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Chapter 2: CHAPTER - 2 - NOT ALONE

Disclaimer: High School DxD, Naruto, etc is owned by its respective companies. I do not own anything except my OCs

Chapter 2

"First things first, time to gather chakra" as he sat on the porch cross legged and opened the Ninjutsu System.

Chakra is formed from two types of energy and is the source of all a ninja's power:

1) Physical energy which exists in all the cells in the entire body all working together.

2) Spiritual energy, the primal source of power which is intensified through training and experience

Both of these energies have to be drawn out and brought together in order to perform jutsu, then finally with hand signs help focus and unleash the jutsu.

"Sakura really did a great job explaining the basics, made it easier on everyone in my opinion" praised Haru.

Though a ninja will have a "maximum" amount of chakra that they can form and use before it runs out and need to rest for a while to replenish it. Though with practice this maximum amount can be increased, but only to a certain point as they're limited by their genetics.

"Though with the Naruto system that isn't an issue and combined with the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha Clan, it'll be interesting to see" as he soon found the chakra cultivating methods and started cultivating.

After 30 minutes he could already feel the energy from all around his body start to gather and could feel chakra starting to form in the center of his body.

After 4 hours he could even feel his Chakra Network, though obviously he wasn't able to see the Chakra Points with his Sharingan, as the Hyuga Clan were the only ones able to see them, but it was still good to know.

As he sensed it he stopped cultivating for a moment and couldn't help but be puzzled.

"System, why do I already have a Chakra Network?" as he wondered how that could be possible. He wasn't born in the world of Naruto so that should be impossible, fortunately the system gave a reasonable answer

[In order for Host to be able to cultivate chakra, when the 'Naruto System' bonded to you it created the Chakra Network automatically] replied the system.

"That makes sense, otherwise what would have been the point, I wouldn't be able to use ninjutsu or genjutsu, or taijutsu if that were the case"

"That also explains the terrible pains that coursed through my body not too long ago"

After that he went straight back to cultivating for another two hours before hearing a rumbling sound from his stomach.

As he patted his stomach, he recalled that chakra consumes large amounts of energy, so it equally demanded large amounts of food.

Luckily this forest was abundant with berries and wildlife, so he gathered plenty of them but also went to hunt a few rabbits, which gave him the perfect chance to practice his kunai throwing. With the help of the Sharingan he was able to anticipate where the rabbit would go and threw it.

Of course he failed quite a bit as he had to get used to both throwing and the Sharingan's enhanced perception threw off his timing. So it wasn't until nightfall that he was finally able to catch one, though he'll rapidly improve with time.


[Congratulations to host for killing your first beast, Wild Rabbit]

[You earned 10 system points]

After opening the System he saw his system points had increased to 560, he had spent about 38 points on food pills and a lighter, so this wasn't bad, just like in a game, hunt and earn points, it's as simple as that.

He took the rabbit to the lake he started to slowly peel off its skin, though this would have been quite difficult but due to having chakra it was of little issue to him. As he took them back to the cabin he light the stove and soon began cooking it, luckily it was an old school iron stove, he simply tossed in a few branches, lit a leaf, and soon it caught fire and soon started cooking.

It seemed whoever owned this place had at least left behind their kitchenware, so it was easy for Haru to cook the meat.

After finishing the rabbit he ate the berries next and along with a food pill Haru felt quite full.

"That was delicious, so long as I eat enough along with the food pills I should be alright, next thing is to check what's my chakra attribute" as he looked inside the Stores System, the chakra testing paper was worth 10 system points like he read before.

He also looked up the Sword of Kusanagi or otherwise known as the Grass-Mowing Sword wielded by Sasuke Uchiha and found out it was worth 7,000 system points. It was expensive but in due time he would be able to get it, it's better to have a decent weapon first before upgrading to the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Haru quickly pulled those thoughts out of his head for now since that wouldn't be until far off into the future, he then exchanged for one sheet of the chakra testing paper.

As he held it in his hands it looked like an ordinary piece of paper.

But Haru knows there's more to it than meets the eye, chakra natures are divided into Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water forming into a circular diagram. If you go clockwise (right) you can see what each element is strong against. For example, Fire beats Wind, Wind beats Lightning, Lightning beats Earth, Earth beats Water, and Water beats Fire. If you go counter clockwise (left) you can see which element is weak to, pretty simple.

