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Chapter 79: Chapter 79: “Because I Like You.”

Yu Xin brought a large stack of scripts, almost all written by famous directors and screenwriters. The role selection on their hands was all males leads, not a single supporting role.

"This one is worth considering," Yu Xin picked up a romance drama about youth and waved it before Yu Qinghuan's eyes.

Last time, he tried to persuade Yu Qinghuan to accept an urban light comedy but met waterloo. Thus, he was determined this time to let his entertainer star a more normal play in line with the audience's taste.

Yu Qinghuan rose to his present position after entering the circle for only one year, making Yu Xin feel somewhat unreal in his heart. He had been trembling with fear, only worrying Qinghuan's next movie would flop.

Therefore, the road he had set for Yu Qinghuan was to use all his skills to maintain his current achievements instead of boldly exploring unknown fields.

"No, I don't want to take a romance drama." Yu Qinghuan thanked him for his kindness and put the script of this play aside.

If nothing went wrong in the middle, Yu Qinghuan would soon come out to the public, and playing the role of a straight guy in a romance drama would definitely be against his status. What's more, Huo Qu always felt insecure though he had become less anxious recently, which was already the result of Qinghuan's careful maintenance. If he had to have some intimate contact with an actress at job demand, his relationship with Huo Qu may return to the original point.

Compared with box office guarantee, Huo Qu was much more important to him.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Yu Xin felt stunned at first, and then he soon understood Yu Qinghuan's intention and could only say to him grumpily, "Those who are married even do sex scenes! I mean, it's not real, just acting. What's the fuss?"

Yu Qinghuan, however, shook his head and picked out all the scripts that took love as the main plotting line which could be told through the name. "They have their choices, and I have mine. Huo Qu's situation is also different from others."

"I quit! Go and find someone else!" Yu Xin angrily turned his head aside, out of sight and out of mind.

"Don't, ge." Yu Qinghuan poked Yu Xin with his elbow with a smile and said with a script in a hand, "I think this one is not bad."

Yu Xin wanted to pretend to be angry. Hearing this, he immediately turned his head back. His eyes fell on the cover, and he immediately froze, "You want to take this one?"

After a pause, he said with a complicated look, "This movie will not start until next year, so you will have at least four months free."

Yu Xin knew he would definitely not use the four months to receive another movie. He could only try to persuade him, "You are on the rise now, but four months of disappearance would let you completely be forgotten!"

According to Yu Xin's working style, he would not have brought this script to Yu Qinghuan at all. But this was directly tucked to him by Huo Rong, saying it's a recommendation from Cen Feng.

He thought its theme would be a hit, but after reading the script several times, he didn't even see a point where it could set off a craze.

However, this movie Revenge had its own specialty. In its serial publication period, its data had shown it had few readers. In Yu Xin's opinion, the author could sell the book as a script was his sheer luck. He wondered whether the investor was a fool to spend so much on such an unpromising script.

Cen Feng and Huo Rong might have been lost in momentary confusion at the same time so they would strongly recommend the script to Qinghuan.

"No," Yu Qinghuan said to Yu Xin as he continued to flip the script, "How to Love You would catch up with the Spring Festival."

He chose Revenge, not because of using it as a revolt to Yu Xin's persuasion of him taking a romance drama, but he was really interested in the play.

The movie told the story of a young man who set on the path as an avenger for his wife.

The hero Li Yue had been married with his wife Feng Ying for one year and the two were still immersed in their honeymoon period. On the wedding anniversary, Zhao Yue prepared to give his wife a surprise but found Feng Ying dead at home.

The police decided that Feng Ying had committed suicide, but Li Yue refused to accept the verdict. The couple was so in love and lived in perfect satisfaction. How could Feng Ying commit suicide without any sign?

Therefore, he decided to investigate the case by himself. After a series of painstaking efforts, the cause of Feng Ying's death gradually surfaced.

When Feng Ying was still in college, she once suffered a rape. The incident was deeply buried in her heart, even unknown to her parents.

A few days before her death, a reporter who claimed to work for Cutting-edge News contacted her and told her that they had exposed a vicious rapist a few days ago. The rapist confessed that she was one of the victims.

The reporter hoped Feng Ying can stand out as a victim and cooperate with them in doing this news.

Panic-stricken, Feng Ying naturally refused and begged the reporter not to contact her again. She would not come forward in any case.

However, the reporter did not give up and reached to her every day in various ways, even to her home for the last time.

