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Chapter 2: chapter 2 All Might and Dealing with Idiots

It was early morning. I was walking alongside my brother to meet with All Might. As I was walking, I wasn't saying anything, just enjoying my brother's company. Neither of us had many friends, but we made do with one another's company. I honestly enjoyed listening to my brother's mutter speech and rants when he got too excited and began thinking about heroes or any subject to be honest. It's an acquired skill since in the beginning it used to be quite annoying.

As we walked on the beach I came to face to face with the real form of All Might. Truthfully, my brother's words didn't quite manage to describe him good enough. If someone can do this much damage to the Symbol of Peace then it's a grave problem, one I have the unfortunate feeling my brother would end up inheriting.

"All Might!" called out Izuku with a grin, waving his hand in a greeting

The hero returned his greeting, not taking his eyes off me for a second. I looked at him and I saw a flash of recognition and what appeared to be relief on his face. Strange. He must have watched a video of me from the entrance exam.

"Young Midorya, I don't remember inviting anyone else today" said All Might

Izuku blushed and looked away

"I'm sorry, All Might" said Izuku

"No worries, now what's your name young one?" he asked

I raised an eyebrow at his frankly pathetic acting skills. If he wanted to pretend he didn't know me, or at least of me then he should learn to mask his micro expressions better. Also, is he seriously not scolding Izuku for sharing his secret with me? Though then again, he may have understood that it was inevitable for it to happen from yesterday's discussion with Izuku.

My Sharingan flashed, displaying all three tomoe proudly as they spun around my pupil. I observed his body and I was quite surprised he was still walking with that kind of damage, let alone doing hero work. I turned off my eyes and gave a slight smile.

"I'm Madara Midorya, but you already know that didn't you Toshinori-san" I said

He seemed surprised but quickly deduced how I could have figured that out and smiled as well. I turned to my brother

"Izuku, why don't you go and warm yourself up for training" I said

"Ok" said Izuku and went off to the parking lot to begin his warmup. He was shaping up to be such an obedient little brother. I dread the day he discovered his rebellious side.

"Young Midorya, I- "began All Might before I interrupted him

"Please call me Madara and before you say anything else" I bowed before him "I want to thank you"

"What for?" asked All Might genuinely surprised

I looked at him

"When I finished the UA exam and I heard what happened all I could think of was how devastated Izuku must have been, being utterly helpless in that situation. I saw from the footage that he wasn't injured, but still, he rushed into a situation trying to save someone's life, trying to be a hero. I rushed home as fast as I could and the first thing I see when I walk into the house is my brother, smiling" I could feel my eyes growing moist, god dam these genes what is with me

All Might was looking away from me

"Thank you, for saving my brother's smile and giving him the hope that his dream can come true. For this I will be forever in your debt. Anything you ask, if it is within my power, I will see that it is done" I finished

All Might was still looking away with his fists clenched. I straightened up confused

"I cannot accept your debt" said All Might lowly

I was surprised, what was he talking about

"I doubt your brother has told you about this, but when we first met after I had saved him for the first time from that sludge villain, he ended up stuck to my pant leg. I was running out of time and he saw my true form. When he asked if he could become a hero without a quirk, I told him that he cannot and that he should look for another dream" said All Might with clear shame written on his face. I remained impassive. So even All Might himself is not immune to the growing anti-quirkless sentiment of society.

"I was there, when the villain captured young Bakugou, standing in the crowd waiting for a real hero to arrive. It was your brother's reckless actions during that day, his body moving on its own, that rekindled that dying spark in my soul and reminded me that a hero should always try to save people, no matter what. It was that action that made me take him on as my successor" said All Might "I am unworthy of your thanks, let alone your debt"

I was honestly at a loss for words, but I knew what I needed to say

"All Might" I called his attention

He lifted his gaunt eyes and I smiled at him

"We all make mistakes, after all we are only human. I understand where you are coming from, but you recognized your mistake and fixed it. You gave my brother hope. For that at least you have my thanks" I said as I held out my hand

All Might seemed so surprised and more than a little relieved. He rasped my outstretched hand and shook

"I leave my brother in your care, All Might" I said

"You will not regret it, young Madara" replied All Might

-one weeks later-

The letter from UA arrived and I was admitted with a most impressive score of 358 villain points and 65 rescue points, the highest score in UA history. Izuku was ecstatic, but I could see a somewhat pinched expression on All Might's face when I told him. Apparently, he held the previous record and I just shattered it so hard it wasn't even funny anymore.

I sometimes came to watch Izuku's training even if I wasn't slaking on my own. These next few weeks before the start of school would be put to god use, especially now that I have recreated one of the most OP HAX jutsu of all time: Shadow Clones. True, I could only produce three and that ate up most of my chakra reserves, but man oh man was it worth it. I had 5 weeks until school stared and by the time my first class began, I already had water release almost fully mastered. What at one time would have taken me four months or more, as was the case with fire release, I could do in a month. I hadn't yet had the time to create any water jutsu, but that was surprisingly quite easy after the first few I created. Once I know how the elemental chakra felt and how it reacted to the various hand seals, it was only a matter of finding the right combination to achieve the desired result with minimal wastage of chakra.

I walked into my class 1-A and as I saw the mayhem that was unfolding before me, I began to wonder if I made a mistake.

The acceptance letter said that I was in class 1-A under Aizawa Shota aka Eraser Head. I find it difficult to imagine the man being patient enough to deal with this rowdy bunch.