With the chakra testing paper if your element is Fire the paper will burn, with Wind it tears in two, the paper wrinkles if it's Lightning, if it's Earth it disintegrates, and finally the paper becomes wet if it's Water. If you have more than one element than a part of the paper will follow along that corresponding element.

Haru closed his eyes and tried to focus is chakra into the paper, first the paper burned, then wrinkled, and finally split into two.

"This is great, Fire, Wind, and Lightning, my body was designed for battle" yelled Haru in joy, as he's able to use three chakra natures. Chidori, Rasenshuriken, Majestic Destroyer Flame, these were all jutsus that Haru hoped to be able to use in this new world.

So after finding out he would be able to use his favorite jutsu in this new world, he was able to continue training in joy.

Next Day

As the sun fell rose up through the cracks in the cabin's window, Haru got out of the futon he had exchanged from the system, it was a little pricey at 300 system points but he wasn't going to sleep on the cold floor, not even if his life was at stake.

He had increased his chakra to three times what it was yesterday, but would probably take him at least half a year to reach Genin level.

Most likely thanks to his Uchiha blood that he's able to progress this quickly.

After washing his face and hunting for wildlife he began his usual training and later at night he began his next step of training, hand seals.

Haru knows that he could learn ninjutsu but without mastering how to form hand seals quickly in the middle of battle will eventually get him killed.

So he would practice ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu during the day and hand seals at night, that was Haru's plan at least for the time being.

The hand seals were as follows: Dragon, Ox, Boar, Hare, Monkey, Serpent, Ram, Horse, Dog, Tiger, Bird, and Rat.

It had already been for 4 hours but was still having trouble, he didn't want to use the Sharingan and become too reliable on it to solve his every problem. So even though this took more time he would be able to do it anytime,anywhere.

This would become an invaluable skill in the long run and would most likely save his life one day.

Later on he checked the Doujutsu system and checked the requirement for two tomoe Sharingan and it required 1000 system points to upgrade it.

"Though if I'm right then three tomoe will require 3,000 thousand and the Mangekyo Sharingan will require 10,000 system points." though this was merely Haru's guess considering the info from the Web novel was accurate so far, but he didn't put too much hope in them being exactly the same.

As he looked out and gazed at the full moon Haru felt happy. Happy because he would be able to become a ninja like he always wanted, since he was an otaku he had read several novels and anime's of all different types but Naruto was his all time favorite.

As a fan how could he not be excited at the chance to form his own Rasengan or Chidori, appear and disappear like the wind, walk on water and possibly fly through the sky.

Eventually he'll find his way back to his family, no matter how long it takes, he knew Ren Tianyou, the main character in the web novel had accomplished it, though granted he might not use the exact method he used but as they say, where there's a will there's a way.

Three Months Later


In front of the cabin a second figure appeared that looked just like Haru from a puff of white smoke. Though it looked a bit illusory, like it could suddenly disappear at any time.

Three months had passed in his chakra training and was currently at the level of an Academy student, he had also made great progress in forming hand seals, he could now form 2 hand seals in a second, being capable of performing the simple E and D-rank ninjutsu such as the Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Teleportation Jutsu, and Substitution Ninjutsu.

Now that his strength has increased to the next level , he'll try to practice some of the C-rank Ninjutsu for the first time.

He decided on practicing Flame Bullet first because of two reasons: First, is because it was the weakest of the Fire Style Ninjutsu to use and learn. Second reason is because he's more proficient with Fire Style thanks to his Uchiha blood compared to lighting and wind, so he put those two on hold for now until he can master Fire Style.


"Fire Style—-Flame Bullet Jutsu!"

As he finished, he tried to spit out a small ball of fire, but instead all he got was a puff of smoke. As he coughed it out violently he quickly reached out for his bottle and drank several large gulps of water.

After putting back the bottle down he wiped his mouth "looks like this will take a while, not that it matters since I've got all day, let's go again" as he finished he began performing the same hand seals.

He spent most of the day practicing the Flame Bullet Jutsu, by the time the sun set he already mastered it, the following morning he practiced the Fireball Jutsu, that took him two weeks to master even with the Sharingan, but he also realized that he should focus more on his taijutsu to increase his physical strength, which would probably help him train for much longer.