That encounter made Feng Ying's already vulnerable mental state to go worse. Had it not been for Li Yue, she would not have gotten married to anyone all her life. But as she got slowly healed, the deepest scar in her heart was suddenly uncovered.

Feng Ying collapsed. She was afraid that people around her would look at her through a lens of difference when they knew about it. She was even more afraid that Li Yue would no longer love her.

However, she did not dare to show it, nor did she dare to tell anyone. She just kept it in her heart and endured the pain silently.

However, this kind of hair-trigger mood completely crumbled when she saw Cutting-edge News releasing the first issue of the rapist's news.

Feng Ying finally chose to commit suicide.

Li Yue, who finally learned the truth, was in agony. Under the circumstance that the law could not sentence this reporter, he chose to avenge for his wife himself.

"Ge, please contact the director for me," Yu Qinghuan read Revenge rapidly and said to Yu Xin, "I want to take this."

"What's so good about this? Why do you all like it?" Yu Xin mumbled in wonder, hesitating to take over the script.

"Who else has a crush on it?" Yu Qinghuan didn't understand what he meant and asked.

"No one, I was just saying it." Yu Xin didn't want him to know about Cen Feng's recommendation, for fear Qinghuan would think too much. He didn't tell the truth and left in a hurry.

The director of Revenge was Sun Wu. He was an 'evergreen' in the entertainment circle and had a very detached position. In recent years, he was getting old and had seldom made movies. No one knew why he should film such an obscure movie.

Yu Xin had never succeeded in convincing Yu Qinghuan. What's more, Revenge was recommended both by Cen Feng and Huo Rong, so he could only go to contact Sun Wu.

The two sides negotiated for a while, and finally, Yu Qinghuan promised to star in Revenge for 24 million yuan.

Soon after Yu Qinghuan signed the movie, The Line of Life and Death also entered its final screening day, with a total box office of 6.1 billion yuan, topping the box office of all Hua Country films.

Liu Jia'an, a person who rarely posted, was so happy to release three Weibo in sequence. In addition, he invited everyone in the film crew, saying he would invite them to dinner and deliver big red packets.

Actors had very little free time, so it was difficult for a film crew to get together after filming and then having dinner. Therefore, Liu Jia'an asked Yu Qinghuan to confirm their free time first, then reported it to him, so he could coordinate the time.

At the right moment, Yu Qinghuan had just finished an important filming task. His schedule was not tight. After thinking for a while, he took out the phone and called Zhao Qingyuan, asking him when he could make time, so they could go together.

Zhao Qingyuan recently took a public service advertisement about firefighting from the National Television. When Yu Qinghuan called him, he was 'stealing' food from the filming site to relieve his hunger without anyone noticing.

The next scene he was going to shoot was sitting at home eating with his family members, while the ruthless fire suddenly came unexpectedly.

The props team had already placed the food in advance in the filming scene, only waiting for testing the props, and then started filming.

Zhao Qingyuan was prone to obesity, plus he ate too much some time ago. Recently, he was compelled by his agent to lose weight, so he failed to control his mouth seeing delicious food.

Watching everyone was busy with their own stuff, he ate one mouthful after another.

He didn't know if it was his illusion. Zhao Qingyuan felt that after eating, he was all hot up, like being roasted on fire!

He couldn't help fanning with his hand. When he did like this, a thick smoke came suddenly and almost choked him to death.

The props team was a bit too dedicated. Even the smoke was so lifelike. He was thinking about it when he heard someone was shouting outside.

"Everyone! Fire! Fire…"

"Be quick! Put out the fire!"

This was not right. He didn't even go out. Why did these people start shouting lines in advance?

Zhao Qingyuan grabbed his hair in doubt, looked at the chopsticks in his hand, trying to eat a few more in a hurry. At that time, his phone suddenly whooped with vibration, he took it out. It was Yu Qinghuan, so he hurriedly pressed the answer key, "Qinghuan."

"Have you known about Director Liu's party? When are you going?"

"When… Ahem, ahem," he coughed before finishing speaking during the dense black smoke.

"Are you all right?" Yu Qinghuan asked with concern, "Have you caught a cold?"

"No," Zhao Qingyuan said, "I was preparing to film the scene of the fire hazard. The props team made the smoke so lifelike, it almost choked me to death." He went to the door and planned to find a quiet place to have a good talk with Yu Qinghuan.

The moment he held the door handle, he nearly jumped up due to scalding.