"Oy, you get in your seat. You're stealing my spotlight" yelled out a guy from behind me

I moved simply because I was too stunned by his arrogance to be able to come up with a reply that wouldn't have him blowing up at me

"Stunned into silence my presence, I see. Well no matter I am sure I could always find a spot at my agency for a sidekick like yourself" said the guy

The fuck?

Just then from the corner of my eye I saw what appeared to be a human caterpillar with Aizawa's face?

The actual fuck?

The man gave me a tired smile as if he could somehow understand my pain. I doubt it. The jackass was probably cracking himself up on the inside with laughter.

How the hell did a class like this get into UA? How?

It took the class ten minutes to notice the yellow human caterpillar at our door and quiet down.

"Good morning, I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Put on these uniforms and meet me outside" said Aizawa

"Outside! But, sensei, staying in the sun without preparing my hair first could ruin it. Aren't we supposed to be having orientation today?" asked one of the girls

Are you kidding me? What is this, an acting school?

"Yeah, teach what's the big deal" said another student, and oh look, stereotypical macho bully. How lovely

"Ok then. You two are expelled" said Aizawa in a calm voice

"WHAT!" screamed the whole class minus me

"You can't do that!" said the girl

"Yes, I can. UA is different from other schools. You have a problem; you take it up with the principal" said Aizawa in a bored tone

"I will" said the girl as she took her purse and left through the door followed by the guy that got expelled

Jesus F-ing Christ is this a dream? How the fuck did guys like these ever get past the entrance exam

"The rest of you meet me outside for your quirk apprehension test" said Aizawa

Before anyone could say a thing, I was out of my seat and vanished in a body flicker to the locker room. One minute later I flickered back into reality near Aizawa in the training ground.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask

Aizawa gives me a bored look before schooling his face into something more serious

"I need to know if they have potential to be a hero. It took them 10 minutes to notice me outside the door, you noticed me almost instantly. If I had been a villain, they would be dead" said Aizawa

I grunted and nodded. I got where Aizawa was coming from. Being a pro hero was dangerous and the least he could do was to deny the honestly incompetent a free suicide attempt and ruining the school's image with their deaths.

After 10 minutes I was starting to get annoyed, and I wasn't the only one. If Aizawa had the Mangekyou there would be no more door to the locker rooms. I spread out my senses and I felt my entire class still in the locker room with no one waiting near the exit.

"Oh, come on!" I said, not really realizing it

"What" said Aizawa turning his glare onto me

"One of my abilities is that I can sense the location of people within a 1-kilometer radius if I really concentrate. I can also recognize people that I have met before and spent a bit of time in their presence" I explained

"And" said Aizawa looking intrigued and a little annoyed

I sighed and facepalmed "My classmates, they're still in the locker room and some are even going to and from the locker room and the classroom"

Aizawa's face tightened

"Well, then let's begin the quirk test. The person who doesn't meet my expectations will be expelled" said Aizawa

"Uh, sensei, shouldn't we still wait for them" I asked somewhat unsure

"We waited enough" was the prompt reply

It took me 15 minutes to get through all the tests. Aizawa just wrote down the results and called it a day. I was the only one who took the test.

I went home that day feeling more than a little awkward.

The next morning's headline was the mass expulsion of 19 students from class 1-A and my existence as the sole student that got to be mentored by all the pros.

How lovely.

A/N: It's stated in cannon that Aizawa expelled his entire previous year class and I want to keep the original plot as close to intact as possible, even if the spotlight will be more on Madara than anything else. Also, I know what you're going to say. UA will never allow its students to be spoiled little brats and you would be correct but that implies that the brats in question aren't already spoiled rotten. It's quite possible that these kids had amazing quirks that allowed them to deal with the robots easily. If they were flashy then I can honestly see them acting like Bakugou, but in a way even worse. For better or worse, Katsuki is someone that never truly cared for the praise of the 'extras' in the world and in fact he somehow twisted that into expectations, so he never stopped improving. His prowess is as much natural talent as it is hours of hard word and training. These kids lack that single-minded drive to be the best and think that they can coast through life on the strength of their quirk alone. I have a hard time believing that Aizawa would waste time teaching people like that.

*Interlude-The Butterfly Effect*

'It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can cause a typhoon halfway around the world'-Chaos Theory

To many people, Katsuki Bakugou would come off as a loud, brash child with a great quirk. A perfect candidate to be enrolled at any hero school. What not many people realized was that under that brash exterior laid an intelligent mind that was to be feared.

Even very young, Katsuki understood the way that society was structured and that despite what his parents and teachers would claim, no one was created equal.

He first understood this when he met his childhood friend's elder twin brother.

When Katsuki first met Madara he thought the boy to be a mere nerd stuck within books all day and weak. The glare he had been pinned under while the boy delivered his unspoken threat was anything but weak.

When Madara first got his quirk, it wasn't really that impressive and yet the boy still managed to beat everyone that came against him with his genius mind and cunning schemes. Katsuki respected him for that. Madara was not weak, not by a long shot. When it came time for elementary school Katsuki asked Izuku where his brother is, Izuku said that he tested out of elementary school and was on his way to test out of middle school as well. It was then that Katsuki understood on what level Madara truly was. Still he was determined to beat him. After all he can't be the number one hero if he can't beat the smart guy with the useless quirk. Katsuki would quickly learn that he was not the only special one. Madara was too.

When the news came that Izuku was quirkless, Katsuki was at a loss again. Izuku was Madara's brother, his twin. Whenever Izuku wasn't with Katsuki, he was with Madara. How could the brother of such a special person be useless?

