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Chapter 7: ESCAPED.

Flora was quiet throughout their ride back home which was making leonard worry. he knows she was hurt and angry because of what happened back there and trying best not to show it on her face but he very well knows that... it was the calm before the storm.

"mommy... what I did to make granny angry? does she hate me?" heaven asked when flora was serving her food.

"wh.. why do you think so sweetie.. you did nothing to make anyone angry.. and No!.. she doesn't hate you baby." flora said pulling her close. she was take a back by her sudden question.

"I.. I don't know.. she looked at me angrily and made a face like this so.." she pointed at her face trying to imitate her angry face. flora laughed watching her attempt.

"oh my baby!.. okey listen to me, granny is getting old and sometimes she gets angry on people without any reason. but that doesn't mean she hate us. she was just in a bad mood and that's why she scold me but she's our elder and we should not feel bad about it. so don't worry alright!" she told her ruffling her hairs. "now come on! off to bed.. it's past your bed time. change your clothes and go to sleep" she said after she was done eating her food. heaven kissed flora and leonard on their cheek and wished them good night before skipping on the way to her room.

Later that night...

Leo knock the door and enter flora's room.. and found her sitting on the ground beside the corner of her bed.. crying her eyes out. he went near her and place his hand on her shoulder.she get startled and let out a low shriek. than relaxed after seeing that it's just her father.

"having nightmares again?" he asked holding out a cup of warm milk to her.

she hummed taking the mug from his hand "it's not that easy to leave the past behind dad" she replied letting out a sigh!. " dad, why!.. why does God took away the ones who are dear to me. why does he hate me so much?"she asked letting out all her suppressed feelings and the pain which she was keeping inside her.

he hugged her and started patting her back in order to make her clam down. "I miss her too.. more than you could ever imagine. after Cynthia's death you guys are my only hope... you and heaven are the only reason that I'm alive." he pulled back a little and wipe her tears.

"flora get yourself together.. I've raised you better than that!.. stop crying now otherwise you'll get sick. you have to stay strong for heaven.. that poor child only has you. you can't act weak like this"

flora hummed in response and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"I'm okey now father!.. thank you for being there for me."

"good!... umm.. flora.. I.. I want to talk with you about the reason why I've called you here in the first place." he paused taking a look at her than hesitatingly continue "He.. he escaped from the prison."

"WHAT!!!! " she screamed in shock!! "what nonsense are you speaking father.. how can he escape!!...he was sentenced to life imprisonment.. it's impossible to escape with such tight security and what were the guards doing?... when did it happen?... why didn't you inform me earlier? " she panicked.

" cops called me last week.. they said he escaped when they were taking him to the hospital because they found him unconscious in the prison. it was all his plan because on their way they were attacked by some people who took him away after killing all the officers... I've seen the CCTV footage, judging by the way they killed the officers.. they were skilled and trained killers. it means someone helped him and whoever it is, knows about you and heaven. police is trying their best to search his location but they haven't found out anything yet. " he said hesitating.

"Oh gosh No!!.. if... if that man is roaming free than heaven's life is in danger... but I still don't understand why would someone help him? and that too after three years." her confused and anxious face turned into dangerous and evil and she said "I don't care who helped him but if.. that person even think about hurting my baby than I'll kill him with my bare hands... And that monster!... last time I spare him because saving heaven's life was more important for me than killing him. but this time I'll send him to where he belongs.. be prepared DAVID REED... this time I'll send you to deepest depth of HELL. " flora said fuming in anger.

"don't worry this time I won't stop you!.. but to face that monster you have to be fully prepared... did you get what I mean" he asked staring into her eyes.

"I know dad!.. I too was thinking about it.. it's high time that I take back my position as the queen of underworld... I'll call cousin Rylan tomorrow, he's begging me to return and take control over the throne but... " she paused in the middle hesitating to continue.

"but what.. did you forget your training?" he asked in a teasing way.

"no dad! it's not that. I don't want to alert my enemies by announcing my return. let's keep it secret for awhile. I'll talk with cousin rylan about it. he's handling our underworld business in my absence, he knows What'd be the correct thing to do right now. his suggestion matters. " she said sending him a text to meet her tomorrow evening.

"Dad.. those people who helped him escape, can you give me more information about them?" she asked.

"when I checked the CCTV footage.. I noticed that one of those people had a Black spider tattooed on his neck." flora's eyes widened and she clenched her fist tightly and said "Spider gang!".

" do you know these people?" leonard asked surprised.

"yes dad.. when i was the Queen I destroyed spider gang because of their increasing horrible crimes." back then, they even tried to kill her to take her position as the biggest mafia. she destroyed them but sadly their leader sirus somehow managed to escape. looks like he wants to take revenge now!.. and for that he joined hands with that monster. but how? ugh!!. I have to find out. she thought.

"I understand dad... don't worry I'll tell kyle to search their location." she said and immediately texted kyle explaining everything.

"flora! need to be very careful. I don't want to loose you too. and remember!, there's a little someone who only has you in her life so you have to keep yourself alive for her. and one more thing!.. if possible! give yourself a chance. you don't know what destiny might have stored for you. I'm sure there'll be someone who'll love you for who you are.. and also love heaven like you do. flora don't loose hope. not everyone is like that monster. and think about heaven, what if she ask you about her father?.. you can't hide the truth from her for forever. what if someday she'll find out the truth?"

"than what do you want dad!.. you want me to tell her that... baby your father is alive.. he's not dead!. I lied to you, I lied because I didn't want you to know that your father is a psycho criminal who's in prison paying for his evil deeds. is that what you want me to tell her?... sorry dad I'm not up for it." she signed controling herself from speaking more about that man.

"dad!.. it's not I don't want to get married know it's not easy!... I don't want to hide the truth from the man whom I suppose to marry but telling the truth to a stranger is very risky. I don't think there's anyone who is brave enough to love a living lie like me.. a girl who has so many skeletons hidden inside her closet. in today's world it's very difficult to find a man who is brave enough to love someone else's child like his own. what would happen if I'll marry someone and that person will leave me after knowing about my past.. It'll be a disaster for heaven's mental and emotional health. she won't be able to withstand all that. " she tried to make him understand her point. leonard let out a long sigh and pulled her into a hug.

"fine.. I won't force you!. now stop crying. get some sleep it's very late already." he said patting her head.

"mhhmm... I have an important meeting tomorrow.. Alexis called earlier to inform me that an important client wants to meet with the company's CEO. since it's a very big company so it'd not be a wise thing to decline them. I agreed to meet them as I found nothing wrong in it. so i'll leave early in the morning so that I can cover up for the time I wasn't here."

"don't forget about my company's 25th anniversary which is after 5 days from now. be prepared for the grand celebration dear. you'll be the incharge of the decorations and food. there'll be many distinguish guests in that party including famous celebrities, politicians and businessmen. so organise accordingly." he said ruffling her hair.

"Ahh!!! just thinking about all that is making me dizzy." she said making a crying face. she was emotionally and physically drained.

"alright than.. I'll take my leave now!.. you definitely need some sleep." he said getting up. wishing her good night he left closing the door behind him.

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