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Chapter 3: When My Eyes Met Yours

It started when I met him at the hospital my mother was admitted to. His jet black hair and cold, brown eyes added to his mystique that drew me in to no end. He treated me as if I tainted the very air he breathed, but I took that as a lack of social skills from being isolated for so long.

I wanted him to know that I cared about him. This feeling would grow larger than I could ever know and soon my brain twisted this situation into a tough love where I took his abuse as a sign of a bond. How foolish.


"Beep, beep, beep..." I get up and shut the alarm off as I removed the arm around me. I go take a shower and went to change into my work clothes. I come near the bed and lean down towards the man sleeping in my bed.

"I'm sorry William." I whisper into his ear and give him a light peck on the cheek. I walk out of the apartment and head straight for my car. The drive to work was quite dull and unusually trafficless. Perhaps the gods were on my side today.

I walk into the hospital with a big smile on my face as people greeted me left and right.

"Doctor Zhu, amazing work yesterday! It would be my honor to scrub in on your next operation!"

"Doctor Zhu, please give me some tips and pointers to improve my technique!"

"Doctor Zhu, come out on a date with me next time you are free!"

I seem to have collected quite the fan base as this happened every time I finished a surgery. I just smile at all the requests and continue on my way to make my runs.

"Hello Ms. Zhang, are you ready for your transplant today?" I smile widely at the young woman in front of me.

"Of course! I have been waiting for this moment for nearly five years! I am so ready to get rid of this heavy machine I'm hooked up to." I smile even wider at her enthusiasm.

"Doctor Zhu! Doctor Zhu! Don't forget about me!" An annoying voice comes within earshot. I turn towards the door and low and behold, my "favorite" intern is near the doorframe, gripping it to catch his breath.

"Is this about that little girl from yesterday? I didn't know that saving lives costed extra for you. Maybe I should change the intern on my staff, there seem to be a lot of people that want to take your place..."

"No no no Doctor Zhu! I just want to learn from you. Yeah, so I could... save more lives!" I slightly laugh as he scrambles for the right words to appease me.

"Fine, since I am really fond of that little girl that you helped take care of yesterday, you got the spot in this surgery. You know what to do." I had him a pile of paperwork and headed out the door.

"Thank you! You won't regret this!" He hums cheerfully with that stupid grin on his face. Oh if he only knew how many times I wanted to take it back. I sigh and continue walking down the hall towards the on-call room to take a quick nap to recharge for the surgery taking place in a few hours. I open the door and walk into the dark room. All the beds seem to be filled, but I quickly recognize William in one of them.

"Hey Doctor Lu. Doctor Lu." I try to softly wake him up as I shake his shoulders.

"Doctor Lu, give me this bed. I barely got some sleep last night because of you and I still came to work on time. Move so I can sleep! I have a big surgery in a bit." Before I know it, I am pulled down onto the bed and wrapped up in his arms.

"Drop the formalities Sarah, we are closer than that." His deep voice rings through the quite room.

"William, you have to go do your runs and I need some sleep. It is pretty clear who needs to stay and who needs to leave." I try reasoning with him as he seems to be getting even more comfortable.

"Just stay here with me. It isn't something we haven't done before." And he was right. I have known William Lu for quite some time as we had gone abroad to study at the International Medical School for the Gifted. We were quite close as we were both in the same year and constantly competed against each other for the top rank in the class. I had taken that award home exactly three times more than William, but I would never rub it in his face. After medical school, we both were so excited to be accepted as interns at China's most prestigious hospital in the capital. We had spent many long shifts together and it was never unusual for me to share a bed with him in the busy on-call room.

"Hmmm mister perfect is okay with leaving his patients to fend for themselves? I don't know how I feel about that." I joke with him.

"Of course not, I have trained my interns to run minor tasks in my absence. Now sleep." I can't argue with that, but as I close my eyes, I can't help but wonder how I can get my intern to be like that...


I wake up to my pager beeping. I get up right away and nearly pull William off the bed with me.

"Sorry Will! Duty Calls!" I dash out the door as I am directed towards the helicopter landing site that is about to take me to the hospital where the donated heart will be. I pack the cooler into the helicopter and tell the pilot to start heading out. Once at the hospital, I am astonished at where I am. This is the hospital that people dream endlessly to be apart of and to go to, where only the elite of the world can be operated. It can only be accessed by helicopter and is on a small island off the coast. My hospital may be the best hospital in the capital, but this hospital was the best in all of Asia.

"Let's head in." I announce to the staff that had accompanied me. We stroll into the hospital and witness the latest technology that the world had to offer. Not only were the mechanical parts of the hospital up to date, but the area carried an ambiance that was above anything I have ever felt before. The nurses lead us to a room that contained many seats. As I peer down at the window I can see an operation room.

"There must be a mistake, I have to be present to accept the organ in the operation room." I try to tell the nurses.

"This transplant surgeon is this hospital's prized possession. He wishes to have no one in his OR as he works." With that she leaves me to wonder on my own how amazing this surgeon must be to have any demand he wishes be fulfilled at such a hospital.

The room is silent as the patient is pushed into the room below. A few moments later, a tall figure walks into the room completely suited up in his operation gear, but his dark eyes gave him all the presence he needed. I regain myself as he starts his operation in the pin drop silence of the ward. His skillful hand was able to delicately cut open the body without fault in a meticulous straight line. He makes swift cuts through the veins and arteries and clamps them without problem either. I have done this many times, but have never witnessed another do it in the same fashion as I. He gently places the organ into the cooler I had brought and walks out of the room with the cooler in hand. Another team quickly rush in to close the cavity up, a simple part of the procedure that the man did not even bother to do.

I leave my team in the spectator room and go down to find the man. I see him already walking towards me and can't bring myself to come any closer. He pulls down his mask just under his chin and I freeze.


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