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Chapter 418: Chapter 418: Dungeon Experience VII


With everything blowing into pure chaos, the players inside the dungeon and were fighting for their lives begun minding their own business while racing towards the end of the hallway. The once organized formation that was planned beforehand was nothing but a fleeting moment at this point of the stage. The moment the shadowy monsters begun enhancing their attacks which leads to numerous deaths, the formation finally broke apart as they all minded their own self.

Even the hailed internet idol who participated in this raid and boasted his strength due to its rare class, begun frantically racing towards the end of the hallway at the very front of the girls group. Despite his previous promise to protect all the girls present (due to simply magnetizing positive attention), this person himself was the first one to boldly order around to race to the exit to survive, thus breaking the formation. Even thought order was simply idiotic, there were still blind admirers who followed his orders nonetheless.

The moment the group of girls begun racing past the guys who were at the front of the group, all hell break lose as the once stable formation grew weaker, thus exposing numerous openings for the shadow monsters to advantage from. So when a huge opening was exposed, even more death ensued as the number of players drastically goes down in the attack of the monsters. In fact due to that not all the girls in the group managed to escaped, thus were being dragged at the darkness of the room for a slaughter.

Even the guys who took the matter seriously weren't an exception. Thus the once huge group consisting of 80 players present, were now reduced to merely about 56 people in just a few minutes. From that timeframe when the chaos started about 24 people died from the shadow monsters.

With the onslaught being enacted, Lilia couldn't stay still any longer as she completely broke away from the panicking girl group led by the arrogant internet idol, and begun helping the other players in eradicating the monsters. Of course she wasn't the only one thinking of such things, there were even other girls who felt the same way she did and started fighting back, among them was her acquaintance Shelly.

In the end there only about 10 girls who continuously followed the internet idol as they drew further away from the main group.

From the ranks of the shadow monsters, the threat of the shadow hounds weren't that much. After all as such monsters similarly behaves to the beast monsters in the lower rank dungeons, as long as they effectively dodged its claws and mouth while dealing a counter blow, they would be able to handle them easily. The only problem were the humanoid shadow monsters  in a shape of a medieval knight.

Having a monster in a humanoid form, leads to a whole new different level of problem and difficulty. After all such form could branch out a different variety of behavior and combo. Just like humans a humanoid monster is diverse when its comes to its offensive and defensive maneuver unlike beast.

In Lilia's view, she could count up about 11 humanoid shadow monsters fighting off against the players in the dark hallway. She doesn't know if some were still hiding, but one thing she do know was that in order to increase the survivability rate of the players in the hallway, she would need to get rid of the humanoid monster one way or another. (From this point humanoid shadow monster = shadow knights)

Taking the lead, Lilia quickly unsheathe the short sword on her back and a knife on her leg pocket as she ran up towards the the shadow knight with an intent to eliminate it early from the stage. Of course she wasn't the only one who thought up of such an idea, alongside her Shelly herself took out her own blade as she catches up towards her charge.

The moment Lilia entered the shadow knights proximity, the monster itself then quickly shifted its attention towards her as it drew its blade and slashed it towards Lilia even before she got close. Calculating the speed that she was running, the monster's sword itself would be able to hit squarely on Lilia  if she continues on her momentum.

However before the blade could even hit Lilia's skin, Lilia herself suddenly dodged the blade by tilting her body to the right, as she simultaneously spun around and countered back a sudden back kick towards the shadow knight's head. Through that not only were she able to dodged the attack, she was also able to deliver a flexible counter which literally impossible to defend against unless the enemy is flexible itself. In this confrontation, Lilia's flexibility begun to shine.

After receiving a back kick towards the head, the shadow monster was brought into a daze for a moment, before it snapped back to reality and started engaging again  against its attacker. But before the shadow knight could could counter back to its initial attacker, Shelly suddenly came in its range in front of it as it drew her blade and attacked the shadow monster in her unexpected intervention.

"Cross Slash!!!"

Striking a blow towards the shadow knight, the monster was then caught off guard as it took the full brunt of the attack, causing it to back away for a few steps due to the force of impact. But the moment the shadow monster was taken away by the surprise attack of Shelly, Lilia quickly sneak in towards its back and rap[idly deal attacks with her short sword combined with her knife.

"Rapid Blow!!!"

Dealing about 10 slashes in a single breath, coupled with Lilia's inhumane strength in her arms, the shadow knights armor was riddled with dent, causing it to roar back in anger and swung its sword behind him. However before the sword could ever hit its target, Lilia quickly escaped from its range using a movement skill as she safely distances herself from the shadow knight.

"Instantaneous Movement!!!"

When the shadow knight swung its sword behind it, such an action naturally led to a huge opening as Shelly took such opening into her advantage and plunged her blade in between the gaps of the armor and struck down the monster head through stabbing. With a short shriek, the shadow knight quickly fell as it dissipated into the darkness.

From that both Lilia and Shelly had dealt against their first opponent. Without wasting any moment both of them quickly begun charging towards their next target, specifically a shadow knight wielding a dual sword.

