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Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Daniel had fully realized his impossiblity. A thing to note now was that, if at this stage , a lightening stike came down , Daniel was sure he couldn't feed it into his flame.

Meaning he'd have to defend the normal way. At this stage he could defend against the first strike, but the second and third would have caused his death.

Daniel really lucked out when the universe decided not to bombard him anymore. He realized all this after some introspection.had it persisted one more time , his fate would have been sealed.

Daniel as the supernatural genius that he was was in a perpetual advancement of self.

Not only was his control over the impossiblity that he had innate now , but he was still improving. To put it simply , spacial folding , bending and expansion were easier for him to do now than punching. This was largely because of the lightening strikes .

The entry level was so easy his subsequent improvements would also reflect this just as his punches had gotten stronger with each attack he delivered the bug .

Daniel saw only two sides of him on his left were the Captain who certainly has an issue, and infront of him Jay and Eric.

Each group quiet confused and waiting for Daniel to do something.

Daniel had gone through too much in such a short time , and it was still morning. All he wanted was to get some rest , but the universe fixed his mental and physical exhaustion when it healed him. He literally had no excuse at this stage . Plus he needed to warn them all about the insectoid threat they faced.

But he had enough of danger, so instead of moving towards the military, he moved to the suppers , Jay and Eric.

They too has their schemes , but for now they were allies Jay especially was his friend for years. And Eric seemed very interested in Jay's growth.

As Daniel made his way to the two , the two also came to him .

The very surroundings of Daniel was distorted his impossiblity though under control still affected reality. Daniel would have to by intention stabilize his surroundings, but for now he just let it be .

" What happened?" Eric asked , or more like demanded an answer. He'd never seen anything like that before . A Human under ominous clouds get struck down by the biggest bolt of lightning he'd ever seen and still stay alive . Not an injury in sight.

" It is a long story. One that wouldn't have occured if you two hadn't abandoned me in this infestation." Daniel stared at them .

Jay was wounded all over cuts and bruises littered his handsome visage. Eric was only dirty no injuries whatsoever. Daniel understood that if Eric had willed it Jay would have been dead ages ago.

But so what ? He was in a life or death exchange twice ! And he survived.

" I have time" Eric said .

" Unfortunately for you we have two serious issues on our hands ." Daniel said .

" I was attacked by a different insectoid monster than the two variants we have already seen."

Suddenly Eric's Eyes widdened soo much it felt like it was going to pop.

" How did it look ?"

Was his immediate response

" Blue shell , humanoid height and blue carapace."

" How are you still alive " it seemed the shock was so much Eric forgot his act of not knowing information about events yet to occur.

" My superior martial art prowers and some stone projectiles." Daniel answered. Technically he spoke nothing but the truth.

" How strong was it?"

" Too strong . It was 5 times faster than me , it was so strong I couldn't even deflect a punch and would die immediately upon direct contact , it's defense was so robust , a punch that should be able to penetrate a regular humans body didn't phase it at all. It shot acid , it could walk on walls , it could jump higher than normal. It had insane regenerative abilities. And most of all it had a weird ability that made it traverse miles through a telescope. I don't know if it was due to lenses of the mirrors."

Everything Daniel said seemed to match what Eric knew about the creature he faced. So the question now was how did Daniel survive ?

" Did you kill it? " He asked just in case.

" How could I . I almost died . It's when the ominous clouds appeared that the monster ran" Daniel said as he inspected Jay's condition in full.

" Again , what was that ? How did you survive a direct hit from that? And why is the environment around you in distortion?"

" I will explain later , as I said . I'm not sure either by the way" Daniel lied through his teeth. He was a genius , there were some things that he could infer easily. But no one should know he was a genius. Plus even if all of humanity knew step by step what he did. Not a single person in hundreds of thousands of years with a total human population of 7 billion each year would achieve anything.

On the scale of the universe the time just stated by him was but the birth and death of a weak star. Barely any time at all.

Also his impossiblity had to do with space any other impossiblity wouldn't have the capability to feead on a lightening struck by creating a spacial funnel.

His situation was one in a universal era kind of thing.

Also he felt that now that the impossiblity of space was in his hands , no one else would ever get it. His luck was really universally defying.

Oh and not every living being had supernatural genius , an affinity to intuitively understand energy, and the maddness to form a flicker.

" There is something wrong with that Captain Hudd."

Daniel was sure Eric knew something about it.

In fact Daniel was willing to bet Eric prevented Jay from coming so that once everyone including he Daniel was dead, Jay would loose reason and become easier to control.

Jay might be smart , but he wasn't invincible or invulnerable to manipulation. He might be aware he was being manipulated but had no will to undo his binding. Even manipulators could be manipulated.

But seeing as such an occurrence has not been realized , subsequent events will not occur.

" Who is Captain Hudd?" Daniel cocked his head in disbelief, only to recall that not everyone was blessed with perfect recall , and Eric was not present during the moments it was made public knowledge a dead person came back to life.

At this moment Jay came back to his senses.

