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Chapter 1: [1]

His vision went dark, he was left with nothing. It was as if the lights went out on him entirely, but all was not lost. A single moment passed before his eyes were forcibly opened, a blinding light peered above him, causing a strong current of sharp pain to shoot through his very school.

Groaning, the boy attempted to raise his arm to cover his eyes, but they were busy getting held down by a warm touch.

"We're getting a response! He's awake, doctor!" Though he was obviously incapacitated, his cognitive functions were still alive and recovering. He heard bits and pieces of the middle-aged woman's words, causing him to unknowingly hum out loud.

'W-Where am I?' His thoughts were haywire, his memories a haze as it all slowly began to come back to him. "Mr. Ren? Do you remember what your name is? Please tell me your name."

Unlike the first time he heard a voice, this one was obviously male; One late into his years. The boy attempted to open his eyes again before responding, finding it easier to stand the light as his gaze swept over everything in his field of view.

A white tiled roof, quickly passing as he was being escorted. A total of three people surrounded him, all chattering with urgency as they turned a last corner.

"K-Kisuke… Kisuke Ren." The boy muttered, his face forming a frown as a familiar sharp pain coursed through his skull once again. The doctor in charge of him leaned over him with a flashlight, trying to check his pupil dilation once more.

"Good. Nice to meet you, Kisuke. Hold on tight, you're in good hands." Hearing the reassuring words of his supposed doctor, Kisuke groaned, closing his eyes once more as a strong feeling of fatigue washed over his already dazed and confused mind.

It didn't take long for him to completely black out. Falling into a deep nap in a pseudo effort from his body to give his mind a longer break.




Kisuke began to stir. The first thing to greet him being the beeping of his EKG and a very prominent ringing in his ears. He blinked a couple times, seemingly still in a daze.

However, in the next moment he shot up abruptly, his hand reaching for his chest as the last thing he remembered floated to the surface of his mind. Feeling nothing but bandages, his nerves calmed slightly, his increased heart rate alerting the doctors that oversaw monitoring him.

But he had some time until they got there.

Letting out a sigh, he plopped back down on his medical bed and closed his eyes, raising his forearm to his head. 'What the fuck…' He thought to himself, feeling completely beside himself.

As his heart rate began to settle and a feeling of bruising aching his chest, Kisuke opened his eyes- half expecting to be met with the sight of a family member-

But his mind stalled and his eyes widened when his gaze landed on a transparent black screen with white lettering that read-



Kisuke blinked a couple of times, rubbing his eyes and swallowing hard. 'Okay… Let's try this again.' Letting out yet another sigh, he opened his eyes but frowned when he saw that the screen was still there.

'…Am I going crazy? Is this somebody's quirk? YHWH? God of Creation…?' To say he was lost was an understatement. He had never heard of a supposed, God of Creation named YHWH.

For all he can assume is that he's either going crazy, or there's somebody in his hospital using their quirk illegally.

'This is like a screen from a video game.' He hummed, wincing as he sat up in his bed. Scanning the transparent screen before him for a small X or a, "no" option, Kisuke smiled wryly when he was left without either option.

Holding his head, he mentally shrugged… 'Oh what the hell.' Mentally choosing the "yes" option, Kisuke half expected for the screen to just disappear and reappear with a mocking comment from whoever own the ability to make illusions appear.

One could only imagine his reaction when his mind suddenly blanked for the umpteenth time, but without him losing consciousness. Having suddenly shifted to a completely blacked out void of a room, Kisuke' head was on a swivel, his mind trying and failing to make sense of his current situation.

"Ah~ You've come… I was wondering how long it would take for this invitation to go through." Kisuke' actions were ceased when a loud, soothing but authoritative voice, called out to him.

Following the path the voice traveled, Kisuke was met with the sight of a giant, stone throne wrapped with plant veins and tree roots. Behind said throne being a thriving forestry biome writhing with life.

However, the thing that caught his absolute attention being the "man" sitting upon said throne.

With a smile that could ease all worries, a man dressed in purple, gold and black robing gestured for Kisuke to come closer. His dark skin reflecting that of a sun as it shone with vigor. His grayed loc's and pupils expressing a sort of endless wisdom.

Feeling all but compelled to follow the mans instructions, Kisuke swallowed his worries and floated over, his thoughts betraying his actions as he really, really wanted to close his eyes and then open them to return to his hospital bed.