Katsuki tried distancing himself from Izuku. He called him Deku now, meaning useless. He shunned him and yet the other boy kept on clinging to him. One day Katsuki was out and about putting down the extras that thought they could challenge him when Deku stepped in to protect one. Katsuki was mad. How dare the Deku try and play the hero? He was weak, quirkless and had to be protected, that was his place in society. Sure, he was better than all the other extras because of his smarts and he would make an invaluable asset later on as a support techie for Katsuki, but he would still be a civilian. This was Katsuki's origin story, not Deku's.

That day he sent the nerd home with a black eye and burns on his hands. It was a mistake he would never repeat.

True, Izuku was powerless, but Madara was not and for better or worse Madara was like Katsuki in many ways. He won at any cost and ensured that his enemy couldn't rise again to threaten what he held most dear. The beating Madara gave Katsuki that day was one Katsuki remembers even now as the only time in his life that he honestly thought he would die, before the sludge villain that is. At the end of it he came out with a broken arm and wrist, a sprained ankle and a body that was more of a walking bruise.

Katsuki told his mother that he got caught up in a gang fight but managed to escape. For the next month he could feel Madara's eyes on his back the entire time. Deku was keeping him company though and Madara was always along as his brother's personal bodyguard. It came to the point that no one was willing to even talk to Deku for fear of what his brother might do to them if they said the wrong thing.

This kept going on until Deku finally put his foot down just like he did with Katsuki. At first Katsuki thought that Madara would beat the little nerd black and blue for talking like that to him when he was doing his job as a hero and protecting Deku, but he only nodded and left. He was never seen again intimidating people to not bully Deku. Once again Katsuki was confused. Why did Madara listen? He was smarter, stronger and had a quirk. He was better than Deku in every way, so why did Madara listen to what was supposed to be an extra in his life. Deku was meant to be a background character in the stories of Katsuki and Madara so why did Madara listen to Deku? Katsuki didn't know the answer but he decided that if Madara the genius listened to Deku then there might be some value in what Deku said and Katsuki should listen too.

Katsuki did and immediately saw an increase in his performance in the use of his quirk. Deku was not that useless, but still useless. Eh whatever, Deku was Deku no matter how you took it.

It would be years later that Katsuki would see another shift in his worldview. A student managed to absolutely shatter All Might's record score at the UA entrance exam. The student's name: Madara Midorya.

The week after that was an absolute frenzy as all the extras crowded Deku to get some pointers on how his brother got this strong. Still, Katsuki's respect for Madara only increased. To have enough power to beat All Might's record and at a younger age than when All Might took the exam himself meant that you had incredible power and potential. Another shock came a few weeks later when 19 students from UA's famous class A were expelled leaving only one: Madara Midorya.

There were those that said the teacher was biased, but those extras had no place in UA in the first place. Must have been a bad year if this was the cream of the crop. There was a class B, but their quirks were not that well suited for direct combat, not like Madara's. Katsuki had seen the leaked footage of Madara using the ground on those robots and crushing them like some trash compacter.

Then there was Deku. He seemed happier suddenly and his eyes had this fire in them that he had only seen in Madara before him or the time before Deku was deemed quirkless. He was also dead tired and had scrapes and bruises from what was obviously combat training. The nerd had probably asked his brother to train him or fail that ask some teachers at UA about where he could seek training.

One thing was clear to Katsuki. This year's sport festival would be interesting.

To Izuku, Madara was more than his brother, he was his anchor. His big brother was the first person to tell him that he could be a hero and he was the only one that never doubted him. Madara always made time to play or spend time with Izuku. Izuku knew that is he ever had a problem he could not deal with then his brother would be by his side and willing to devote all his strength to help him in whatever way he could. Be it letting Izuku cry himself to sleep in his bed, Madara himself staying the night with him when he had a nightmare, helping him with school work, dispatching the hoard of bullies that thought to take him on, teaching him how to defend himself and giving him advice on how to best train in order to take up the mantle as All Might's successor.

When Izuku was 9 Madara told him about his quirk that was probably not a quirk. He told him of how his eyes could see chakra in him and how he could see something called the 'eight gates' in Izuku. Madara said that the eight gates were like valves that controlled a person's chakra and stopped them from exploding from the inside, but they could be opened if you knew how and it will grant you a boost in power enough to beat even All Might. Izuku wanted to doubt that anything could beat All Might, but Madara had never lied to him and was rarely wrong about anything. Even so, the cost of opening all of them was death, so Izuku was understanding when Madara told him flat out that he wouldn't teach him the eight gates if he had a choice.

Izuku tried to meditate and unlock his chakra but nothing happened. It was more than a little frustrating for bought brothers since Madara kept powering forwards, discovering new and innovating ways to use chakra while Izuku was stuck. In the end the two of them decided to use a more forceful method to unlock Izuku's chakra once summer brake rolled around since Madara had refused to let Izuku have chakra without supervision.

Then, on the day of the UA entrance exam, while his brother secretly went to take it, Izuku met All Might who at the offered his own quirk, One For All, to Izuku as well as the mantle of Successor to the Symbol Of Peace after witnessing his actions and dedication to save Kachan.

It made Izuku so very happy. He would finally get a quirk of his own and his brother would stop worrying so much about him, not that it wasn't nice that he cared so much.

