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HP: The Arcane Assassin HP: The Arcane Assassin original

HP: The Arcane Assassin

Author: EddyVirgil

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Hogwarts I

"I love you!" A girl with grey eyes and black long hair shouted at the young man with deep purple eyes and black hair that was standing in front of her, not minding the weird looks that she was getting from the passing students. The young man looked at the girl and said "I don't know what prompted you to say that, but you are a first year and I'm a seventh year. And I'm not interested in little girls."

The girl looked teary eyed hearing what he said and started to silently sob. Sighing at the crying little girl, the young man said while playing his hand on her head "Look, I'm not into little girls and I'm not ready for a relationship at all. And I'm sure that you will find someone better than me in your school life and you will forget about me. So, wipe your tears and be strong."

Wiping the tears out of her eye, she looked at the young man with red eyes and said "I won't forget you. And when I graduate I will come again. Just make sure that you won't fall for anyone else."

"Why don't you understand that I'm not interested?" The young man asked.

"I don't care! And I will find you and make you fall in love with me no matter what." Saying that the girl ran away from the young man.

Seeing the retreating figure of the girl, the young man muttered "Troublesome..... "

Turning around he went on his way away from the students who were looking at him weirdly.

Just as he was about to sigh in frustration, another young man with blue eyes and messy brown hair placed his hand over him and said "Breaking a maiden's heart right after graduating, what a sky fox you are Edward."

Sniffling at the remark from, Edward replied "And like you haven't turned confessions from the whole female population of the school."

"Heh... That is true. But, that little one didn't and I'm a little miffed about it. After all she's the only daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw." The young man said.

Looking at the blue eyed young man, Edward said "For the protege of Salazar Slytherin, that's just low."

"Say whatever you want Edward, but I'm sure that I would become much more famous than the founders of Hogwarts." The blue-eyed young man said.

"Yeah, yeah.. The world will know about the Arch wizard Merlin. For sure there will be myths about you." Edward said.

Hearing that, Merlin grinned while saying "I know. And only you and the master seem to believe that I will become a legend in the future."

"Well, what I believe and what Salazar believes are two different things." Edward said with a mischievous smile.

Cocking an eyebrow at that, Merlin asked "Then what's your belief?"

Making some distance between them, Edward replied with a wide grin "I believe that you will be known as a top tier womaniser!"

Hearing that, Merlin's eyes went wide and he snarled at Edward. But before he could say anything, Edward disappeared from the spot. Which infuriated Merlin as he shouted at the sky "I WILL NOT BE SOMEONE LIKE YOU THOUGHT OUT TO BE EDWARD!!"


In an open ground where wooden weapons were placed, a middle aged man with grey hair and brown eyes was looking at the young man with purple eyes and black hair sprawled on the ground gasping for breath.

Looking at the young man, the middle aged man said "You are improving faster than anyone else. I'am sure that you will catch up to me in a couple of years. If you don't stop training, that is."

"I don't think so Master." Huffing a bit the young man continued "You, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, is the strongest Assassin in the world. You think that I would catch up to you in couple of years?" Taking a deep breath he continued "I may be your favourite disciple, but do you have to praise me like that? It would cause arrogance to rise in me."

Smiling at his student, Ezio said "Abraham, the reason I say that you would be on par with me within years is because you don't get arrogant, you would make sure that your pride won't go to your head, and that is one of the qualities of man who wants to reach the pinnacle."

Abraham looked at his master and was about to retort when he heard a mocking voice from the side "Well well well. If it isn't the great Ezio and his protege Abraham. I have heard about you two, but only as a horror story for our younglings in the order."

Abraham jumped up from his position and stood next to his master, as Ezio asked the intruder "Who?"

Cocking an eyebrow at Ezio, the intruder said "Well, as you are going to be a dead man I don't see the problem in divulging about my informant, don't worry, he's already dead. And you know him, his name is Enzo de Furette. You remember him right?"

