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Chapter 1: Chapter 1-5

Chapter 1 - Past and Chances

August 20, 2048

Fernando, Joshua's father and his family lives at the slums near Quiapo Church. The youngest child was the 2 yrs. old baby Ashleigh, next was the 7 yrs. old Gregor, and the eldest was the 9 yrs. old Joshua. Thriving to make all oh his children graduate with the help of his fishball, kikiam and other streetfoods stand, Fernando wants to show his sons and daughter the oldest ways of earning money before the war started.

Joshua's father always tell them stories about of how the China Falls in hands of the 4 star countries, how their homeland accumulate more lands than theirs before, how the Crown Virus Threatened the existence of humanity, and how their grandfather left him and their grandmother for the battlefield and didn't came back.

Of course being a child, they became interested but not fully understand their father's stories.

Joshua, who have been understood his father's stories after started to thrive for his good.

"I want to surpass like our homeland in this struggles I have, I will make our lives good", he said full of determination.

And that's the start of his story.


|5 years later|

Fernando, Joshua's father were standing in his stall, ready to serve his customers of their orders. It's already 7:49 PM, and his customers were still here and there.

As for the customers, they really like his old-fashioned way of serving street food. In these era, most of the street food vendors vanished as they're industry were accused for the fast infection and spreading of the Crown Virus. Some were still selling street foods but with care, not like before as it was like "just f*ck*ng buy it even it's not that much cook". Of course some weren't like that but the other like that were much larger in terms of sorting the street food sellers in their respective kind.

"Damn, this is the best!", exclaimed of a foreigner buying his goods. His eyes were like hungry wolf's after he finished his 30 pcs. of fisball in one swoop!

"Of course it is! Thanks, Old Man!", said by his companion and drag him away to prevent the trouble that the old man could have.

Fernando chuckled at their antics, well his goods were loved by the people walking on the street and he see one that is actually not normal in terms of eating newly cooked fishballs.

"Father!", shouted by a teenage boy running towards the stall.

Yep, it's Joshua.

"Hoho, seems like my punky boy are here!", Fernando laughed as his son panting heavily because of running.

"I'm not a punk!", Joshua said and he asked his father of his left hand and press his forehead in the back of his father's hand.

"Bless you, my child"

"Father, we need to go home now. it's already night you know", Joshua said to his father while looking on the unending line of customers in his fathers stall.

"Well, yeah. But I can't take it when they asked me to not leave, my heart breaks", said by his father while clutching his hand in his heart.

Joshua rolled his eyes and wait.


"Finally", Fernando chuckled as their customers finally dispersed.

His son left to buy some foods and drink, he didn't get a chance to eat supper. He smiled as he set his cooking tools inside his wheeled stall's cabinets as he remembered something, it's Joshua's birthday next day!

His child, whose a crybaby before were turning 15 now!

"Ah, what a day", he chuckled as he remembered Joshua's jumping failed and he faceplanted on dirt.

Fernando noticed a black van coming towards the road near his stall, he suddenly feel the urge to run.

*Nah, it's just a van nothing else*, he thought.

The van then slowly approached his stall, and stop in front of him. The van doors opened and a masked man with gun came out, before his brain functioned loud gunshots can be heard.


Slowly, his blood flowed from the hole formed in his forehead. He just wish that Joshua didn't come back, it's dangerous. He died afterward, and the man already got inside the van.

Far away but not that much, A horrified Joshua can be seen. His father, was shot.

His feet were frozen, he can't move. He tried it and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Father!!!", he shouted and run towards his father's lifeless body.

"Father, Father!!!", he run faster and grabbed Fernando's bloody body.

"Father... Father... WAHHHHHHHH!", He cried and cried while the other's approached them.

The loneliness filled his heart, and he knows he can't tell it to his mother.

That way, his misfortunes come along.


|Last Day of Fernando's Funeral|

Sobs and cries can be heard on the crowded place near the cemetery, Joshua sit beside his mother and his sister Ashleigh. His brother weren't there, and was with his friends that were dressed in black.

"Huuuuu... father... Wahhh", Ashleigh sobbed as she look on his father's coffin.

Joshua didn't say anything, he mourned for his father.

The traditional way of burying the dead were performed, and the cries were much louder now.

