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Chapter 47: Chapter – 47: Settling down

[Rei Clone POV]

'Kirigakure, the village hidden in the mist, what an apt name,' I think as I see the village that was entirely enveloped in mist. But as we travel towards the center of the village, the mist actually thins out and finally, after reaching a certain distance, it becomes completely clear.

As soon as I enter the village, I immediately notice the difference between this village and Konoha. The atmosphere in these two villages couldn't be any more different. Konoha gives a positive and happy vibe but this place is gloomy; both the village itself and the shinobi too.

'Blood mist, ha?' I think as I look at the dangerous-looking, stern-faced shinobis who reek of blood lust.

After walking for quite some time, we finally reach the Mizukage's office.

"Mashashi-san, we will first visit Mizukage-sama and then we can go to the hospital, is that fine?" asks the anbu. On the way here, I did show them a bit of my skill in medical ninjutsu gaining their admiration and respect.

"I don't mind, let's go!"

Inside the Mizukage's office.

As I look at the Third Mizukage, I can only say 'Well done Kishimoto-sensei!' He looked exactly as in the manga and anime! A tall man with black sclerae, no visible pupils, and long, black hair that reached down to his back with what appeared to be pearl-shaped objects encircling his head.

There were only three people in the room; the Mizukage, one of the anbus who escorted me here, and myself. As I was examining him, he was also scrutinizing me. After a few minutes of awkward silence, the Mizukage speaks, "God's Hand, Shiro Mashashi, welcome back to Kirigakure!"

"Mmm?" I look at him questioningly.

"Oh, just a small bit of information I stumbled on recently, nothing important. What's important is that your village now needs you, and it's time for you to come back to the village!"

"Mizukage-sama, I don't understand, what has the village done for me? Nothing! So, I owe the village nothing," I say with a scowl, "If it weren't for my sensei, I would have died a long time ago! In this world, if there is anyone who can claim that I am indebted to him, then it can only be my sensei!"

The Mizukage, being shrewd as he always is, doesn't get angry at my rebuttal, but instead, calmly thinks, 'This guy, even after searching high and low, I couldn't find anything about him! Although my predecessors are to be blamed for horrible bookkeeping, that's not the main issue now. The intelligence department said this guy has the potential to reach Senju Tsunade's level in medical ninjutsu. No matter what I have to bind him to the village! He seems to be angry at the village for something, but I have many ways to change that I just need time. All I need to do for now is, make sure he stays in Kiri and not leave…'

"Okay fine, I will be honest with you! Currently, all the villages are preparing for war, and in this time of need, all of Kiri should stand together. For whatever wrong's been done to you, I will apologize to you on behalf of the village. Our comrades are getting injured daily and we have a serious shortage of medical ninja; especially someone as good as you. I, as the Mizukage, formally request you to help our village!" the Mizukage stands and bows to me!

After watching the man, even though I know all he's doing is just an act, I still respect the man who can do anything to achieve his goal; even bow down to a total stranger! If even I am shocked, think about the poor anbu standing next to me. If it was possible, his jaws would have hit the floor by now…

"Mizukage-sama, please get up! It's fine, it's fine, I will stay," I act flustered and try to pull him back up immediately, "But I have a condition, I hope you can agree to it!"

"Oh, okay, let's hear it then…"

"I am not a shinobi, so I will not be taking any missions from the village. I will only be a medical-nin and If needed you can employ me at the hospital to treat the injured people. In addition, I want to open my clinic here in Kiri, is that fine?"

"That's all? I originally didn't have any plans to send you on missions anyway. Your main task will be to heal our comrades, not fighting enemies…" smiles the Mizukage and points to the anbu saying, "Okay, he will arrange a place for you to stay. If you want, I will have someone set up your clinic in a good spot…"

"That will be excellent!"

With that, both of us are satisfied with what we got. The Mizukage was happy he recruited a medical-nin with great potential, whereas I was happy I got to work at the hospital which is essentially the whole reason for this clone's existence…

After leaving Mizukage's office, the anbu leads me towards the quarters assigned to me. On the way, he keeps going on and on about how awesome the Mizukage is and how much he cares about the welfare of Kiri and its shinobi that he even bowed to someone like me whom he had just met for the sake of the people of Kiri, etc.

'What a sheep! He doesn't even know why the Mizukage asked him to stay and witness the whole drama…' I think. Initially, I was a bit perplexed as to why the Mizukage had this particular anbu stay and listen to our conversation. But now I know, I have two words for it, 'Free Publicity!'

With this guy blabbing to everyone he sees about how good of a leader Mizukage is, it's free publicity for him and he will need all the popularity he can get for there will be a war soon and he will have to rally his men for it! What an awesome schemer the Mizukage is, hitting two birds with one stone!

Sometimes I wonder, these shinobis are usually smart about these things, but why would they suddenly become idiots when it comes to their leaders or the village? It's baffling!

The place Mizukage assigned for me to stay is actually a big apartment; a very good one at that. It has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a spacious living room, bathrooms, and even a small balcony with a good view of the Kiri hospital. Anyway, I am satisfied with my living arrangements. It's time to settle down and treat some people; people with Kekkei Genkai!

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