The moment both Lilia and Shelly managed to bring down one of the 11 shadow knights present, three other nearby shadow knight, quickly turned their hostilities towards them as they completely disregarded the presence of the other players. For them the people who could kill one shadow knight was already much more threatening than a player who is struggling against the hounds.

With three hostile shadow knights completely focused on them, their specific target the shadow knight who is a dual wielder of swords, one of the three, then quickly resonated towards their charge as it also ran up towards them while brandishing its swords.

Taking up the upfront, Lilia advances further ahead than Shelly as she plans to lead the charge and deal the first blow. Increasing her speed on how she runs as she enhances the strength of her legs, Lilia blasted forward as she quickly pulled out both her short sword on her right and assassin knife on her left and slashed them down towards her target.

In response to that the shadow knight arbitrarily swung up its sword as it clashed against Lilia's short sword in first contact, before quickly chaining up the first strike with another swing from his sword on his other hand. However Lilia immediately raises up her knife to block the second strike, as she let the momentum to forcefully spin mid air and do a reverse circular5 sword swing with her short sword.

Blocking her strike, the Shadow knight took a few steps back, as it charges forward once more while swinging its sword towards her the moment she landed on the ground. Left with no other option to dodge due to imbalance, Lilia instead blocked the attack using both of her weapons causing her to be blown back by the force and weight of the strike. With the difference on the weight of their weapon, it was only natural that she was blown back by a few steps.

But being blown back wasn't satisfying enough for the shadow knight, the moment Lilia got blown back, the shadow knight  quickly rushes in to her left like a flash step and rapidly swung down both of its sword in random direction like a crazy asura swords form. Sensing danger for her life, Lilia uses one of her skill which literally aided her in evading rapid flurry attacks like such situation.

"Heightened Senses!!!! Speed Boost!!!Evasion rate Increase!!!Crazy Shadow Step!!!"

Taking a light jump with all of such skills activated in an instant, Lilia managed to dodged the incoming strike aiming for her legs. When she lounged back up like a spring, she then evaded the strike from above. When she ducked down upon getting back up, she avoided having her head cut off with an overhead swing. When she did a half twist, she then dodged the strike from her front. When she summersaulted back, she  evaded a strike from behind.

But that wasn't all Lilia also did a  pike, forward tuck, half flip, side aerial, layout, split, roll, lounged forward, reverse lounged, slide, and half back bend. All of this series of movement was done just to evade the shadow knight flurry of rapid attacks, Alas all of this was done in just a matter of thirty seconds. completely showcasing her speed, instincts, and incredible flexibility.

After dodging all of those attacks, Lilia then rolled forward just to dodge the final swing as she jumped towards the shadow knight as she swung down her short sword on its helmet with her skill.

"Fatal strike!!!"

After dealing her first successful blow, Lilia quickly backed away as shelly rushes in and dealt her own blow towards the monster. Unfortunately her first strike using a bladed sword she took out from her storage was easily blocked by the attentive shadow knight, nevertheless she continued over as she flip above the shadow knight and rapidly strike from below with a forceful strength.

"Enhance strength!!! Critical blow!!!"

With each strike packing a punch, the shadow knight quickly got agitated as it swung back its sword only to miss its target by a hairs breath. By ducking below Shelly was able evaded the sudden strike from the shadow knight, as she opened up her palm and dealt an energized palm strike to the monster, causing it to be blown back by the force of the impact.

As the shadow knight rolled back across the floor, Lilia quickly mounted on its back as she strike for its head with rapid strike from both of her weapons. At the same time Shelly came in from the front as she knocked away its reaching arms with her bladed weapon, before dealing a frontal kick towards it head.

Synchronizing her movement to Shelly, Lilia got down from the shadow knights back as she did a reverse back kick towards its sides, with enhanced strength. Due to that the shadow knight was blown away once more due to the joined force from both Shelly and Lilia's kick.

However both of them didn't let up at all, once the shadow knight was on all fours, they rushed in once more as both of them dealt with it in their own way. While Shelly used her Jui jitsu  to quickly disarm the shadow knight, Lilia on the other hand aimed for its vital point as it dealt with it using her own self taught Karate. In the hands of both girls, the dual wielding shadow knight was simply a rag doll due to how easily they subdue it with their synchro attack pattern.

Due to that numerous players who were nearby were astounded on how two girls were able to deal with such a large monsters. While the guys felt admiration, some of the girls felt motivated while also envying their synchronized coordination. But the most envious of them all was the so called internet celebrity when he took the chance to look back while running to the exit.

Due to both Lilia and Shelly's coordination, the spotlight for the dungeon was literally shifted over to them. As an internet idol, such spotlight was like the most precious thing for them. Thus upon seeing that all the attention was shifted to the pair, including some of the girls who followed him closely, he couldn't help but feel envious from afar.

On the other hand when Kaido saw such coordination from far back, he couldn't help but smile proudly at the pairs achievement. After all if he were to be put in the position of the shadow knight, he was sure that he would also undergo such suppression due to how coordinated their attacks were. No matter what he would also end up like the monster before them, with no chance to fight back at all. Such a praise from someone who has experience in a battlefield was truly worth noting.