Joshua stood there, and his father's words were in his mind.

"Remember to look on your roots, as a tree can fall if it's bottom were weak"

"We all came from dust, and someday we will return there"

He steeled himself, he would not falter!

After the ceremony and the burial, they helped each other to clean the surroundings.

They came back home, with sadness in them.


|2 years later|

"Gah!", Joshua spits his own blood as Simon's fist collided with his stomach.

"Wow, I don't believe it! he can withstand my punch, Jackpot! Hahahaha!", Simon mockingly laugh and his crew joins him.

"Well, a weakling like him were better to be a punchbag than staying useless!"

"Such a fool, hahahaha!"

"Trash dumbass whahahaha!"

Their laugh resounded on his ears, he gritted his teeth. Simon noticed it and kicked him, the others join him beating Joshua.

*Why? Why me ?*

"Oohh, so My baby Simmy found his new toy!"

"Such a jerk, he's a trash"

"Such a sweetie boy but, you're weak so I'm no-no to you"


Ah, another batch of bitches came.

Their laugh changed into gasps as one monitoring council member came near.

"Hey you mongrels! Leave him now!", shouted by the monitoring council member to Simon's group.

"Oh shit, run!", Juan exclaimed and the group run away on Joshua and the council member. The member approached him with worried face.

"Are you okay ? I'll take you to the nurse's office", the council member said.

"N... no, thanks for the help", Joshua weakly said as he flinched from his sore body.

"Okay, just let me help you stand", the council member then helped him stand. Before leaving, the council member warned him.

"You better report it to the principal, and I'll take care of the other things"

"Please don't, I'm fine"

"You... tsk, fine", the council member frowned and walked away from him.

"Such stubbornness won't help you there", the member said while walking at the hall towards the council room.


His wounds were wrapped and he was resting inside the infirmary, his body aches too much that he can't go on his class.

He then heard the door clicking, and his lover came.

"Jessica...", he mumbled as he see that she's not here to care for him but to mock him.

"Tsk, why do I have to go out with you? you can't even fight them! such a weakling and useless boyfriend", she snapped at him.

"I'm, sorry. please d-", Joshua said but he was cutted by Jessica.

"Don't break up with you ? Hah! even the others said that I'm no match for you! You think I love you? I just became your girlfriend because I need your brain! You're useless, dumb, and weak now! I'm breaking up with you", Jessica said and quickly left him alone.

Joshua felt a pang in his heart.

He tried to be a good boyfriend to her, give what she wants and love her more than himself. He tried, but this happened.

"Fuck it!", he snapped.

*For all of the damned people, why ?*

He continued asking himself, bringing more and more pain and hatred on him.


After school, Joshua walked towards his home.

His bruises and bandages were exposed, but he didn't care. Many people looked at him with pity, and others with disgust.

But, he didn't care and he wouldn't care.

"Aye, such a young man with his broken fortune. Come here and let me tell you how to fix it", an old man spoke at him. He looked at the old man nonchalantly, and asked him with such rude manner.

"Why do you even care ? You have nothing to care at someone like me, Go away!", he sulked as the memories before were still fresh at his mind.

The man looked at him with excitement and it makes him annoyed, does he looked like a dumbass here ?

"That's not the way you'll ask me, come and see", the old man said motioning him to come with him.

Joshua stood there, and didn't say anything for a while.

"Are f*cking joking at me, old man?"

The man chuckled as he knows this would happen.

"If you're not coming, then a chance of you becoming stronger would be a waste", the man spoke in such mysterious way disregarding tgat fact that Joshua cursed him.

The Old Man then snapped his finger and as if magic were in this world, a change happened. The people, the bird, the sound stopped. Joshua dumbfoundedly panic and look around shocked.

"W-what did you..."

"I stopped the time", the Old Man cutted him.


"I've stopped the time, young lad. You know something like Magic right? this trick, it's one of them", Old man laugh at him.

"Pardon my being rude, My name is Xhao Luo Wei, a antics collector. If you wany, come with me and I'll give you the proof of my offer for you", Old Luo said to Joshua's shocked expression. Old Luo was an Old man on his 80's and have a white long hair braided and slitted eyes, his brows were a bit longer and his skin were showing signs of aging. His old personality matches together with his old chinese robe with some dragons knitted at the edges.

