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Chapter 3: Yes Overmind

Jasmine has been putting down creep tumors to grow the creep and when she fined that she was spawning larva

"Overmind I've laid out all my larva so I must wait twelve hours till I can start again," she said as she gave a smile I thought to my self

'That smile of her's... It's gonna get someone kill one day...'

"Jasmine, could you help me run the hive when I'm not here? You can use the BioEnergy as you seem fit. But we will need an army soon so focus on creeping and the army please." Jason said as he was thinking of his future plans.

"Overmind I can but if you expect me to become the next Overmind in a way that will be impossible if I'm to do anything I will need your permission. We are under absolute loyalty." She said with a serious look. It made me realize something and I said.

"What happens if a Zerg kills me? An Overmind was once killed and the Zerg took it."

"Overmind that is impossible we can't hurt you even if you order me to attack you I wouldn't and couldn't I can't even find a way to cause your death so you will be one and only true Overmind for now and forever. If you die we will gladly die with you." For some reason I felt glad. I was wanted and the Zerg will do anything for me. I left my family but now the Zerg is my family...

"Alright, Jasmine thanks and just make some Zerglings and stuff I'm going to go scout out the closest village to us and see what up." I left towards the direction the people we've killed came from and after an hour I found an opening and there was the village it seemed very primitive wooden homes and they even had a wall around the village that was made of wood as well. There were two guards at the gate Hey had very little to no armor on at all and had small blasters. I watched and waited after 10 minutes the gates open and a fat man walked out of the village and yelled at the two guards after some time they handed him a bag and I'm guessing it was credits.

"Looks like there might be some corruption who would have thought..." after a while I felt someone getting close to me. It was only one person and female I think... after I few minutes she spotted me. She has on armor that looked like it's been through hell and back but that wasn't what I found interesting the interesting part was that the armor she was had on was actually Mandalorian armor! She was about to attack me with some sort of knife but before she could I said.

"Your either a Mandalorian or you took the armor but if you looking for someone here then I'd suggest you finish your bounty and get off the planet before it too late. This planet won't be the same sooner or later that I guarantee." She hesitated for a moment when I told her that and it makes me wonder.

'Is she a fake or is this her first bounty?'

"I'm guessing your also a bounty hunter looking for him as well?" She said while still being cautious of me I responded with.

"Me a bounty hunter? No no I'm here because they sent people to kill me so I'm just scouting this place before I kill everyone there." She just stared at me with her helmet on.

"So you won't be stealing the bounty then?" She said and I just told her.

"As long as you don't get in my way I'll let you have all the bounty's that would be here I'm just here to kill them. No other reason."

She got on the ground next time me and took out some kind of binoculars and I just stared at her she looked at me and said.


"You have no clue who I am and what I'm capable of yet you lay next to me without a care in the world." She just looked at me and said.

"You? Dangerous? Don't make me laugh you don't even have a weapon on you or anything. You probably run if I was after you if you had a bounty." I just look at her and thought

'Damn you got guts...' after she was done talking I used the force and picked up her heavy blaster, in fact, I picked up all her weapons and aimed them at her then said.

"You have no idea how dangerous I really am. As a Mandalorian, you really should be more careful and be more aware of who you're with."

After I finished talking with her I used the force and put all her weapons back to where they were. But she did something that I didn't expect she was enthusiastic! She said.

"You're actually a Jedi? This is my first time meet one and talk about an experience but should Jedi really be going to kill in vengeance?" I responded with.

"Your a curious one aren't you? And actually, I'm not a Jedi. I just want to be left alone I could be your greatest friend or your worst nightmare."She didn't even care and it made me smile she would be one of the select few who would not be devoured by the future Zerg Swarm. Soon after we finished talking the fat guy came back again and gave something to the guard. The Mandalorian women told him that's the target his name is Owen dawn and he has a large bounty for corruption, murder, human trafficking and so on and his clan sent him to this backwater world to hide him away but looks like he was found out.

"I'll be going to go after him now what will you do?" She asked me a for some reason I wanted to make sure she got it done so I said.

"If you want I'll come help. You just need him alive right?"

"Yea alive but you want the town dead so do what you do and I'll do what I need to do." She said and I nodded she went in a more stealthy approach but I said fuck that and walked to the front gate the guards tried to stop me and said.

