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Chapter 5: Gemini

The son of Earl Gemni is a strange child. He likes to pause for a moment while tilting his head as if he was hearing someone that no one else can listen to. On certain days, the 10 years old boy seemed to have a personality change overnight. It isn't something that strangers would notice but for the servants that had served the family for years, the change was all too obvious to them.

How the boy would change from someone reserved into someone more outgoing; how the son of the Earl just the previous day looked at the magical tools used in the house like it was nothing new only to get fascinated with them the very next day and then returning to his old demeanor some days later. The servants and his parents weren't worried though, there're just some things that you can't fake and he always returns to his old self in a few days even if he would change again a few days after that.

There's also the issue of his magic though, during his personality change his magic would always be strangely weak, as if it was just in the process of being suppressed before the process stopped, and his original attribute of water would switch to lightning. Even when he returned to his previous personality and his attribute had switched back to water his magic would become strangely weak again, and only time would help it recover before the process repeated itself.

It was baffling and worrying, which had once prompted the Earl to bring his son over to see an expert to no avail; even some of the best magical experts were confused by the condition of the boy. In the end, they can only take the wait and see approach, fortunately, it doesn't seem to affect the aforementioned boy negatively, in fact, it even seemed to help his magic to grow stronger in the long run with it trying to resist the suppression itself. Not only that, when lightning attribute personality was in charge, his magic is actually stronger although not by too big a margin.

Eventually, since the personality shift doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, the parents had decided to name the two personalities to separate the two of them and make it easier to address. The original personality, the one with water attribute magic and the calmer of the two will be called Aster, derived from Caster, in reference to the fact he liked to read like the mages that research magic while the other would be called Lux, because of his more energetic personality and the fact he has lightning attribute magic.

And so, that is how Mark Aster Gemni and Mark Lux Gemni were born. Truly, the young master was a strange child indeed.

"Jean what are you doing staring into nothing there? Come on, I thought I saw Viscount Tarus coming to meet Father with someone my age! Maybe I can befriend them. Let's go and see them!"

Snapping out of his daydream, Jean, a butler that serves the household of Earl Gemni looked at the boy who had already rushed forward to his aforementioned destination, leaving Jean who was supposed to watch over him behind. Flustered, tried to catch up with Lux who is in charge right now.

'The young master may be odd and a bit of a handful, but, I don't think I mind serving him.'











#Author: What? I want to try this trick one of these days too. Anyway, onward to the continuation!#

Mark Lux Gemni still remembered how it all started for him and Aster. He was five years old then, just playing around and minding his own business, you know, typical five-year-old kid business? He was jumping up and down a sofa for god knows what reason that he had forgotten about when he suddenly felt a force that was pulling him.

Next thing he knew, the sofa under him mysteriously vanished, causing him to fall to the ground headfirst. While he was cradling his head in pain, he was suddenly fussed over by weird men and ladies wearing some kind of butler and maid clothing calling him young master. Lux had panicked so much at the attention he was suddenly receiving by people he didn't recognize that he had run away.

Of course, the butlers and maids had immediately chased after him but they aren't used to having to chase a child since their young master was usually very mild-mannered, never giving them much trouble while Lux had experience in running away and finding a place to hide from the caretaker of the orphanage he lived in when he wants to stay awake longer than she liked. This meant that Lux could have run circles and hide around the butlers and maids for an entire day without them even close to finding him. It was a good thing that Aster chose that moment to contact him, no it was more like he overheard Aster's thought.

'Who is this lady? Why is she saying that she's my caretaker? Where's my maids and butlers? Where am I?'


Of course, Lux had to run away and find another hiding spot after that, yelling out of nowhere because you suddenly heard a voice inside your head is a good way to get caught if you didn't immediately find another place to hide immediately. That is his first contact with Aster, at the time only know as 'mysterious voice in my head' by Mark.

After a few minutes of hearing Aster's thought and learning that he can also hear Lux's thought with how he's also panicking at hearing a mysterious voice, the two began to communicate with each other in earnest and they figured out that they must have switched spots with each other.

It was merely interesting for Aster to be able to talk telepathically with Lux but for Lux, it was fascinating, all his life he has always believed that magic is real but his caretaker had told him many times that magic doesn't exist; to have the link that basically confirmed to him that magic truly exist made the boy very excited.

That line of thought though had startled Aster because he had been raised with the fact that magic existed as commonsense to him. That thought had then startled Lux next, and that started another barrage of questions about each other's lives. That is when they learned two startling truth, one, they were both named Mark Gemni and they must have looked exactly the same or similar thought to make the butlers, maids and Lux's caretaker to mistake them for each other.

The second truth is more startling though, they were both from two different worlds. Aster had come from a world or planet know as Horscope while Lux had come from the planet called Earth with Horscope having magic while Earth seemingly devoid of magic.

After that, the two kids had tried every single means they could think about with their five-year-old mind. Namely trying to mentally command themselves to switch back for Aster or in the case of Lux, trying out various poses from the cartoons he had seen that he thought might work. Naturally, those poses didn't do anything and only served to make him look like an idiot.

Embarrassingly, they found out the way to switch back by complete accident when Aster had acted out of character by complaining out loud. It is something that Lux would never let go of and let Aster forget. Lux can even recite exactly what Aster had said at that time, word by word correctly, which is:

"This! Is! Stupid!!! How do we 'switch' back!"

Opening his eyes after that outburst, Aster was surprised to find himself back in his family garden. After checking to see if the telepathy link is still there asking how they managed to switch back to which Lux had replied and said that they had switched back Aster said switch and Lux having felt satisfied at teasing Aster about his outburst, the boy from Earth and the noble kid from Horscope had immediately tested if they can switch freely with each other whenever they wished.

It was only after they had finished testing their ability to switch did the servants finally manage to find their young master. Aster followed them back to the manor without a fuss, having satisfied himself with uncovering the capability of the new ability he and 'the other Mark' had mysteriously gained while the servants are just happy that they managed to find him that they didn't bother asking why he had run away earlier.

The same couldn't be said for Lux though since his caretaker had gotten worried about his sudden episode of 'memory loss' earlier and brought him to meet a doctor to see if he had gotten a concussion. The doctor's reply made her confused for days to come when he said that Mark doesn't have a concussion, a confusion that started growing into a headache when since that incident Mark started to have random episodes of 'personality change' every few days. But that's a different story unrelated to this one.

This is the beginning of Mark Lux Gemni and Mark Aster Gemni, how they develop in the future and what type of trouble they get into later is yet to be seen.

Hamon_Tasai Hamon_Tasai

Next stop, Black!

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