His mind were taking the information, but it's too much! He then moved like crazy man.

The old man laughed at his shocked state, well who wouldn't if you see a man grabbing his hair and jumping like a crazy man while saying "what?".

The old man coughed to get Joshua's attention, which is effective.

"Come young lad", Luo Wei said and tapped Joshua's shoulder then walked inside an old establishment.

"Y-yes!", Joshua said not thinking anymore as he quickly run inside following the old man.

Chapter 2 - Old Luo Wei's antiques shop and the Mysterious Ball

Joshua's POV

Luo Wei and I then come inside a room full of antique things and old paintings, the whole place smelled old and even the carpets were old fashioned.

"Welcome, to my humble abode", Old Luo said as I looked at amazement at the sight. I wasn't an old-fashion style lover, but I don't hate those old things too. Old Luo sat on a chair with sculpted Chinese Dragons on the woods, it's center were made of soft cushion and leather colored of red with stitches resembling a flower.

"You may look at them now", Old Luo said at me making me confused from his words.

"I thought you said you'll show me the proof?", I asked confused.

"Aye aye, but do I say I'll give it to you?", Old Luo said to me. He then continued.

"You need to look at the things there and find the proof, it's a ball glowing with shade of bright green. You should know that everything comes with hardship, not just fallen here to take", Old Luo said making me grumble. I look again at his collections and sighed.

*How can I look at the orb in this bunch?*

I started to looked here and there at the east portion and spotted a giant stone sculpture of a man wearing nothing and was holding a club as a support on his standing, I grimaced at the perverted statue and look away only to see an Old Gramophone with a set of Discs sitting firm beside it. As I moved deeper and deeper, or circling around searching for the ball at the sets of collections, I started to lose hope. I stomped my foot making Old Luo flinch and looked at my direction.

"Young lad, don't break anything there. It costs me more than millions of money for finding those", Old Luo shouted at me. I then just grumble and looked again, spotting a set of chained ball in cobweb manner.

"Old Luo, what's this Bell-like thing?", I asked him showing the thing and he chuckled.

"That's an artifact that I've retrieved when I'm exploring a cave at Pyongyang region of Korea", Old Luo said and I only nodded amused.

When I looked at the north-western section I saw a painting with a silhouette of a man holding a spear, in his front were a giant monster with slender body and many tentacles from it's sides. they were seeming like battling in the ocean, as the man were in a ship deck. Other's were ancient weapons, there's a sword filled with carvings that I don't know what it means, shield with a face of a beautiful woman with hair made of snakes, and other things. I am really wondering how Old Luo can collect this kinds of things, seeing that he's approaching me I used this chance to ask him.

"Old Luo, how can you collect this much things?"

"Hoho, it's my hobby after our homeland were defeated by yours. I'm with the Old China, but I don't bother joining in your citizen", Old Luo said at me.

"Ahhh... sorry Old Luo, it must be hard", I apologized to him.

"It's not your fault, young lad. Hmmm... now that you are here, let me tell you three things.

"First, I want you to know that after you see the proof your life would change. Not just change, All of the things will change.

"Second, I don't know who it is but your soul have a connection with a celestial creature. I saw it when I looked at you, your body emanates a ghastly aura that is definitely coming from a powerful entity. I am only a human so I can't do anything easily.

"Lastly, If you get the proof you must protect it to anyone. Even you're family can be your enemy if you let them know the proof. I know it's confusing but let me say, if you don't protect it you'll die along with everyone in earth", Old Luo's warning makes my spine shiver.

"Wait sir, are you giving me a nuclear bomb?", I said at him not believing his words.

"No, I won't give you something like that. Plus don't be on haste, the time outside is still the same before you go here", he smiled reassuring me and I only give a nod.

I continued my search after that conversation.


"I still can't see it, where is that thing Old man? did you hide it somewhere?", I asked desperately.

"Just look around", Old Luo said at me calmly.

"But I 'looked around' and I still didn't see the proof", I said annoyed. Seeing this, Old Luo sighed.

"Haiz, Okay I'll point it out. Look at the statue holding the club then look where it'ssight goes and landed", I followed his orders. I looked at the statue and traced it sight, I landed at a longsword stucked at a stone. It's hilt composed there different gems : sapphire, ruby, and emerald.

