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Chapter 31: Prank

When I left potions class, I separated from the girls and went to look for the Weasley twins. They were to hard to find, so I waited outside the Great Hall after dinner. Once they came out, I pulled them aside to start my scheme.

"I heard you guys are experienced pranksters." I said, stroking their ego.

"Why yes." "Yes, we are." "What does ikkle Harrykins need from us?" "The great Masters of Mischief." They said, alternating between themselves.

"I seek the help of your skills and cunning for a prank most gruesome." I said, playing along.

"If it's a prank you seek." "You must first find a target" "Who is your target Harrykins?" They said.

"Draco Malfoy." I said.

"Ahh yes" "Malfoy is a most ideal target" "We shall partake in this mission of mischief" "But we must first scheme our master plan." "Do you have a plan, Harrykins?" They asked.

"Alright, here's the mission if you choose to accept it....." I said, telling them the plan. After the plan was explained, we went our separate ways.

The next day was spent gathering supplies with the help of the Weasley twins. Since they've been pulling pranks in this school for a while, they knew where to find everything I needed. By the time classes ended, we collected everything I would need to pull off my plan. Before dinner started, I spent some time brewing potions.

"Mimsy!" I called.


"Yes, Master Harry?" She said.

"Go find Draco Malfoy's room, and get me a strand of his hair. Make sure you're not seen by anyone." I said, and Mimsy went to get the last ingredient I needed. The reason I need his hair is simple, I'm going to use a potion on Draco, but how should I get him to drink it? Easy, just key the potion to him specifically, and administer the potion to all the food in the kitchens. Since the potion is keyed to Draco, it won't affect anyone but him. Once the potion was finished, I sent Mimsy to the kitchens to apply my potion.

When dinner came around, Hermione, the Patil twins and I sat with the Hufflepuffs. Because of us sitting at other tables, some other students are now doing the same. Halfway through dinner, it started to take effect, and Draco started looking around the room with a confused look. The potion will give him Hallucinations of my choosing. What he sees now is himself at the Gryffindor table, sitting between Ron and the Weasley twins. The horrifying part is in the hallucination Draco is wearing Gryffindor robes.

So, I'm pretty much showing him his worst nightmare. To be sorted into Gryffindor, and friends with the Weasleys. The horrified look on his face is hilarious, and I can here the Weasley twins laughing from here. Some people started to notice Draco's behavior.

"Draco, are you alright?" Pansy asked. In Draco's hallucination, she's in the position of Ron.

"Don't talk to me! You filthy blood traitor." Draco screamed. The Great Hall was deathly silent, and everyone was looking at Draco wondering what's going on. Especially the people at the Slytherin table because Pansy Parkinson isn't a blood traitor.

"What's wrong, Draco?" Crabbe asked, but Draco sees him and Goyle as the Weasley twins.

"Why do these poor blood traitors keep talking to me?!" Draco said, as every Slytherin just looks at him like he's lost his mind.

"Mr. Malfoy, watch your tongue!" McGonagall said, but Draco didn't hear her.

The next part of the Hallucination is my favorite part. In Draco's mind, an owl came down and delivered a letter from Draco's father. Everyone could see him mime as if he took the letter and read it. His face turned ashen white and he passed out on the floor. The letter he read pretty much said that Draco has been disinherited and thrown out of the Malfoy family, for being a Gryffindor and associating with blood traitors.

"Everyone settle down! Madam Pomfrey, please take young Mr. Malfoy to your office and see what's wrong with him. Students, dinner is over, so please exit the Great Hall and proceed to your common rooms." Dumbledore said, and we all dispersed as Poppy Pomfrey levitated Draco to her office.

Rumors started to spread that Draco lost his mind and had a mental breakdown. When our first Astronomy lesson came along later that night, Draco still hasn't left the nurse's office. Astronomy was pretty interesting actually. The Ceiling of the Astronomy tower is like the ceiling of the Great Hall, but it can zoom in and out to study different constellations and celestial bodies. Even though I've learned everything already, Astronomy has become my favorite class. It's very relaxing to just lay there and look up at the show.

The next day, Draco showed up to Breakfast, and everyone was looking at him and talking in hushed whispers. When he went to sit at the Slytherin table, everyone slid down the bench away from him. After every table in the Great Hall was full, Dumbledore stood up and addressed everyone.

"Can I have your attention, everyone! I know there are many rumors circulating about Mr. Malfoy, and I would like to put them to rest once and for all. Someone mixed a Hallucinogenic potion into young Draco's food yesterday. The potion has been cleaned from his system, and he's perfectly fine. Now, continue your breakfast and get ready for your lessons." Dumbledore said, and whispers spread throughout the Great Hall.

Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table seething with rage. As he looked across the Hall he saw me smiling at him. He walked up to me and stared me down.

"I know it was you, Potter! You won't get away with this." Draco said, pointing his finger at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Are you alright, Draco? Maybe the potion isn't fully out of your system yet." I said, feigning ignorance.

"Don't pretend like your innocent!" He screamed, drawing the attention of everyone in the Hall.

"Draco, are you feeling well? Perhaps you should go and see Madam Pomfrey again." I said, sounding concerned for his wellbeing.

"My father will hear about this!" He said and walked off out of the Great Hall.

"Mr. Potter, the headmaster wishes to speak with you after breakfast." McGonagall said as breakfast was ending.

(Thanks for reading!)

AlienWarlord AlienWarlord

Sorry for no chapter yesterday. I just didn’t feel like writing and played hollow knight all day. Thanks for everything like always. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading!

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