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Chapter 2: chapter 1 : The not so hidden training

The forest stood as a realm of whispered secrets, where young Akira's destiny unfolded amidst the rustling leaves and dappled sunlight. It was a place where the presence of legendary characters, Sasuke and Obito, seemed to intertwine with his very essence, guiding his steps, infusing his movements with echoes of their struggles and triumphs. Akira's journey was an homage to their indomitable spirits, a tribute to the impact they had etched upon his soul.

Akira's thoughts race as he recalls his training days with the commission, and he can't resist a bit of playful teasing:

*Akira thinks:* 'Man, those days were intense, and Hawks... well, I guess he's still trying to catch up!

Inner Akira, curious: "Really? Did you ever beat them?"

*Akira smirks behind his mask, thinking:* 'Oh, I had my moments, but Hawks, he's a different story.'

Inner Akira , amazed: "Hawks? Seriously? He's like a top pro hero now!"

*Akira's inner thoughts:* 'Yep, he made quite the name for himself, and I may have given him a run for his feathers, but he's come a long way.'

Inner Akira: "Who was that you ask?"

*Akira's grin widens behind the mask:* 'I'll just let them wonder.'

Akira: "Well, sort of. I learned a lot from those battles, and I've improved since then. But you know what? Hawks recognized my potential, and he's been kind of a mentor ever since."

*Akira's thoughts drift to Hawks:* 'He's not just a mentor, he's someone who appreciates my uniqueness, even if he's not quite at my level.'

The commission's viewpoint is showcased through the displays, showing a mix of awe, respect, and perhaps a bit of caution. They recognize Akira as a force to be reckoned with, a valuable asset, and a bit of a wild card.

Madam President viewpoint on Akira's quirk was a mix of fascination and caution. She recognized the immense potential of his Chakra-based abilities, especially the fact that he can create clones of himself and transform into others. She could see how these capabilities could be a game-changer in battles against strong villains, providing a unique advantage and a level of versatility that's hard to match.

However, She also understand the potential risks. The ability to create clones and transform into anyone could be misused in various ways, potentially creating chaos or allowing Akira to gather sensitive information if he ever turned rogue. This possibility, however unlikely it may seem considering his personality, is something the commission needs to be mindful of, given the responsibility they bear for maintaining peace and order.

Seeing Akira's strong connection with Hawks, they see the potential for a powerful duo. As a sidekick to Hawks, Akira could provide a perfect combination of strategic reconnaissance and direct combat abilities, making them a formidable team. His loyalty and commitment to justice, mirroring the iconic "Tobi" persona, make him a valuable asset in the fight against powerful villains.

The commission's plan is to keep a close eye on Akira, mentor him through his time at UA, and gradually integrate him into a partnership with Hawks once he obtains his hero license. They believe that with the right guidance and support, he can become an invaluable asset in the ongoing battle to protect society from the threats of the villain world.

His quirk, aptly named "Chakra," resonated with the raw power of the elements, an inheritance that mirrored the lineage of the Uchiha, a legacy that carried both reverence and the weight of responsibility. The ability to summon creatures of earth, fire, water, and lightning was his birthright, a birthright that painted his every gesture with the hues of untamed elemental might.

The enigmatic orange spiral mask adorned his face, serving as a symbol of homage to his beloved series, yet also shrouding his true identity. To those who inquired about it, he would merely offer his cryptic response: "My face shall be unveiled when the cosmic dance deems it so." The mask was more than just fabric; it bore the weight of Obito's past, a silent reminder of sacrifices made for the sake of a greater good, a mantle he was now resolute in bearing.

Amidst the shadows and murmurs of the forest, Akira's training became a spectacle of elemental mastery. Flames erupted at his command, illuminating the night sky with their fierce brilliance. Water and lightning dragons, crackling with electric life, weaved intricate patterns through the air, a dance of raw power that commanded attention and respect.

