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I'm Not A Psychopath It's My SCP System's Fault!: DXD I'm Not A Psychopath It's My SCP System's Fault!: DXD original

I'm Not A Psychopath It's My SCP System's Fault!: DXD

Author: DarkSoulsGod69

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter ~ 1: New Life & Death In DXD?!

I awoke blurry-eyed in a sea of white, light searing into my eyes and scalding my retinas. It was as if someone gouged them out with a red-hot poker, while every single ounce of skin on my body began to blister and boil. My head felt like it had been slammed repeatedly against the broken asphalt of an already battered and beaten up road, the taste of iron in my mouth perplexing me, causing me to shiver as I repressed the urge to vomit.

To put it bluntly, I felt like shit.

I steadied myself on shaky feet, all the muscles in my body quivering as I fought a war within myself to simply stand. However, my efforts were fruitless as I felt myself tumbling down, my body failing me as I became one with the floor once again. The dryness in my mouth was getting to me, my esophagus felt as if it was violently stuffed with cotton, with my tongue feeling brittle as it hung limply in my mouth.

" My head fucking hurts..."

My stomach heaved, sucking up against the back of my ribs as I lost control of my gag reflex. I felt awful, coupled with a bitter sensation of something creeping up my throat. At first I didn't think anything of it, until I realized that I was bleeding. Dots of crimson began to appear on the now snow-covered ground, following by a small and steady stream of a thick, pasty black substance, leaving my body.

Gods, I'll say it again. I felt so damn terrible. My guts were melting, or, at least I thought they were.

As I raised a hand to my face, my heart palpitated and skipped a beat, my blood turned frigid in my veins.

My hands… They're different. I was slightly tan coming back from America, but now they're back to their strange pale white, that heavily resembles fantasy Vampires(No, not the sparkling ones!). Additionally, my skin looks rather beautiful and perfect. Hell, my bullet and knife scars I got from my childhood aren't even there.

" What the hell is happening?!" Isekai and R.O.B bullshittery better not be taking place!

My mind... No, my very soul screamed at me, and I found myself  falling down In drowsiness.

" Argh..." Catching myself, I looked around and discovered snowed covered trees everywhere.

" Great..." Oddly enough, I don't feel cold...

" I need to get out of here..." I love the cold as the next guy, but dying here is not an option for me, nor is falling asleep due to the overwhelming burning pain all over my body.

" I been through worse..." Step by step, I walked Into one direction, which I felt was good.

I don't trust myself, but Goddamnit, who else is there?!


As I walked, I felt no perception of myself. I felt dead Inside(Not the first time). It was like there was an everlasting emptiness inside of me, swirling around and absorbing my innards and very soul. It was like Gamer-Mind, turned to the Maxed, times one hundred.

" Hehe..." What was my name, again? When was I born? Was my existence a lie?! Did I have a family? Do they miss me? Do they, Love me?!?

" ARGHHH!!!" I slammed my hand against a snow-covered tree leaving a sizable imprint of my fist in the puddle of muck I had expelled from my body earlier.

' Deep breaths….'

' Calm yourself…'

It took me a bit, but I managed to collect myself...I'm losing and gaining memories. I know my past, but everyone's faces are fazed out and unknown. My best bet is I was a child-soldier for a powerful country and I loved Anime and anything related to it. Anime was something that made my hell-like life better. In those 24 minutes of blissfulness, I felt happy. But, as they say," A War doesn't fight Itself", so I fought and fought...

But then again, I know that wasn't my life... It was someone else's. Because I was just a simple normal young man from Germany, who loves anime, who has a loving family and unique friends. A very normal and simple person you can find anywhere.

...So who's memories are these?...

" Argh!" Holding my head In pain, I clenched my teeth together, as even more, unknown Information came to me.

When the pain ended, I groaned and slowly kept on walking. Slowly but surely, I can feel myself being pulled to something... Something: Holy.

" Hehe..." Let's hope I'm still myself when I get there...


" Fuck..." Knowing I'm at my limit, I sat down under a tree and coughed up a small pool of black blood.

' Is this how I die?' Is this how Lukas Artorias, story ends? Because... fuck, my story is a shitty one.

I don't have any grand wishes for life... All I wanted was a peaceful and quiet life. A life where I can game and watch anime for however long I want. A rather childish wish If you ask me, but It's mine...

" Well...It seems you won. You won our little game, forest." Saying such, my body slowly gave out, as my blood of mine turned cold and sold. My body became one with the snowed covered ground.

" Nur die Harten kommen in den Garten..." Remembering something my...Mom used to say, I smiled and embraced death with a smile on my face.




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