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Chapter 82: Reckless drive through London

Kicking the SUV into gear, Adam directed the car towards a more populated road.

The traffic was dense, vehicles honking and swerving as they noticed the armored SUV barreling towards them.

Yet, Adam remained calm.

His heightened dexterity and reflexes allowed him to weave through the traffic with an uncanny precision that belied the chaos surrounding him.

He remembered his father taking him go-karting, the wind whipping through his hair as he sped around the track, the exhilaration of outpacing the others.

He remembered family holidays in Dubai, where, under watchful eyes of dad and uncles, he'd learned to handle a full-sized vehicle.

But those memories were only a small part of the equation.

Most of what he relied on were his enhanced attributes, his unnatural strength and dexterity that allowed him to react faster and push the vehicle harder than any normal human could.

He took advantage of the heavy traffic, using the other cars as shields and obstacles to maintain a lead on the pursuing sedan.

His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he pushed the SUV to its limits.

The low whir of a helicopter echoed in the distance, gradually growing louder.

Sirens wailed, the distinct sound of police cars joining the cacophony.

Help was on the way, but Adam knew it was a race against time. He had to keep them safe, to keep them ahead of their pursuers, for as long as he could.

In the backseat, Annabelle kept a hand on Stella's pulse, her face pale but composed. The other hand held onto the handle above the door, her knuckles white with tension.

With the SUV barreling down the busy London streets, Adam kept his focus, his eyes darting between the road and the rear-view mirror.

The dark sedan was persistent, relentlessly pursuing them, weaving through traffic with a determined aggression that matched their own. Bullets whizzed past them, ricocheting off nearby cars, causing people to swerve and scatter in fear.

Adam gritted his teeth, feeling a rush of adrenaline. He veered the SUV to the left, narrowly avoiding an oncoming taxi, the shock on the driver's face evident as they sped past him.

Barely pausing, he swerved onto the pavement, causing pedestrians to dive out of the way. The SUV roared past shops and restaurants, tables and chairs scattering under its formidable bulk.

He heard the sharp gasps of shock from Annabelle and the security guard, but he didn't allow that to shake his focus. His gaze remained locked on the road ahead, each twist and turn offering a new challenge.

Yet, despite the craziness of his maneuver, the sedan remained in pursuit, its occupants seemingly undeterred by the risks. They maneuvered over the pavement just as he had, the screech of tires against concrete adding to the cacophony.

Adam felt a surge of irritation at their persistence. The sedan was like a bad itch that wouldn't go away. He leaned forward, straining against the tight confines of the driver's seat.

The awkward position was a strain on his legs, his knees almost bumping against the steering wheel. Yet, he forced himself to ignore the discomfort. His priority was evading their pursuers and keeping them safe.

He exploited every gap in traffic, accelerating when he could, braking and swerving to avoid collisions. His enhanced dexterity came into play, allowing him to steer with an accuracy that would be impossible for an ordinary human.

Yet, despite his best efforts, the sedan kept up. The ominous black vehicle was like a shadow, always looming in the rearview mirror.

Suddenly, an opportunity presented itself. Adam noticed a narrow alleyway up ahead. He made a quick decision and swerved the SUV towards it.

The sudden change in direction elicited a startled yelp from Annabelle. He heard her shift, probably hunching over Stella protectively. He didn't respond, his attention solely on the narrow gap he was aiming for.

With a deafening screech of metal against brick, the SUV forced its way into the alley. Adam felt the SUV shudder under the impact, but it didn't stop.

He gritted his teeth, pushing the accelerator down even further. The sedan, however, was not deterred. It followed them into the alley, its occupants still firing at them.

Adam swerved the SUV, dodging stacked boxes and dumpsters. He barely missed a hanging fire escape, the bottom rung scraping the roof of the SUV as they sped under it.

Despite the claustrophobic confines of the alleyway and his awkward position, Adam managed to navigate the chaos. His unyielding determination, coupled with his heightened abilities, made the impossible possible.

The chase was far from over, and the danger was ever-present. Yet, Adam was unfazed. He had a mission to complete, and nothing, not even a group of trigger-happy zealots, was going to stop him.

Adam deftly maneuvers the SUV back onto the main streets, his eyes darting between the rearview mirror and the road ahead. He can hear the wailing sirens growing louder, an ominous soundtrack to their pursuit.

Suddenly, he noticed the dark sedan veer off into a side alley, disappearing from sight.

Overhead, the chopping blades of a police helicopter cast an intimidating shadow on the asphalt below.

A voice amplified through a megaphone slices through the cacophony of sirens and city noise.

"Driver, bring your vehicle to a stop immediately," it commands.

'It's gone.' Adam scanned the mirror one last time and slowly eased his foot off the gas pedal, letting the SUV coast along the road until it came to a complete halt.

He took a deep breath, his grip on the steering wheel loosening. The imprint of his hands was the only thing left behind.

"Driver, exit the vehicle with your hands in the air," the voice from the helicopter instructed.