"Holy crap! Why is it so burning hot!" He hissed, endured the pain, opened the door and ran out.

Then, he saw outside, all the busy crew members suddenly stopped their actions, staring at him with a pair of unbelieving eyes, then…

"Mr. Zhao, why are you inside? The props just caught fire!"

"Mr. Zhao, have you had any burns? Well, fortunately, we tried the props in advance."

"Mr. Zhao, did you go inside to practice the play? You are really dedicated."

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

So, that was a real fire?

The group dragged Zhao Qingyuan, who was stunned with a dumb face, into the lounge. After they checked him from top to bottom, finding no injuries on him, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the fire was not big, the actor's health was everything and must not be in danger. When Zhao Qingyuan was found coming out of the fire, they were almost scared to urinate.

Zhao Qingyuan didn't hang up, so Yu Qinghuan heard what was happening.

"Qingyuan, I'll send you some almonds and walnuts." Yu Qinghuan sighed helplessly, "You really need to nourish your brain." He paused and said incredulously, "How stupid are you to think a real fire a rehearsal?"

"That, that's a coincidence." Zhao Qingyuan argued irrationally, "It's not my fault. You can't anticipated that, either."

Yu Qinghuan didn't bother to listen to his sophistry. After agreeing with him on the time for the dinner, he bought 20 kilos of almonds and walnuts online and sent them to him.

It was not a small thing that the filming scene of National Television's public service advertisement got a fire. The director wanted to keep the news sealed, but on second thought, it was just in line with their theme of paying attention to the fire hazard, so he let the news flow out.

No one had expected Zhao Qingyuan to be so stupid as to be unable to distinguish between the real fire and a rehearsal, so the media beautified Zhao Qingyuan's image when describing the incident. They said he immersed in practicing his part and did not even notice the fire on the filming site. If Yu Qinghuan hadn't called, what would have happened was hard to image.

These days, any star with a bit of fame would more or less strike an attitude, finding various excuses to use body double.

With Zhao Qingyuan's status, he made a public service advertisement, taking little income and having no hesitation to take a risk. What a model in the industry!

After this incident, Zhao Qingyuan's popularity rose to its zenith in an instant. Many people followed his Weibo, praised him as a rare celebrity with positive influence in the entertainment circle. Not only that, Yu Qinghuan's fame also grew because of a phone call.

Of all the people present, none knew Zhao Qingyuan was inside. But Yu Qinghuan, a person who was absent from the scene, freed Zhao Qingyuan from danger with just one phone call.

He was truly a living koi!

After The Line of Life and Death was released, because the ending of Ye Sheng was too miserable, netizens subconsciously stopped forwarding the koi. However, with this happened, the activity again got carried on vigorously on Weibo.

When filming, Yu Qinghuan opened Weibo at random. Seeing himself again in the hot topic, he quitted the APP helplessly and sent a message to Huo Qu.

During this period of time, because the two were separated and each was busy with his own affairs, it was very inconvenient to make a phone call, so their contact was basically through text messages.

Every night before going to bed, Yu Qinghuan would send a message to Huo Qu, telling him what had happened all day and urging him to go to bed early.

He happened to find out a few days ago that every night, Huo Qu would not sleep until he received the message from Qinghuan. Therefore, even if Yu Qinghuan was busy filming, he would take time to contact Huo Qu before 9 o'clock to prevent him from waiting like a little fool.

Huo Qu would reply Qinghuan's message in seconds, his joy would reveal between the lines, chattering without stop with Yu Qinghuan. If Yu Qinghuan hadn't finally hardened his heart and urged him, Huo Qu wouldn't go to bed.

Yu Qinghuan had another filming next, so he still needed to wait outside the filming site. He read the messages Huo Qu sent to himself these days from beginning to end and finally understood Huo Qu's mood when he lost his mobile phone.

The time when the messages between them had gone, he was not as sad as Huo Qu, although he had regrets.

However, he finally realized the significance of these short messages when he was really separated from Huo Qu and could only relieve his missing by reading the messages he sent over and over again every day.

After carefully backing up all the messages, Yu Qinghuan put down his mobile phone.

"You are really…" Yu Xin sighed and thought for a moment. Before he sat down, he stretched out his hand to hold Qinghuan's arm and charged, "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me."

Yu Qinghuan nodded, took a deep breath and sat on the driver's seat with his eyes closed.

After his paycheck rose, Yu Xin changed his car smoothly. Now he was driving a brand new Mercedes instead of that second-hand Audi.