Madara had always cared. Even their mom was willing to look away and not investigate Izuku's injuries any more than accepting the standard 'I tripped' excuse or taking his slightly ruffled state as children roughhousing when he had been beaten up. But Madara wasn't like that. He always asked where he got even the slightest bruise and Izuku knew he couldn't lie to his brother to save his life, but he was grateful for Madara's overprotective tendencies, even if he got a bit carried out in doling justice to the bullies. At least he could reign in his temper, unlike Kachan.

Speaking of his sort of friend, Izuku knew that the time Kachan came to kindergarten all busted up was because he had a run in with his brother. Izuku hadn't cared enough to notice at the time and when Madara went too far again he asked him to stop. And he stopped, so Izuku knew he could trust his brother with anything.

It was why he broke his promise to All Might and told Madara about him and One For All. In the end even All Might admitted that Madara's guidance during that first month of training as well as the previous training Madara had all but forced on Izuku would pay off well. Who knows, maybe Izuku would be ready to receive One For All before the entrance exam since Madara didn't seem too fond of letting him into the exam with only some martial arts skills and an untested power.

The popularity he got at school because of his brother's success was a bonus, somewhat. It brought him back on speaking terms with Kachan at the very least. Sure, it involves some shouting, but Izuku was used to the caustic personality that came with the package deal that was Katsuki Bakugou. Their relationship would never be fully mended, not yet at least, but they weren't clashing with one another each time they saw each other. Madara had told Izuku that Katsuki's violent actions and bullying of others was his way of dealing with a world that wouldn't align with his mental image of how it should look like. A world where the weak stayed weak, and the strong rise to the top and on that top was Kachan. Obviously not since the top spot would inevitably fall into Madara's lap before his brother got bored of it and let others take it for themselves, but honestly Izuku was ok with that. Madara never lorded his superiority in anything over anyone, save perhaps some old cots at the university who couldn't accept that they were wrong, and always did his best to raise those around him up alongside him.

In Izuku's eyes, Madara was the one that should take the position of All Might's successor but when he broached that subject with his brother all he got was a pat on the head, a smile and the simple words 'I believe in you'.

Izuku knew that this meant his brother had entrusted him with the legacy of All Might fully as well as a shard of his very own will and legacy. Izuku would do his best to not fail his mentor and brother, the two most important people in his life.

A/N: Katsuki and Izuku POV. There won't be any major changes to their characters, just their relationship prior to UA since Katsuki didn't physically assault Izuku and bully him any more than he bullies any other kid, their relationship isn't as caustic as I was in cannon at the beginning. Also, Izuku isn't as much of an emotional wreck during the first few weeks of UA because of Madara. Before you ask, no, nobody is getting chakra other than Madara, though I will use some elements of chakra to explain via head cannon how quirks are powered and formed since at the time of this chapter being posted we don't have any official explanation as to the how and whys of quirks. I'll be keeping it vague on purpose so when the explanation does come out there won't be much interference with normal cannon. Next time we'll get to see the beginning of Madara's true plan, coming Friday.

*First Day or How Madara Made Heroes Shit Themselves*

Being in school after you spent the better part of two lives dodging it was somewhat surreal. Especially since I was the only student in class 1-A. In a way this was better than being in a class with students my age, or close to it, especially given that I've already 'graduated' high school and I get bored easily. That's why I spent the entire morning bouncing from class to class and letting my teachers evaluate my skills. At the end of each class the teachers looked somewhat constipated and some of them looked at me with an unreadable expression on their face.

What? Did you expect me to go easy on them? I'm a certified genius with multiple diplomas, I don't need to be taught English, I'm already fluent in 7 languages.

Thankfully it was time for Hero Basic Training with Aizawa since the man became my unofficial mentor.

I came into the training ground dressed in my new battle armor. I spent a lot of time arguing over my costume design with the people from the support department. Thankfully I won the argument. Now most kids would order some flashy costume with a few support items on the side to amp up their quirks in battle, I needed no such amp. Chakra is the undisputed ultimate tool for war in this superpowered world. My costume, if you could call it that was simply armor. It was good looking, not overly flashy and most importantly of all, functional.

I had a two-part costume made from Kevlar reinforced materials. Tear proof and somewhat bullet proof. Alongside that were specially designed flexible plastic-ceramic plates weaved into my suit. These were designed to stop bullets and shrapnel from penetrating through the cloth layer. I also had shin guards, a chest and back plate and shoulder guards with a high collar to protect my neck. All these were made from thin and highly resistant composites and, while they offered protection were mostly there to serve as anchor points for any other weapons and items I might add in the future. I also had full gloves with metal inserts for increased punching power and reinforced armored boots for the same reason. The suit was black with the overlaying armor a dark grey, bought having patterns of red lines over them. Say what you will, the armor had to look good so that my hero image is marketable. Is that shallow? Maybe, but it was an undisputed truth in the hero industry and with my original plans for UA utterly destroyed I might as well become the best hero I can be. I always disliked doing things halfway anyways.

Aizawa looked at me impressed

"I suppose it should have expected it, problem child" said Aizawa in a bored tone

Again, with that nickname, what on earth is he talking about. I am a perfect model student. Though by his smirk I can probably deduce that he is amused by my reaction to the nickname.

