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Chapter 2: The Snowy Temple

There was no continuous snowfall, that's why I can't explain why there is so much snow on the floors of JARTAJAK, luckily the Jedi temple is kept at a good temperature thanks to an invisible shield made with some kyber crystals, the shield projector is in the highest area of this temple, it feeds on the energy of our sun and is self-sustaining to never go out, this keeps us protected from the cold and from possible attacks on the Jedi temple, many centuries ago this temple has been built on the planet Khrilis'j now known as Rash-23 to the Republic, as it became a center of interest to the Jedi order for its abundance of quadanium steel, which is used by the Republic to make battle turrets and armored ships, as well as the kyber crystal mines with which we forge our lightsabers.

I couldn't be calm, I was walking quickly through the corridors of the facilities, hoping that the person who was waiting for me would not get angry because of my failure to be punctual, the padawns and the protocol droids passed by my side, some greeting me and Others seeing me surprised by my scared face and fast walk, I arrived a little embarrassed at the training room where 2 Jedi masters were waiting for me along with a litter of Padawans.

"You're late, Master Khian Lung," said the master of the Arkanian race with an annoyed tone. – A Jedi master has to be more than punctual, discipline is part of the training. –

-Don't be so hard with him, teacher Jilh Ane, it's his first day as a teacher, we all made mistakes the first time, don't you remember the Yellow Snow incident? – In my help I speak the Halaisian teacher Rasel Amus who spoke with a kinder and more joking tone.

-Master Rasel, the truth is that I would prefer to forget that incident – his tone quickly changed to something embarrassed and as if not to be, since that incident was quite embarrassing, one does not have to play so much with force in public places.

The Padawans chuckled softly at the situation, but their laughter died down quickly when Master Jilh gave them a withering look of authority and they returned to their usual formation.

-Ok young apprentices, Master Khian Lung will teach you some of his… combat moves –

-I would like to call them "incredible tricks" teacher- because that's what they are, my skills with the lightsaber are something never seen before, my combination of saber and strength in combat are super effective in any battle.

Master Rasel chuckled and moved aside from the Arkanian master to make room for me.

-Very well, attentive apprentices, with these skills I defeated a large army of Whiphids by myself- The Padawans looked surprised and attentive to what I was saying, so I took space and unsheathed the handle of the saber to then turn it on, letting the blade come out violet of my lightsaber.

The Padawans were excited and expectant about what I was going to do, so I decided to start with the main course.

-With enough knowledge of the force, but more importantly well-trained reflexes, you will be able to do things like this. - With the use of force I threw the lightsaber into the sky, all eyes turned to where the violet blade was stupefied, and at that moment I began to handle the lightsaber from a distance, turning it from one side to the other.

-It may seem simple, but it is one thing to simply lift with force and another is to handle it, please, Master Rosel, activate the training droids. –

Master Rosel activated a remote control that activated a series of 3 training droids with training sabers and others with low-power blasters, which will not pierce you but are not a caress either, these droids began an attack together with the droids The sabers scattered to each side to surround me, I quickly moved my hands in mimicry similar to Vaapad combat style, the saber that was suspended in the air began to move at high speeds leaving behind its bright violet trail, I waved a hand in the shape of of horizontal attack, movement that the saber continued slicing the legs of all the droids with lightsabers, the droids with blasters fired in my direction, I raised my hand extending my index and ring fingers causing the saber to start spinning at high speeds and I reflected the shots from the blasters, in a show off movement I turned the saber around my body, jumped doing a spin in the air and then sent the saber to finish off those droids.

The children's faces were a poem, their eyes lit up at what they had just seen, it was obvious that they already wanted to do the same.

-How presumptuous- I could hear teacher Jilh in the background, she made her comment amusing me and I wanted to take this to another level.

-Well students, it's one thing to see this demonstration with some training droids, but what do you think about seeing a battle with a living being? - I stared at teacher Jilh, she saw me upset because she knew what she meant.

-So you want to challenge a superior Krhan master, that's fine, I'll play along. -The teacher took off her tunic leaving her in her comfortable combat outfit and from her belt she unsheathed her lightsaber with an emerald blade.

-Let's start... NOW - In a quick movement of the hands, she directs the lightsaber in its direction, the jilh teacher dodged with grace and agility all the attacks with the flying saber, my strategy was to keep her away and busy to give the quick blow when she was unprepared , made calm hand movements guiding the lightsaber from one side to the other offensively.

-Si esa es toda su estrategia maestra, déjeme decirle que es una perdida de tiempo. – La maestra salto dando una vuelta para atrás y al caer levanto su brazo invocando un empujón de la fuerza mandándome a volar unos metros.

-Auch…- Me dolía la un poco la espalda, pero esta reacción es bastante obvia, ahora la maestra iba acercarse para decirme alguna palabra burlesca, porque estos maestros Jedi tienen un ego mas grande que ellos.

-Tiene que entender que ser un verdadero guerrero tiene que aprender mas trucos que simplemente mover su sable a distancia. – La maestra hizo todo lo que pense, bajo su guardia.

-Maestra, con todo respeto uno no debe bajar la guardia en una pelea. – En un movimiento fugaz mi sable de luz se encendió cerca del cuello de la maestra imposibilitando cualquier acción ofensiva.

-Jajaja, si que te atrapo maestra Jilh – El maestro Rasel estaba muerto de risa y aplaudía el evento que había visto.

La maestra Jilh aparto el sable de luz molesta. -Solo tuvo suerte, pero sigue siendo solo un truco que no lo salvara en todas las ocasiones- se volvió a su lugar poniéndose la túnica.

Los padawans estaban anonadados, empezaron a acercarse haciendo preguntas y con todas las ganas de entrenar.

-Bueno chicos antes que todo…- No pude terminar porque mi comunicador se activó, me informaban de peligro en la ciudad mas cercana al templo, tenia que acudir. -Chicos voy a estar ocupado, quédense a entrenar con los maestros- Me di la vuelta y Sali del lugar rápidamente.

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