But the most profound manifestation of his quirk was the summoning of earth dragons, colossal beings that emerged from the very ground, reshaping the terrain around him. These guardians of rock and soil stood as a testament to his growth, a living embodiment of his connection to the elements. Each summoning was a display of power and a mark of his responsibility to protect the world from the ever-present dangers that threatened to engulf it.

As Akira's powers expanded, so did the gravity of his responsibility. He grappled with the delicate balance he must maintain, the fine line between heroism and the seductive allure of darker paths. This internal struggle was a testament to the legacy of Sasuke and Obito, a reminder that he must weave his destiny, finding his unique path amid the complex and unpredictable world of heroes and quirks.

The masked warrior's commitment to protecting those around him was unwavering. He understood that the world teemed with dangers, and it was his duty to stand as a bulwark against them. Each day brought new challenges, each night allowed him to reflect on the echoes of Obito's past that resonated within him. He knew that he held the power to shape the world, yet the weight of this responsibility was ever-present, a reminder that he could not afford to falter.

The forest became his sanctuary, a realm where he communed with the spirits of his favorite characters, drawing inspiration from their trials. The orange spiral mask was a constant reminder of his identity and the mysteries that enshrouded it. It was his symbol, a beacon of concealed potential, a mask that he wore both literally and metaphorically, signifying his readiness to embrace the role fate had in store for him.

But there was more to his power than met the eye. Deep within, Akira harbored a resolve to remain a force of the shadows, to reveal his full strength only when deemed necessary. He had witnessed the impact of his cherished characters' decisions, the shadows they had embraced for the sake of the greater good. It was a path he was determined to follow, to become a guardian of the night, to be a force that operated behind the scenes, vigilant and ready to emerge when the world needed him the most.

Each day he spent training, each burst of elemental might, brought him closer to that moment when he would reveal the true extent of his abilities, a moment that would undoubtedly change the course of "My Hero Academia." He felt the weight of destiny on his shoulders, the echoes of Obito's past, and the legacy of his beloved characters urging him forward. With every breath, he inhaled the determination to emerge as a beacon of hope, a masked hero who would rise when the world faced its darkest hour.

The Commission, a cryptic force woven into the very fabric of the hero world, recognized Akira's potential, but even they couldn't comprehend the vastness of his extraordinary quirk. It was a power that defied easy categorization, a power that surpassed the limits of their understanding. Yet, amidst this enigma, there was one who believed in the full scope of Akira's abilities—Nezu, the wise and perceptive principal of UA High School.

Within the Commission's enigmatic confines, Akira found himself thrust into a world of shadowy operations, whispered conversations, and the forging of heroes. The halls of this clandestine organization were shrouded in mystery, and every step he took within those walls felt like a step into the unknown, a journey that would irrevocably shape his destiny.

He was surrounded by extraordinary individuals, each bearing their unique quirks, each driven by a shared mission to protect and serve, a mission that resonated with the very core of his being. Akira understood the significance of this calling, and he felt a kinship with these heroes-in-the-making, united by their desire to safeguard a world teetering on the edge of chaos.

It was within the Commission's secretive sanctums that Akira's quirk revealed its most astonishing facets. He delved deeper into the depths of his powers, unlocking the ability to summon an indestructible armor that took the form of a colossal samurai, a guardian named Susano. This towering entity stood as a formidable guardian, a stalwart defender against all threats, its presence inspiring hope and courage in the hearts of those it shielded.

But even more astonishing were his eyes, the sharingan and the rinnegan. His sharingan, a trio of eyes representing different stages, allowed him to perceive the world in ways others couldn't comprehend. It granted him the ability to predict movements, to pierce through illusions, to uncover truths hidden beneath layers of deception. It was a power that brought both clarity and solitude, for he could see through masks and pretenses, making him an observer in a world dominated by veiled intentions.

The rinnegan, a mark of divine power, was a symbol of the extraordinary. It granted him the ability to control the very fabric of reality, he could attract and repel and also provide shield from physical attacks and such . There were more like the catastrophic planetary... u get it right !

Bedant_Chhetri Bedant_Chhetri

This is my first story , it is the result of me reading too many fanfics that I wanted to make one so here it is.

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