Soon another two months past and he was able to use the several C-rank ninjutsu. though he soon became low on system points, with just 110 left most of them had been spent on food pills fro his hunting of rabbits and fish from the river.

The reason is because he needed them for sustenance in the middle of nowhere. Now that he had sufficient strength he wanted to try out the Hunter System and earn more points.

"System, how do I use this Hunter System?" Haru asked, as nearly half a year ago he felt that he wasn't ready to test his luck yet, but now he was at the level of Genin, he believed that he was confident enough to try it.

[Host merely needs to either request or simply think to begin, then host will be taken to a space filled with beasts to train. There are lower and higher level areas and it is the host's choice on what difficulty the area he wishes to train in]

[However,] as Haru heard the system's voice he knitted his brows and continued to listen.

[The area environment and what types of beasts the host will encounter is decided completely at random,but will also provide host with plenty of opportunities to earn system points]

"I see, that means that it may be a desert, an ocean, jungle, or something completely unexpected depending on my luck" as Haru listened to the system's explanation he his hand under his chin and nodded his head in response.

[Affirmative, host]

"Well at least I'll be able to assimilate and fight in different environments, this could really help speed up my training... or probably just get me killed."

The lower rank areas could be similar to grinding levels for experience, or system points in his case, but he'll probably have to kill a lot to get a lot to be able to get anywhere, so he'd better play it safe for now

He didn't even want to imagine entering those higher level areas.

[Also host, in these areas the beasts are one rank higher than the area they occupy, so a D-rank area contains C-rank level beasts, should host defeat them you will earn more system points due to the increased difficulty, allowing you to improve much more quickly, also host will be able to leave the area at anytime, but only by using half the host's current system points]

"HALF? Did it just say HALF? Damn it, this system is ruthless" as he complained over such an outrageous price to be paid.

Is the system trying to bleed Haru dry?

Imagine having over a billion system points and were in a high level area, you wanted to retreat but half to give up over 500 million system points.


Not even Ren Tianyou would be able to accept that, and probably anyone else for that manner, though for Haru that will be only as a last resort, he couldn't defeat a beast that was too strong for him he may have to just swallow his pride and do it.

But just imagine all the effort put into earning that amount only for it to vanish in an instant.

Anyone's heart would probably be crushed, this is more like the Mission System penalties for failure.

"I guess this means I can't afford to be careless, but at the same time I'm glad"

After Haru heard the system's explanation, Haru felt at least a little bit relieved, in exchange he would be able to earn more system points from the lower rank areas and even more in the higher rank areas, allowing him to quickly increase his strength in a short amount of time, as well as getting the all important system points.

"All right then, system, start with the lowest ranked area" as he announced his request

[Yes Host, please wait a minute while the transfer is in progress]

As he heard the system finish, under his feet he sees what appears to be a space-time jutsu formula begin to be carved out on the ground, though Haru can't understand it now, he might be able to if he had Obito Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan, though that would have to wait until later.

As the system said, after a minute the formula was completed and started to glow.

A few seconds later he vanished from that spot.

Unknown to Haru, a man was watching him about a mile away from the cabin.

He appeared to be in his late twenties, he was wearing a traditional Shinsengumi uniform, complete a haori and hakama over a kimono.

"I came here because someone decided to barge in to my home. I never expected it to be a human though, and such an interesting one at that" he said with an air of aloofness.

Though contrary to his words his voice it didn't sound like he cared though that Haru was using his place with such a carefree attitude.

"It doesn't seem like he has any idea where he's at, but it does seem like he intends to get stronger, at least enough to defend himself. Well. not that it worries me in the slightest, judging from everything I've seen about him it doesn't appear that has a connection to any faction. So what's the harm? I'll let him stay here for the time being, and maybe mention him to Sirzechs if I feel like it"

As he watched Haru disappear with that unknown formula "However, should the the day come that you wind up becoming our enemy, Iwill personally cut you down, as the responsibility is mine alone" as he said with a sharp and serious tone before walking away.

If Haru had seen that man he would have recognized him immediately, as well as the world he's ended up in.








Souji Okita

Sirzech Lucifer's Knight

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