" Daniel , are you saying you almost died twice? " His tone was somber

"Don't think much about these things I'm still alive and well. " No he wasn't well . Almost dying twice in quick succession , made him think of his parents. And the fact that his sister might still be alive out there somewhere needing his help. And here he was now with the extra means to keep himself alive , playing common soldier and trying to climb the ranks and gain resources that he can use to enhance his body.

He'd thought that the monsters would get stronger by two with each variant that popped out of the rift. Only to be met with that thing . if from dark brown 4 meters melovus to a golden 8 -10 meter bettlez so what , big deal .

But from a golden bettle to a shiny blue 2 meter insectoid monster with 5 times human speed and six arms , acid spit , wall crawling, instant traversal, defense that could withstand bombardment, quick regeneration and an extra sense ( signal sense by antenna)

Then the world was doomed.

Before Daniel had hope that humans would overcome their fear , making defeating these things easier. Hence the social order would collapse only to be built again differently in order to adapt to a new reality.

But if what comes after the yellow Beatles is the blue humanoid monster many were going to die

Daniel got back to business.

"He is this platoons Captain . Not only did he come back to life, but his life threatening injury is gone. If a monster like what I faught is in the rift , unless by some miracle, he should have surely died . Not to mention the monster only came out of the rift when he informed everyone to gather around for what he was going to say."

Daniel believed the blue humanoid bug wasn't meant to kill people , it probably had another mission. if it did have the goal of killing all humans it would have first attempted to off Daniel , not catch him.

But Daniel was still worried. Why would a powerful monster need to be soo careful. But then he remembered that he might not have met any yet, but there might be humans out there stronger and faster than the bug .

It was insane to imagine, but not everyone could have Daniel Eric Jay or Mavis not necessarily combat powers.

" Hmm, let's not say anything yet. I'll investigate him" Eric said calmly .

Daniel also didn't plan on revealing anything to the civilians and soldier until he was 100% certain, and had the evidence to prove it.

His attack by the bug wasn't conclusive , and could be thought of as pure coincidence.

The three then made their way to the gathering, after Daniel promised to tell Eric what happened.

" Private Daniel what happened? " First lieutenant Madison asked in a very formal tone.

" I'm not sure myself, while in the observatory I was attracted by something, I'm not sure what . It was stronger and faster than me. And when I got thrown out of the building, the clouds became black and lightning struck me."

All true , and an answer that a simpleton should give . Daniels conclusions were drawn by himself, why should he share it with his possible enemy for free?

" Is that it? "

" I think we are all in danger. The thing that attacked me almost killed me , the only reason it isn't here is because I got struck by lightning."

" Come tell me how the exchange went" First Lieutenant Madison came to take Daniel away , to explain thoroughly the events in detail.


Lieutenant Captain Ruddley was flabbergast at what he was looking at.

" This is what I call a sentinel." Professor Stanley exclaimed .

Before then stood a 3 meters tall humanoid mechanation. It was slick , black and glossy , made from expensive metals , and had the physiology of a male human. On its head was a visor like contraption that glowed blue .

The structure all round was so fine , it barely looked like it was made in the 21st century.

At the center of what was to be its chest there was a red pulsing light akin to a human heart beat .

" This is humanities future. These sentinels are built to protect humans from extra terrestrial invaders. I have programed them with all weaknesses of melovus and gigalovus in mind . Once this is in operation, all we need to do is collect the red and yellow gemstones to evolve further and create even more sentinels!"

Captain Ruddley's eyes widened.

" It would become the combat force of humanity! We'll not only be able to defend our homes , we might even invade those extraterrestrial beings! How easy is it for you to mass produce these sentinels professor?"

" Before my evolution, it would be impossible. The amount of calculations that need to be done truly surpasses the capabilities of even our most powerful quantum computers. But after my evolution, I can proudly say I can do better than this!

It has barely been three days , if I had more time I could make something even better. But for now I'd like to get as much empirical data from the operations of thousands of sentinels first . Plus they are relatively cheaper to produce "

" Amazing, I'm kind of jealous of your evolution. " The captain sighed.

" The only reason I could do this was because I am already one of the leading scientists on earth , with two noble peace prizes in both fields of physics and engineering. Don't compare your basic science to mine Captain " professor Stanley scowled while looking at him.

Did he think anyone with his exact same evolution would be able to match his success? Unless like him , they were already quite skilled in these fields all they'd get is a stronger body , insane dexterity, and inhuman calculating ability.

" Is that the red gem in its chest?"

" Yes , of course. These gems are truly a wonder . They are all compressed energy. Of which kind? I'm assuming higher dimensional energies.

I built the power reactor to be able to syphon of of these gemstones. To be honest I don't even know if it is possible for the sentinels to suck them dry . They are stuffed with so much state of the art weaponry a normal fossil fuel power generator would be consumed in a day . And an unstable nuclear fusion reactor would last at least a year or two . The energy hungry components should drain power very quickly. But this gemstone is made up of higher dimensional energies, they should last much much longer though I'm unsure of when they'd run out."

DaoistNii DaoistNii

thank you for reading , I had overtime for 4 consecutive days at work , and came back spent. thanks for your patience.

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