Clearly, the seat was comfortable and ergonomic, but Yu Qinghuan felt on pins and needles. His body was shaking uncontrollably, and his face gradually turned pale. Even his forehead was beaded with sweat.

"Qinghuan," shouted Yu Xin at him uneasily.

Yu Qinghuan gritted his teeth and did not answer.

Yu Xin whirled around in a rash, but he did not dare to stretch out his hand rashly to drag Qinghuan out. He could only stand aside, worrying but unable to do anything.

Yu Qinghuan managed to overcome his psychological barrier. For the first time through his two lives, he was sitting in the driver's seat. He wanted to stay longer but really couldn't hold on. At that moment, every second became very difficult. His breathing was rapid and he could hardly breathe.

The next morning, there was no Yu Qinghuan's part. For the first time, he did not wait outside the filming site but followed Yu Xin to the parking lot.

"Can you do it?" Before getting on the car, Yu Xin looked at Qinghuan with a worried face. "Qinghuan, you don't need to force yourself to do this actually. Anyway, you are my only celebrity, so I'm sure I'll be on call. It's okay to have Huo Qu included in my passenger list."

"It's okay," Yu Qinghuan stretched out his hand and opened the door on the side of the driver's seat. His expression was relatively calm. "Just driving a car. Of course I can do it. Don't be worry, ge."

"Fine, fine, I know." Yu Xin finally didn't restrain himself, stretched out his hand and abruptly pulled Qinghuan out, patting him on the back to comfort, "you're not in the car anymore, Qinghuan, don't be afraid."

Yu Qinghuan leaned against Yu Xin, with his body shaking incessantly. No matter what Yu Xin said, he did not recover from it.

Yu Xin was afraid that something might go wrong if he went on like this, but he didn't know what to do. After a moment's hesitation, he took out the phone to call Huo Qu.

Fortunately, Huo Qu answered the phone very soon.

"Huo Qu, come on, talk to Qinghuan," Yu Xin turned the phone into the hands-free mode and shouted to the microphone, "Qinghuan wants to hear your voice."

Huo Qu didn't notice anything strange. When he heard this, he smiled shyly and said to the speaker, "Qinghuan, do you miss me? I miss you, too. But there are still two days before Saturday."

Huo Qu's voice finally called back a trace of Yu Qinghuan's sanity. He gasped for breath and tried to make his voice sound calm. "Hmm, I miss you."

In an instant, Huo Qu recognized something was wrong. He suddenly stood up and asked eagerly, "Qinghuan, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I…I'm fine." Yu Qinghuan gritted his teeth and forced himself to sound calm, "Just finished filming and was a little tired."

"I see…" Huo Qu lowered his eyes and replied in a low voice.

Yu Qinghuan barely supported himself to say these two sentences, then, he could not open his mouth anymore. He made a gesture at Yu Xin and his whole body collapsed on him. Yu Xin looked at him and quickly took the phone, explaining to Huo Qu for a long time before letting the other party hang up.

"Don't hang in there yourself. Your situation is very serious." Yu Xin helped him back to the hotel , saying while frowning, ���If you really want to learn how to drive, go to a shrink first."

At that moment, Yu Qinghuan had recovered a lot. He nodded, lowering his eyes, "I know."

Yu Qinghuan certainly couldn't go to lunch giving his situation. After Yu Xin arranged him properly, he went downstairs to get him some take-out.

After Yu Xin left for a while, there was a quick knock at the door. Yu Qinghuan thought Yu Xin had forgotten to bring his room card. He walked over and opened the door with difficulty. Unexpectedly, he froze. The person standing outside turned out to be Huo Qu.

"You… what are you doing here?"

"Qinghuan, are you sick?" instead of answering him, Huo Qu asked, reaching out to feel Qinghuan's forehead.

Yu Qinghuan wanted to say 'no', but fearing his denial would make Huo Qu more worried, so he could only nod while saying, "Well, a bit, but it doesn't matter."

After a pause, he asked Huo Qu again, "What are you doing here? Is everything okay in the institute?"

Huo Qu shook his head, "I felt you are ill, so I came. It doesn't matter, it's lunch time."

His explanation was intermittent, but Yu Qinghuan understood immediately. He leaned against Huo Qu and supported himself with Huo Qu's strength. His eyes were burning. "Huo Qu, why are you so good to me?"

Huo Qu froze, blushing and whispering with that little dimple revealing on his face, "Because I like you."

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