"Next, look where the emerald gem point out", I looked and traced it again. This time I see the painting of the warrior and octopus, I noticed a slight reflection of color green at the glass. Not waiting at Old Luo, I followed where the light was, in the bottom of the table where the swords and axes are placed.

I found a color green orb shining brightly, my mouth agape as I pick the orb. It's glow were mesmerising, as if I'm inside a beautiful forest.

Suddenly a bluish green tab showed un front of me.

[Ding! the 'System' has awaken!]

[Ding! Found an Orb : ???]

[Ding! Acquired and Unlocked a function, Namely 'Scan']

[Ding! Scan let's you know an objects description by just saying the Function]

[Ding! The Orb will merge at the Hosts mind, prepare for sudden convulsive shocks and hemorrhagic pain. Cannot decline]

[Ding! Starting the merging]

"Oi oi... Old Luo! what's this thing?!", I shouted at the old man chuckling.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I found it interesting each time I touch that orb showing me a tab where it's saying I'm not it's host. Well, wish you luck", Old Luo said to me.

"Oi! Old Man..."


A surging pain bellowed on my brain, attacking it's cells and making me scream in pain.


I fall on the ground along with the orb, it didn't break but it continuously shine brighter than before and blinding me. I wailed in pain and started to crutch the mat, not wanting to lose.

But alas! I slowly fell in deep sleep as the pain intensified more and more...


[Ding! the system was successfully merged at Hosts mind! making it untangible to anyone other than the Host!]

[Ding! health were below 5% The system suggest to Host to take a rest]

[Ding! due to certain requirements achieved, unlocked the Passive 'Light Regeneration']

[Ding! the Hosts body were pulled by unknown force]

[Ding! the Hosts body were successfully pulled inside a portal]

[Ding! due to certain requirements achieved, unlocked the Passive 'Auto-Translate']







[Ding! the Host body were injected by unknown energy, used 'Scan']

[Ding! the energy injected at hosts body were named : Soul Energy, a type of enery that were coming at the souls ownself]

[Ding! Estimate time of Rest End : 23 hours 4 mins]

Chapter 3 - The system and the Valhalla Society

My body feels something unusual, as if I'm pierced with many sword. I didn't feel any pain, just uncomfortable. I woke up and slowly tried to recuperate for my sudden change, I grimaced as I remember how did I ended up sleeping.

*Damn old man, is he trying to kill me?*

I tried to stand groaned as my head aches, holding my head I slowly stand up, only to fall down again in shock.

"...what the fuck?", I said as I see myself in the middle of a large stage. More specifically, a massive justice court. I looked around and saw that no one are sitting on the chairs, I sighed.

*How did I came here?*

I started to guess everything, while I'm sleeping. My thoughts were interrupted when a voice different from Old Luo's spoke from behind, I look back thinking of danger and my mouth hanged open from what I've see.

"Hoho... what a young lad, why'd you came here?"

I saw another old man, but this time he was... weird.

His height resembles a typical old man with a cane, his hair was only at his center scalp and his face were much looking old. I think that I encountered a god, because he emits an aura that makes me feel his personality were special. I look at his face, it's... unnatural. His eyes were almost tiny but his eyesockets were as wide as owl's, and his toothy grin were much like Cheshire's.

"Young lad, why'd you came here?", he asked me again.

I tried to speak but no words came out, like my tongue goes in my throat.

"Uhh, Gran Zeus... I think he can't speak because of your aura", a man showed near him and spoke with playful manner. I look at the man and for my dear sanity, he has four arms! purple skin and three eyes! what the heck!

[Ding! due to certain requirements achieved, unlocked the Passive 'Aura Resistance']

*What the fuck? another tab?*

I tried to move my hand to do something at the floating tab but the old man once speak again.

"Ah, I have forgotten. My apologies as an old geezer here, hehe", he then slowly put his left hand and scratch his head. I'm shocked, just who are they?

"If you're wonderin' where you got, then're's the answer. Valhalla", a slurred voice spoke and a silhouette of a young man with raven black hair and a slight of violet hair in the middle, wearing some sort of lightwear but it's made of leather. Appears next to my face with a devilish grin, my heart skipped a beat becauseof shock. I panicked after seeing him holding a curved knife.

