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Chapter 38: Guilds

(Klaus POV)

Today I stand in front of Wizard's Council to present a proposal Lily and me have worked on for a while.

"Warlock Merlin, you said that you have a proposal that could help us control what Wizards do, and at the same time progress magical knowledge." said Lord Peverell from his seat.

"Yes, Lords and Ladys of Wizards Council. In last few years we have managed to enforce most of of the laws and hunt down all those who play with things nobody should. But still we have issues, wizards are experimenting with magic and are discovering new things, but when they die their work disappears with them." After seeing nods of agreement form the council I continue.

"I propose that we establish three guilds: Enchanters, Alchemists and Adventures. They will allow us to organise the wizards, progress magical knowledge, and even allow them to earn some gold."

"That sounds nice Merlin, but how would this guilds function?" Asked Lady Greengrass.

After acknowledging her question I continued

" Well lets start with Enchanters guild. It would be a place where enchanters could gather to work on enchantments together, as well as place where they could publish their creations and have them mass created and sold, they would earn a part of all earnings made by creations sold. They could also take commissions from those who need specific things made, but aren't able to do themselves."

"That sounds like a great idea, it is hard to find a enchanter you can believe to do his work right, with this people would be able to make sure that what they are buying is of good quality." added Lord Potter.

"Next is Alchemists guild. It would function in similar way to Enchanters guild, just with different products. I also believe that after Enchanters and Alchemists guilds are created we can make an branch that would have Alchemists and Enchanters working together, I call it Engineers guild.

Last we have Adventures Guild, this guild will organise magizuolists and herbologist. As you know while a lot of commen plants can be raised in gardens, a lot of them grow only at specific places and specific times, wizards have to travel to those locations and find them. Same thing can be said for creatures, a lot of them are spread through the world and we have to find them to get parts for wands and potion ingredients.

With organising this guild we will be able to restrict numbers of magical creatures that are hunted by wizards witch will prevent them from being hunted to extinction. But we will also gather more knowledge about those creatures as well as the plants.

We can also set up an request system that will help members of the guild earn gold.

All of the guild will also be able to work with shops owners to distribute them materials or even finished product in case of Enhanters and Alchemists."

After I explained guilds we voted on will we implement the system. After some discussion Lords voted affirmatively, and guild system will be implemented in next few years.

All the guilds will be led by a Guild master and if their numbers spread their will be a grand master for each guild to whom all guild masters will answer to, in turn grand master will answer to the council.

This system will also British wizards to progress much faster than the rest of the world, until other countries seem how things are going with British start organising them self.

Slowly but surely guilds will become one of most important part of magical society, but for now British Council is still deciding how to organise the guilds and who would be put in charge of finding first members as well as a guild masters.


After my discussion with the council I returned home to find Lily there waiting for me "How did meeting with the council go?" she asked.

"Well, guild will be created in time, and I believe they will become one of the most impotent parts of magical world."

"Oh yes they will. I still can't believe that I was a part of their creation. Guilds were important part of magical world in my time, in some aspects they were more important then ministry of magic, and differently from ministry corruption was not tolerated in the guilds. People that worked there were extremely passionate about their discoveries, and I believe that guild grand masters at the time were seen as most powerful wizards after Dumbledore." Lily explained.

"While that is nice to know, I am more interested in what brings you back so soon? Aren't you suppose to be finding out what is going on with the vampires?" I ask as I walk towards her and give her a hug and a kiss.

"It is overpopulation. There are to many of them to be able to sustain themselves in Balkans only. We will have to do something about that they are becoming a danger for the rest of the world. It isn't even for some notorious plan, they are just badly organised and their leader doesn't seem to care what they do." Lily says.

As I sit down and put Lily in my lap I say "Yes we will do something about that, but first I think that time is coming soon for Morgana and Merlin to die." She looks at me in surprise for a secund, but then nods.

While our roles could live for quite a bit longer, after all mages have longer lifespans than rest of humans, we have done everything we needed to. After guilds are functional it will be time for two of us to leave this play.

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