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Chapter 5: Mark's mother

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For a moment Cooper didn't know what to say. He had spent almost half of his monthly funds on buying these pork ribs, but now this bastard was telling him they were vegan.

What about the time he cried about how he wanted to taste it? It took some time, but Cooper realised what happened. Despite being a vegan, Mark loved eating meat, and that's why he drooled every time they walked past one of the restaurants.

'Shit, he lied to me' Cooper gazed back at Mark and saw that he was sweating profusely. His complexion had been turning darker every second as a fierce gaze pierced through his back.

Cooper wanted to spit out some bullshit just to get out of this situation, but at this moment June, who had a robotic expression, let out a long sigh and said, "Throw it in the dustbin; we don't eat meat, and come inside."

Cooper instantly nodded and was about to take Mark with him. But June turned to gaze at Mark, and an unnatural smile surfaced on her beautiful face. "And Mark, come with me, I have something to talk about."

Mark let out a small, uncomfortable chuckle and rubbed the back of his head. Then, hiding from his mother, he grimaced at Cooper and then said aloud, "Hehe, Cooper, you wait in the drawing room, we will be there soon."


Sitting in the drawing room, Cooper gazed at the photo frames that hung on the wooden wall. They were mostly Mark's family pictures, where three figures could be seen standing beside each other. They were Mark, June, and another handsome man.

The man was in his thirties, had a well-built body, and had short black hair. Cooper knew who he was—Mark's father. He worked in Alabama's military services and died on a mission a few years ago.

Thus, most of the time, Mark and June lived alone in this house. Mark had told him that after his father's death, his mother had turned stricter and never allowed him home unnecessarily. Maybe she feared losing Mark, just like her husband, and kept him close to her.

Cooper gazed at June's figure in the pictures and felt a throb in his crotch. She had one of the best figures Mark had ever seen. The curves were divine, while her assets were so big that even the silicone ones would be put to shame.


Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and Mark entered with a sullen expression. On his left cheek, a red hand imprint was still visible, as it had turned beet red.

Mark walked towards Cooper and then took a seat beside him. Cooper glimpsed at him, then shook his head and said, "You should have informed me at least!"

Mark fiddled with his fingers and replied, "I never thought you would bring it into my home."

"Well, I hope everything is all right now," Cooper asked again, fearing that his actions would crumble his image even before he could do anything.

Mark sighed and then waved his hand. "No, everything is good, I spat out some bullshit and took the blame on myself."

As he said so, Mark looked up to gaze into Cooper's eyes and said with a smile, "Now you should relax; I want you to enjoy, and I bought the new game that came out this week, we will play it all night!"

"Thanks!" Cooper replied, not sure how he should react to such love and affection when he was thinking of banging his mother.

At this moment, June's voice resounded from across the room: "Mark, help me set the dishes!" Listening to the voice, Mark straightened his back and left the room like an arrow.

Soon, a vegan dinner was set in front of Cooper, and June arrived too. They were in the middle of dinner, but an uncomfortable silence covered the table. Mark and Cooper were deliberately quiet, as they feared angering the milf.

June clearly understood the mood, she turned to look at Cooper and couldn't help but frown. This boy looked like one of those drug sellers on the street, not like a student in the tenth grade. She couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. She believed it was a mother's intuition, so June decided that if this boy was bad company for her son, she would end their friendship today only.

June thought for a moment and suddenly asked in a casual manner while looking at Cooper, "So, what was your name?"

Cooper, who had been chewing the veggies, turned up only to see June looking at him intently. A chill ran down his spine after glimpsing her fierce gaze, and Cooper instantly knew he was being tested right now. But he didn't show nervousness and replied with a smile, "Cooper."

"Cooper, where do you live, and what do your parents do?" June asked again, not taking a break.

"I live in the orphan quarters and..." Cooper took a pause. He tried to make a face that showed deep remorse and longing, and said, "I don't have any parents, I was raised in the same orphanage."

"Oh," June felt shocked as she heard him and couldn't help but feel guilty for what she had thought earlier.

Mark, who was intently following their conversation, knew this was the best time to intervene. He lightly coughed and said, "Mom, that's why I wanted him to come for a sleepover, Cooper just feels lonely in his room and wanted to see how a family lived together."

'That's it, what timing!' Cooper exclaimed in his heart about his friend's timing but didn't show it on his face. His face turned remorseful, and Cooper gazed at his feet silently. Listening to them, June felt more guilty and embarrassed about what she had thought earlier.

'This boy just wanted to feel the love of a family, and I am acting like a rude mother, what impression would he have of us?' June thought in her heart. Her gaze subconsciously softened, and she no longer felt the need to judge Cooper.

Then she turned to look at Mark and asked in a terse tone, "And you are telling this now?"

Mark only shrugged, and June snorted.

If her son had told her this was the case, she would have behaved less strictly and tried to make him comfortable. Up until now, she had been trying to scare him off, so that his son could focus on his studies. Besides, after her husband's death, June knew how difficult it was to raise a child, but Cooper didn't have a single parent to take care of him. She could only guess how lonely he would have felt.

'No, June, you should lower your guard a little, he is a good boy." She resolved in her heart and, for starters, offered Cooper some more vegetable soup.

Mark noticed the sudden change with an amazed expression. He lightly clicked his tongue and said in a low tone that only Cooper could hear, "Damn, it really worked, brother."

"It always does," Cooper replied as he took a sip of the soup.

He had tried this orphan card on hundreds of people, and not one of them had failed. Everyone would turn soft for him whenever he mentioned that he didn't have any parents and was raised as an orphan. He had even picked up some girls by playing this emotional card, and most of the time it worked.

Soon, the dinner was finished, and June had now started to chat a little with the two boys. She finished her food and then stood up and said, "Mark, its time for your bath, lets go."

Puff! Mark, who had been drinking water, spit it out on the table and fumed, "Mom, didn't I say that, not to mention that in front of my friend?"

June, on the other hand, didn't care what he had to say, she crossed her arms and turned to look at Cooper. "Mark has a habit of not bathing properly, so I wash him most of the time. I hope you understand it, Cooper."

For a second, Cooper couldn't believe what he just heard. 'This bastard takes a bath with his mother, damn.' Even though he had been stunned for a second, Cooper immediately nodded heavily. "Yes, Mark, it's good that you have a mother to take care of you, just ask me how difficult it is to live alone."

June nodded in confirmation, while Mark felt too embarrassed to say anything in return. Since he was in the tenth grade, Mark always felt ashamed about bathing with his mom, but listening to his friend, he couldn't help but feel a little bad.

'I am lucky that I have someone to take care of me' Mark thought.

At this moment, Cooper felt he had a chance, so he didn't waste any time and suddenly asked with an innocent expression, "Miss June, "Can I take a bath with you too?"


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