"Mother Mercy!", I scream as I was scared of shit making the man laugh like crazy.

*Who would be scared if a face sudden appear and looks like that?*

*Did that Old man throw me in this place where for sanity fade?*

I trembled while looking down, I can't look at everyone in front.

[Ding! due to meeting certain requirements, unlocked Passive 'fear resistance']

*Fuck this tab, Don't show in front of me right now!*

[Ding! Hosts complain approved, System updates would be muted for the next hours with danger]

"Loki, you're scaring him. keep that sickly smiling face of yours away", Another old man appeared again in shadows and speak like a noblemen. He has an eyepatch on his right eye, and a pair crow and dove were in his shoulders. He wear a white robe with unusual patterns sewn.

I steeled my self and speak carefully, I can't go like a madman speaking to them ain't I?

"Were am I? Who are you, sirs?", I asked them, still shaking in fear.

"You're in Valhalla", he said and the others nod to me. I made a confused face.

*Valhalla? What Valhalla? I'm not in Phillippines?*

Seeing my confused expression, the eyepatch man took the opportunity to explain.

"Valhalla were the home of gods, and even demons. you can say that this place weren't in the earth, your home", the man with eyepatch said.

I froze, I'm not in earth anymore?

"I will take this time to say our names", the man with four arms said in playful tone.

"This old geezer here were called Zeus, he was the supreme judge here at Valhalla. I am Síva, A god from India. The youngster that spook you were Loki, a Norse God. And the sir with Eyepatch were Odin, a Norse God too. We already know who you are, but don'tworry we not bad guys.", he said as if he was telling a very funny joke.

I am in much much much shocked state when the man named Odin asked me.

"My apologies for you young lad but I'll ask you a question, Why are you here?", Odin said looking with bloodlust to me making the scared shit out of me.

"Young Odin, you didn't need to scare him. you know?" the Old man Zeus said passively.

"Don't order me around old man", Odin snorted.

"That's rude", said by Zeus and then start to cough and tremble.

They start bantering as if I didn't exist there, well I didn't care if they won't scare me again. Then again I was confused, if this place where home for something not human, why am i here? And why did I not panic much much when I see them?

I also noticed that I quickly accepted them as gods and not abominations, what happening? I remember then that the Orb were a magical something that even I didn't understand fully, because if I do, I'll die due to stress.

Síva noticed my confused expression and then stopped on joining the banter. He the moved in front of me and bowed, making me surprised. The other's stopped too looking at him with dumbfounded expressions when they noticed his actions, Síva then spoke with a serious manner.

"I am sorry you see this awful side of us gods, but don't worry if you want to scold us then do so"

"The fuck Síva? you know what you're doing?"(Loki)



"I-it's okay, God Síva. I'm fine, continue what your doing. Don't mind me, please", I said with nervous laugh.

And with that sentence, they continue their banter. But me? A thought comes on my mind.

*Since when did a god knows how to bow in front of a human?*

Chapter 4 - Síva's Wives and Ganesha

"Uhhh, Síva? May I ask why you're dragging me?", I said as Síva continued his hippity hoppity walk.

"Well, I'm dragging you to meet my family! and also you need to know more in this place right?", he suddenly changed from happy to serious, making me flinch slightly from the aura he emits. He noticed it and stopped his outburst.

"Oh Sorry! you're just a young man so I need to control myself ahaha!", he said as he continue to drag me on his abode like a ragdoll.

I pondered the fact that I am here, I may have something to do for them. I don't know what would I do or what should I do so I just let it off, then I noticed Síva's smirking at me. A cold shiver runs into my spine, I look in his front and see a giant door that even my sight can see the end above.

*What would he do? Did he just secretly drag me here to kill me?*

I have my sudden anxiety attacks when... he kick the door opening it and throw me inside.

"Ahhhhhh! help me!", I screamed as I land into... something soft? I look down and see... you know it, and then all I heard was a slap and... I was knocked out.

[Ding! the time given for System mute were expired the achievements and other notices would be available at 'Notification']

[Ding! due to certain requirements achieved, unlocked the Passive 'Physical Damage Resistance']

Síva on the other hand, can't supress his laugh and start to roll in the floor while laughing so hard. he tried to supress it as those two where Joshua landed would be angry at him but he failed miserably, and he didn't knew the large staff's end coming at his way.