"To enter you need to pay the Tax of 10 credits if you have a trading card it will be 5 credits" guess how that left them? On the ground with there skulls crushed I walked to the wooden gate and used a powerful force push and shattered the wooden gate and just walked in like I owned the place. The guards inside ran out to see what was going on and found just me I used force stasis and then used force lightning vaporizing the people that got frozen everyone was horrified and I didn't stop I continued killing everyone in my path but I was shot in the shoulder from someone house.

"DIE YOU MONSTER!" Someone yelled but I ignored it and brought the building down as it was simple wood so it was quite easy then someone threw a damn thermal detonator like who the hell has one of those around here? I just used the force and sent it to a building and it went off I even found that fat guy hiding in his wooden manor he broke the door down and used the force to drag him out for the Mandalorian he didn't know where she was so he went on killing the down but he often got shot or almost stabbed by someone but he killed that person later he found the Mandalorian woman fighting four guys that had vibrioblades while one had a blaster she was in trouble she needed help. I used force stasis and froze the men and she took that opportunity and stabbed them in the neck her blaster was damaged and stopped working.

"You okay?" I said wanting to make sure she was okay.

"I didn't need help..." she said as she looked downward. I see that her armor is almost ruined and I know she would have died but I don't care.

"You did and I wanted to help I don't know why but I did. Here is your bounty target."

I through him to the floor and she just looked at me. She then grabbed some kind of cuffs and cuffed him she then asked.

"How long will you be here?"

"I should be here for a while then move to the next planet and the next," I told her and she just said.

"I'll be back to look for you..."

She left I just waited there processing what she just said.

'Wait what? You'll be back for me? For what?'

I just left it at that and went home but before anyone found out about what happened here Jason used his power as Overmind to get Jasmine to send over some Zerg to bring all the body's back to base.

When Jason goes back he seen some drones that have just hatched and was already sent to the location he told jasmine to send them to so they can get the body's of everyone he just kills but he still didn't feel anything.

"Overmind you're injured! Why didn't you wait for the Zerg to be ready to attack that village!" She was upset and I told her.

"When I was scouting the village I ran into a Mandalorian and there was some fat guy in there with a bounty and she came for him and for some reason I felt like helping her and it's a good thing I did because she would have most likely died if I wasn't there it makes me wonder how she became a Mandalorian when she that bad... anyway how are you jasmine is everything okay?" She still wasn't happy that I went in without any Zerg but she said.

"Everything is growing and good the creep has gotten larger we have gotten some Zerglings and I think we can evolve soon."

I open the HUD to check.

[Overmind: Jason

Personal BioEnergy 1,000/1,000

Zerg Swarm BioEnergy 1,300/10,000 (+300 BioEnergy per day from creep.)

Alignment: Dark side

Building's: Hatchery, Spawning Pool

Zerg Creatures: 6x Drones, 15x Zergling's, 1x Queen (Jasmine), 20x larva

Stage: 1 (Next unlock at 8,930 Bioenergy spent)(Unlocked: Hatchery: larva, Queen's, overlords, Zerglings, spawning pool, drones)

Total Zerg population {42/50} (overlords are needed to increase the cap)]

'Maybe she can't accurately tell when we go to stage 2 because we aren't that close...'

"Jasmine we will need some overlords soon we can't devour the galaxy with only 50 Zerg..." she responded with.

"Yes, Overmind five of the larva will be turned into overlords soon." I gave a smile and said thank you before leaving he felt hungry and he wanted to try the creep since Zerg can eat it. It actually tastes kinda sweet he thought and he only ate a little bit and he felt kinda fool almost so after he felt full he went to train with the force to see what all he could do. After a while, he found out a lot about some of his abilities.

One was called Force Drain. The Force Drain ability works only on organic victims as it taps into their personal energy. The technique is mostly used for two different purposes, either to exhaust the victim or to transfer the victim's energy to the practitioner.

Force Drain could take effect of a Dark Side energy lightning-like bolt that would strike the victim or it could be used as a spherical field that would instantly drain the victim's energy on every level.

Next was something called Force Rage, also known as Dark Rage, which is a Dark Side ability that primarily fuels on fear, but also on other Dark Side emotions such as anger, pain, and hate. The users would tap into their innermost fears and use them to their advantage to channel the Dark Side of the Force in a form of pure rage. This allowed the user to increase his or her speed, strength and endurance. In some cases, users of the Force Rage would completely lose control of their feelings and surroundings, thus ignoring the pain and injuries that would later prove fatal to me if I'm not careful.

