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Chapter 31: 32. An Awkward Encounter

The Great Hall was indeed great. Tall, long and wide, like Mothers throne room. The main hallways were also quite large, not unlike the transport tunnels for our super-major soldiers.* Two of them could comfortably walk side by side. After dropping off little Jax with the younglings, I was led to their library. The 'elevator' was... strange, to say the least. It was a cylindrical room, that was moved up and down. we don't have these 'moving rooms' in our elevators. they simply aren't needed, as every colony member can either fly using their wings, or in the case of our six-legged brothers, climb using their claws to grip the sides of the tunnel. we use two of these, side by side, one to go up, and the other to go down. This design serves to prevent what the soft-skins refer to as a 'traffic jam', whatever that is.

I stated this, and asked why the Jedi don't do this, instead using these moving rooms. It turns out only a precious few can climb shear surfaces, or fly using wings. These moving rooms are used to assist those who cannot fly or climb in getting to higher up places. We got in, and the room gave a small shudder as it moved up.

The elevator stopped moving, and I followed Yoda out into a massive library. The books in this room were strange. I walked over and took one from the shelf. Planets of the Core, it said. They resembled a normal book, but the spine and cover made of some glass like substance. They had an eerie blue glow. I glanced back at Yoda, as if asking permission to read. He simply watched, then I turned back to the book. I opened it carefully, and words appeared. it was like a mix between a hologram, and a stone tablet. One could move their finger up and down, and the rest of the book was shown. It could also be read like a normal book, with turning a page simplified to clicking an arrow in the lower corners.

Satisfied with my investigation into this new technology, I gently closed the book and placed it back in it's proper position on the shelf. Turning, I saw a tall, older looking female, human, who seemed to have eaten a Keelyme. A small yellow fruit that is very sour, but makes a very tasty drink when mixed with a bit of sugar.

I did not know this human, and she clearly didn't like my presence here. I froze, and slowly turned my head towards Yoda, as if asking who this was.

"Master Yoda," She said, "I am afraid I must insist. These creatures are clearly dark-side inclined, and therefore unpredictable." She turned to glare directly at me, my wings ready to take me into the air and away from here. "It belongs in a cell, not I'm my library."

I buzzed my wings slightly, which got her attention instantly. I said to her, "It is rude to make assumptions in regards to a new species, simply because of a naturally occurring force alignment. I am called Seren, which is the closest translation one get get in the Basic Tongue. It means water in our language, which is my elemental specialty. What does your name mean, human?".

As I was speaking, I approached at would be a casual speed, all the while being careful to keep any hostility or animosity out of my aura and instead projecting calm.

"I am Jocasta Nu, Head Librarian, Head Archivist and you are in my Archives. Do no harm to my books, or to those who live and work here, and your presence will be... tolerated." She spoke the last sentence with a slight growl, as if to tell me to heed her warning. My antenna moved in a circular motion, up and out then down an in. This Jedi amused me.

"We understand hostility, Miss Nu. I am under strict orders not to initiate combat. You and yours need not fear me, UNLESS you attack me first. That said, have you any questions for us, regarding our culture?"

"What are you not allowed to tell me regarding your species?"

"That... That is a very good question." I turn to Master Yoda, and speak. "Master Yoda. With your permission I would contact Mother in regards to restricted topics. We have a Hive Mind connection, so it wouldn't take more than a few minutes."

"Granted, the permission is, young Seren." I went into the hive connection, keeping minimal awareness should the Jedi try anything. If they didn't, even if just to hear the Queen-Mother's response, it would indicate they could be reasoned with, even the grumpy female.

'Mother. I am inside the Temple, and they wish to know which topics are forbidden.'

A rumble through the Hive, a consideration. Then Mother spoke.

'The method of our Creation, of course, is forbidden. The location of our Hive is already known to them, so you may explain our relationship with the Brothers-in-Fur, if they ask of course, but do not give any information regarding how our Hive is laid out internally. Do not volunteer to much information, and be respectful of the time. If needed, you may ask for fruit and water, if the conversation goes for too long, but not meat. Our being omnivorous may be alarming to them. ...Is the Nymph-ling there, at the Temple? How is he doing?'

'Understood, and yes, young Nymph-ling Anikin is here and is doing well. I saw him as I was escorted in. He is not yet a Padawan, but is quickly improving.'

Mother seemed satisfied with the information and indicated she was finished with the conversation. I return to the present, and turn to speak to the two Jedi. "You may wish to record this conversation, Miss Nu."

Yasha200215 Yasha200215

If anyone has any ?s about hive culture or behavior, please ask. I have no real idea what kinds of questions Yoda or Jocasta Nu would ask.

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