"Jesus Christ, did I die?", I blurted out a question as he tried to feel his swollen cheek. Sitting beside him were the almost beaten Síva, and a giant... elephant headed man?

"Dad, you really shouldn't anger mom and Aunt Kaali", the elephant man said while crying. I look at him unfazed ignoring the peculiarity I see, as I know it's just another god trait I can't question.

'Uhmm... who are you, sir?", I asked the crying elephant. The elephant look at me surprised as if he see a god, and then cleared his throat to answer me.

"I am Ganesha, the Hindu God of Luck! who are you? why are you here? are you another god? why are you came here with dad? what's your name? did the great-great-great-great-great granpa Zeus know you? did miss Athena look charmingly?"

A bombard of questions, and I can't even answer them all. He stopped his questioning when Sìva groaned, indicating he's awaked.

"Hngghhh... Oww... Son, you didn't need to ask him many questions. That's rude for our visitor, you know?", Síva said rubbing his back full of red marks.

"Ah! sorry, sir!", Ganesha quickly apologized in form of Kowtow in front of me, making me panic.

"D-d-don't honor me much, I'm just a human and you're a god. Please raise your head, God Ganesha", I nervously said as I look at still kowtowing God.

*Did gods are so respectful like this?*, I thought.

"What?", this time, it's Ganesha's shocked expression highlighted.

"What?", Síva mimicked his son, making my sentence more unbelievable. The others inside the room were shocked too, knowing that I'm just a human.

*Damn you Síva, now I'm dead*, I gulped as I see Ganesha standing slowly. My instincts tell me a danger would come through, so not wasting any seconds I do what I must.

"U-u-uhmmm, I'm sorrryyy!!!", I then leaped in the middle and kowtowed in front of the gods in unimaginable speed. Síva laughed while the others were dumbfounded because of my action, Ganesha looked at me with curiosity. Síva laughed hard at the sight of me suffering.

"Hahaha... I can't even be bored at you young lad, you even make me laugh more than one hour", Síva said as he continued laughing.

"Darling, you shouldn't do that on him. Look at this young ones, he can't even stand because of your pranks", Three voices scolded him at the same time. I look and I see three womans coming from Síva, and was shocked when they gave him "treatment". Touch here and there, Ganesha didn't understand it but I said to him to turn around. I change my directory of sight to the door so I won't see this bold act.

*Jesus Christ, didn't they already said that I'm young? why do that in front of a virgin man?*, I thought as I look away from them.

I maybe a man, but with discipline, virtue, and morality.

Síva : "Hahahahaha, I didn't know you're a pure one, lad" *smirking*

I look at him confused and irritated, clearly because I don't like that words though it's not affecting me.

Síva then stand up and introduce the girls to me.

"This is Parvati, my first wife"


"Durga, a savage but kind woman that entrapped my heart"

"Yo! boy!"

"And last but not the least, Kaali, my prettiest wife"


I look at the girls, memorizing their names and understanding their appearance.

Parvati, was the one wearing a red linen robe, have brown hair, and has a dazzling brownish body. Her face were composed of pointy nose, cherry lips, rosy cheeks and green eyes.

Durga, have white hair and holds a spear, her skin were dark. Her slitted eyes were full of authority, and her lips were seductive, her silver eyes would make your spin shiver.

Kaali, were a black haired woman with impulsive body and brown skin. Her brown eyes were always telling you to come near, her lips with shade of pinky peach were intoxicating if touched. They all noticed my gaze, I gulped.

"Hmmm~ seems like this man looks at us with a look that we weren't expect~", Kaali chimed and gets closed to Joshua making him panic inside.

"Oh~ seems like we need to punish him~", Durga gets close too arrogantly said but with a hint of... lust?

"So~ what do you like young man, Do you like slow~ or Rough?~", Parvati get close too and slowly said it with seductive tone making me tremble.

*Dear god, I don't want to lose my virginity with some married woman! help me!*

[Ding! due to certain requirements achieved, unlocked the Passive 'Charm Resistance']

Síva frowned at them, and hit them in the head using his three hands... hardly.

*POW!* *POW!* *POW!*


"Damn, were just joking you know? no need to hit hard"


"...", I was speechless. Durga and Parvati's reaction were okay but... what's with Kaali?