"What? Did you honestly expect me to just order up a piece of brightly colored spandex and some padded gloves?" I asked

"That's what most kids would do if they had a quirk like yours" said Aizawa

"Well, most kids are idiots" I replied

The man huffed and put his hands in his pockets

"Ok then, welcome to hero basics. For today I want to test the full extent of your combat power and try to see how it applies to situations you might have to face in the future" said Aizawa

"So basically, today is show and tell" I said

Aizawa looked distinctively unimpressed. I sighed

"Ok, what do you want to know?" I ask

"What is you quirk? And please tell me the truth, not that half-assed bullshit you wrote down in the official paperwork" asked Aizawa

I sat and thought for a moment. I could lie and tell him some bullshit story, but I felt I could trust this guy and it would be better in the long term if I tell him the truth. Plus, I get to mess with him. Heh

"Don't know" I said

Aizawa looked annoyed

"You don't know" he repeated slowly trying to see if he understood me correctly

"Yes, I don't know if I have a quirk" I replied

Now Aizawa looked confused, annoyed, and lost at the same time

"Your quirk can shut down other emitter quirks, the area of quirks that my abilities would fall under, correct" I said

He nodded, not truly seeing where I was going with this

"Use your quirk on me" I said

Aizawa waits a bit before his eyes turn red and his hair stands up. I bring up right hand and form a rasengan in my palm. Aizawa looks at me, then at the rasengan. He blinks and turns on his power again, but nothing happens. After a minute he shuts off his power and I dispel the rasengan

"Huh, so I am quirkless then" I said nonchalantly

Good to know. This means that my value just skyrocketed and I'm in no danger of losing my power to quirk suppressants or other dangers

"Problem child, what the fuck is wrong with you?" asked Aizawa

"Don't know, I'm just that awesome" I said

"How can you be quirkless! I saw you split the earth apart and spit out a fireball in the entrance exam. How the fuck is that not a quirk!" yelled Aizawa looking like he was just about to have a meltdown

"That is chakra" I said

"Huh?" says Aizawa completely lost

"The power I used is called chakra. I was always sensitive to its existence and originally, I just assumed it was a quirk, but as I grew, I began to develop more and more facets to it. For example, chakra boosts my physical strength, speed, endurance, perception and durability as a passive effect of having it inside my body. If I mold it in the correct way those boosts become more pronounced to the point that I can compete with people like All Might. I can also mold chakra in techniques such as the fireball and earth techniques you saw me use in the exam" I said

"So, it's just like an enhancement quirk with some added bonuses?" asked Aizawa

"Not quite. As far as I understand it Chakra is formed my combining a person's physical and mental energies, in the form of yin and yang. By manipulating these specific energies a chakra wielder can form Yin release or Yang release, which when combine gives Yin-Yang release which is a way to assert absolute control over one's own self mind and body and thusly you can affect the world in ways quirks will never be able to. I don't know why I can use chakra, but I do know that every human being on this planet had the theoretical potential to use chakra" I said

"Everyone?" asked Aizawa surprised

"Yes, everyone, however when I tried to teach my brother chakra, he couldn't unlock it and connect his mental and physical energies like I could" I said

"But you could, in theory teach anyone about chakra and how to use it" said Aizawa

"In theory, if I find out how to get passed the natural block against chakra, I could, but I don't think that's a good idea" I said

"Why?" asked Aizawa

I looked at him. I had to make him understand that the level of power a chakra wielder was able of dishing out was far beyond what this world could manage

"Chakra makes me a perfect combatant. With enough chakra and skill, anyone, and I mean anyone could bring down mountains and destroy cities. Quirks, for better or for worse don't have that kind of power" I said

"Do you?" asked Aizawa

"Not quite yet, but it's not long before I do" I answered

Aizawa looked at me before nodding

"Ok, that changes things. Go back and change into something normal. Meet me in the principal's office in half an hour" said Aizawa

I nodded and vanished in a body flicker. Half an hour later I was in the meeting room near the principal's office with the principal, Nezu, Aizawa, and the rest of the teachers looking at me with interest.

"Madara, you know why you're here" began Aizawa

"Actually no, I don't" I replied

"You committed a crime when you did not register your quirk properly with the hero association" said Vlad King sternly

"I thought I just proved that I'm quirkless" I said

"That doesn't matter. Before you found this out you were content to leave your quirk description as 'energy manipulation'. Still you know of the potential this chakra power of yours had if what little you said to Eraser Head is true. Now I'm not blaming you for this" said Nezu

"But sir- "interjected Vlad King

"All Might himself hasn't described his quirk fully to the hero association and yet he is still the world's number one hero. It's not truly a crime to be vague about one's power and that is what our student did" said Nezu

The principal looked at me expectantly. I sighed and activated my Sharingan. I looked at the teachers with these eyes of mine and I saw them grow somewhat uneasy by my stare

"When I first discovered the true full potential of my powers, I was ecstatic. My powers are of such a level that when fully mastered I doubt that even All Might at his prime could stop me, or any truly powerful wielder of chakra for that matter" I said

This brought some worried looks on the teacher's faces. Only Aizawa's remained stone cold.

"That doesn't answer the question as to why you kept it a secret" said Nezu

"We live in an era of quirks where almost any person can have any ability. Is it that farfetched to believe that there is someone out there with the power to take and give quirks at will?" I asked

There was an uneasy silence in the room before finally Aizawa broke it

"When did you figure this out?" he asked

"When I was 7, after my eyes reached their second tomoe and I discovered the elemental manipulation aspect of my chakra" I replied truthfully

Well, it's not so much discovered as it was foreknowledge and finally having a chakra pool of enough quantity and the freedom to be alone for long periods of time so I could start my elemental manipulation training.

"Elemental manipulation?" asked Present Mic surprised

I wanted to reply to him but Nezu cut me off

"That's not important now. Now, Madara you are correct in your assumption. There was once a person with this quirk. He was known as All For One" said Nezu

It took me only a moment to see the connection

"You have got to be shitting me" I said as I looked at Nezu in horror

He nodded, the smile leaving his face.