Ezio didn't reply and told his protege "You have learned everything---"

Before he could say anything he saw the man taking out artefact from a pouch. And he saw his protege running straight towards the man while shouting "God speed Master!"

As Abraham reached the man, he activated the artefact he had in hand and both of them disappeared from Ezio's sight.

Immediately Ezio activated his eagle vision but he couldn't find any trace of his protege or the Templar that barged into the training ground. Just as he was about to call in all the Assassins in the vicinity, Abraham appeared in front of him with a flash.

Opening his eyes, Ezio saw his protege was on his last leg, so he approached him and asked "What were you thinking?"

Huffing for breath, Abraham spoke "I felt something..... I knew that it would be dangerous..... I jumped on him..... To make him activate it..... Before it's time..... *Huff* *Huff* I killed him.... Along with... the templars.... that were waiting.... for us. They also had the.. Apple of Eden." Taking out the Apple he got from the Templars and placing it on Ezio's hand, Abraham continued "They were doing something... I don't know what was... So I stole it from them.... I don't think k can make it." Blinking a couple of times, Abraham said "Thanks... for everything... Master Ezio."

Ezio muttered looking at his protege "You were a good student a master could have asked for. I wished that you would live past me, but your recklessness has caused your life. So, in the next life try not to be reckless."

"Thank you.... I will.... Keep it.... in mind." With the parting words voiced, Abraham died in the hands of his Master.



It's still here huh?" A boy of eleven years old with purple eyes and black hair, said to himself as he looked at the sign board "Ollivanders Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 BC."

Shaking his head, he entered the shop with anticipation, even though the alley is full of tension and gloominess. As he entered, the smell of wood was all over the place, which is expected because the commodity sold here is made out of wood.

Reaching the table, he peered into the back of the store. And from the back, an eccentric old man came while curiously looking at the boy standing near the table.

As the old man reached the reception table and looked the boy up and down. Then looking at the boy's deep purple eyes, the man said "Curious.... Very curious."

"About what?" The boy asked while looking at the old man.

"Curious because, even before I asked anything about you, a wand had chosen you, Mr....?"

Smiling at the Old man, the boy said with a hint of mischievous "You can call me Raphael."

"Then, Raphael. What I am saying is, a wand has never chosen anyone before it's in the casters hand. But, you are special. A wand has already chosen you." The old man said.

Nodding at the old man, Raphael asked "What's your name?"

"Ah.... Apologies... This old man didn't introduce himself. I am Garrick Ollivander." Ollivander said.

"Then Mr. Ollivander, bring the wand. I want to see it myself." Raphael said.

"Wait for a second." Saying so, Ollivander went to the back of the shop and came back with a wooden casing that looked worn and torn.

Opening the casing, Ollivander showed the wand inside it to Raphale and said "13 inches, Yew wood with the middle stinger of the Scorpion Manticore. This wand hasn't found its wielder for a thousand years. A wand that was wielded by a man who was the friend of Merlin. A man who was not famous as his friend and unknown to the world except for select few people that can be counted on one hand in this time."

Suppressing a smile that was threatening to come up on his face he kept quiet as Ollivander continued his ramblings.

With a joyous smile Ollivander said "No one knows if he has descendants, and if he did have then he made sure to hide them in plain sight. So for his wand to choose you, young Raphael, then are you his descendant?"

Chuckling at the question, Raphael said "Maybe I am, maybe not. But, what does it matter? As the saying goes.. "The wand choose the wizard, not the other way around.""

Nodding his head, Ollivander said "True, true. Who am I to judge." Then looking into Raphales deep purple eyes, Ollivander said "That will be seven galleons."

Taking out the galleons and handing it to Olivander, Raphael took his wand and felt a connection forming between him and the wand. Smiling, he bid goodbye to Ollivander and was ready to leave, but stopped and asked the man "Who was the previous owner of this wand again?"

"Edward. That is his name." Ollivander replied.

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