"*sigh* You girls...", Síva only sighed as he was the reason they became like this.

Well, if you trained your woman to properly become seductive then it's your fault.

Ganesha on the other hand, were looking at us confused.

*I am the poor guy here, please spare me*, I thought while I cry inwardly.

The four (Síva, Parvati, Kaali and Durga) continued to tease and talk to me, while I didn't answer them because I know that if I did, more problems would come.

Someone then cleared his throat and we all look at the source.

Ganesha then said, his face were exactly what his stated in perfect angle.

"I'm confused, What's happening?"

Chapter 5 - The start of hellish training in four days

After few days passed, I was called by Síva, saying that I need to go with him at the Summoners Circle. I just nodded since... I didn't want to get rape by his damn perverted wives!

We sneakily escaped his abode and go inside a room full of clothes, there's some clothes that I didn't know (well, mostly). Síva said that I need to wear new clothes and I need to choose the most comfortable ones, so I do what he said.

I choose to wear a plain white cotton shirt since it reduce the heat and sweat I give, blue combat pants but was made of some material that is smooth like cotton but as hard as steel, and a pair of black rubber shoes as my footwear. Síva gave me a thumbs up and I follow him next, but to my surprise we got next inside of a room full of weapons!

"You need to choose a weapon, since some of those whom you'll meet would be hostile at you. So choose wisely", he said to me.

"But I don't know ho-", I complained but stopped as I feel his aura emitting again.

"Just pick a weapon, understand?", he looked at me threateningly and I just gulped.

I remember something, and say 'Status'.



Name : Joshua Salvacion

Race : Human(100%)

Level : 0

HP : 250/250

MP : 200/200

Power : 8 (Average Man's Strength)

Mind : 15 (Intelligent enough to be the Room's President)

Speed : 9 (Average Man's Speed)

Vitality : 23 (Can be your Ideal Human sandbag)

Luck : 3 (Lucky for not being shooted down by lightning)

Charm : 4 (Not ugly but not Handsome)

Passives :

View 12[...]

Skills :

View 9 [...]

I sighed, this is too much poor qualification. But I'm impressed at my Vitality, that means I can withstand more hits than other humans.

Nearing a table full of weapons, a bunch of Notifications popped out in front of me.

[Ding! You found Normal Iron Sword (Machete)]

[Ding! You found Normal Iron Sword (Katana)]

[Ding! You found Normal Iron Sword (Rapier)]

[Ding! You found Normal Iron Sword (Sweiddledier)]

[Ding! You found Normal Iron Sword (Kris)]












[Ding! You found Normal Wooden Bow (Composite)]

"Wow...", I exclaimed seeing such amount of notifications and they're automatically arranged and identified into each kind of weapons. Two sudden notifications appeared in front of me, I smiled at what they're telling.

[Ding! you found a Rare Sword : Orochi no Wasubi (Katana)]

[Ding! do you want to copy each kind of weapons and extract them for gaining a basic skill knowledge?] [Yes or No]


[Ding! weapons successfully copied, prepare for extraction]

[Ding! Extraction... Complete!]

[Ding! To learn the weapons skills, use them repeatedly]


I quickly take the Orochi no Wasubi and move outside the room.

Orochi no Wasubi wear having a gold threaded sheath and it's blade were colored of black, blue, and red, the Hilts butt were having a symbol of fangs but I shrug it off.

Shiva then take me inside a large room, broken dummies can be seen inside and it seems it was only used for some events because of dusts,cobwebs in corners, and peeled paint of the walls.

Síva then coughed and flicked, saying "Clean".

Like magic, the dust disappeared and the floor became shining clean, other things were discarded and the whole room looked like newly painted.

"Woah", I said in amazement.

"Now for the main event, you will train", Síva chuckled and I froze.


"Training?", I asked consciously and inwardly I broke.

"Yes, training. Well, your body needs to be trained to be fine in encountering many things humans can't see but inly imagine. Now put your ass on work or I'll call gran Zeusto skewer you!", he roared that even my bones tried to get out my body because of horror.

"The dummies will help you to test your weapon affinity, and try to work out too. By the way, you weapon was that orb. Just call it and it will show, I won't tell you how and try it after I leave.", Síva said to me.

