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Chapter 3: Did I got teleported to the wrong battlefield!

They hoped this would be their last charge for this battle; putting all their will, might and courage to make sure their wishful hope comes true. Ordinary farmers with swords spears and axe brutally slicing and hacking imperial soldiers. They themselves were impaled, shot and injured but manage to subdue their pain with adrenalin. Still, no matter how determined these conscripted farmers were, a lethal strike will send them to the Goddess of the underworld. And so they did when their own heads were sent flying away by sword or their hearts pierced by spears.



As Miles approach the battlefield he saw two lines of musketeers evenly spaced, tailing them were groups of spear men. Then there's exhausted men wielding short sword trying to reorganize themselves.

'Are they carrying musket and swords. Did I got teleported to the wrong battlefield! Or I'm I just dreaming.' He thought.

But the dreaming theory were quickly dismissed as he can smell and taste the blood in his mouth. He can see the dead body's with their intestines spilled out to the the mud. The killing intent from both side can be felt to the core.

A bold man with a white moustache and goatee with all his hair on the cheeks shaved, instructing the musketeers "take aim and... fire!!! Second line... FIRE!!" The ends of the barrels flashes when the trigger were pulled accompanied by a loud boom. Soon after, you can smell gun powder carried by the thick smoke.

Inexperience showed on the musketeers as the gun bucked them back from the recoil. Then the bald man said "RELOAD"

Soldiers from the other side who had their back at them were shot trying to retreat. Now laying on the muddy grounds motionless, clueless as to what took their life in an instant.

Miles previous experience were informing him to take out the ones with the muskets first.

"Take out the musketeers, cover their retreat. Fire at will." He ordered his men who now has their weapons drawn at the enemy's. Dropping them one by one not missing a single shot as they just stood there oblivious to what's happening and not taking cover.

Miles ears twitch at the sound of men yelling while. He slightly turned his head to the noise. Then came an injured man zooming in, soon followed by others with their sword raised high.

'Tsk!' Surprised by their action "Hold fire, can't risk shooting friendly." He tries formulating an action plan with the least risk of all but still proving support.

"Switch to single shot mode. Watch for friendlies. Aim true!"

"Sir yes sir" they answered back in unison.

"Red Fox watch our six, don't let them sneak up on us."

"Copy that commander. leave it to me-over" He said confident with his skill in sniping.

They started to carefully picking off the enemy with a couple of shot, proving support to the allies in melee. Trying to make sure their shot makes it to their head for a sure kill or three in the chest.

Miles and the others are concentrating at shooting, trying to make their shot count. Not minding their surrounding as they completely trust Crist (Red Fox) with his ability at sniping at their blind spot.

Then Christ saw imperial duo flanking around the commander from the left.

"ALPHA you have two stalkers coming up to your six, I have no shot over."

He warned him of the lurking treat coming from the back.

Miles immediately spin around a full 180° turn, draws his weapon up, aims and shot one of the soldier on the chest once, twice and three times.

He fell back quickly instantly killing him on the spot. The other one manage to close the gap while Miles was distracted on his comrade. He raised his sword to perform a downward strike.

Miles caught his opponent's wrist with the help of the exoskeleton stopping the killing strike mid-air.

"Has no one ever told you to never bring a knife in a gun fight?" He brought his gun up so that the barrel meets the shocked face of his assailants then pulled the trigger. The man will never have the opportunity to understand his killers remark as he now walks the dark void of death.

"Thanks for the heads up Red Fox."

The white mustache man with the bald head by the name Gerald Frits is the leader of this assault to this large village. But now he is injured, lucky for him he was shot with an arrow and not a bullet.

He orders a retreat, not because the table were turned on him and his men getting slaughtered by Miles's team and The villagers. But fearing for the possibility of more injury to come at him and losing his life.

In fact he was about to abandon his men until his subordinate suggested for a tactical retreat.

"Your right, I'll lead the retreat. You stay here with two spear unit to buy us some time for as long as you can hold." He basically told his subordinate to die here while he flee to safety, without an ounce of guilt or regret for his action.

The subordinate was mortified after hearing his order. He just stood there in disbelief knowing his fate if he stays behind. His face says it all with his jaw dropped and wide eye. Still he followed his command and lead two exhausted spear unit the front line and told the to hold firm. He turned his head to see his captain on a horseback trying to get as far away as he could from here with his guard to his side.

He thought he had a good chance of holding for a long time with two spear unit side by side with him. But he had forgotten the destructive effect of the third party's weapon. He also found out that the weapon had a long range effect, almost three times in length than their muskets. So his spears would be useless in this situation.

He made a calculative decision to charge instead of standing by at a distance for their enemy to pick them off one by one.

"Shit, ALPHA their closing the distance fast in large number" The sergeant said directed to Miles.

"All friendly has already retreat at a good distance. Chuck impact grenade at their direction." He ordered his men quickly almost slurring the words that they barely understand him.

He grabbed a round grenade from his waist pouch and pulled the pin, then threw it at the mass of people charging, and duck behind cover. His subordinate followed suit.

Upon impact to the ground it gave out a deafening boom as it exploded at the middle of the horde. Body parts torn apart from the force and scattering everywhere. while those that far enough to survived the blast still got done in by shrapnel.

Different body parts littered the ground now unrecognizable to who it belongs to. Those that unfortunately survived the blast has to suffer unimaginable pain. They lay gasping for breath or holding their severed arms or legs on their chest hoping they could still reattached it back.

Tears on their eyes mixed with blood, unbelieving the following events that had occurred to them, to their comrades, in this hell. Some yelled out in pain, calling for someone to help them or end their misery.

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