Next was something I really loved when I found out about it it's called Force Shadow. Force Shadow may not be the most helpful ability in combat, but it offers incredible power. The user of the technique creates a mystical projection, or "shadow", with their mind. The shadow may be cast vast distances (even onto far-off planets) from its host; the user will then be able to see through the shadow's eyes. Sith can use this rare ability to scout lands, hunt targets, and obtain information. Additionally, shadows are physically invisible to most species, making their spying very effective. A strong Jedi or Sith may detect the act of conjuring a shadow, but it would hardly matter - you'd be safely away from the projection. Force Shadow may not directly help in battle, but no other technique allows you to so easily monitor numerous areas. What makes it even better is that I know about the important place I can send to republic places or CIS places and gather information even send one to the Jedi Temple.

He was getting tired from all the experiments he was doing so the last thing for the day was something called force destruction. This move involves the user harnessing the Dark Side within themselves, amassing powerful energy, then suddenly discharging it, typically by way of the palm. The resulting blast obliterates anything in a large radius. Even targets who narrowly escape the range are forcefully shoved back. Force Destruction seems to be one of the hardest abilities to block or counter, likely due to its immense strength. If it were me, I'd probably just get the heck out of its way. A few Jedi use this move, but its chaotic nature classifies it as dark power.

After Jason went back to his base an idea came to him and he smiled. Knew where the Jedi order was and he wanted to send a message of some sort to them.

The Jedi Council on Coruscant was having a meeting about what happened with the dark side and they were trying to make plans to find who or what caused it. But while Yoda was talking most of the Jedi master stopped talking and looked at the Center of the room they felt the dark side there but it was different for Yoda he could see the shadow itself. He had the outline of Jason and where his face should be was a mask but the mask has eyes and a mouth. (Sorry for my poor Yoda talk.)

"Shadow I can see. Watching and listening to it is." Yoda said while the other members frowned someone just use the force to get rid of it but nothing happened.

"We don't know what you are but we find you!" Mace Windu said.

Jason smiled but as he did the shadow did as well and when he said.

"You can try but you will never find me. Only when I want to be found will you be able to. A storm is coming gentlemen and there will be nowhere to hide when it hits." But when the shadow talked it sound ghostly but people could still understand what it said. Yoda asks a question.

"Darkness strong in you yet sane, you are"

Jason responded with.

"We are something more. I'm fully aware of everything I do. Emotions fuel my power yet I don't lose my self in them."

Mace frowned after the first part and said

"What do you mean by We?"

Jason smiled "We are Zerg. We devour everything in our path. We. Are. The. Swarm.

After Jason said that he left. The Jedi were not happy with this information while they discussed everything that just happened Jason decided to pay a visit to dear old palpy.

Palpatine was doing normal boring stuff but suddenly felt Jason's shadow in front of his desk she didn't react at first because didn't know what it was but he was secretly looking at it. Jason said

"Hello, Sheev Palpatine or would you like me to call you Darth Sidious?"

Palpatine looks straight at the Shadow.

"What or who are you and how did you find out about me." He said with a frown I responded with.

"Awww poor palpy did you not sense my arrival a few days ago?" I smiled but Palpatine was happy at all. Calling the future Emperor of his Empire palpy.

"So that was you who caused the dark side to behave like that. What do you want."

"Just a Little Warning so things will be interesting. You're using the CIS to start your galactic Empire but what happens if I join in? Be ready for when I declare war on the Republic and CIS. A storm will be coming and you can't stop it." I smiled and slowing disappeared.

I went to Jasmine to tell her about my plans.

"Jasmine I want you to help lead the swarm while I make an army with actual ships instead of Zerg." Jasmine was upset

"Do you hate us? Do you have what we are Overmind?" She looked heartbroken

"Of course not. Here is my plan. I will build a navy and declare work on both the Republic and CIS cause problems and when they destroy that fleet that when we announce the swarm. Think about it Jasmine how the enemies would feel when an unknown army shows up and with my knowledge of the future. My ships will be Ahead of this era's time and when they think that they won the swarm shows up to cause despair on the Galaxy." Jasmine looked at me with wide eye's an suddenly hugged me and said.

"This is why your the Overmind you put false hope in to people's hearts and then you crush it at the end you sure love to see suffer." She smiled and I hugged her back.

[Well this would be the longest chapter I've written before. The next chapter will be when I give him his Darth name so I'll pick one of your guy's suggestions by then. How did I do in this chapter?]

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