"Y-Yes sir!", I then start to do warm up.

"Oh, and mind you, I'll use my power to activate a machine that makes the time move slow here. And you need to spend only 4 days before the Grand Recalling, so I'll set it for 60 000 years time. Don't worry, you won't age here. Try to fully understand and master your weapon and do what you can, I believe in you!", Síva said it and summon a skull with eyes that were... clock? After he summoned the skull, he pinched something inside of the skull. It make a creaking sound and then floats above. I froze, that means I'm trapped here for that much time? I want to complain but Síva then said another reminder.

"Another thing, you can't broke that thing. Even if you try it you can't, so I advise to endure your training and good luck!", Síva laughed making my sanity leave on me. He then left me, closing the door of the room shut.

*6 000 years?*, I thought wanting to cry.

*Do I really need to suffer like this?*, I thought crying inwardly but no tears fall.


4 days passed (6 000 years of training passed)

The door opened and show 4 silhouettes of man I know, but ignored them and continue the basic combo I created and performed many time with a scythe. There's another silhouettes with them but I ignored them, I just continue as if they're not there.

Síva was on the side Laughing so hard, Zeus were still on trembling state but with a smirk, Loki were snickering like a dog, and Odin looked at me amused.

"Hoho, seems like the young lad didn't know it's the end of his training", Zeus said with a toothy grin.

"Please... stop, I know I can't stop laughing when I see you swinging like a damn robot, hahahaha", Síva laughed again.

"I feel like I'm seeing such a good view! Síva thanks for preparing this fun!", Loki laughed with him.

"The young lad seems to know we're here but pay no attention, he just suffered your torment so stop it Síva, Loki", Odin looked at them and they stopped.

"Ara Ara~ it seems like you've got a good specimen here, Síva. I'll ask Parvati soon if I could let you get some fun with me~", a woman said with flirtatious tone.

"No thanks, I'd rather die laughing than making out with you. Athena", Síva then said to her.

They continue bantering with each other when I stopped my swinging, I relaxed myself and looked at them.

"Are you done, God's?", I said and look directly at Síva with bloodlust.

Síva felt something coming and prepared to block it but no to avail, it hit him.

I ran with unimaginable speed at Síva and released a full power punch at his stomach, making him destroy the wall behind him and fly away farther. (4)

I then looked at Loki, who have surprised face. He gulped as my eyes check him head to toe.

"What the fuck, did Síva just created a damn monster?", he blurted out and run for his life. I didn't chase him as I would just waste my time. The other gods with them looked at me surprised, even Ganesha looked at me with shocked expression.

Zeus clapped his hands to disperse the tension, and looked at me with amazement.

"Hoho, seems like you've become stronger young lad. Are you ready for the Great Recalling?", he asked me with a serious tone. I looked at him, and nodded.

"Yes", I said as I enter the room again to retrieve my cloth.

"And before of that thing, I need a bath. I'll ask Síva if he recovered on that punch or Goddess Parvati of the way after I changed", I said and leave not taking any answers.

Meanwhile, the other gods shocked expression changed into frown. Their Supreme Chief were answered and ignored by that human child, and they can't accept it.

"Great Zeus, we want to avenge you for his impudence and irresponsible attitude. Please grant us your order", One of the Gods asked Zeus.

Zeus shakes his head and looked at them.

"That child were also a "Chosen", that way, we can't do anything. Plus, I've grown close with the young lad. By the way, find Síva and treat him. The way that lad punch him were considered to be ruthless, I know he hold back seeing Ganesha and Síva's wives in the side. Síva may be killed if he chosed to go all out", Zeus warned them. Odin and other's mouth were agape at the statement of Zeus, Odin the asked Zeus.

"But, I was surprised that "that" human can hurt a god. May I ask why?", Odin asked the Old God.

"He was chosen by a weapon similar to our Grandchild's that weren't fully became a god, I don't know if he was chosen by "that" ", Zeus answer makes Odin think.

*What kind it is?*

Odin sighed and the other gods leaved the scene, Ganesha followed Joshua hoping to finally know his name.

*Poor child, he didn't know the Young lads name*, Odin thought.

"Will he exceed our expectations?", He asked as he looked at the destruction caused by Joshua's punch.

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