrians swarmed the streets.

"I should have years until anything of importance happens, regardless of any setting I know. That's how a story starts usually." I mused.

I shifted my gaze below to the few orphans who could stand the heat to play in the yard. "My skills are starting to slow leveling wise and that is not only because they evolved. I need to find another way to progress, to have new experiences. Progress does not happen by repeating the same action past a certain point."

This time I looked up at the cloudless sky, "Yet I cannot work on my skills forever. I need time to rest, to have fun, to socialize no matter how it irks me. I will have to find a balance. As long as I make progress, I should be alright."

Time flew by as I thought of how I will go about getting stronger while still living. I promised myself that I would this time but if I lose everything because of my carelessness I will break. I do not know what I will need in the future so I will just go for a balanced approach for now. I will leave specialization for when I know what I will face.

Best case? I will not need any of it and get to enjoy my life knowing that even if I lost a bit of time, it was nothing important. Worst case however...

I turned towards my room.

"I know what to do."

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