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Chapter 61: Rescue Tights

Goku was hanging out with the Girls in the beach. The kids were also playing in the sand. At this time, Bulma received a call from Dr.Brief. He told Bulma that Tights was in trouble and to contact Jaco for details. She hurriedly conveyed the information to Goku and they all went back to the mansion. At the mansion, Bulma and Goku contacted Jaco and Jaco explained everything that happened to them. Goku was shocked and surprised that Vegeta was involved. He had totally forgotten about him.

Goku then promised Bulma that he would rescue tights at any cost and instant transmissioned searching Vegeta's ki as that was the only ki signature he was familiar with in the group. Vegeta, Jaco and Tarble were sitting in the hideout waiting for help as that was the only thing they could do. Soon Goku appeared in front of them from thin air that startled all of them. Goku then berated Jaco failing to protect Tights. Jaco blamed it all on Vegeta saying that Vegeta hijacked them to come here.

Tarble saw Goku and his eyes fell on his tail he asked "Ah! Are you also a saiyan?" Goku nodded "Yes I'm a saiyan." Tarble then introduced himself "I'm also a saiyan. My name is Tarble. I'm Vegeta's brother." Goku replied "Nice to meet you Tarble. You can call me Goku. So these Frieza's minions are troubling you right? I'll take care of them and you are welcome to come back with me to earth. That's the planet we live in now." Tarble hearing Goku telling thim that he will take care of Abo & Kado hurriedly interjected "Those guys are strong. Even my brother didn't stand a chance against them. We have to work together to defeat them."

Goku just smiled "No need to worry. I can feel their power. Somewhere around captain Ginyu's level. A 100,000 each That's no trouble at all." Vegeta who was sitting still all this time asked "Kakarot, is it true that you killed Frieza?" Goku nodded "Actually it was not me. My son Trunks killed him. He said that fighting Frieza was fun, but he was too weak." Vegeta gritted his teeth and spoke "Then what I saw was true. Your son is a super saiyan." Goku nodded "Actually my children were born with high power level and they could transform into super saiyan on their own. Me and my wife Mint struggled a lot to achieve that."

Tarble was just listening in on the conversation and didn't know what they were talking about. So he asked "Brother, what do you mean by Super saiyan?" Vegeta snorted "Humph! This guy here is a super saiyan." Tarble was shocked hearing this. He too like Vegeta had thought that the Super saiyan was just a legend. He then hurriedly clicked on his scouter to check Goku's power level. The scouter beeped and showed the reading of 500. He then asked "Isn't it too low power to be a super saiyan? It's even too low for a weak saiyan."

Goku smiled hearing this "You cannot always believe that thing. The scouter just shows numerical value of powers for reference and can be overridden." Goku then slowly increased his power to 20,000 and said "There you see" Tarble understanding what Goku meant nodded. He then said "Then we must leave and rescue brother's wife". Hearing this, Goku choked "What did you say? Wife?" Tarble nodded. Vegeta grumpily said "That woman is not my wife...Hmph!" Tarble smiled. Goku just shook his head.

Goku then saw a book near Vegeta and hurriedly picked it up. Vegeta seeing this, hurried to snatch it back, but he failed as Goku was too fast for him. He then yelled "Give back Kakarot." Goku hurriedly read the cover and it said "Handsome alien prince."

Goku knew that it was a book written by Tights on Vegeta. He hurriedly stored it in a capsule and said "Now let's go and Rescue Vegeta's wife" and he smirked at Vegeta. All of them then headed off to the direction of Abo and Kado. Jaco said that he will be staying behind, but Goku used his telekeniy Ki to restrain him and made him float with them.

After a few minutes of flight, they arrived at the place Abo and Kado were. Tarble was smart. So he had destroyed their scouter the first time they fought to escape. Abo & Kado seeing the people arrive checked them out. Their eyes fell on Goku's tail and Abo said "Oh, we have found ourselves another saiyan brother". Kado said "It seems so". They both then laughed. Goku asked "Where is the girl?" Abo and Kado laughed "The girl is safe. Now surrender yourselves". Goku then didn't want to waste time with these stupid aliens. He started sensing the place and found another weak presence nearby.

As this was a deserted place, he knew that the presence he felt was tights. He was glad that she was alive, but not that much worried. He could always use the Dragonballs. Goku then said "Found her" and disappeared. He appeared again in just a second holding the unconscious tights. Abo and Kado shouted "How did you do it?" Goku didn't like the aliens who kidnapped weak people and used blackmail to force others. Even if they were fools, Goku wouldn't forgive them. So he lifted a finger and both of them raised up and got blasted into pieces.

Goku then said "There it's done" but was only met with the shocked faces of Tarble and Jaco. Vegeta was clenching his fist gritting his teeth annoyed that the low class saiyan killed the enemy who he could not even put up a good fight against with just one finger. Veins were popping out on his head because he felt his pride get even lower as he had to ask for help from someone he thought was beneath him. Tarble then thanked Goku. At this time, Tights also woke up.

"Ah! What happened? Who are you?" She asked seeing Goku. Goku smiled at her and said "I'm Goku. Bulma is my wife." Tights got surprised "Ah! Bulma got married?" Goku scratched his head "We also have a 5 year old son." Tights hearing this said "Take me to her". Goku nodded and looked at the rest "Are any of you coming with us?" Tarble nodded "I'll take you up on your offer Goku" he said Jaco said "I need to go back to the headquarters". Goku then waited for Vegeta to say something, but he heard tights speak. "Come on. Let's go Vegeta. We will go to my sister first and to my house. I have a lot of things to show you".

And then she held his hand and started pulling him. She then asked Goku "Where is your spaceship?" Goku just replied "Hold on." He then put his hands on the shoulders of Tarble and Tights and teleported to Bulma.

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