The SUV was surrounded on all sides by police cars. The officers stepped behind their cars, guns pointed towards the SUV.

The lights of the police cars danced like strobes in Adam's vision, painting the scene in harsh, glaring reds and blues.

The megaphone-amplified order to step out echoed in his ears once again.

"Step out of the vehicle!" Multiple officers bellowed at the same time.

Adam could feel the gazes of dozens of officers trained on him. It was an unfamiliar, disconcerting sensation - he was the one who hunted, not the one hunted.

Exiting the SUV, he raised his hands in surrender, aware of the onlookers snapping pictures, capturing this unusual spectacle. He was covered in blood and it was not his.

The spotlight of the helicopter was trained on him.

The cacophony of voices around him was drowned by the roar in his ears - his own fury echoing within his mind.

Anger bubbled within him, a caustic, corrosive substance that ate at his composure.

The audacity of the Children of the End to attack them in broad daylight, in the middle of London, was maddening.

And now, these police officers were treating him like a criminal. The urge to lash out, to take control, was tempting.

His gaze swept across the sea of officers, and for a moment, a deadly calm settled over him, a predator appraising his prey. They could feel his charisma.

Some of the officers visibly flinched, stepping back and exchanging worried glances. His silence was unnerving, his icy stare chilling.

For a brief moment, Adam considered it. But he quashed the urge.

Now was not the time. He was not his anger. He was more than that.

"Two people are injured in the SUV," Adam called out, his voice piercing the tense silence. Some officers exchanged glances, but none approached.

Unmoving, he repeated his plea, louder this time. "There are two injured people in the SUV! They need medical attention!"

Finally, a young officer cautiously approached, his hand gripping his gun tightly as he kept it trained on Adam.

Adam reigned in his charisma, the slight aura was visibly having an effect on the policemen.

"Please," Adam implored, looking directly into the young officer's eyes, "They need help." The ice in his eyes thawed, replaced by a desperate plea.

Recognizing the sincerity in his words, the officer motioned for the paramedics, who rushed forward, ready to attend to Stella and the security guard.

As they moved past him, Adam allowed himself to be handcuffed, choosing to place his trust in the paramedics. His job, for now, was done. They survived.

Paramedics quickly went to work on the injured occupants of the SUV, their movements swift and practiced, under the watchful eyes of the gathered police officers.

Two stretchers were soon brought to the scene, loaded with the unconscious form of Stella and the security guard. The guard was pale and sweating, a makeshift bandage around his arm stopping the flow of blood.

Adam watched silently as his best friend was taken away. He swallowed down the lump of worry that formed in his throat. He didn't want to think about the possibility of Stella's injuries worsening.

He cast a glance at the security guard being loaded into the ambulance. The man had been loyal and brave, going above and beyond the call of duty.

He had earned Adam's respect, and he knew he had to find a way to express his gratitude, assuming the man survived.

As the doors of the ambulance were shut, Adam was pulled out of his thoughts by Annabelle's loud protests.

She was arguing vehemently with the officers, her hands cuffed, and her face flushed with anger.

"My daughter needs me! Let me go!" she yelled, her eyes darting between Stella's retreating form and Adam's calm one.

Catching his eye, she called out to him. "Adam, ask for a lawyer! Don't say anything. Wait for your parents!"

Her warning was cut short as she was led to a waiting police car. As the door was closed on her, she screamed her frustration, promising the officers a legal hell for not allowing her to accompany Stella.

Meanwhile, Adam remained quiet, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and concerns. The crowd had thickened. People were taking pictures, recording the scene on their phones.

One of the officers tried to shoo them away, reminding them about his minor status and the sensitivity of the crime scene, but his words fell on deaf ears.

A paramedic was quickly at Adam's side, checking him over. She assured the police officers that Adam was not injured, just a few scrapes and none of the blood was his.

Adam didn't resist as he was gently pushed into the back seat of the police car, his hands secured with handcuffs.

He could break free if he wanted to, but he chose not to. He allowed himself a wry smile. It was good to know he had that option, however futile it would be in the long run.

As the car started moving, the chaos of the scene slowly receded, replaced by the quiet hum of the engine. He leaned back in his seat, his mind racing even as he remained outwardly calm.

He was already lost in his thoughts, making plans, plotting revenge. The Children of the End had made a huge mistake today. They'd gone too far.

A slow smile spread across Adam's face, cold and calculated. They had awakened a force they couldn't comprehend. They had no idea what was coming for them. No idea at all.

The journey was short and before he knew it, he was being led into a nondescript interrogation room within the police station.

The cold steel of the chair against his back, and the silent, accusing stare of the one-way mirror.

The door to the interrogation room creaked open, and a stern-looking officer strode in, a file clutched in his hand.

He had a seasoned look about him, the lines on his face a testament to his years of service. His eyes were sharp and analytical as they settled on Adam.

"Adam," he began, his tone firm but not unkind.

He pulled out the chair on the opposite side of the table and sat down, arranging the file in front of him. "I'm Detective Inspector Hawkins. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you."

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