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Chapter 2: They day life became shitty again

I reached the school, even though it was barely on time but I still did. The PTM was going to start at 9:30 Am and right now it was 9:32 Am. I was only 2 minutes late and even the meeting was probably not started but still being late for your daughters' PTM calls for no excuses. I cursed my incompetence for getting carried away with the guy earlier.

I should have just chopped his head off after pinching with nail cutter but Noooooo! I just had to do the cigarette play with him, Oh God! they are not going to hate me from now on, are they?

They are going to say things like 'mom! I hate you! why were you late??!!' 'Mom, I'm disappointed in you' 'Mother, you don't love us anymore'

I still remember all this dumb shit that was going through my mind. The past me was really too much of a crazy parent, but anyways, I kept pondering about their disappointment in me and stayed inside the car for another five minutes. Now I was seven minutes late and I still had to leave the car, enter the school gate, climb to the third floor and reach the class.

I looked at the watch and saw the time now being 9:37. I quickly shoved all the thoughts on the back of my mind, released the seatbelt and slammed the car door open, which, of course, attracted the attention of everyone around the school gate towards me.

I quickly got out of the car, closed the door and rushed towards the building 3 in which my daughters' classes are. I didn't pay much attention to fuss around which was created by me but unfortunately, I have a photographic memory, which made me retain all the fuss.

I don't like to brag about my beauty, sexiness, smartness, excellent fashion sense or anything trivial like that but I guess I just have to tell about the fuss, it's not like I have a choice or anything while telling the story of past to my now no longer small children.

Anyways, the car door was opened with a bang, producing a loud BANG sound. Students, teachers, parents, the guard looked towards the source of the sound and guess what they saw there? They all got to look at me getting out of my Porsche 718 RSK.

Of course, it was a rich school, where only children of upper class came to study, so it shouldn't have been a big deal for them to see such a car but the target of the spotlight wasn't the car, it was obviously me. Men, guards and male students got to see a beautiful being such as me stylishly get out of the car, the black gothic dress perfectly fit on my supermodel body, the inspiring light pink hair which showed the softness of my heart, haahhhh...of course they would be blushing. Male students, Male teachers and few Men probably got their fap material for tonight which is really disgusting but what can I do, I don't want anyone to think that the mother of my angelic daughter is a dull person or average person, that would reflect badly on their image, and ohhhhhhh, let me tell you, Image is an important thing in the upper class, I learned that a very hard way

As for the females, well, most of them were jealous and trying to tell their husbands to stop staring at me, but not all females are like that. There were many or most likely all of the girl students were looking towards me with not jealousy but with eyes of longing, admiration and idol. They all probably want to become just like me, it's hard but it's not impossible so I really wish some of them managed to survive the destruction of my children and achieve their goal of that day to become like me.

Ah! Sorry, sorry, I got really off-topic there, like what am I doing praising myself like this, it's really a bad habit of mine and it's not fixed even after all these years. I am really, extremely sorry that you had to bear such narcissism. It won't happen again....probably.

Like I was saying, the school is named Holy children. It has a total of five buildings. Three buildings for academics and two for all the other extracurricular activities stuff, along with a quite large ground which is divided into various sections, like playing field for children, garden and all kinds of stuff.

Looking at all this really made me feel jealous, envious and left out. During childhood, I always dreamt of attending such a grand school. No, it's more like I was fine with even going to a decent school. I wanted to be carefree, play all day with my friends like these children, commit mistakes that would have no consequences, complete homework with my family and do silly school stuff.....everything I wanted became reality, it was turned from a dream into reality by me but no matter how powerful I became, there were still things I couldn't turn into reality, one of those dreams being what I just told, a decent school and normal student life.

But I tried not to regret it and succumb to sadness. I had other means to achieve that dream, even though it was not perfect but it still made me happy, and that mean was to experience such a life through the eyes of my children.

They are living the student life that I wanted to... in my place, they are experiencing it for me, telling me about the fun they had, mistakes they made, games they played and coming to me for homework. All of this was enough for me to make do with my dreams and it's not a bad feeling to see my kids do the things, I, myself wanted to do.

Anyways, I quickly entered building 3, rushed to the third floor. I could have taken the lift but I didn't. In my busy schedule, I barely have time for normal exercise, so I have this hobby of finding out various stuff that will keep me moving my muscles. After all, I didn't want them perfectly curvy C-cup breasts to become soggy or loose and let's not even start with the absolutely mesmerizing Ass, not too curvy but not too flat, exactly the perfect size that both sides of the coin can admire and of course, let's not even get started wit-

Ah! sorry! again really, really sorry, I don't have any excuses to make this time, sooooo... I reached the classroom, I could also talk about all the heads that were turning my way as I made my way towards the classroom but let's ignore that and get to the main things, the PTM.

I was already 10 minutes late, thoughts of my children hating me from now on flooding my brain but I still had to open the door and enter.

"*creaaakkk!*" yup, it was a loud noise. I also remember saying 'fuck' in my mind. I stepped inside and saw the situation, the teacher was in front most likely finished with the introduction. Students who were facing teacher had their heads turned towards me, of course, the parents standing at the back also turned towards the latecomer, which was me.

