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Chapter 2: The Baby's Golden Finger

A / N: Some time after this chapter is released, a poll will be made on my Discord about the characters that will be created. If you want to vote, you are welcome there.


Yes, I reincarnated and I have a system. Quite a cliche development if you ask me. But I can't complain, as it's literally a second chance with a golden finger.

However, I'm pretty uncomfortable about this situation. I didn't meet any kind of divine beings like the protagonists in the novels I've read in my past life. I just woke up to live again, and that makes me very apprehensive. One thing I learned from a very young age is that nothing is free.

It would also be nice to meet that cliche deity so I could complain about the asshole who put the damn danger sign INSIDE THE FUCKING DANGER ZONE! What kind of retard would do that?! If there's danger ahead, you place the damn sign before the danger zone, not inside the danger zone!!

Ehem, sorry about that. I'm a little stressed from the monotonous baby life.

You know, I often wanted to start my life over again from scratch. Now I would like to curse the past me who wanted that. Being a baby sucks.

In addition to all the normal problems a baby has, like being a poop factory, I spend nearly half a day in my crib, just doing nothing.

Do you have any idea how that messes with a person's head?

Fortunately, my mother leaves the house for just a few hours every day, and then she comes back home to be with me. That was to be expected, as I'm a baby and we don't have such a thing as a maid to take care of me.

Yeah, my parents aren't rich. Far from it actually. They are what you would call the middle working class. They earn enough to live comfortably, but not enough to spend on unnecessary things.

My room is proof of that. It's not very spacious and has just the essentials; my crib, a soft rug, some toys, an average wardrobe, and a diaper changer.

I've been in this situation for a week, I think. I'd really like to say that I'm getting used to it, but I'd be lying if that were true. At least in this life, I have loving parents, which honestly, is quite irritating in its own way. As much as I may be blessed with such loving parents, I don't know how to handle it, as I never had anything like this.

My mother is called Hannah and my father is called Charles. It was really easy to know my dad's name since every time I do something mom screams his name to tell him I'd done something cute. In my mother's case, it was a little tricky to find out her name, since my father almost always calls her 'darling', or 'sweetie'. But, there was a moment when my father called my mother by name, and it was only once. He called her by name with a very serious tone, even I was worried; that is until I found out he was all serious like that because I said 'abu'.

It wasn't even a damn word, just a completely meaningless noise, but for them, it was cause for celebration. Well, there wasn't really a party or anything like that, as we don't have the money for that. And that's how I found out my mother's name was Hannah.

Oh, before I forget, my new name is Alice, which made me cry of happiness since this name is normal. I hope my last name is normal too, but unfortunately, I still don't know our family name.

A rather sad piece of information, however, is that from my parent's clothing, their way of talking, and how our house is, it seems that I was born in a time very similar to the early 1900s. So yeah, there are no cell phones and no internet.

At first, when I realized that I had most likely been reincarnated into the past, which is really weird, I prayed it was an alternative world that has a steampunk theme, but after taking a few strolls on my mom's lap around our humble house, I knew It wasn't the case.

I actually reincarnated in a time when modernization was still in the baby stages.

I was depressed for a few days because of that, cuz you know, I may be a baby now, but inside I'm a teenager. And a modern teenager can easily die without a cell phone and internet. No, I'm not exaggerating, I swear!

But then, yesterday, something amazing happened.

My mom was late for work, and I, like a great healthy baby, completely shit myself. It was Mom who was always changing my diapers and, well, basically taking care of me all the time when she wasn't working. That day, however, because she was late, she asked Dad to change my diapers, to which he promptly agreed as if it was no problem.

I just glared at him as if to say 'Heh, are you sure you're ready to face my shit?' but then, from his coat... He pulled out a wand.

And with a flick of the wand, I levitated a little, and my diaper was removed by invisible forces; then, that same invisible force cleaned me and put on me a new diaper. All this in a matter of seconds.

My eyes bulged so wide I thought they were going to pop out.

I was completely shocked by that for two reasons. One, he used magic. Damn magic! I'm sure about that! Two, if he could always do that, why the hell does my mother have to suffer so much to change my diapers?! You bastard! A baby's poop is deadly, I tell you!

Ehem, back to the subject.

He had a magic wand. Either he's a diaper fairy, or I'm in the world of Harry fucking Potter.

Or, well, it could be another world that also uses magic wands. I don't care what world it is, the important thing is that there is magic! And not only that! I also have a golden finger! As much as I don't know what it does, since I haven't read the manual yet. What? I was too busy being a depressed baby who just shits and cries. But now it's different!


Real Magic!

And it's not Christmas!

Jokes aside, I could control whether or not I wanted the screen to appear in my field of vision with just a thought. How do I know? For I willed it to disappear, and it did. And after wishing for it to appear again, the notification popped up again. So after making him disappear from my view, again, since it was quite annoying to have a fixed gold screen in my field of vision wherever I looked, I just forgot about the system's existence.

Yes, I forgot the existence of my golden finger for almost a week. But nobody can blame me. When you reincarnate out of nowhere, it's normal to have a lot to think about and a lot of worries. Only psychopaths would just be like 'Oh, I reincarnated, cool!'. As much as I didn't like my past life very much, it still had good things, like my friend Frigga. Well, after practically a week of mourning, I'm a little over it.

Anyway, it's time to finally take a look at my system.

Fortunately, my dad is at work, and my mom doesn't seem to be home at the moment, so I can do what I need to do in peace.

I wish for the system to appear, and immediately the golden screen I saw on my first day of reincarnation appeared again.

[Original Character Creation System Active! Please read the manual before proceeding!]

Well, nothing has changed. Other than the message, nothing was indicating how I can access the manual. But since I can control the system just by wishing, I just need to wish for the manual to appear, right?

[Starting Guide Manual.]

[Welcome! This is the Original Character Creation System manual!]

Oh? Well, it wasn't that hard.

[This system is based solely on character creation, as long as they are original. It is possible to configure personality, gender, style, and even body configurations!]

I see, so it's like creating an MMORPG character, interesting.

[Warning: Be warned, however, that the characters are living, autonomous beings.]

...What the hell does that mean?

[You have finished the getting started guide. The system is now open for use!]

Immediately after that message, a different golden screen appeared.

[Characters Created: None]

[Character Creation Ticket: 0 (Free Creation Available)]

[Achievement Points: None]

[Achievement Point Exchange Shop (Blocked)]

[Notice: Please create your first character to unlock the second Manual Guide and the Point Exchange Shop!]

Free Creation Available?! Hohoho! I was wrong! It IS Christmas!

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