God dammit All Might. I want my brother to be a hero, but that doesn't mean he has to be on the front lines against a quirk stealing madman that is more than likely over 100 years old.

"I see you put the gist of the story together, but don't worry All Might killed him five years ago" said Nezu

Well that's a relief. Somewhat. At least I now know who did that much damage to All Might.

I remained silent as I mulled the problem I my head

"Ok, so I get why the kid did it, but we still can't teach him all he needs to know about being a hero if he insists on hiding his true abilities from us" said Vlad

"I don't think that's the case" said Nezu smiling "If he wanted to hide, he wouldn't have told Eraser Head about his theory or asked him to help test it"

I looked at Aizawa who just gave a bored shrug

"I just thought it would be easier to have you present it only once" said the bastard

"You-I have no words, sensei. Truly" I said

"Anyways, let's hear it. I'm dying to know about this" said Snipe

"Firstly, I want your word that this will not spread outside of UA. This knowledge that I'm about to share is dangerous" I said

"You have our word" said Nezu as the others nodded

"Right. As I told Aizawa-sensei Chakra is formed from mental energies, Yin and physical energies, Yang" I said

"We know, Aizawa told us about your potential with Yin-Yang release as you call it" said Midnight

I snorted "You know nothing of the amount of power a user of Yin-Yang release has. Just as an example one of the techniques I theorize might be possible is called Creation Of All Things" I said

That and Truth-Seeking Orbs and Six Paths Sage Mode and other crazy bullshit that come as a package with it.

The teachers felt chills down their spines at their student's words.

"Anyways I split up the abilities of chakra in three main categories: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu" I said

I noticed that Nezu looked very interested and that Ectoplasm had a clone with a pen in hand taking notes

"Taijutsu is the art of augmenting one's body with chakra to boost one's power and speed. You saw me use taijutsu for most of the entrance exam. This is the form of chakra usage I have most experience in using since performing taijutsu doesn't require actual chakra usage. I managed to create a style of combat separate from the one witch you saw me use in the exam witch I call Gentle Fist" I said

"How is it different?" asked Midnight

"Gentle Fist relies on precise strikes on an opponent's body to inject chakra so that it would do damage to his muscles, nerves and internal organs without actually harming the skin. Useful against hardening type quirk users and others that rely on their skin as a form of protection. In contrast the Strong Fist, which you saw me use in the exam, focuses on dealing external damage using chakra to augment my own body's strength, speed and durability" I said

Stealing the style of the Hyuga Clan was a pain, but there were martial artists that taught me the precision required for the gentle fist and since it doesn't need to shut down chakra nodes, a Sharingan has sufficient visual acuity to use it. The rest was me practicing on stumps in the forest and wild animals that I had hunted. Gouken aka Strong Fist was easier since that was just punching the shit out of people and there were plenty of styles that did that and worked wonderfully when I added chakra to them.

"That is impressive" said Vlad King

Having two distinct fighting styles almost mastered by 14 was a feat no one truly expected of a student

"Thank you, but I'm not finished. Through the careful use of chakra to coat my fist or foot and it's explosive release from a compressed state a single punch from me using Strong Fist is able to do damage close to that of one of All Might's punches if I want it to" I said

"What! Seriously?" asked Mic

I nodded "By my calculations if I increase the compression ratio of the chakra I use in my super strength technique I should be able to pulverize a small mountain in a single punch"

Tsunade super strength for the win.

The teachers looked somewhat nervous at that

"Well, that's certainly impressive, what about- "said Cementos but I cut him off

"I'm not finished" I said

A hushed silence fell on the room

"The final technique I have for taijutsu is one I have yet to try to develop because of the inherent danger it poses, not only to those around me but to myself as well" I said "I call it the Eight Inner Gates"

"What does it do?" asked Recovery girl

"At any given time, I use at most 20% of my full power. The eight gates are limiters my body has in place to ensure this limit is kept" I said

"Don't tell me- "began Aizawa dreading the answer

I nodded

"This technique allows me to open these gates and bring out the full power of my body, however it comes at the cost of incredible pain and ligament damage if overused" I said

"Heh, Plus Ultra, am I right?" said Mic trying and failing dispel the gloomy atmosphere

"Each gate is named for a specific thing it unlocks. The Gate of Opening allows the use of 100% of a person's muscle, the Gate of Healing re-energize the body, allowing you to fight through exhaustion. The Gate of Life brings your cardiovascular system to full capacity to ensure proper nutrition and oxygenation of the body, the Gate of Pain disables the body's normal pain receptors and boosts pain tolerance to inhuman levels but it begins to damage the muscles, the Gate of Limit boosts all abilities, including those that fall under the category of ninjutsu but it can cause stress fractures in the bones. The sixth Gate of View is a further boost added onto the Gate of Limit as the user begins to emit an aura of chakra. I theorize that anyone who achieves this level or at least the previous one will be able to physically contend with All Might as he is now one on one" I said

I let that sink in. The room was silent, and I was looked at in reserved awe while Aizawa looked slightly terrified

"The seventh Gate of Wonder will cause the body to start overheating, the user gaining a blue aura as their own seat begins to evaporate. At this level the user can create air blasts powerful enough to destroy entire cities" I said

The Hirudora comes to mind in this situation.