"Why so tense? Are you scared?" The God of Creation questioned, tilting his head as he did so with a slight chuckle. Kisuke smiled wryly. "Can you blame me…? I literally just woke up in a hospital bed with spotty memories only to be met with a game menu in front of my face and now im here…"

Kisuke rubbed the back of his head. "A lot's happened." The god chuckled, again- dragging it into a hum. "Well, worry not. I'm not here to inform you, but I am here to offer you a chance." Kisuke stared expectantly, not really understanding what he meant.

The God frowned, his head tilting further as he spoke up- "Are you not aware?"

"Aware of what?" Kisuke called back immediately, his heart thumping faster and faster. The God hummed, "How interesting… You died, son. Whatever memories you were supposedly remembering, those aren't yours." Kisuke frowned, a sense of fear grabbing hold of his chest.


"How strange… But it's no matter. You will remember over time as you get stronger." Kisuke was once again left with only more questions; 'He speaks just like those gods from fanfictions… All mysterious and cryptic.'

Withholding a frown, Kisuke rubbed his head.

"Okay… Well, do you mind if we talk about how I apparently died? When was this? Wouldn't I know if I suddenly died and then came back to life in a seemingly different body?" Kisuke' questions only earned him a slight nod and a smile from the God.

"As I said, your memories will come back as you get stronger. For now, you will be informed of the reason I brought you here today and how you will benefit." Kisuke growled under his breath but withheld his tongue otherwise.

Sighing, he nodded in confirmation. He was nonetheless curious about the strange system like notification that popped up in front of him, but since the guy in front of him was most likely responsible for it, he was expectant and anxious about what it was he just agreed to.

"As you have accepted my request, you will be bestowed the System of Ultipotence; A chunk of my power in the form of a… Quirk? As this world of yours labels it, and a new life. You will be made aware of your purpose in due time. Until then, enjoy your boons and live however you wish."

Kisuke wasn't even granted the courtesy to give his opinion before he was suddenly sent back to his reality. As his eyes broke out into a session of rapid-fire blinking, he felt his chest tighten as a new window popped up in his face.

But he was forced to ignore it as the door to his hospital room opened and a man with spectacles, a short stature, a bald head and a mustache that oddly resembled Doctor Egg-man.

"Ah~ Here we are… Mr. Ren Kisuke! What a miracle child you are!" He stated with a chuckle, sitting down on a chair and getting closer. Pulling out a clipboard as he did so.

Kisuke nodded blankly, his mind still stuck on his strange encounter. "So, how are you feeling? You seem to be alright so that's always a good sign." The doctor nodded sage-like, jotting down some stuff on his clip board as he did so.

The only thing Kisuke could do in response was chuckle wryly. "I feel… Good, I guess. My head still hurts- Not to mention…" His words trailed off as his hand ran along the heavily bandaged wound on his chest.

The doctor clicked his tongue, jotting down some more stuff before he spoke. "Yeah… What a disaster you went through. I bet you were frightened out of your mind seeing that Villainous bastard charge at you with a sword for a hand." The doctor shook his head, a deep frown on his face as he stood up.

"Good thing we have Heroes like All-Might, right?" Kisuke nodded, "Hey… What's your name?" He questioned, feeling like it was the right thing to do. The doctor paused and smiled.

"Dr. Tsubasa. Now, I'm sorry we must cut the conversation short. I am needed elsewhere. Another doctor will be in here shortly to conduct the rest of your tests before you can get out of here in a couple of weeks. Sit tight kiddo." Clicking his cheek, the doctor left the room humming a song.

Kisuke sighed, feeling a heavy amount of metaphysical weight weighing on his chest and mind as his gaze shifted back towards the system panel in front of him.


NAME: Kisuke Ren.

LEVEL: 1 (0.0%)

TITLE: Ultipotent Protege - 3x XP boost.

QUIRK: Unlimited Creation Workshop. (UCW)









DUNGEON - Travel to a spiritual dungeon where Kisuke and his chosen companions can effectively "Farm" monsters and gain levels. [Each dungeon gets harder the higher the level.]




His eyes glanced over his status over and over and over again, more specifically his quirk stat. "Unlimited Creation Workshop… What kind of shitty name is that?" He muttered, holding his chin.


QUIRK: Unlimited Creation Workshop – Create weapons out of your imagination and store them within your mindscape. Everything created will be safely stored and can be recalled with intent.

Recalled weapons do not require initial energy consumption to bring them out.


Smiling wryly, Kisuke felt a sense of excitement begin to build up within his chest and butterflies in his stomach. 'Holy shit…'

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