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93.75% I'm Yamcha

Chapter 45: Life 45: Joining The Frieza Force?

Flying over- Ocarina had his arms crossed as he levitated around his father.

"Can't blame you, dad- he was one hell of a piece of- Sh*-!"


Screamed Ocarina- as he fell to his back after a surprise attack from his dad.

"Oca- no swearing in this house you hear me son!

I don't want you to be a delinquent like some kids especially not like this so-called patrolman."

Oca- nodded as he was helped back up by his old man as the two went back in ignoring the unconscious 'Elite' and the wall he'd broken through.

As the two got back to work experimenting with different builds for a Gravity Machine helping Bulma's project to induce time dilation within the gravity chamber.


"Well this whole time dilation that you want to utilise seems a little complicated- and it feels like its something that I shouldn't meddle with-

For its so strange and unknown- I fear that we'll destroy something we weren't supposed to."

Was what Bulma said a while ago and with that, the time dilation plan was squashed and Yamcha knew she was right- who knew what sort of unspeakable evil would take place with the flow of time being meddled with like swiss cheese.

So the next plan currently was on Jaco's mission-

Yamcha didn't know much about the Galactic Patrol other than Jaco and Akira- #

This was the only thing that resided in his mind and this was an interesting premise- joining the Frieza Force and talking it down from the inside out.

As he sat in his seat scratching his chin- wondering on how he would go about this mission- Jaco interrupted his thinking-

"Yamcha- listen up this is important and I don't care of the squabbles between me and you- this matter concerns the entire Universe and if Frieza is not stopped or temporarily held back our promise to protect everyone will not be upheld and instead be sullied by our cowardice in cowering from the Frieza Force.

Just the other day our Galactic King met Emperor Cold of the Cold Quadrant- the father of Frieza the crown prince-

And our king did an under the table deal with him that as long as his son wasn't provoked our forces could remain open and running- but this wasn't worth it-

You know what happens when one of us messes with the force we all go down.

And a soldier from our force going by the name Merus took down someone called Banberry an elite in the Frieza Force-

Reported to have smuggled drugs through the exploitation of planetless people- the people whose homes were sold to the highest bidders- the ones with nothing but survival instinct to their name-

They have no morals when all they've had is being kicked down through the galaxies-

And when Merus stopped the illegal drug ring that sapped one's life force for a moment of short pleasure - well Dodoria the one in command of Banberry got a little upset you could say..."

Yamcha listened but was confused on why Banberry was smuggling these drugs- it made no sense-

"I see the fight between us is under the rug but why is Banberry smuggling these drugs to the highest bidders?"

Jaco's sharp eyes peaked at this- "Because this causes an addiction that eventually leaves you as a husk of your former self- and this intoxication is so deadly you cannot stop consuming this drug- and because people will do anything for a short burst of pleasure-

When you attacked me I noted that your power level exceeded 10,000 and dropped to 4,200 again this means that you can manipulate your strength-

And thus you with your skills make an excellent spy- a saboteur for our cause if you will- and this is important and needs to happen - so once again I implore you to join the galactic patrol and help us in this mission.

Will you-"

Saying this in a deadly serious voice I could taste the justice his eyes burned bright with as I took his hand and a decision was made that moment-

"I agree- I'll join the Galactic Patrol and I'll do the mission now- I have time I hope-"

Seeing this interaction between Jaco and Yamcha- Bulma sighed as she knew that Yamcha would leave once more- and join the Galactic Patrol-

And as all this happened out of nowhere a being with fain purple skin and white hair appeared behind Jaco with a Galactic Patrol suit and all-

An almost mysterious presence washed over everyone as his power was hard to guess- but no it was like there was no power at all-it was faint and nonexistent-

A weird feeling and Yamcha felt strangely calm around this being.

But as he stood stuck in his awestruck stupor the mysterious being extended his arm as he introduced himself.

"My name is Merus and welcome aboard Yamcha."

With this the man named Merus gave me a fist bump before I began to feel a little drowsy- and then my senses came back and I realised that my clothes were changed-

They began to slowly break away as a light formed around me with armour plating all around me- and then I saw that I was wearing the same clothes as an average Frieza infantry soldier.

"How- did you do that- You don't look Namekian enough to do that technique?"

Asked Yamcha as he looked at the mysterious being in front of him who gave a little smirk- answering his question.

Simply not caring enough Yamcha then said- "So when do we begin this journey?"

At this point, Merus smiled- as if his agenda had been accomplished and just like that a quick mugshot was taken by Jaco who in turn handed it to Merus-

Who took out some type of printer that outputted an ID card with Yamcha and the Frieza force initials on as well as a unique code- in some type of galactic language.


As this exchange happened - a few days passed as Yamcha left the planet- with Bulma and Oca being dropped off back to earth- now just who will come out on top in this intergalactic saga?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!!!

Idle_Daoist_ Idle_Daoist_

What do you think will happen next? Merry Christmas

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