But all that stuff was not important. The crucial thing was where were my daughters, I glanced and spotted my angels. One was sitting in the back of the middle row, while the other in the very front of the second row from the door.

The one sitting in the back with cute blonde pigtails was Lily. She was energetically waving her hands towards me, extreme happiness clearly showing on her face, I was safe from her.

The other who was sitting in the front with mature looking demeanour along with raven black bob hair was Emerald. There was rarely any expression on her face, but her eyes were glistening and she was also shaking her legs, which she only does when happy. She doesn't show much expression but all the other things she does to express herself really make her so cute. Added to that the mature demeanour of hers, the cuteness of hers really has no bounds

Of course, Lily is no less behind Emerald. Hmm? why Emerald is named so? well, her eyes are green coloured just like a pure emerald. Huh? another question? what is it? oh! why's Lily's hair is blonde? Well, what do you think! she's a foreigner.

Did you think they were my biological children? HAH! Stupid. I'm infertile, I can't have children, all three of them are adopted. hmm? what about the father? well...why would I need one? I can just raise all of them by myself. Besides getting married and providing them with a father is no good. It's the worst-case scenario, I mean just Imagine, I introduce this father guy and then BAM! their love gets divided. They have 99% love for me and that 1% love for the father, shit like that is completely not acceptable. I don't want even that 1% to go anyways, call me crazy or bad parent or whatever but I'm not bulging on that even now. I mean, I can just be both Mother and Father. Even though they are all grown up now, but still they can't share their love with someone I don't approve of.

But anyways, all two of them were happy, it seemed like I was overthinking for nothing. Now that my angels were happy, there was no need to pay heed to the reaction of other people inside the classroom. I slowly walked with heavy and resolute steps to engrave in everyone's mind that yes! this is Lily's and Emerald's cool and strong mother. Even though Emerald hid her head in embarrassment but Lily still waved and called me.

"Mom! Mom! here! here! come stand behind me! fast! quickly! SEE! Everyone! that's mine, MY! Mother!!"

oh my, this child, making me embarrassed like this. But then smile and energy on her face are all I need.

The teacher also doesn't know what to do, I mean she can't just stop a child from calling her mother so happily.

I got behind Lily and stood there, all the other parents making way so that I can stand behind her.

"Lily, sorry for being late" even though they were not angry but a mistake is still a mistake. I sincerely apologized to Lily and secretly pulled my ear while Emerald looked my way.

This was quite a nice looking class, a few months ago they were in building 2. But they have completed their 10th and are now in 11th class which is in building 3. The semester has just started today, so this the introduction day where the teacher explains everything about what's to come and expect, as well as their plans and thoughts for children's future planning. They have called the parents too, as we also need to be aware of what's going on with the class, which is perfectly reasonable.

I looked around the class and counted that there were 34 children in this art section. Each was given their own desk, which looked quite clean and modern. The walls were blue with windows which showed the large ground outside, a large rectangular whiteboard in front and a simple green board at the back for drawing with chalk and stuff. A podium for teacher and AC above the whiteboard, really an expensive classroom filled with various facilities.

I was quite amazed at the sight of this classroom, I mean the only classrooms I have studied in was one with the ones where the paint was coming off from the walls. There were no chairs, only a large sheet on the ground sit upon, no notebooks, just a small board to write on with chalk and the sorry excuse of a teacher not even being serious about his job, oh girl, add to that the scorching heat with no fans....uff! fun times I say.

After that everything went normal, I was very happy, enjoying every moment of life...not aware of the nightmare, dread that was about to begin and the complete shithole that would become my life, again. I had already lived through enough shit to reach where I was now, I really didn't want to experience it again, I wished that from the bottom of my heart. I just wanted to live life through my kids, do contracts a few times a year so that I don't become rusty, slowly expand my company even more than it already is, enjoy life, be happy and allow best possible life for my kids....but those asshole fucking retard gods had other things in mind, sorry for the language but girl!! just thinking about those mighty shitholes makes me so infuriated, even now.

I think it was while I was returning from the PTM.

The PTM got finished and the school went on with the classes, I said my goodbye to the angels, and now was in my car, riding towards the college my son was a 2nd year in.

I was halfway there and stopped because of the traffic light. The soft vocalized music going in the background, the weather absolutely perfect with clouds blocking the sun. My mood absolutely delighted after seeing the happy and gleaming faces of my angels, the only thing not so perfect was the traffic.

I didn't understand why there was so much traffic that day, it was just a normal Wednesday, there was also no special day. But what could have I done? nothing, so I just waited for traffic to slowly move forwards while moving my car a little by little to finally cross the traffic light.

I would have passed the light much sooner if it wasn't for those uncultured swines, who rode their motorbikes and cycles in-between the cars, making it difficult for everyone with cars to move.

I finally crossed the lights and then everything went to hell. It was like the lights turning to green signified the beginning of another hell for me...what happened, you say?

Well, I crossed the lights, blinked and the next thing I saw wasn't the road but that fucking trickster looking being and instead of being surrounded by building, it was a pure white space that had no horizon and land to stand on...

and that's how another phase of shitiness began in my life, though I didn't know how much shitty it would get.

YandereSenpai YandereSenpai

Thanks for reading, enjoy

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