The teachers looked shocked

"I don't think I even what to know about the last one" mumbled a sweating Present Mic

"The eight gate grants one power tens of times stronger that the seventh. It is the ultimate power an average human being can wield, but it comes at the greatest of all costs" I said

"Dear lord, don't tell me" said a trembling Recovery girl

"Death is the price of using the final stage of the Eight Gate Formation by unlocking the full power of the Eight Gate of Death. It grants one the power to enact their dying will, their final resolution when all is lost and there is no other way than to sacrifice oneself for the greater good. When opened, the user will be cloaked in a shroud of blood red vapor formed from his own boiling blood. The full use of the eight gates will last anywhere from five minutes to half an hour, depending on how fast the user burns through his chakra reserves" I said

This was the technique that Might Guy used to deal an almost deadly blow to Six Paths Madara. Nothing in this world can match such power, not yet at least.

By this point even the principal was sweating

"What you described right now, that's a suicide technique" said Ectoplasm with mild horror in his voice

"Bear in mind, this is only theoretical, but I haven't been wrong before and I know I'm not wrong now. The Eight Gates can only be used to their fullest if one dedicates their entire lives to mastering and studying the Strong Fist taijutsu style. Not something I plan on doing when I have other options", I said

"There is more? Shit, kid what kind of monster are you!" asked Mic looking at me with scared eyes

"The good kind, now can I continue?" I asked

"Yes, go on" said Nezu

"Ninjutsu is any kind of technique that involves using chakra to make alteration to the physical world. Firstly, you must understand that mastering chakra comes with certain requirements such as being able to control it. By increasing my control over chakra, I can modulate the power, area of effect and size of my ninjutsu while also boosting taijutsu. I have pretty good chakra control which allows me to use chakra to stick myself to any vertical or horizontal surface and walk on water" I said

"Come on! That's seriously unfair! You can walk on water" yelled out Mic as he threw his hands in the air

"Calm down Mic" said Aizawa

"C'mon Shota, how can you be so calm. The kid's already a monster in hand to hand combat and now he tells me there's more than shooting fireballs. He can walk on water, walk on water for fuck's sake. At this rate we might as well call the kid a god and be done with it" yelled Mic

I hummed "Well actually…"

"Don't you dare answer that, problem child!" snapped Aizawa at me while the rest of the teachers looked horrified at me

"Can I go on? There's still much more to cover" I said

Aizawa glared at Mic who wisely shut up and returned to his seat from where he had shot up on two feet.

"Continue please" said Nezu

"Right, that's chakra control. It also helps boost my chakra capacity since chakra's like a muscle. Based on my chakra capacity I have a finite number of techniques I can use before I need to rest and eat to replenish it. Moving on is chakra shape manipulation" I said

The teachers looked at me as I raised my hand and on it a rasengan bloomed to life with a whirl. I saw everyone in the room in awe at the small rotating ball of power

"This is the Rasengan and it's a technique I originally designed to help me better understand chakra shape manipulation. However, it can be used to strike at an opponent and get though one's defense since it shreds whatever its touches" I said, utter bullshit for the first part, but the truth for the second

The teachers leaned back from the dangerous little ball as of it was about to bite them

"Still, it's incomplete" I said

"Incomplete?" asked Midnight

"Yeah, the component necessary to complete it is Nature Transformation and elemental manipulation" I said

Aizawa and Mic smashed their head in the table with a groan and a silent prayer of 'kill me now'. I continued nonplused

"There are five main nature types from what I've found with possible subtypes that I've yet to discover. The main are Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water. So far, I have only mastered Fire, Earth and Water Release" I said

I raised my hand and on it a flicker of flame appeared, a bit of earth was sitting, and water was flowing in a circle.

Ectoplasm and Midnight joined Aizawa and Mic in banging their heads on the table while Nezu had a highly distinctive sheen of sweat on his fur

"Next up there are the actual techniques I created through the use of hand seals" I said

"Hand seals?" asked Nezu curiously

"Yeah, I discovered that certain movements of my hands have a distinct impact on my chakra that helps mold it into what I want faster than doing it by pure will power and it's more precise in execution as well as wasting less chakra. So far, I have only a few elemental ninjutsu and some supplementary ones. None of them are water style though since I just finished mastering it before the semester started" I said

"I think I'm going to die" whispered Mic

"Oh, please you have one class with problem child, I'm his homeroom teacher" spat out Aizawa

I winced. God, how pathetic can they be?

"Anyways, my elemental ninjutsu so far are only god for dealing damage or other tasks that require excessive force, so I have other jutsu to compensate such as the body flicker and flash step" I said

"What do they do?" asked Nezu curiously

"They're mostly the same and mobility based. Basically, they allow me to move at high speeds. I only use flash step in combat though since it's to impractical over long distance and I never meant for it to be used as anything other than fast relocation on the battlefield" I said

"Oh, good, and the last one, you said it was genjutsu?" asked Nezu with a hopeful expression

"No, I have more" I said

Nezu's expression froze as I continued

"I have the replacement technique which allows me to replace myself with objects of a similar mass almost instantly to get out of the way of an attack, then there's the transformation technique with is a type of illusion that I cast over my body to look like someone or something else and there is the shadow clones" I said

"Shadow clones?" asked Ectoplasm

I out my hands in the iconic sign and beside me two clones burst into existence

"Shadow clones are solid chakra constructs of the wielder, capable of independent intelligent action and being able to utilize the entire skillset of the caster. They suffer from a lack of durability though, since one good hit is enough to pop it" I said and demonstrated by punching the clone on my right

"They can also be used for scouting or to accelerate learning since they transfer all they learn back to the user when they are dispelled along with any remaining chakra they might have. I can only do 4 at a time now since they're so taxing on my chakra"

Nezu was openly crying and the other teachers were equally looking at me as if I committed some grave sin against the world

"Is there more?" asked Nezu

"Uh, only genjutsu and Sharingan" I said

Aizawa sobbed

"Anyways, genjutsu is the art of casting illusions with chakra and as far as I can tell there's no limit to what I can do with it and it can only be undone by either extreme willpower, pain or a small pulse of chakra" I said

"So, perfect, unbreakable illusions on top of everything else?" asked Cementos

"Um, yes?" I answers-asked

Cementos looked to the sky "This is god punishing us for our sins" he said

I sweat dropped. Can't these guys be more optimistic?