As Shelly started taking out the mobility of the dual wielding shadow knight, Lilia then begun distracting the shadow knight by relentlessly attacking it on its upper body. With a slide kick followed by a kick directly towards its joints, Shelly then brought the shadow knight on its knees, as Lilia followed up with a knee strike towards its face, thus causing the monster to fall on its back.

After that with a short leap, Lilia held her short sword with both of her hands as she directly stabbed the neck of the shadow knight, causing it to writhe in pain before disintegrating back to the darkness.

Even thought both of them managed to take down two shadow knight plaguing the players in this dark area, they still kept going on as they charged directly towards the archer type shadow knight from afar.

Noticing their charge, the shadow knight wielding a bow then quickly ignored the nearby players within its vicinity as it begun firing rapid shots towards the two approaching enemy. However every time the arrow was about to hits its target, Lilia suddenly came in to intervene as she parried all of the projectiles with a swift maneuver of her short sword in the air. In a form of sword dance, she parried over about 24 projectiles while moving forward.

After taking care of that first volley, Shelly quickly rushes pass Lilia as she took a ball item from her pocket and threw it towards the ranged shadow knight. Once the ball was in some distance near the shadow knight, Shelly then remotely detonated the ball as it was revealed to be a type of bomb portable enough to carry.

With the explosions ringing out in the surroundings, the tempo of the shadow knight was then disrupted, which lead to Lilia quickly passing through its defenses and deliver an opening blow by a slit throat.

But that didn't end there, once Lilia managed to slit the throat of the shadow knight, Shelly then came out from the smoke of the explosion as she plunged her blade to the chest of the shadow knight. At the same time Lilia then stabbed the back of the monster's head with her short sword of her own.

In that moment when they killed the three shadow knight with their synchronization, the remaining shadow knight that was paying attention to them then grew warily as it begun sucking in energy towards its body.

Of course such energy doesn't look like mana at all. with its dark tone, the shadow knight wary of the duo seemed to be sucking in the very darkness itself. Soon after when this specific shadow knight begun gathering energy towards it, the rest of the shadow monsters attacking the players then begun to to disintegrate as their forms was being sucked up towards the main body.

When the shadow monsters begun disappearing one after another at an incredible speed,  the burden on the players were then soon lifted as they were all finally unobstructed to go forwards to the end of the dark hallway.

Thus when they realize that the remaining shadow knight seemed to be fully focused on the duo, the remaining players then didn't seem to hesitate at all as they ran towards the exit. Naturally the person closest to the exit were the first one to arrive and teleported out of this room. Such a player was Cedric himself followed by some girls who remained following him from behind.

After the first batch of players finally escaping the room, others then came afterwards as they hastily ran towards the exit, Even Gus was included among them.

After quite some time only few players could be seen in the dark hallway, some of them had just recently passed by both Lilia and Shelly and try to stay hidden from the aggro of the sole remaining shadow knight. Even thought the rest of the players managed to escape, both Lilia and Shelly stayed still in their location as they were afraid to even take a move.

Of course the reason for this was because the shadow knight wielding a longsword was solely focusing its pressure towards the both of them. With such heavy pressure donning them, both of them couldn't even take a single step forward. It was as if the monster itself was fully intended to kill the both of them in this location.

"Looks like we both draw the short end of the stick" commented by Shelly as she begun sweating profusely

"The pressure is too heavy... This is no joke, we could literally die here" added by Lilia

"Ah just our bad luck... Looks like we agitated it the moment we killed three shadow knights on our own"

"Guess so"

After awhile the shadow knight then finally finished absorbing the energy out of the other monster in the room as it aura exploded to its vicinity, completely killing the other player who simply were just passing by. Due to the immense shockwave he reproduced, such a wave of aura was truly fatal to anyone near its radius.

Without a moments of hesitation, the shadow knight quickly entered its stance as it zoomed in towards Lilia like a speedster and swung up its longsword towards Lilia.

Barely responding towards such an attack, Lilia raised her short sword and knife in front of her as she blocked the attack using all the weight of her body. However due to how strong the energized attack was, Lilia was then blown away by a few blocks, as she was left stumbling to the ground groaning in pain.

After that not wasting any moment, the shadow knight quickly spun around on its location as it swung its sword directly towards Shelly who also barely blocked it with her blade. However in contrast to Lilia, her blade was instantly shattered from the force of the attack, causing her arms to flail into the air.

In that posture, the shadow knight quickly grabbed ahold of her ankle as its mashed shelly towards the floor face first, causing her to ache in pain as she gasped for breath.

When the shadow knight  tried to stabbed shelly from behind after smashing her to the floor, Lilia then quickly ran up to the side as she did a flip and kicked away the arms wielding the longsword of the shadow knight.

After kicking the arm away, Lilia quickly grabbed ahold of shelly and rolled to the side in order to avoid the range of the monster's stab.

"Are you okay?" asked by Lilia

"I think i broke my nose" answered by shelly

Facing the powered monster, Lilia then held her shorts sword horizontally in front of her as she intended to take it down all by herself.

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