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Chapter 39: 40. A Big Risk

Kenobi POV

I had arrived at Dex's Diner, and asked to speak to him.

The droid just stared at me, for about a minute before talking.

"Someone to see ya, Honey! Jedi by the look of him!

He peeked out the door, and his lit up with a smile, on a mouth that could easily swallow my head whole. "Obi-Wan!"

"Hey Dex."

"Have a seat, old buddy, I'll be right with ya!"

So I did, and he joined me a few minutes later.

"Now then, what can I do for an old pal?" He asked.

So I told him.

"You can tell me what this is." I said, as I placed the dart on the table. He seemed stunned for a second before gently picking it up.

"I ain't seen one of these in years!" He exclaimed. "What you got there is a Kamino saber dart."

"Why didn't it show up in our archives?" I asked.

"It's them funny cuts there on the sides that give it away." He said. "Them analysis droids you've got over there really only ever focus on symbols, you know. One would think a Jedi would have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom."

"Well Dex, if machines could think, there's be no need for us now, would there? Kamino... is it part of the republic?"

"No. I don't remember exactly where it is, but if it's not in your archives, you should ask that Vespid lass, Seren I think her name was? Either way, they never forget anything. Kinda like the Togruta in that regard."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Are they friendly?"

"The Vespid or the Kaminoans?"

"Either. Both."

"They both have one major similarity. How friendly they are depends on how good your manners are. And in some cases, your pocket book. As for the Vespid... Just don't harm any of Seren's animal friends and you'll do fine."

There wasn't anything on Kamino in the archives, so I decided to go and ask Seren. Who wasn't alone. Anikin and Padme were there with some luggage bags. The vespid seemed to sense me, and slowly turned towards me.

Seren POV

Kriff. Kenobi just had to show up now. "Senator Amidala, it would seem our departure will need to wait for a time."

I approach Kenobi and ever so gently, redirect him away from my other two guests. "May I inquire as to you reasons for visiting me this day?"

"I was told your Hive-Mind might be in possession of star charts for Kamino. Would you be willing to share?"

"You have nothing we want that the Council would be willing to give." The holocrons of our ancestors, for example.

"I'll keep silent about their change in travel plans until after you get back."

My eyes narrowed. This Jedi is CLEVER!!! I buzzed a bit as if considering. "Deal. Do you have the droid with you? I can install the star charts directly via Mechu-Deru."

"... My ship is on the landing pad..?"

"This is acceptable. Senator? Skywalker? I trust you know the way to the ship?"

Anikin spoke, "We do. Shall we meet you there, Seren?"

"Yes. I will be there shortly." The two of them got up and left. I turned to Kenobi. "He is a good boy, Kenobi. Mother is fond of him. Do not break his heart, or we will take him away, and no one will ever see him again. We Vespid are extremely protective of the few people, places or things we value, and will happily go to war if it means they stay safe."

"Duly noted."

I think I might have intimidated him...

I gesture for Kenobi to lead the way, and he does. We walk in silence through the halls, untill we reach the landing platform where his ship is. The little astromech wheeled it's way over to us, greeting us in binary. I returned the greeting, also in binary.

Kenobi's head whipped towards me, and he asked in a stunned voice, "You can speak binary?!"

My antenna twitched in the circular motion hat denoted amusement. I turn my head, stare him straight in the eyes and said, "Fluently." I turn back to the astromech and rest a hand on its dome shaped head. (In binary) "Are you ready, little one?" "Yes. Unit is ready."

I began the transfer, essentially programing the droid with the necessary information in the relevant places in it's data banks. It took maybe half an hour. I stood up and said, "There you go, shiny new starcharts. I also updated a few of the older ones. Zoning laws and such, you understand."

He nodded. "Impressive." He said. "Does it normally take that long?"

"No. If it were anyone else, it would have taken five hours. And that's assuming they didn't have the info on a readily available datapad, were they could simply let the droid copy it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a flight to catch."

"Right. Let's go, buddy."

I stand and watch as he and his droid take off in their ship, then when hey were far enough away, I turned and flew the few dozen yards to the land pad on which my own transport ship, Riptide, was waiting. The inside walls of every hive ship that transports goods or people are a type of flexible chitin that allows the making or removal of rooms, seats and tables among other things, at will and as they are needed.

The luggage was all stowed, and Riptide purred as I boarded. I sent back the mental purr, which is how we greeted each other. I then asked him to set course for the Hive on Endor, and off we went.

Such a strange thing, takeoff. The feeling of actually being Riptide, the physical sensation of your four tentacles uncoiling from where you were resting on the platform, and as you inhale, you are processing gasses and becoming light enough for atmospheric exit. So refreshing.

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