"Anyways, I still have to talk about my Sharingan" I said

"And what godly technique is that?" asked Aizawa sarcastically

"It's not a technique" I said

This piqued their interest and I waited until they were all looking at me in the eyes.

"Everything I've said so far can be learned by everyone if they put their back into it enough. The Sharingan can't be learned" I said

"So, what is the Sharingan?" asked Aizawa

"These are" I said pointing at my eyes

Everyone looked confused

"They are a special ocular power unique to me and me alone since as far as I know my brother can't awaken them" I said

Aizawa choked and went white along with the rest of the teachers

"You have a brother" whispered Midnight as if she suddenly remembering something

"A twin actually" I said

Vlad was crying

"Don't worry he can't use chakra" I said

I peeved me a little to see the entire room breathe a sigh of release

"In fact, he's training right now with All Might to strengthen his newfound quirk" I said with a sadistic grin

"Oh" said Nezu as the teachers paled again

Serves them right, jackasses

"Yeah, well anyways, these eyes of mine grant me access to two abilities the Eye of Insight and the Eye of Hypnotism" I said

The entire room looked resigned

"The Eye of Insight allows the bearer to see through the movements of an enemy and increases one's perception to such levels that even a decent chakra wielder can't stand up against a competent Sharingan bearer in a one on one taijutsu match. They can also see chakra and allow the bearer to recall instantly and perfectly everything they've seen with the Sharingan to the point that they can copy taijutsu moves. It also removes the usual weakness of tunnel vison that I would have had when using body flicker and flash step" I said and pause

The teachers looked at me blankly

"Right, the Eye of Hypnotism allows me to cast illusion though eye contact and I suspect it allows me to hypnotize people into doing what I want, such as giving me information. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I can use them to cast illusions on my opponent mid battle and get him to mess up to gain an opening" I said

"Anything else?" asked Nezu who was still crying

"Not really… oh yes. I can also use my chakra as a sonar to sense people and I can recognize them based on their chakra signatures and I still must tell you about those two forbidden techniques" I said

"Forbidden techniques?" asked Recovery girl with a noticeable amount of dread

I nodded "Izanami and Izanagi, two techniques that are only available to Sharingan users and I call them forbidden because they have the same relative cost as the eight gates" I said

The teachers shivered

"The first one is Izanagi. With this technique the user can alter reality and turn it into an illusion and turn illusion into reality, it's a jutsu that has the power to decide fate and it can even restore the dead" I said

The teachers looked like they've been slapped as they looked at me with horror

"Such power" whispered Midnight

"Izanagi is a technique based in Yin-Yang release. This should give you an idea of just how powerful chakra is" I said

"But still, to rewrite reality in such a way that you can bring back the dead" whispered Aizawa

"The cost of using this technique is the loss of sight within one eye. I suspect that if I ever use this technique would be because I died" I said

The teachers shivered at my words

"And Izanami? Honestly Madara, I'm afraid to ask" said Nezu

"If Izanagi is the jutsu that alters fate then Izanami is the one which decides fate. When cast the target is stuck within an infinite loop until they take the correct course of action that the caster intended. Izanami also causes blindness within one eye" I said

I fell silent as I waited for a reply. It took some time before Aizawa spoke up

"Overpowered Problem Child, you can go home for today. We need to have a talk, so come back tomorrow, ok?" asked Aizawa

"Ok" I said and vanished in a body flicker

I returned to normal speed outside UA and grinned with a murder face that had almost every student in the vicinity running away screaming and my namesake probably feeling very satisfied with himself wherever he was. Messing with the teachers was fun.

Furthermore, I needed them to realize just how powerful I am and could be. Still, if they reacted like this to the snippets of information about Izanami and Izanagi, I don't think that their hearts would survive if I told them about the Mangekyou Sharingan or Rinnegan and their broken OP abilities.

Ever since the day that I met All Might at the beach I've been thinking and because my plan to coast though UA is mostly shot to hell and back I might as well do something relatively out of the ordinary for me.

I'm going to take All Might's place as the pillar that supports society. The man is at the end of his time anyways and Izuku won't be ready to take on the burden any time soon. I need to think about the new information I gained about the so-called king of the underworld.

All For One, your time is done and I will see your legacy shattered.

A/N: There you go, Madara just scared the shit out of the hero community and made all of them feel inadequate. Regarding Madara's plan it goes like this. He wants to take over the position of the Symbol of Peace and replace it with the Pillar of Strength, at least for a while. How he will manage this, well, you'll find out later. Next time, the reaction of the heroes to the OP-ness that is Madara. This being said, I am planning that by the end of the story to make Madara so powerful that even Narutoverse characters aren't able to beat him easily so that means at least Six Paths level, though that is a long, long time from happening.

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